KI :: Volume #25

#2498: Space and time closed loop

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The imposing manner of mighty force charge has the enormous constriction seriously, even lord of these remaining commanding slaughtering also despaired hand/subordinate at this time. 千军万马冲锋的气势当真有极大的压迫感,连杀戮之主手下那些残余的统领此时也绝望了。 The war priest summoned army, although before , swung is very long, if made him summon successfully, his strength on sufficiently steamroll one's own side, perhaps only then the lord of slaughtering had the possibility of escaping. 战争祭司召唤军阵虽然前摇很长,但一旦让他召唤成功,他一个人的实力就足以碾压己方了,恐怕只有杀戮之主才有逃生的可能。 Other facing mighty force, was killed by mistreatment a way by unilaterally. 其他的面对千军万马,只有被单方面虐杀一途。 The lord of evil spirit in abundance somewhat is under imposing, the war priest displayed too to be really strong thoroughly, if another day and its fight, cannot certainly make him put this army. 妖魔之主手下纷纷有些凛然,战争祭司彻底发挥出来实在太强了,若是他日和其战斗,一定不能让他将这军阵放出来。 Facing threatening to the army, Zu An had restored the action at this time, offered a sacrifice to person of sovereign seal directly. 面对气势汹汹冲来的军队,祖安此时已经恢复了行动力,直接祭出了人皇印。 Saw only that golden imperial seal extreme twist in the air, then increased fast, the quickly changes pressed toward that army like a hill very much generally directly. 只见那金色的印玺急速旋转到了空中,然后快速变大,很快变得如同一座小山一般直接朝那军队压了上去。 Bang! 轰! A loud sound, forefront that group of cavalries were pressed the muddy flesh sovereign seal directly. 一声巨响,最前面那批骑兵直接被人皇印压成了肉泥。 „The Human Race aura an lord of brow wrinkle evil spirit, he even can feel air/Qi of share of sovereign above faintly, thought that this world Human Race has such expert, don't tell me also has anyone of sovereign 人族的气息”妖魔之主眉头一皱,他甚至能在上面隐隐感到一股皇者之气,心想这个世界人族有这样的强者么,难道还有个什么人皇 However he denied this guess immediately, the air/Qi of above that sovereign and insufficiently congealing reality, the relation with this world Human Race is very pale, obviously has not obtained the approval of Human Race. 不过他马上否定了这个猜测,上面那种皇者之气并不够凝实,跟这个世界人族的联系还很淡,显然并没有得到人族的认可。 Naturally, this also showed that sufficiently this mysterious person and Human Race have the complicated relations. 当然,这也足以证明这个神秘人与人族有千丝万缕的关系。 Does not need to be worried, his strength of this imperial seal enough belief, the might is not insufficient.” Saw that the war priest was shocked, he quickly spoke the reminder. “不必担心,他这印玺并没有足够的信仰之力,威力还不够。”看到战争祭司愣住了,他急忙出言提醒。 The war priest responded, hehe smiled: I said how to think this thing is somewhat strange, originally is the outwardly strong but inwardly weak.” 战争祭司反应过来,嘿嘿笑了:“我就说怎么觉得这玩意有些古怪,原来是外强中干。” Sees only him to wave a signal flag, in the quick army some formation master Xuying start to display magecraft regarding in that giant person sovereign seal. 只见他挥舞着一面令旗,很快军队中一些阵法师虚影开始施展术法围绕在那巨大的人皇印上。 Around person sovereign seal is lingering black air/Qi, moreover most below ground also turns into beach black sludge, as if the ground had changed to the swamp. 人皇印周围萦绕着一层黑气,而且最下方的地面也变成一滩黑色的污泥,仿佛地面已经化作了沼泽。 The entire person sovereign seal started to fall toward the swamp. 整座人皇印开始往沼泽中陷了进去。 Zu An sighed secretly, now person sovereign seal is unworthy of the name, is really unable to display the peak strength. 祖安暗暗叹了口气,如今人皇印名不副实,果然无法发挥出巅峰实力。 Felt that the person sovereign prints seems to be polluted, is becoming pale with his relation, he does not dare to delay, hurried will receive. 感觉到人皇印似乎正在被污染,与他的联系正在变淡,他也不敢耽误,急忙将之收了回来。 The war priest shouted one to be a pity secretly, the multi- moments, oneself then can cancel this imperial seal above divine sense again, seized this magical treasure. 战争祭司暗叫一声可惜,再多片刻,自己便能抹去这印玺上面的神识,将这法宝夺过来。 His strength is powerful, vision naturally also uncommon. 他实力强悍,眼界自然也不凡。 Can see this magical treasure uniqueness, now in growth period, once the cultivation will be mature, perhaps will obtain one to be as good as divine artifact magical treasure. 看得出这法宝的奇特之处,如今还是在成长期,一旦将之培育成熟,恐怕会得到一件丝毫不亚于神器法宝 Thinks of here, he no longer keeps the hand, puts out a flag to wield directly again. 想到这里,他不再留手,直接再次拿出一个旗帜挥动起来。 Quick some innumerable armies from encircled toward Zu An in all directions. 很快又有无数军队从四面八方朝祖安围了过去。 The army that although just vanguard were been many by that strange imperial seal suppression casualty, so long as army broken, can produce more armies continuously. 虽然刚刚打前锋的军队被那个古怪的印玺镇压死伤不少,但只要军阵未破,就能源源不断生成更多的军队。 The ant were many can swallow the shape, let alone his these powerful armies. 蚂蚁多了都能吞象,更何况他这些强大的军队。 Sees with own eyes Zu An to fall into tight encirclement, the lord of slaughtering quickly reminds: You must attack war priest to be good, otherwise his army is to grow continually.” 眼见祖安陷入重围,杀戮之主急忙提醒道:“你必须攻击战争祭司本人才行,不然他的军阵是生生不息的。” Has a powerful helper with great difficulty, he cannot make the opposite party so die. 好不容易有个强大的帮手,他可不能让对方这般死去。 Only pitifully he just and ten thousand lived the lord of change to plot by the demon of distortion, now severe wound in body , the Lord murderous intention was covered by the evil spirit, he had no way to rescue. 只可惜他刚刚先后被扭曲之魔和万生变化之主暗算,如今重伤在身,又被妖魔之主杀机笼罩,他也没法过去相救。 Hears the father to be worried about that fellow, the Latin America view hangs, the father does not know that he fierce, he can massacre the evil spirit Lord existence, how also to be baffled by a war priest. 听到父亲担心那家伙,萨拉美眼帘微垂,父亲根本不知道他有多厉害,他是能杀掉妖魔之主的存在,又岂会被一个战争祭司难倒。 In perhaps the entire main hall most had the confidence on her to Zu An. 整个大殿中恐怕就她对祖安最有信心了。 Only worry is this world does not have the world principle limit now, the lord of evil spirit also has these to be under more powerful than the later generation are too many, does not know whether has the variable. 唯一担心的就是如今这个世界没有世界法则限制,妖魔之主还有那些手下都比后世强大太多,也不知道是否有变数。 Was been unhurriedly by all Zu An of vision gaze at this time, looks that charges the army that in all directions comes, his palm one, drop of muddy yellow waterdrop appears in the palm, among the waterdrops hides faintly is wiping the blood red color. 被所有目光注视的祖安此时不慌不忙,看着四面八方冲锋而来的军队,他手心一摊,一滴浑浊黄色的水滴浮现在手心,水滴中间隐隐藏着一抹血红之色。 Goes!” “去!” He wields conveniently, that drop forgot the Sichuan water to fly directly, then changed to a small stream at the extremely quick speed, a river, turned into the dreadful monstrous waves finally. 他随手一挥,那滴忘川水直接飞了出去,然后以极快的速度化作一条小溪,一条大河,最终变成滔天的巨浪。 Army where that these clash avoids with enough time, intention that naturally they have not avoided, by their strengths, big rivers same even Tang. 那些冲过来的军队哪里来得及躲避,当然他们也没有躲避的意图,以他们的实力,大江大河一样平趟。 Only has the war priest somewhat to be faintly anxious, looks that muddy yellow brings the blood-color water, in his heart moves, don't tell me is Legendary that 唯有战争祭司隐隐有些不安,看着那浑黄中带着血色的水,他心中一动,难道传说中的那个 He quickly waves the flag, attempt makes these armies dodge. 他急忙挥舞旗帜,试图让那些军队闪避。 What a pity is late, the turbulent forgetting Sichuan water was almost in flood instantaneously in the entire main hall. 可惜已经迟了,汹涌的忘川水几乎瞬间泛滥在了整个大殿中。 His armies had been embezzled by the monstrous waves, powerful army many empty shades were not too afraid, because they excelled at Changshui are magecraft. 他那些军队已经被巨浪吞没,原本威风凛凛的军队不少虚影并不太害怕,因为他们本就擅长水术法 Who knows , by these forgets the Sichuan water to contaminate, suddenly figure shakes, then all magecraft forgot, all changed to the nihility. 谁知道当被那些忘川水沾染之时,忽然身形一震,然后所有术法都忘记了,一切都化作了虚无。 Entire army is annihilated suddenly. 整个军阵眨眼间全军覆没。 Even lord of these slaughtering command, the lord of evil spirit to avoid under, was forgotten the Sichuan wave, directly becomes stupid, as if flutters is forgetting the Sichuan water the corpse to be the same. 甚至连杀戮之主手下那些统领、妖魔之主很多手下躲避不及,都被忘川水波及,直接变得痴呆,仿佛飘在忘川水的尸体一般。 Forgets Sichuan!” The lord of evil spirit has recognized the origins of these water, bountiful by his great strength, has to avoid. “忘川!”妖魔之主已经认出了这些水的来历,饶是以他的强大,也不得不躲避。 Other these demons will see that also avoid in a panic, they have more or less listened legend that forgets the Sichuan water. 其他那些魔将见状也纷纷仓皇躲避,他们或多或少都听过忘川水的传说。 Latin America and Mogard seized the chance to shield the lord of slaughtering to arrive at side Zu An. 萨拉美和莫加德趁机掩护杀戮之主来到了祖安身边。 The Lord God of color evil spirit is somewhat ugly, but he was clear, the exit|to speak was being sealed by oneself, the lord of slaughtering also has no way to flee temporarily. 妖魔之主神色有些难看,不过他清楚,出口被自己封着,杀戮之主暂时还没法逃离。 But if makes this forget Sichuan to wreak havoc, difficult insurance not to have what uncertainties. 但若是让这忘川肆虐下去,难保不会出现什么变数。 Therefore he offered a sacrifice to a copper coin, that copper coin on flew upwards, to that turbulent forgetting Sichuan water humming sound straight sound. 于是他祭出了一枚铜钱,那枚铜钱朝天上飞去,对着那汹涌的忘川水嗡嗡直响。 Zu An recognized that falls the valuable copper coin, he was actually very curious how, if first took becomes the valuable copper coin can. 祖安一眼认出了那是落宝铜钱,他其实很好奇自己如果先拿出落宝铜钱会如何。 But considering the trend of history, he has not done the behavior that such makes. 只不过考虑到历史的走向,他并没有干出那样作死的行为。 But the lord of evil spirit seems like some not to understand to fall the valuable copper coin the detail, this thing can only drop the day after tomorrow magical treasure, simply has not affected on the thing of innate production. 只不过妖魔之主似乎有些没弄懂落宝铜钱的细节啊,这玩意只能落下后天法宝,对先天生成之物根本没有影响。 But forgets the thing of Sichuan as if innate production. 而忘川似乎正是先天生成之物。 In the Zu An heart moves suddenly, thinks that beforehand Mi Li has mentioned some views of space and time. 祖安心中忽然一动,想到以前芈骊提起过时空的一些说法。 This actually good opportunity, therefore he pretends to be fallen the valuable copper coin influence by that intentionally, separated on own initiative and forgets the relation of Sichuan water. 这倒是个好机会,于是他故意装作被那落宝铜钱影响,主动断开了和忘川水的联系。 Without his control, the turbulent forgetting Sichuan water changed to finally made from the beginning that drop of liquid, good skillful unfortunately, that drop of liquid happen to fell near the war priest. 没了他的控制,汹涌的忘川水最终又化做了一开始那滴液体,好巧不巧,那滴液体正好落在了战争祭司附近。 The war priest is quick of eye and hand, direct sleeve one volume, forgets Sichuan to put in the bag that drop. 战争祭司眼疾手快,直接袖子一卷,将那滴忘川收入囊中。 At this time he almost laughs, has not thought that really has the so big harvest. 此时他差点哈哈大笑,没想到竟然有如此大的收获。 Forgetting Sichuan in it seems like beforehand that dangerous Secret Realm has acted swiftly to get there first by this mysterious fellow at present, now just right cheap I. 看来之前那个危险秘境中的忘川已经被眼前这神秘家伙捷足先登了,现在正好便宜了我。 Other these demons look at the envy and being jealous each and everyone, everyone this time loses seriously, never expected that he hit unexpectedly transported greatly. 其他那些魔将一个个看得又羡又妒,大家这次都损失惨重,没想到他竟然撞了大运。 Even some lord of envy evil spirit looked at war priest one eyes, he actually forgets the Sichuan water to be interested to this drop very much, who would have guessed that fell in the opposite party hand. 连妖魔之主都有些嫉妒地看了战争祭司一眼,他其实对这滴忘川水都很感兴趣,哪知道落到了对方手中。 What a pity now must unite these demons, he does not dare to rob blatantly, makes the movement that is penny-wise and pound foolish. 可惜如今还要团结这些魔将,他也不敢公然抢夺,做出因小失大的动作。 Latin America looks at Zu An ill-humoredly, thought that this fellow is so how negligent, lost the so important treasure. 萨拉美没好气地看着祖安,心想这家伙怎么如此大意,失落了这般重要的宝贝。 The lord of slaughtering comforts to say actually: This friend felt relieved, so long as you help me successfully leave, in the future the old man will help you look for fiercer magical treasure.” 杀戮之主倒是安慰道:“这位朋友放心,只要你助我成功离开,日后老夫会帮你找来更厉害的法宝。” Zu An is light smiles, all these that he makes are thing returning to rightful owner, only then this drop forgot the Sichuan water present to the war priest hand, in the future can snatch this drop to forget the Sichuan water from his hand, let the space and time thorough closed loop. 祖安却是淡淡一笑,他做的这一切不过是“物归原主”罢了,只有这滴忘川水现在到了战争祭司手中,将来自己才能从他手里抢来这滴忘川水,让时空彻底闭环。 Now his in the hand has not forgotten the Sichuan water, everyone on together, do not give them again any opportunity.” The lord of cold sound evil spirit said, has taken the lead toward slaughtering the main attack in the past. “如今他手中没有忘川水了,大家一起上,不要再给他们任何机会。”妖魔之主寒声说完,就已经率先朝杀戮之主攻了过去。 Other these demons will fire into Zu An in abundance, wants to obtain from his body with just that drop forgot Sichuan magical treasure of the same class. 其他的那些魔将纷纷冲向了祖安,想从他身上得到与刚刚那滴忘川同级别的法宝
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