Moreover the entireevil spiritworldhad discussedthreestrange birdstrengths, the finalconclusionisitsstrengthnotcompared withlord of weakmanyevil spirit, evenmanypeoplethought that its strengthandevil spiritlord are well-matched.
而且整个妖魔世界曾经都讨论过三头怪鸟的实力,最终的结论是它的实力并不比妖魔之主弱多少,甚至还有不少人觉得它的实力和妖魔之主旗鼓相当。No matterwhichview, provedthreestrange bird are the host's of evil spiritexpertwitha rank.
不管哪种看法,都证明了三头怪鸟是和妖魔之主同一个级别的强者。MoreoveritLordmountasevil spirit, so manyyear of both sides the intentionis interlinked, nowis equivalent toprincipalZu An of peopletwoevil spirit.
而且它身为妖魔之主的坐骑,这么多年双方早已心意相通,如今相当于两个妖魔之主打祖安一人。Solelyislord of oneevil spirit, has hitwithZu Aninextricably involved, againadditionalone, thataspectobviouslyis the steamroll.
单单是妖魔之主一个,就已经和祖安打得难解难分了,再加一个,那局面显然是碾压啊。Hearsanother sideanalysis, Pei Mianmanclenches teeththen to go out, actuallyheld onby the sceneryvine: „Youmustdo”
听到另一边的分析,裴绵曼一咬牙便要出去,却被景藤拉住:“你要干什么”„NaturallyishelpsAh Zu, even ifhelpshimwin a time is still good.”Pei Mianmanwas clear that thisgoesto be very dangerous, the words that butveryclear, Zu Anseriouslyismore unfortunate than fortunate.
“当然是去帮阿祖,就算帮他争取点时间也是好的。”裴绵曼清楚此去很危险,但很清楚不去的话,祖安当真是凶多吉少。„Weandtheirpower gapwas too big, goesto bring death,”JingTengdun, knows that like thiscannot convince the opposite party, quicklysupplemented, „when the time comesyounot onlycould not help, but alsowantedAh Zuto lose concentrationto take care ofyou, will only makehimmore dangerous.”
“我们和他们实力差距太大,去了只是送死,”景藤顿了顿,知道这样说服不了对方,急忙又补充了一句,“到时候你不仅帮不上忙,还要阿祖分神照顾你,只会让他更危险。”HearsthissayingPei Mianmanthento calm down: „Butourlike thisanythingdoes not do, he is still very dangerous.”
听到这话裴绵曼这才冷静下来:“可是我们就这样什么也不做,他依然很危险啊。”„Believeshim, hehas met a more dangerousaspect.” The sceneryvinecalmlylooks in the skythatform, in the chillypupilalsohasseveralgentlemeanings.
“相信他,他遇到过更危险的局面。”景藤静静看着天空上那道身影,清冷的眸子中也有几丝温柔之意。Pei Mianmanbites the lip, was somewhat annoyedistooweak, nowcannotgiveAh Zu to helpunexpectedly.裴绵曼咬了咬嘴唇,有些懊恼自己还是太弱了,如今竟然丝毫不能给阿祖以帮助。Jiang Luofuas ifsawherthoughts, pattedhershouldercomfortto saygently: „Manman, atyourage, presentcultivation base is quite actually exaggerating, now the worldfuses, yourstrengthwill be orderly getting higher and higher, youwere sure to remember that cannotfinish in a hast, in order to avoidcultivation deviation.”姜罗敷似乎看出了她的心思,轻轻拍了拍她的肩头安慰道:“曼曼,其实以你的年纪,如今的修为已经相当夸张了,如今世界融合,按部就班你的实力就会越来越高,你切记不可急于求成,以免走火入魔。”InPei Mianmanheartonewarm, justsheperfectstate of mindtrulyalmostpresented a flaw, sherespectfullyto the opposite partygood a ritual: „many thanksPrincipal Jiang.”裴绵曼心中一暖,刚刚她原本完美的心境确实差点出现了一丝破绽,她恭恭敬敬向对方行了一礼:“多谢姜校长。”Becauseisgrateful, thereforecalledalsorespectsespecially.
因为心生感激,所以称呼也格外尊重。„Does not need is so polite.”SomeJiang Luofuexpressionactuallyunnatural, ifsome dayis knownbythemI and matter of Zu Anspiritual bond, thinks the societydies.
“没必要如此客气。”姜罗敷表情却有些不自然,若是有朝一日被她们知道了我和祖安神交的事,想想都社死啊。JingTengzeiscrosses the hands behind the backto stand, is staring in the skythathugeform, muttered: „Strange, howthisstrange birdtransmits”
……At this timetrimskydark, originallywasthatthreestrange birdis summonedfromvoid.
此时整片天空都已经暗了下来,原来是那三头怪鸟已经从虚空中被召唤了出来。Had not feltin the evil spiritworld,seriouslyseemsespeciallyhugein the cultivationworld.
The aura of thatterrifyingpressesDemon Racesurrounding areaten thousandli (0.5 km)ominous beast that inominous beastor the mountain that no matterraisesmonopolize the power in a placedoes not dareto makea wee bitsoundsin abundance, is very afraidis treated as the provocationbythismonster, brought infatal disaster.
那恐怖的气息压得魔族方圆万里不管是豢养的凶兽还是大山中独霸一方的凶兽纷纷不敢发出一丁点声音,深怕被这怪物当作挑衅,引来了杀身之祸。Zu Anknits the browsto look atthreestrange bird of distant place, in the eyeis flashing throughcolor of the doubts.祖安皱眉望着远处的三头怪鸟,眼中闪过一丝疑惑之色。Healwaysfeltthesethreestrange birdlookbeforeseesis a little different, but where could also not saydifferently.
他总觉得这三头怪鸟看起来和之前见到的有一点不同,可是又说不出来到底哪里不同。At this time the lord of evil spirithas looked likeusuallyinstandsinthreestrange birdbodylike that is pointing atZu Andirectly: „this Thronemustdefeat the boneto raise the ashtodayyou to releasehate of heart.”
此时妖魔之主已经像平日里那般站在了三头怪鸟身上,直接指着祖安:“本座今日要将你挫骨扬灰方能一泄心头之恨。”MainRage Pointsfromevil spirit + 444 + 444 + 444......
来自妖魔之主的愤怒值……Zu Ansmiles: „Youmayresult inselectedcarefully, so as to avoid being ruined a headbymeagain.”祖安笑了笑:“那你可得小心点了,免得再次被我毁掉一个脑袋。”
The lord of evil spirit: „......”
妖魔之主:“……”MainRage Pointsfromevil spirit + 666 + 666 + 666......
来自妖魔之主的愤怒值……Heno longeropens the mouth, the complexionurgedsubordinatemountto attacktowardZu Angloomy.
他不再开口,脸色阴沉驱使麾下坐骑朝祖安攻了过来。Hugethreestrange birdfan the wing, just likehangsday of cloudpress/pressure, bringinghurricane, the distant placeDemon Racetownto hearsound of the intermittentcalling out in alarm, manyhousesdirectlybythathurricanedestroying.
巨大的三头怪鸟扇动翅膀,犹如垂天之云压了过来,带起了一阵飓风,远处魔族城镇传来了一阵阵惊呼之声,不少房屋都直接被那飓风给摧毁了。Zu Anknits the browsslightly, is worriedto implicatetheseinnocentDemon Race, thereforefigureflashesto flytoward the mountain.祖安微微一皱眉,担心连累那些无辜魔族,于是身形一闪往大山中飞去。„To escape” the lord of evil spiritto grin fiendishly, urgesthreestrange birdto be in hot pursuitdirectly.
“想逃”妖魔之主狞笑一声,直接驱使三头怪鸟紧追不舍。In the templevariouswomansaw thatquicklyalsowith, what a pity the both sidesspeedwas extremely fast, quickwas then flungby farbehind.
神殿中诸女见状急忙也跟了上去,可惜双方速度极快,很快便被远远甩到了后面。Whatis luckywas the two sidesmakes the move that to be bigall the way, poursis also insufficientwithlosing the direction.
万幸的是两边一路上弄出的动静不小,倒也不至于跟丢了方向。Seesthemto pursue, MogardinquiredLatin America: „Eldest Young Lady, orwealsorunwhilethisopportunity.”
看到她们追出去,莫加德询问萨拉美:“大小姐,要不我们趁这个机会也跑吧。”At this timeanothersubordinaterefuted: „Thiswordis bad, weescapedfor a while, how couldalsoto escapefirstwhereregardless ofwhen the time comestheywon, will not let offour. Withit the dead end, might as wellin the riches and honordangerstrove forwhen the time comes!”
这时另外一个手下反驳道:“此言差矣,我们逃得了一时,又岂能逃得了一世到时候无论他们哪边赢了,都不会放过我们的。与其到时候死路一条,还不如富贵险中求!”InSarazMaximmoves: „Whataskedfor the riches and honordangerin”
萨拉美心中一动:“何为富贵险中求”Under the masterexplained: „Fromformerboth sidesfight, both sideswas about the same, thisRegentgrasped the worldauthority, the home gamebattles, possiblyalsogot the advantageslightly, but the lord of evil spiritwas so fierce, nowalsosummons the mounttwodozensone, thatRegentmostlywas not an opponent.”
那名手下解释道:“从之前双方战斗情况来看,双方不过伯仲之间,这个摄政王手握世界权柄,主场作战,可能还稍占优势,但妖魔之主那么厉害,如今又召唤了坐骑二打一,那个摄政王多半不是对手。”„ButRegentafter all is control in thisworld, definitelyalsohas the card in a hand, when the time comesevenlord of the counter-attackstillenoughheavy lossesevil spiritat the point of death, thatpossiblyis the opportunity that weoverturnonly!”
“可摄政王毕竟是这个世界的掌控者,肯定还有底牌,到时候就算临死的反击也足够重创妖魔之主,那可能就是我们唯一翻盘的机会!”Latin Americaat presentonebright, great happiness: „Good, wantsto arrive atlord of certainsevere woundtimeevil spiritto be weak, ourso manyexpert, haveto killhisopportunity!”
萨拉美眼前一亮,大喜道:“不错,想来到时候妖魔之主一定重伤虚弱,我们这么多高手,不是没有杀他的机会!”Shejusthesitant, thinks the good fortunetreasure boxhas fallen into the rival, allplansdrain, thereforedoes not give up, nowknew that alsohas the opportunity, whichis also willingto give up.
她刚刚之所以犹豫,是想到了造化宝盒已经落入敌手,所有的谋划都付诸东流,所以舍不得走,如今得知还有机会,哪还愿意放弃。Mogardsomewhathesitates, butsees the facial expression of Latin America, knows that was unable to persuade the opposite party.
莫加德有些犹豫,只不过看到萨拉美的神情,知道已经无法劝说对方。Onlycanlooktonearbyrealdemonbigelder: „Bigelder, youconsidered that mustfollow a ticketto be bigusclearly”
The realdemonbigelderlookshesitant, Mogardthensaid: „Youbetrayed the evil spirit the Lordmatterto be knownbyhimbefore, youthought that afterwardhewill let offyou”
The realdemonbigelderheard that the wordcomplexionchanges, clenches teeth saying: „Does!”
The lord of evil spiritiscrueloversuspicious, oncesomeinnumerablelearning from another's mistakes, henaturallydoes not wantto be bided one's time for punishment.
……Another side, threestrange birdspeedsare extremely fast, is unable to cast offitat the Zu Anpresentspeedunexpectedlythoroughly, is on the contrary getting more and more near.
另一边,三头怪鸟的速度极快,以祖安如今的速度竟然也无法彻底将其甩开,反倒越来越近。20zhang (3.33 m)distance, leftstrange birdthatopensbig mouthshortlysuddenly, onegroup of greenfogpackagetowardZu Andirectly.
眼看着还有二十丈的距离,怪鸟左边那个头忽然张开大嘴,一团绿雾直接朝祖安包裹而来。InZu Anheartonecold, thiseverywheregreenfog is actually the innumerablecarefulgreeninsects, gnawed the flesh, oncewere entangledbyit, was quite troublesome.祖安心中一凛,这漫天绿雾其实是无数细细的绿虫,啃噬血肉,一旦被其缠上,极为麻烦。Hisfigurein the frontnon-stoptransforming the angle, triesto throw offthesegreenfog.
他身形在前方不停变换角度,试图甩掉那些绿雾。No matter but how heshifts, thesegreenfogas iftrace the missileto be common, is always in hot pursuit.
The sound that at this timestoodafterstrange birdbore the lord of evil spiritteasesto transmit: „Howno longertimeto display your to move to the shapeto trade the shadowmasterstroke/divine skill, transfers to methatgreenfogagain.”
这时站在怪鸟后背上的妖魔之主戏谑的声音传来:“怎么不再次施展你那移形换影的神技呢,再把我移到那绿雾之中啊。”Zu Ancoldsnort/hum, has not replied.祖安冷哼一声,并没有答话。Moving to the shapetrades the shadowtrulyis the masterstroke/divine skill, butdoes not have the flaw.
移形换影确实是神技,但并非没有破绽。Thatishe can only with a goalexchangeposition, moreoverin the process that exchangeswill haveextremelyshortbeing out of sorts.
那就是他只能和一个目标互换位置,而且互换的过程中会有极为短暂的失神。Ifindependent combatthisis notwhatflaw, but once falls into ganging up on severalsameranks, the opposite partyincurred the protection, definitely when canusehimto display„moves the shapetradedshadow”makes the companionhold the flaw of thatflash.
如果单打独斗这倒不算什么破绽,可一旦陷入好几个同等级的群殴之中,对方又对此招有了防备,完全能利用他施展“移形换影”时让同伴抓住那一瞬间的破绽。Looks atlord of thatself-satisfiedfacial expressionevil spirit, obviouslyalsolooked throughthis.
看妖魔之主那得意的神情,显然也是看破了这点。Zu Analsosomewhatadmires, thisfellowtrulyis the having god-given wisdomrare talent, saw onlyobviouslyonetime, actuallythought of the law of decodinginstantaneously.祖安不禁也有些佩服,这个家伙确实是个天纵奇才,明明只见了一次,竟然瞬间就想到了破解之法。Becausepondersthese, hisfigureslightlywas slow a point, was almost entangledbythatgroupgreenfog.
因为思考这些,他的身形稍微慢了一点,然后差点被那团绿雾缠上。Heis fully sharp, shifts the hundred zhang (333 m)fast, saw that was just gnawedby the greenfoginthatwoodsdirectlytattered and torn, insidewas hiding a lightningclouded leopard, itbecomes famousat the extremelyquickspeed.
他足尖一点,快速横移百丈,看到刚刚所在那片树林直接被绿雾啃噬得千疮百孔,里面本来藏着一头闪电云豹,其以极快的速度出名。But is only left overbloodywhite bonesnow, but also is maintainingbefore death the posture that preparesto escape.
可如今只剩下一具血淋淋的白骨,还保持着生前准备逃跑的姿势。Itsskullfacial featuresdistortionis fierce, before being able to seeit dead , is painfulandstunned.
它头骨面容扭曲狰狞,看得出它死前多么痛苦与错愕。Has not thought that does not haveby the speedfamousactuallyescapingopportunity.
没想到以速度出名的自己竟然一点逃跑的机会都没有。At this timetransmitted the taunt that the lord of evil spiritsneeredagain: „Justwas notveryfierce, hownowto only escape”
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