Is beyond controltheyto think that the to terrifyperson, the evil spirit the Lordheadhad been reducedafter all, moreoverjusteveryonepersonallysaw the head that falls downfrustrating the bonebyZu Anraises the ash.
由不得他们觉得瘆人啊,毕竟妖魔之主的头颅都已经被砍掉了,而且刚刚大家亲眼看见掉下的头颅都被祖安给挫骨扬灰了。Howfinally the lord of evil spirit can also speak
结果妖魔之主怎么还能说话呢Latin America, Mogardand othersonlyfelt the whole bodyto feel cold, theyandevil spiritlord of hostileso manyyears, howalsopossibly unable to hearhisvoice
萨拉美、莫加德等只觉得全身发冷,他们和妖魔之主敌对这么多年,又怎么可能听不出来他的声音At this moment, the evil spiritlord the flesh of place of neckto startto wriggle, in a while a brand-newheadbravedsuddenly.
The bonusisZu Anis experienced, saw that strangewill be not so able to bearwill draw backin the futureonestep, the people in idle talktemple, werefrightenpaleincomparable.
饶是祖安见多识广,看到如此诡异的一幕还是忍不住往后退了一步,更遑论神殿中的众人了,更是吓得脸色苍白无比。„Was beheadedyoualso to come back to life”Zu Anto be very puzzled, the headissixYangheads, such importantspotwas frustrated the boneto raise the ashbyoneself, howhe can also live
The lord of evil spiritsneersto saydensely: „Thatisnatural, Iam the body of notdying, howalsoto be killedbyyou”
妖魔之主森然冷笑道:“那是当然,我乃不死之身,又岂会被你杀死”Hearsthissaying, in the temple, no matterPei MianmanvariousfemaleLatin Americavariousdemonsflash through a despair.
听到这话,神殿中不管是裴绵曼诸女还是萨拉美诸魔都闪过一丝绝望。Lord of strengththisevil spiritwas powerfulonheaven defying, there arevariousoddmasterstrokes, nowunexpectedly the body of notdying
那还怎么打!Latin Americasomewhatself-ridiculed, originallyso manyyear of revoltissuchmonster, no wonder the opposite partyhad not paid attention tothem, in his opinion, oneselfonelinecompletelyinsmall scale.
萨拉美一方都有些自嘲,原来这么多年自己反抗的就是这样的怪物,难怪对方一直没把她们放在眼里,在他看来,自己一行完全就是在小打小闹啊。In the skyin the Zu Anhearthas the flashalsoto flash throughfeeling of being incapable, butrespondedimmediately: „Your Excellency, ifreally the body of notdying, how can also the can be victoriousendbeast, but alsoharms the entireevil spiritworldthoroughlyto fall to the enemy.”
天空之中祖安心中有一瞬间也闪过一丝无力之感,不过马上反应过来:“阁下若真是不死之身,又岂会打不过末日兽,还害得整个妖魔世界彻底沦陷。”Somelord of hearswordfly into a rage from shameevil spirit: „Youare anything , daresto place on a parwith the strength of endbeast”
妖魔之主闻言不禁有些恼羞成怒:“你算什么东西,也敢和末日兽的实力相提并论”MainRage Pointsfromevil spirit + 444 + 444 + 444......
来自妖魔之主的愤怒值……Seeshimto lose one's temper, the Zu Ancorners of the mouthrisingscopeis bigger: „Rumorwill not offend somebody, the truthis a sharp knife. AlthoughIam not the opponent of endbeast, butcanbe victorioushereyour, sincekilledonetime is not good, Ikilledagainonetime, looked that youcanresurrectseveraltimes!”
看到他动怒,祖安嘴角上扬幅度越大:“谎言不会伤人,真相才是快刀。我虽然不是末日兽的对手,但在这里还是能打得过你的,既然杀了一次不行,那我就再杀一次,看你到底能复活几次!”By the experiences of hisso manyyear of variouslife and deathhopeless situations, resurrecting of oppositefellowis not absolutely infinite, eitherisresurrectingis limited, eitherresurrects to pay the enormouspriceeach time, no matterwhichtype, oneselftriedto be goodseveraltimes.
The lord of short of breathevil spiritinsteadsmiles: „Hehe, justyoudisplayed the Spirit Wordskilldespicable and shamelesssuddenly, howIwill be plotted againstbyyou, reallythinks that youwill have the opportunityto kill”
妖魔之主气急反笑:“呵呵,要不是刚刚你卑鄙无耻突然施展了言灵技能,我又岂会被你暗算,真以为你还会有机会杀得了么”Thinksoriginallyandcompareto just like the fellow of ants to cut off his headunexpectedly, inhisbellythengets madevilly.
一想到原本和自己比起来犹如蝼蚁的家伙竟然能斩断他一个头,他肚子里便一股邪火冒起来。My the strengthwas limitedinthisworld, initiallyin the evil spiritworldtoseek something big with foresight, howIwill fall intosoawkwardsituation!
要不是在这个世界我的实力被限制,要不是当初在妖魔世界为了放长线钓大鱼,我又岂会陷入如此为难的地步!MainRage Pointsfromevil spirit + 888 + 888 + 888......
来自妖魔之主的愤怒值……Facing the lord of breathlessevil spirit, Zu Anactuallylooked athisoneeyesstrangely: „The life and deathwrestled, naturallystops at nothing, Your Excellencyactuallywill also scold the enemyto be weakweakly, somewhatis seriously weak makes one laugh.”
The lord of evil spirit: „......”
妖魔之主:“……”MainRage Pointsfromevil spirit + 999 + 999 + 999......
来自妖魔之主的愤怒值……Inhisheartgets angry the anxious, coldsound said: „Goodcleverness and eloquence, butyousowill not be immediately self-satisfied.”
他心中怒急,寒声道:“好一个伶牙俐齿,不过你马上就不会这么得意了。”Duringspeechesheput out a smallwooden boxcautiously, turns on the cover of wooden box, insideuses the red silkstore furnishings, abovecalmlyis lying downtenflyingneedles.
说话间他小心翼翼拿出了一个小木盒,打开木盒的盖子,里面用红绸铺底,上面静静地躺着十根飞针。„Melts the bloodmagic needle!”
“化血魔针!”Mogard in templesees thatcalls out in alarmone.
神殿中的莫加德见状不禁惊呼一声。„Whatmeltedbloodmagic needle”nearbyPei Mianmanvariouswomanto raise up the ear, Latin Americahelpedthemaskluckily.
“什么化血魔针”一旁的裴绵曼诸女竖起了耳朵,幸好萨拉美帮她们问了。Mogardlookis dignified: „Thisis the evil spirit the LordAssassinmace, in the surface, only thentenneedles, but the lifetwo, twolivefour, fourlive the myriad things, thesemagic needlesare inexhaustible, the keyispowerful, so long aseven ifdamages by abrasion a skin, canmake the lifechange tobeachbloody pus, extremelyevil and cruel.”
莫加德神色凝重:“此乃妖魔之主的杀手锏,表面上只有十根针,但一生二,二生四,四生万物,那些魔针无穷无尽,关键是威力巨大,哪怕只要擦破一点皮,就能让生灵化作一滩脓血,极为歹毒。”Was sayinghecannot bearsigh: „Thismelted the bloodmagic needlenot to know that in the pastletmanyexperthearing a rumordiscolorations, buthiscultivation basewas getting higher and higher afterward, againnot the opponent who was worthhimusingthistreasure. Has not thought that todayfacingRegent of thisworld, heactuallytakes, it seems like after the lord of evil spiritwas just cut a head, movedreallyhot.”
说着他忍不住感叹起来:“这化血魔针当年不知道让多少强者闻风色变,只不过后来他修为越来越高,就再也没有值得他动用此宝的对手了。万万没想到今天面对这个世界的摄政王,他竟然拿出来了,看来妖魔之主刚刚被斩掉了一次头颅后是动了真火。”Another sidevariousNvwensaidin abundancein great surprise, suchevil and cruelmagical treasure, Ah Zuwas dangerous, after allexpert of samerankcontended, not possiblewoundnot, butthismelted the bloodmagic needle, so long asdamaged by abrasion the skin to make the hominizationmake the bloody pus, thinksto be afraid.
另一边的诸女闻言纷纷大惊,这样歹毒的法宝,阿祖岂不是危险了,毕竟同等级的高手相争,不可能一点伤都不受,而这化血魔针只要擦破皮就能让人化作脓血,想想都不寒而栗。WasJi Xiaoxicomforts the peopleon the contrary: „Big Sister, the Big Brother Zuphysiqueis special, alltoxicants that hisalmostimmunityIknew, althoughIunderstood an outsideworldsomefiercertoxicantfew days ago, but the Big Brother Zuphysique can still resistmajority, youdo not need is so worriedbut actually.”
反倒是纪小希安慰起了众人:“诸位姐姐,祖哥哥体质特殊,他几乎免疫了我知道的所有毒药,虽然我前些日子了解到外面世界一些更厉害的毒药,但祖哥哥的体质依然能抵抗大部分,你们倒不必如此担心。”Heardherto saylike this, the peoplejust nowrelax, butJiang Luofuquiteworried: „Perhapshisphysiquecanshoulder12, if the poisonousneedle in instituteare too many, perhapsfinallyhas the danger.”
The heart that such a saying, everyonejustput downhadto hangin the midair.
这样一说,大家刚放下的心有悬到了半空中。Pei Mianmancould not bearlooked atheroneeyes, thought that Principal Jiangas ifcaredtoAh Zuespecially......裴绵曼忍不住多看了她一眼,心想姜校长似乎对阿祖格外关心啊……Butherattentioninsweetheart the safetyby the skywas attractedquickly, ponderedradicallywithout enough time.
只不过她的注意力很快被天空上情郎的安危所吸引,根本来不及细想。Above the sky, thatwooden boxfloatsbefore the evil spirit the Lordbody, saw only his ball, in the boxtenmagic needleflewgently.
天空之上,那木盒浮在妖魔之主身前,只见他轻轻一弹,盒子里十根魔针一根根飞了出去。Almostjusthad/left the box, thesemagic needleshave appearedin the Zu Anbodyside, the rapidness of speed, as ifcut out the process of flight.
几乎是刚出匣,那些魔针已经出现在了祖安身侧,速度之快,仿佛省去了飞行的过程。Zu Anonestartled, hehas the protectionluckilyearly, the directhorizontalswordkeeps offbefore the body.祖安一惊,幸好他早有防备,直接横剑挡在身前。Ding!
叮!If the ordinaryflyingneedlehits the Tai'e Swordwound, perhapswill be shaken the flying ashat the scene, butthismelted the bloodmagic needleactuallyto ship out a sparks/Mars, thenchanged tosuccess or failureover a thousandsmallerneedles from gotoward the Zu Anlasinginstantaneouslyin all directions.
若是普通飞针撞到泰阿剑伤,恐怕当场就会被震成飞灰,但这化血魔针却装出了一点火星,然后瞬间化作了成败上千支更小的针从四面八方朝祖安激射而去。On the lord of faceevil spiritshowed a happy expressionfinally, his melts the bloodmagic needlecan it be thatso is also goodto keep off!
妖魔之主脸上终于露出了一丝笑意,他这化血魔针又岂是那么好挡的!Suchneardistance, then the quickspeed, so manyyearshas not put.
这么近的距离,那么快的速度,这么多年还没放下来过。Sure enough, theseexplodesuddenly the bloodmagic needlesewedinZu Anbodyinstantaneously.
果不其然,那些突然爆开的化血魔针瞬间钉在了祖安身上。Seesthis, Pei Mianmanonlythought that whole bodybloodice-cold, the whole personalmostfainted.
看到这一幕,裴绵曼只觉得浑身的血冰冷,整个人差点晕了过去。Ji Xiaoxicrieddirectly, althoughshesaidbefore the Big Brother Zuphysiquepoisonousanti-is very high, butso manypoisonousneedleshit a targetare also more unfortunate than fortunate.纪小希则是直接哭了出来,虽然她之前说祖哥哥体质毒抗很高,但这么多毒针一齐射中也是凶多吉少啊。„Do not fluster , to continue to look.”JingTengis calmest, thought that thesewomenshriek and howl wildlyreallybothersomely.
“别慌,继续看。”还是景藤最为镇定,心想这几个女人鬼哭狼嚎真烦。Onlord of faceevil spiritdoes not have the smile, heis staring atZu Anaround the bodystubbornly.
妖魔之主此刻脸上也没有笑容,他死死盯着祖安的周身。a stream offaint yellowruneappears, a transparentfirst note of the twelve note scaleemptyshadowhiswhole personphotois one of them.一道道淡黄色的符文浮现,一口透明的黄钟虚影将他整个人照在其中。Thereforethesemelted the bloodmagic needlenot to sewinZu Anbody, butsewedin the emptyshadow of thisbell.
The godmarksoldierscorespurebuddhistbellXuying!
神纹兵谱所化的清净梵钟虚影!„Snort, whatmagical treasure can also blockmymagic needle!” The evil spiritlordfingerto skid, anothermagic needlehas comefromotherdirectionlasings.
“哼,什么法宝也拦得住我的魔针!”妖魔之主手指滑动,另外一根魔针已经从其他方向激射而来。Puts in an appearance, thatpurebuddhistbellXuyingoninstantaneousshatter.
只是一个照面,那清净梵钟虚影就瞬间破碎。ButZu Analsohas vanished in same place, makingthatmagic needlecome up empty-handed.
The lord of evil spiritis not accidental/surprised, justonefought, he has long known that the opposite partyhas the skill that sometypeflickersto move, thereforeanothereightmagic needlesare still waitingin the one side.
妖魔之主对此并不意外,刚刚一番交手下来,他早已知道对方有某种瞬移的技能,所以另外八根魔针还在一旁等着呢。When the Zu Anformappearsagain, the recentmagic needleinstantaneouslasinggoes.
当祖安的身影再次出现,最近的魔针瞬间激射而去。Zu Andisplays„gale”skillto vanishto move asideagain, the lord of corners of the mouthevil spiritexudeto ridicule: „Mythismagic needlelockedyourdivine soul, youcan hide”祖安再次施展“大风”技能消失躲闪,妖魔之主嘴角泛起一丝讥讽:“我这魔针锁定了你的神魂,你躲得过去么”Sure enough, thenZu Anmovement techniquelike the electricity, can always avoid the bloodmagic needle that eachanglelasingcomeswithvariousingeniousfigure, but is actually not ableto be separated from the big net that tenmagic needlesset up, asthisnetmorereceivesis tighter, the space that insidecandodgeis getting more and more limited, finallychanges to a bloody puswaythoroughly.
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