The lord of evil spiritjustlost the situation, followed up a victory with hot pursuitby the opposite party, for these yearsbesidescoping withendbeast, alreadyverylongnotsodistressed.
妖魔之主刚刚失了先机,被对方乘胜追击,这么多年来除了对付末日兽之外,已经很久没如此狼狈过了。Althoughhiscultivation baseobtained the suppressioninthisworld, butnot possiblecasualexpertto be ablesoto compelhimto arrive at the paddies, then the status of opposite partyalsotook shape.
The numerousdemons in templehear the sound that the skybroadcastsin abundancein great surprise, originallyheisthatLegendaryRegent.
神殿中的众魔听到天空传来的声音纷纷大惊,原来他就是那个传说中的摄政王。Latin Americawas playedbythemruns around in circles, especiallyis playedsuchmiserablybyDonal who oneselfcannot take a liking, herwhole personis not convinced, veryannoyingashamed.
原本萨拉美被他们俩耍得团团转,特别是被自己瞧不上的多纳尔耍得这么惨,她整个人非常不服气,也十分懊恼羞耻。Mayknow the opposite partyisafterLegendaryRegent, the mentalitywas suddenly gentler, othersare the king in thisworld, was deceivedbysuchcharacter, as ifalsohas nothingat the worst.
可知道对方是传说中的摄政王过后,心态忽然平和了许多,人家是这个世界的王,被这样的人物骗,似乎也没什么大不了的。Meanwhileshealsosuddenly, no wondercanmakeso manystunning womanbe dead set on.
同时她也恍然,难怪能让这么多的绝色女子死心塌地。Heard that Regentis the handsome man of legendlevel, does not know that whatheis long......
听说那个摄政王是个传说级的美男子,也不知道他长什么样……Snort, butthese daysdeceivedmeto deceivesuchmiserably, looksIwill not forgivehimagaingracefully!
哼,不过这些日子骗我骗得这么惨,长得再帅也我也不会原谅他!NearbyMogardcomplexionYinclearchange, hisattentioninEldest Young Ladybody, has detectedsheseemed like the interest in thatRegent, hehad an unprecedentedsense of crisisimmediately.
The realDemon Racebigeldermuttered: „HeisthatRegent, does not know that beforehandDonalishe, endedended, a bigsecret of ourclanwas knownbyhim.”
The peoplethoughts in templevary, allhas the relationswithZu An.
神殿中的众人心思各异,全都和祖安有关系。ButZu Anis brightin the in the airthoughtssquareouter spaceat this time, butis staring at the lord of evil spiritfirmly, shoutedto be a pitysecretly.
而祖安此时在空中心思却格外空明,只是牢牢盯着妖魔之主,暗叫可惜。Worthilyis the lord of evil spirit, justoneselfseized a wisp of opportunityobviously, finallyactually can only become a minor woundtoother party, thiswoundregardingtheirsuchexpert, is nothingradically, then can only real swords and spearshitone.
不愧是妖魔之主,刚刚自己明明占了一缕先机,最终却只能给他造成一点轻伤,这点伤对于他们这样的强者来说,根本算不了什么,接下来只能真刀真枪地打一场了。„Your Excellencydoes not deceiveeveryonewellpainstakingly.”During the Zu Anspeecheshad restored the originalappearance, just the life and deathwrestled, heis naturally impossibleto displayslaughtering the Lordskill, necessity that nowhas not camouflagedagain.
“阁下不也将大家骗得好苦么。”祖安说话间已经恢复了本来的模样,刚刚生死相搏,他自然不可能施展杀戮之主的技能,如今已经没有再伪装的必要了。„Said that yourperforming skillis higherplans, evenIwas also deceivedbyyou.”During the lord of speechesevil spirit the body surfacerayflashes, thatwoundhealsat the visiblespeed, Zu Ansaw that thishas not prevented.
“说起来还是你演技更高一筹,连我也被你骗过去了。”妖魔之主说话间体表光芒一闪,那一道伤口以肉眼可见的速度愈合,祖安看到这一幕并没有阻止。Hesomewhatappreciatedlooked atopposite partyoneeyes: „Is beforehandDonalyou”
他有些欣赏地看了对方一眼:“之前的多纳尔是不是你”„Good, trulyisI, Your Excellencywas only proudpitifullyat that time, does not havetake action, otherwiseinthatworldIwill not beyouropponent, yousowill not fall intoto the presentpassively.” The Zu Anlookrepliedgentle.
The lord of evil spiritcoldlysmiles: „Yourthisboyreallya lot ofdirty tricks, wantto makemeregretin the spoken language,makingamongmywillhave the gapflaw, what a pityyoumade a mistake the idea, if notlet offyouinitially, howIknowsubsequent hand who now the lord of slaughteringleft behindin the past, howalsoto obtainthisgood fortunetreasure box”
妖魔之主冷冷一笑:“你这小子果然一肚子坏水,想用言语让我后悔,让我心志间产生间隙破绽,可惜你打错了主意,若非当初放过你,我现在又岂会知道杀戮之主当年留下的后手,又岂会得到这造化宝盒”„Said that youuse up all the tricks, finallyactuallydid the bridal clothesforme, nowcertainregret.”
“说起来你机关算尽,最后却为我做了嫁衣,现在一定后悔得要死吧。”Zu Ansmiles: „Youjustsaid that Iusesomedevilish plotsto vacillateyourwill, younowareso.”祖安笑了笑:“你刚刚说我用一些鬼蜮伎俩动摇你的心志,你现在又何尝不是如此。”
The lord of evil spiritsnort/hum, both sidesshortfight, was just clear that each otheris a powerful enemy, perhapsin a short timeis unable to do to the opposite party, can only createto help the ownconditionas far as possible: „WhatIsaidis the fact, now the good fortunetreasure boxin my hands, the law of blood sacrificeIalsoknow, you have anything”
The Zu Anlookis tranquil: „Killingyoutook carry back the good fortunetreasure boxis not good.”祖安神色平静:“杀了你把造化宝盒拿回来不就好了。”„Killedme”lord of supineTianchangevil spiritto smile, smilessurrounding areadozensli (0.5 km)everything may become vulnerable, long timelatterjust nowreceived the smile, „Ifor a long timeverylonghave not heardsuchjokevery much.”
“杀了我”妖魔之主仰天长笑,笑得方圆数十里地动山摇,良久后方才收起了笑容,“我已经很久很久没听到这样的笑话了。”Hislookonecold: „Iacknowledged,youhave the principlebeacon of thisworld, the worldwilluseforyou, thereforewantsto massacreyousomewhatto be truly troublesomehere, butsomewhatis also troublesome, butyouactuallywantto killme, iswhogivesyourcourage”
他神色一冷:“我承认,你拥有这个世界的法则信标,世界意志为你所用,所以想在这里杀掉你确实有些麻烦,但也只是有些麻烦而已,不过你却想杀我,是谁给你的勇气”„Fish Leong.” The Zu Anlookis tranquil, justhemade the opposite partyexpose weaknesseswithvariousspoken languageattemptsintentionally, what a pitythisfellow is really experienced and careful, nowis disguising the anger, perhapstemptshimto advance recklesslyintentionally.
The lord of Fish Leongevil spiritis startled, thought that whothisis.
“梁静茹”妖魔之主一怔,心想这是谁。variouswoman in templehearsthissayingto look at each other in blank dismay, thishearis the name of woman, don't tell meis the Ah Zuwhatfemale friend
就连神殿中的诸女听到这话都面面相觑,这一听就是个女人的名字,难道又是阿祖的什么红颜知己„Miss Pei, youfollow the Ah Zutimeto be longest, mayknow that whothisFish Leongis”Yun Yuqingcannot bearask.
“裴姑娘,你跟着阿祖的时间最长,可知道这个梁静茹到底是谁么”云雨晴忍不住问道。Including the one sideseems like that aloofJingTengalsoraised up the earquietly.
连一旁看似高冷的景藤也悄悄竖起了耳朵。„Does not know,”Pei Mianmansneers, „thatfellowfemale friendwere manywent, whereIrecognized.”
“不知,”裴绵曼冷笑一声,“那家伙红颜知己多了去了,我哪认得完。”Jiang Luofuhearswordthought that the backis chilly, thoughtluckily before , has not exposed, otherwiseis really awkward.姜罗敷闻言觉得后背冷飕飕的,心想幸好之前没有暴露,不然真尴尬。Above the sky, Zu Anseesthisworldno one to understand, in the eye the sadmeaningflashesto pass: „Such being the case, makesYour Excellencyknowcourage where Icome.”
天空之上,祖安见这个世界没人能听懂,眼中哀伤之意一闪而逝:“既然如此,就让阁下知道我哪里来的勇气吧。”During the speeches his bodysidepresented a plainlong swordsuddenly, is sending out the thickpressure the long sword, braves the goldenrayall over the body.
说话间他的身侧忽然出现了一把古朴的长剑,那把长剑散发着浓浓的威压,通体冒着金色的光芒。divine artifactTai'e!神器泰阿!Howeverthis timeswordno longeris similar tousuallyinlengthsize, butagainst the windis long, becomesmore and moregreatly, as ifspansin the exceedingly highwood in the world.
不过此时的剑不再如同平日里的长短大小,而是迎风就长,变得越来越大,仿佛横亘在天地间的通天之木。Does not know that beyondmanyten thousandli (0.5 km)detectedheremutation, the Monster Raceroyal court, the Little Demon Empresslooklooked atexcitedlyin the worldthat the bigsword, the mouthmutters: „Hecame back, hecame back! Thisis the Demon Racedirection, transmitted ordersin a big hurry, simultaneous/uniformexpertgoeswithme!”
不知道多少万里之外都察觉到了这边的异变,妖族王庭,小妖后神色激动地望向天地间那把大剑,嘴里喃喃自语:“他回来了,他回来了!这是魔族的方向,快快传令,点齐高手跟我前去!”Sheis very clear, the royal courtis far awaytoDemon Race, oneselfovertookto fear the flowerto thank, butshecould not attend toso many, onlythoughtfirstto see the opposite party.
她很清楚,王庭离魔族路途遥远,自己赶过去恐怕花儿都谢了,但她也不顾不得那么多了,只想第一时间见到对方。„InformsQueenMedusanot to have”
“通知美杜莎女王没有”„After report back tomonster, QueenMedusacould not have waited for the large unit, oneselffirstovertook.”
“回禀妖后,美杜莎女王已经等不及大部队,自己先赶过去了。”„Really is a slywoman!”
……Human RaceCapital, Bi LinglongandLiu Ningtoward the meetingabove, were feelingin the worldthat the sword, twofemalescannot attend toall the ministers and generals of the imperial court, flewin abundance, standsis looking at that sidein the Imperial Palacehighest place.人族京城,碧玲珑与柳凝原本正在朝会之上,感觉到天地间那把剑,两女顾不得满朝文武,纷纷飞了出去,站在皇宫最高处望着那边。
The Bi Linglongwhole face is completely the worried look: „Hecame back, does not knowfaceswhatenemy, cancompeltake actionhimunexpectedlysofull power.”碧玲珑满脸尽是忧色:“他回来了,可不知道到底面对什么敌人,竟然能将他逼得如此全力出手。”„Relax, hewill not defeat!”Liu Ningdoes not know that is comforting the opposite partyto inflatetooneself.
The hands of more than twoyears of political opponentsbuckleunexpectedlyunknowinglystubbornlyin the same place, obviouslytheywere worried about the extreme.
……Above the seaclandragon palace, Shāng hóng yú and Shang Liuyusistersstep on, indozensmetershighmonstrous wavesstandin the sea level, is looking athorizonthatsay/waygreatsword, similarly is also the look changes:
海族龙宫之上,商红鱼与商留鱼姐妹踩在数十米高的巨浪站在海面上,望着天际那道巨剑,同样也是色变:„Hewill be all right”
“他会没事么”„Heis a man of creationmiracle, certainlywill be all right.”
……Comparesbeyondten thousandli (0.5 km)shockedandworried,allDemon Race of scenepressingcrawledby the pressure of thatterrifyingin the place, the whole bodyrustletrembles.
相比万里之外的震惊与担忧,现场的所有魔族都早已被那恐怖的威压给压得匍匐在地,浑身簌簌发抖。Only thenin the templeseems like the strangestrengthasylum, just nowcanavoidthatterrifying the pressure.
只有神殿中似乎有一股奇异力量庇护,方才能免遭那恐怖的威压。Mogardsighs with emotiononesuddenly: „No wonder the lord of previousevil spiritsaid that mustkill the controlworldauthorityRegentto be almost impossibleinthisworld, thisswordcongealed the will of the whole world, cutsto kill the powerful enemywith the strength of the whole world, in the worldwhoand othersresistedthissword!”
莫加德忽然感慨一声:“难怪先前妖魔之主说要在这个世界杀死掌控世界权柄的摄政王几乎不可能,这一剑凝结了整个世界的意志,是用整个世界的力量去斩杀强敌,世上又有谁等抵挡这一剑!”Heafter all is several thousandyears ago expert that andevil spiritlords of share the honor, althoughnow the woundis heavy, but the eyesightstill, thensawthismove of fierceall of a sudden.
他毕竟是几千年前和妖魔之主齐名的高手,如今虽然伤重,但眼力仍在,一下子便看出了此招的厉害。„Weconqueredso manyworldbefore, manyratioworldis strongermuchexistences, someexpert have the principlebeacon, whydoes not havemight that soheshowsnow”Latin Americato be very puzzled, thismovemustexceedherimagination.
“我们以前征服了那么多世界,不乏比这个世界强得多的存在,有些强者同样有法则信标,为何没有他如今施展出来的这般威力”萨拉美十分不解,这一招强得超出了她的想象。„Thisworldis very special, is more special than anyworld that weconquer, evenis more special than ourevil spiritworld! Iunderstandfinallywhy before , lord of subordinateso manyexpertevil spiritwill be killedinthis.”Mogardlookis suddenly excited.
“这个世界十分特殊,比我们征服的任何世界都要特殊,甚至比我们妖魔世界还要特殊!我终于明白为何之前妖魔之主麾下那么多强者都会丧命于此了。”莫加德忽然神色激动。„The lord of thatevil spiritdied”Latin Americato think of an issuesuddenly.
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