KI :: Volume #24

#2351: Mysterious thing

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The serious footsteps strike to just like timely exhortation to virtue and purity, hits in the people chest, the constriction that everyone one type cannot breathe immediately. 沉重的脚步击犹如暮鼓晨钟,一声声撞击在众人胸口,大家顿时有一种呼吸不过来的压迫感。 A numerous elder complexion drastic change of real demon clan, at this moment, all have gone beyond their area of competence, does not know anything that the young master plays. 真魔一族的众长老脸色剧变,事到如今,一切都已经超出了他们的能力范围了,也不知道公子到底玩的什么。 various woman each other grips tightly, the body that but can from each other shiver slightly feels each other to the unknown fear. 诸女彼此紧握着手,但都能从彼此微微颤抖的身子感受到彼此对未知的恐惧。 Their several people are perhaps calmest on Pei Mianman, after all she and Zu An have experienced several Secret Realm, experienced too many unthinkable things. 她们几人恐怕就裴绵曼最镇定,毕竟她和祖安经历过几个秘境,见识了太多匪夷所思的事情。 The Latin America look is excited, the subconsciousness wants to proceed. 萨拉美则神色激动,下意识想要往前。 Mogard quickly prevents her: Eldest Young Lady, having a look at the situation to say again.” 莫加德急忙阻止她:“大小姐,看看情况再说。” Separated a while, the mist and dust diverges gradually, that fuzzy and huge figure walked to leave gradually. 隔了一会儿,烟尘渐渐散去,那模糊而庞大的身形渐渐走了出了来。 Sees clearly after the opposite party appearance, Latin America is also again difficult to cover in the heart the excitement: Father!” 看清对方样子过后,萨拉美再也难掩心中激动之情:“爹!” She is excited breaks free from the hand that Mogard stopped, threw in the bosom of that form directly, sobbed to cry. 她激动得甩开了莫加德阻拦的手,直接扑到了那身影的怀中,呜咽地哭了起来。 After does not know many years, did many prepared and planned, finally successfully rescued the father. 历经不知道多少岁月,做了多少准备与谋划,终于成功解救了父亲。 So many years all suffering all erupted in this moment, cries the tears unable to suppress radically. 这么多年所有的委屈在这一刻全都爆发了出来,哭得泪水根本抑制不住。 See on lord!” Mogard takes the lead, numerous evil spirit knelt, similarly the look is excited. “参见主上!”莫加德带头,众多妖魔纷纷跪了下去,同样神色激动。 These years they follow Latin America, seriously is the tool bit licks the day of blood, the wife and children, clansmen and relatives and friends, each and everyone die because of them one after another, now finally defends cloud open/start to see moon/month to understand. 这些年他们跟着萨拉美,当真是过的刀头舔血的日子,妻儿、族人以及亲朋好友,一个个都陆续因他们而死,如今终于守得云开见月明了。 Real Demon Race several elders look at each other one, kneels down to salute toward him in abundance, the situation compared with person, contradicted at this time directly, with courting death also no difference. 魔族几个长老对视一眼,也纷纷朝他下跪行礼,形势比人强,这个时候直接顶撞,和找死也没什么区别了。 Pei Mianman is staring at that huge form, the expression is very shocking, Ah Zu did not say that the lord of slaughtering has died? 裴绵曼盯着那巨大的身影,表情十分震惊,阿祖不是说杀戮之主已经死了么? This is how possible! 这怎么可能! What a pity the lord of slaughtering so stands in the front livingly, looks at the responses of Latin America numerous demon, obviously has not admitted mistakes. 可惜杀戮之主又这般活生生站在面前,看萨拉美众魔的反应,显然没有认错。 Has problems? 到底是出了什么问题? She looked subconsciously to stood in frontline Zu An, saw only him still a serene appearance, could not see is thinking anything. 她下意识望向了站在最前方的祖安,只见他依然一副云淡风轻的模样,根本看不出在想什么。 In her heart moves suddenly, in the mind appears a possibility, don't tell me is...... 她忽然心中一动,脑海中浮现一个可能,难道是…… Clever daughter, our father and daughter reunions are the happy matters, how to cry.” The lord of slaughtering patted daughter's shoulder, on the face is completely the color of affection. “乖女儿,我们父女重逢是高兴之事,怎么哭了呢。”杀戮之主拍了拍女儿的肩头,脸上尽是慈爱之色。 I am happy.” Latin America is somewhat embarrassed, wipes tears to sob said that how but regardless of she wipes, the tears as if are general inexhaustible. “我就是高兴。”萨拉美有些不好意思,抹着眼泪哽咽地说道,可无论她怎么抹,泪水仿佛无穷无尽一般。 These years seriously were laborious you.” Lord of huge finger of slaughtering cleaned her cheeks gently, the tone also sobbed especially. “这些年当真是辛苦你了。”杀戮之主巨大的手指轻轻擦拭了她的脸颊,语气也格外唏嘘。 At this time Mogard drank one suddenly: Sees the master, why your several don't kneel?” 这时莫加德忽然喝了一声:“看到主人,你们几个为何不跪?” The look of people fell Pei Mianman various female body. 众人的眼神落到了裴绵曼诸女身上 How many Goddess colors are ugly, they are this world's peak that group of characters, usually in supercilious, how also to kneel down casually? Let alone is an evil spirit that invades this world? 女神色难看,她们都是这个世界最顶尖的那批人物,平日里心高气傲,又怎会随便给人下跪?更何况还是一个入侵这世界的妖魔? Even if dies, cannot lose the moral courage in heart. 就算一死,也不能丢了心中的气节。 At this time Zu An opens the mouth: They are my person, I also have not knelt, you in intentionally Yin-Yang I?” 这时祖安开口了:“她们是我的人,我同样也没跪,你这是在故意阴阳我么?” Mogard coldly said: Donal you always stand upright there, isn't don't tell me willing to give loyalty to the lord?” 莫加德冷冷说道:“多纳尔你始终挺立在那里,难道是不愿效忠主上么?” Hears his words, everyone's line of sight all transferred to Zu An body, the real Demon Race big elder does not listen to signal with the eyes with him, a wise man does not fight against impossible odds. 听到他的话,所有人的视线全都移到了祖安身上,连真魔族大长老也不听跟他使眼色,好汉不吃眼前亏。 Lord of name slaughtering does not come baseless, his natural disposition is cruel, most loathes the subordinate to be disobedient his meaning. 杀戮之主这个名字不是凭空来的,他生性残暴,最厌恶手下人忤逆他的意思。 Sure enough, the lord of look slaughtering narrows the eyes, the people felt immediately murderous intention that just like the essence. 果不其然,杀戮之主眼神一眯,众人立马感觉到一股犹如实质的杀机。 At this time the Latin America hurried opens the mouth said: Father, this time can succeed to rescue you, but must help one another thanks to Donal, he not only constructed the world to transmit grand formation, but also decoded here seal your formation.” 这时萨拉美急忙开口道:“父亲,这次能成功将你救出来,还要多亏多纳尔相助,他不仅建造了世界传送大阵,还破解了此处封印你的阵法。” Never expected that Latin America actually will speak to Donal, Mogard complexion changes. 没想到萨拉美竟然会给多纳尔说话,莫加德不禁脸色一变。 At this time the lord of slaughtering haha smiled: Originally your such skill, is really the hero has the youngster!” 这时杀戮之主哈哈笑了起来:“原来你这么本事,果然是英雄出少年!” Zu An neither arrogant nor servile good a ritual: Overpraised.” 祖安不卑不亢地行了一礼:“过奖了。” Today you save me to come out, is the big hero, benevolence I keep firmly in mind, in the future will not treat unjustly everyone surely.” The lord of slaughtering took a fast look around sharp-eyed for a week, as if must bear in mind everyone's appearance. “今日你们救我出来,都是大大的功臣,各位的恩情我牢记在心,日后必定不会亏待各位。”杀戮之主目光锐利地扫视了一周,仿佛要将所有人的样子记在心里。 Mogard and others returns a courtesy in abundance excitedly, a scene of school of harmony happiness. 莫加德等纷纷激动地回礼,一派其乐融融的景象。 Does not know how on the lord then prepares to do?” Zu An asked suddenly. “不知道主上接下来准备怎么做呢?”祖安忽然问道。 Some of my training date and time restore in peak condition, kills to take the lord of life evil spirit directly, to release hate of heart.” Advocation of cold snort/hum slaughtering. “等我修养些时日恢复巅峰状态,就直接杀回去取妖魔之主性命,以泄心头之恨。”杀戮之主冷哼一声。 At this time Latin America quickly said: Father, these year of evil spirit lord cultivation base to enter greatly, has not been the past level.” 这时萨拉美急忙说道:“爹爹,这些年妖魔之主修为大进,早已不是当年的水平。” Hears worry in her words, the lord of complexion slaughtering sinks: What's wrong, you were said that the father wasn't the opponent of that boy?” 听到她话中的担忧,杀戮之主脸色一沉:“怎么,你是说爹爹不是那厮的对手?” Naturally is not, but was the lord of evil spirit after all were many several thousand years of cultivation time, perhaps the innumerable cultivation resources, the present strength is as good as the father, in addition under him expert was numerous, if we met the tough head-on with toughness, was very difficult the odds of success.” Latin America answered. “自然不是,而是妖魔之主毕竟多了几千年的修炼时间,还有无数修行资源,如今的实力恐怕已经不亚于父亲,再加上他麾下高手众多,若是我们硬碰硬的话,恐怕很难有胜算。”萨拉美解释道。 The lord of slaughtering fell into silent, could see that his complexion fluctuates Yin clearly, seems suppressing what mood. 杀戮之主陷入了沉默,看得出他脸色阴晴变幻,似乎在强忍着什么情绪。 At this time Mogard also said: On lord, Eldest Young Lady said right, moreover now the evil spirit world has been close to perish, now this time goes back to fight with the lord of evil spirit, is really not the wise action.” 这时莫加德也说道:“主上,大小姐说得没错,而且如今妖魔世界已经接近灭亡,现在这个时间回去和妖魔之主斗,实在不是什么明智之举。” The lord of slaughtering one startled: What is the evil spirit world has been close to perish?” 杀戮之主一惊:“什么叫妖魔世界已经接近灭亡?” Latin America then arrives at end beast several thousand years suddenly, then the whole world almost destroys in that terrifying hurricane, now can only hide the matter that into the deep place bottom barely manages to maintain a feeble existence to say fast. 萨拉美这才将末日兽几千年忽然降临,然后整个世界几乎毁灭在那恐怖的飓风之中,如今只能躲入深深的地底苟延残喘的事情快速说了一遍。 The lord of slaughtering has not expected really has such big accident, cannot bear scold: Lord of that boy slaughtering seriously is incompetent, he leads the strength of the whole world unexpectedly is not then the day beast opponent, lost unexpectedly such miserably!” 杀戮之主万万没料到竟然有这么大的变故,忍不住骂道:“杀戮之主那厮当真是无能,他带领整个世界的力量竟然都不是那末日兽的对手,竟然还输得这么惨!” Latin America echoes saying: „The lord of slaughtering is truly incompetent, but possibly also lacked that thing to be related with him, he so did not grasp the whole world like the father truly.” 萨拉美附和道:“杀戮之主确实无能,不过可能也和他缺了那个东西有关,他并不像父亲这般真正掌握整个世界。” The lord of slaughtering heard that happily chatted: Really the fake goods are the fake goods.” 杀戮之主闻言笑了起来:“果然冒牌货就是冒牌货。” Pei Mianman various does woman look at each other one, the lord of what thing evil spirit in the lord of hand don't tell me slaughtering grasps not to have? 裴绵曼诸女对视一眼,难道杀戮之主手中掌握着什么东西妖魔之主没有么? Difficult to be inadequate is the authority of evil spirit world? 难不成是妖魔世界的权柄? They knew from the Zu An mouth before the concept of principle beacon, world authority, does have that strength difference of heaven and earth that can use. 她们之前从祖安口中得知了法则信标、世界权柄的概念,有没有那个,能动用的实力可谓天差地别 don't said that is Pei Mianman various woman, is really the Demon Race big elder is also curious, lord of control slaughtering what thing? 莫说是裴绵曼诸女,就是真魔族大长老也好奇无比,杀戮之主到底掌控着什么东西? Latin America then said: Father, by the daughter humble opinion, was inferior that we first retrieve that thing, then seizes this world, takes advantage of the resources of this world to train expert and strength, finally and lord of evil spirit does accounts.” 萨拉美接着说道:“父亲,以女儿浅见,不如我们先去寻回那物,再占领这个世界,利用这个世界的资源培养高手、壮大实力,最后再和妖魔之主算账。” Advocation of cold snort/hum slaughtering: Thinks that father's strength, which conquers this world also to need that troublesome, refused to accept kills directly is.” 杀戮之主冷哼一声:“以为父的实力,征服这个世界哪还需要那么麻烦,不服的直接杀就是。” Latin America quickly said: This world has Regent named Zu An, is present age strongest expert, before the lord of evil spirit sent many top expert to try to conquer this world, finally all died in his hand, now he seems to have grasped the authority of this world, must cope with him to be perhaps more difficult.” 萨拉美急忙说道:“这个世界有个叫祖安摄政王,乃是当世最强者,之前妖魔之主派了很多顶尖强者过来试图征服这个世界,结果全都死在了他手里,如今他似乎已经掌握了这个世界的权柄,要对付他恐怕更加困难。” Slaughters the Lord God color to congeal: Grasped the world authority, that is not truly good to cope.” 杀戮之主神色微凝:“掌握了世界权柄啊,那确实不好对付。” Latin America then said: Therefore also needs the father to recover that East and West to be able ninety percent sure.” 萨拉美这才说道:“所以还需要父亲找回那件东西方才能十拿九稳。” Good, in the past was suppressed here for several thousand years, I also want to understand sometimes a lot, are extremely proud not meddlesome, later works must have 98% assurances to act again, I do not want to experience again one time by a seal several thousand years of feeling.” The lord of slaughtering coldly said. “不错,当年被镇压在这里数千年,我也想明白了很多事情,有时候太过自负并非什么好事,以后做事一定要有90%八的把握再行动,我可不想再体验一次被封印数千年的感觉。”杀戮之主冷冷说道。 Father( on lord) wise!” Latin America one crowd salutes in abundance. “父亲(主上)英明!”萨拉美一群纷纷行礼。 After separating a while, Mogard inquired: On lord, that thing not here?” 隔了一会儿后莫加德询问道:“主上,那件东西没在这里么?” Advocation of cold snort/hum slaughtering: How then the important thing I can bring in body, luckily so, perhaps otherwise that situation not necessarily could preserve in the past.” 杀戮之主冷哼一声:“那么重要的东西我又岂会带在身上,幸好如此,不然当年那种情况恐怕未必保得住。” Saraz beautiful smiles: Father, I have brought that faith token that you had taught me to take care in the past, what then also needs?” 萨拉美满脸笑容:“父亲,我已经带来了当年你教我保管的那件信物,接下来还需要什么?” dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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