KI :: Volume #24

#2348: Badger game

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Do not rescue the lord of slaughtering, that has not come to the wrong place, he was suppressed under this Great Snow Mountain.” Zu An spoke thoughtlessly to reply, is looking at periphery the continuous snowy mountain, the faded and fallen snowflake, his facial expression somewhat was moved inexplicable. “你们不是要营救杀戮之主么,那就没来错地方,他就被镇压在这片大雪山之下。”祖安随口答道,望着周围连绵不绝的雪山,飘零的雪花,他的神情有些莫名伤感。 Although the world said that Great Snow Mountain is the life restricted area, here many expert come to explore to treasure hunt has not gone back again, but he is from the beginning happy regarding memory of Great Snow Mountain, because he and Yan Xuehen presents a gift here. 虽然世人都说大雪山是生命禁地,很多高手来这边探险寻宝都再也没回去过,但一开始他对于大雪山的记忆是甜蜜的,因为他和燕雪痕就是在这里定情的。 He still remembers the water of that hot spring now- slippery, the warmth of iceberg common Big sister Yan most deep place. 他现在都还记得那温泉的水-滑,还有冰山一般的燕姐姐最深处的温暖。 But place of that war seal, oneself rushed to here afterward, the Qiu Honglei almost fragrant disappearing jade perishes here, afterward knew that mysterious snow female unexpectedly is Chu Chuyan, looks at her to dissipate helplessly before oneself, although behind both had a reunion, but when parted forever the pain that remembers with eternal gratitude has lingered in the heart. 可后来封印之地那场大战,自己赶到这边,秋红泪差点在这里香消玉殒,后来又得知了那神秘的雪女竟然就是楚初颜,眼睁睁地看着她消散在自己面前,虽然两者后面都重逢了,但当初生离死别时那刻骨铭心的痛还是一直萦绕在心中。 Young master, your isn't healthy?” Feeling side man flash figure is somewhat stiff, on the face also appears the uncomfortable meaning, Ji Xiaoxi asks kindly. “公子,你身体不舒服么?”感受到身旁男人一瞬间身形有些僵硬,脸上也浮现出难受之意,纪小希关切地问道。 Own always subconsciousness wants to shout Big Brother Zu each time, this time bore luckily. 自己每次总是下意识想喊祖哥哥,幸好这次忍住了。 All right.” Zu An returns by a gentle smile. “没事。”祖安回以一个柔和的微笑。 At this time Latin America of not far away actually could not bear cry: Father, these years you suffered hardships.” 这时不远处的萨拉美却是忍不住哭了:“爹爹,这些年你受苦了。” On Mogard and other faces also reveals sadly with the color of anger, such place they stayed such a small little while to feel somewhat uncomfortably, the old master actually suffered hardships here for several thousand years. 莫加德等人脸上也露出悲伤与愤怒之色,这样的地方他们才呆了这么一小会儿都觉得有些难受,老主人却在这里受苦了数千年。 At this time a person called out in alarm suddenly: My cultivation base probably became low.” 这时其中一个人忽然惊呼起来:“我的修为好像变低了。” I am also!” Others also called, each and everyone somewhat is panic. “我也是!”其他的人也纷纷叫了起来,一个个都有些惊慌失措。 Even Mogard complexion is staring at own ugly/difficult to look at, the facial expression somewhat is also vacant. 连莫加德都脸色难看地盯着自己的手,神情也有些茫然。 After all in the evil spirit world was expert is to usually revere, small and weak means that was enslaved by expert even eats directly. 毕竟在妖魔世界中素来是强者为尊,弱小了就意味着被强者奴役甚至直接吃掉。 Not nervous, this was limited by the will of this world, causing cultivation base to reduce, after leaving this world, will restore.” With their panic opposite, flaccid feeling that Zu An one line of actually one types return to the hometown. “诸位莫慌,这是被这个世界的意志所限制,导致修为降低了,离开这个世界后会恢复的。”和他们的惊慌失措相反,祖安一行人却有一种回到故乡的松弛感。 Especially Pei Mianman various woman, in the evil spirit world their cultivation base compared with some evil spirit world these expert also many disparities, but now this world, although some disparities, had strength of the war. 特别是裴绵曼诸女,之前在妖魔世界她们的修为比起妖魔世界那些强者还有不少差距,但现在这个世界么,虽然还是有些差距,却也不是没有一战之力了。 Their feelings, do not even have Zu An to help now even, their several independent combat with the Latin America and his party anyone, the self-preservation does not have the too major problem. 她们甚至有一种感觉,如今就算没有祖安帮忙,她们几个和萨拉美一行任何一人单打独斗,自保还是没太大问题的。 At this time Latin America also opened the mouth: Donal said right, everyone is not flustered, before the lord of evil spirit did not send many expert to come to this world, they have the similar experience.” 这时萨拉美也开口了:“多纳尔说得对,大家莫要慌张,之前妖魔之主不是派了很多强者来过这个世界了么,他们也有同样的经历。” But they all died probably here.” And said hand/subordinate spookily. “可他们好像全死在这里了。”其中一个手下幽幽地说道。 Latin America: „......” 萨拉美:“……” She light snort/hum: Now in this world of ice and snow, so long as our not on a grand scale, these expert of this world are unable to discover us.” 她轻哼一声:“如今这冰天雪地里,只要我们不大张旗鼓,本世界的那些强者根本无法发现我们。” Fears what Regent of this world, once by them were discovered we were dangerous.” Mogard is somewhat anxious. “就怕这个世界的什么摄政王,一旦被他们发现我们就危险了。”莫加德有些忧虑。 Other these also nod under abundance, recently two years of evil spirit world too many expert lost here, the Regent reputation even can frighten in the evil spirit world stops the young child morbid night crying, almost becomes the terrifying of being next to the evil spirit Lord exists. 其他那些手下也纷纷点头,最近两年妖魔世界太多强者折戟在这里,摄政王的名头在妖魔世界甚至能吓得止小儿夜啼,几乎成为仅次于妖魔之主的恐怖存在。 Although everyone knows that he drew support from the limit of this world to kill so many expert, but they also arrive at this world now similarly. 虽然大家知道他不过是借助了这个世界的限制才杀了那么多强者,但如今他们同样也来到了这个世界了。 Saw expert of one crowd of evil spirit world to be frightened the collective to fall into silent by the Zu An reputation, Pei Mianman various Nvxiang smiled does not dare to smile, but is looking at Zu An, in the look is completely the meaning of admiring. 见一群妖魔世界的强者祖安的名头吓得集体陷入了沉默,裴绵曼诸女想笑又不敢笑,只是纷纷望着祖安,眼神中尽是佩服之意。 That anything Regent is strong, but does not need to fear, our here so many expert, even if bumped into him still to only have the dead end.” The low of some Latin America discontented morale, I felt that let alone my present strength had not been weakened so many in imagination.” “那什么摄政王是强,但也没必要这么怕,我们这边这么多强者呢,就算碰到了他也只有死路一条。”萨拉美有些不满士气的低迷,“更何况我感觉我现在的实力也没有被削弱想象中的那么多。” In Mogard hears Yanyan one bright: Good, without is so odd, it seems like it is the beforehand these fellows who beforehand information said exaggerates, conceals their incompetent.” 莫加德闻言眼中一亮:“不错,没之前情报里说的那么离谱,看来是之前那些家伙夸大其词,掩饰他们的无能。” The people detected oneself remaining cultivation base imagination in also wants to be higher, curses angrily the phony intelligence that the lord of evil spirit gives. 众人察觉到自己剩下的修为比想象中的还要高一些,纷纷怒骂妖魔之主给出的假情报。 On the Latin America face appears to ridicule: Lord of subordinate so many expert evil spirit die all here, he to save the face, naturally can declare to the outside the enemy is very powerful, never expected that we were deceived.” 萨拉美脸上浮现出一丝讥讽:“妖魔之主麾下那么多高手尽数死在这里,他为了挽回颜面,自然会对外宣称敌人很强大,没想到我们都被骗了。” Pei Mianman various Nvwang her facial expression was somewhat sympathizing, perhaps this woman has not known Ah Zu strongly in this world...... 裴绵曼诸女望着她的神情都有些同情了,这女人恐怕还不知道阿祖在这个世界有多强吧…… Luckily Latin America also not that extremely arrogant generation, the decision inquires the news again much: Donal, you have come to this world, heard that also has had to do with that Regent, his strength how?” 幸好萨拉美也并非那种狂妄之辈,还是决定再多打探一下消息:“多纳尔,你来过这个世界,听说也和那个摄政王打过交道,他的实力到底如何?” Feeling is similar to me.” Zu An thinks, told the facts. “感觉跟我差不多吧。”祖安想了想,还是实话实说。 Heard his replying, Latin America and his party all laughed, that did not need to fear. 听到他的答话,萨拉美一行全都哄笑了起来,那就不用怕了。 On Donal this fellow formation some truly skills, perhaps but by the effective strength, them selects one to come out casually compared with him. 多纳尔这家伙阵法上确实有些本事,但论战斗实力,恐怕他们这边随便挑一个出来都比他强。 How many of real demon clan long on face are somewhat ugly, can't our family/home young masters so withstand in your eyes? 真魔一族的几位长老脸上有些难看,我们家公子在你们眼中就如此不堪么? Although was clear that at this time should be filled with righteous indignation, but why does not know, heard young master just words, relaxes inexplicably. 虽然清楚此时应该义愤填膺,但不知道为何,听到公子刚刚的话,还是莫名地松了一口气。 Sees their responses, Pei Mianman various woman sneers secretly, smiles, before long you could not smile. 看到他们的反应,裴绵曼诸女暗暗冷笑,笑吧,过不了多久你们就笑不出来了。 Ji Xiaoxi could not bear looked at Zu An one, thought that Big Brother Zu so faded badly, this flash as if returned just to meet initially, thinks in the past all sorts, her lip angle went up, shows a sweet happy expression. 纪小希忍不住多看了祖安一眼,心想祖哥哥还是这般蔫坏,这一瞬间仿佛回到了当初刚见面的时候,想到当年种种,她唇角上翘,露出一丝甜甜的笑意。 Latin America was some doubt sized up Zu An one: But I remember that you were compelled to escape initially distressedly by that Regent, how is his strength possible and you are similar?” 萨拉美则是有些狐疑地打量了祖安一眼:“可我记得你当初就是被那个摄政王逼得狼狈逃回来了啊,他的实力怎么可能和你差不多?” What I said is I in the strength of evil spirit world, my strength dropped much in this world, in addition he can also utilize this world a lot of influence resources, I naturally am not an opponent.” Zu An replied unhurriedly. “我说的是我在妖魔世界的实力,在这个世界我的实力下降了不少,再加上他还能动用这个世界很多势力资源,我自然不是对手。”祖安不慌不忙地答道。 Latin America nods, agreed with his explanation. 萨拉美点了点头,对他这个解释表示认同。 She also asked suddenly: Right, heard that Regent seems like a playboy, this aspect even also surpasses you.” 她忽然又问道:“对了,听说那个摄政王似乎是个花花公子,这方面甚至还超过你。” Zu An: „......” 祖安:“……” Pei Mianman several people almost smile to make noise, looked that for the first time this Latin America is so pleasing to the eyes, were many a happy expression among usually the elegantly beautiful Jiang Luofu foreheads. 裴绵曼几人差点笑出声来,第一次看这个萨拉美如此顺眼,连素来冷艳的姜罗敷眉宇间都多了一丝笑意。 Zu An can only brace oneself to reply: His female friend are truly many.” 祖安只能硬着头皮答道:“他身边的红颜知己确实不少。” He how old, looks how,” Latin America, sized up Zu An, supplemented one, appearance compared with you how?” “他多大年纪,长得如何,”萨拉美顿了顿,打量了一下祖安,又补充了一句,“样貌比你如何?” Some Zu An doubts, how she gossipped suddenly. 祖安有些疑惑,她怎么突然八卦起来了呢。 But how can only consider to reply: Un, probably about 20, looks handsome like a jade tree, is dashing, is liked by everybody...... I to be far less than him.” 无奈之下只能斟酌着如何回答:“嗯,大概二十左右吧,长得玉树临风,英俊潇洒,人见人爱……我远不如他。” Hears his blowing own horn, Pei Mianman several females looks at each other one, saw the complaining desire of each other suppressing- looks. 听到他的自吹自擂,裴绵曼几女对视一眼,都看出了彼此强忍的吐槽欲-望。 Even Ji Xiaoxi hears the small face slightly red, the unstated criticism, Big Brother Zu good...... is not really concerned about face. 纪小希都听得小脸微红,腹诽不已,祖哥哥真的好……不要脸。 That is good.” Latin America nods, whole person long stretch/leisurely one breath. “那就好。”萨拉美点了点头,整个人长舒一口气。 At this time Pei Mianman various female instantaneous vigilances, why faintly ominous premonitions. 这时裴绵曼诸女瞬间警觉,为何隐隐有一种不祥的预感。 Why will Eldest Young Lady care about these?” Zu An is somewhat puzzled, this woman asked quite baffling, what conspiracy was difficult to be inadequate is planning? “为何大小姐会关心这些?”祖安有些不解,这女人问得没头没尾的,难不成是在打算什么阴谋? I worried that the conduct is not accidentally smooth, perhaps by the critical life or death time, I can also display honey trap color- tempts him,” Latin America mentioned these probably naturally common, „was also worried that he was just like lord of that disfigured evil spirit, feared being able to get down mouth, since were a beautiful male is best.” “我担心万一行事不顺,到了危急存亡时刻,我说不定还能施展美人计色-诱一下他,”萨拉美说起这些好像理所当然一般,“还担心他是个犹如妖魔之主那种的丑八怪,怕下不去嘴,既然是个美男就最好了。” Zu An: „???” 祖安:“???” Pei Mianman various woman: „!!!” 裴绵曼诸女:“!!!” dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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