KI :: Volume #24

#2343: The end arrives

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Because is worried about a long delay usually means many problems, Zu An then constructs to transmit formation day and night. 因为担心夜长梦多,祖安接下来没日没夜去建造传送阵法 Jiang Luofu and he had such matter, now is together alone, should be awkward, in view of the fact that Ji Xiaoxi and the others place the dangerous situation now, was worried that under also has no time to think other. 姜罗敷和他发生了那样的事,如今又单独相处,原本应该尴尬的,不过鉴于纪小希等人如今身处险境,担心之下倒也无暇去想其他。 She nearby such attendant, helping various Zu An types overcome the hand, she after all in Academy so many years, learned and accomplished, understands some formation. 她就在那样随侍一旁,帮祖安各种打下手,她毕竟在学院那么多年,博学多才,也了解一些阵法 Two people coordinate, doing is not but actually tired. 两人配合,干起来倒也不累。 Finally transmitted formation daybreak then to fix before the 2nd day thoroughly, compared with expected must shift to an earlier time the half of the day. 最后传送阵法在第二日黎明前便彻底修好了,比预期的还要提早半天。 Latin America has received the message, leads under Mogard as well as ten masters comes together. 萨拉美早就收到消息,带着莫加德以及十名手下一起过来。 Zu An carefully observes his subordinates, each and everyone cultivation base endures compared with the beforehand flame demon sea-nymph, thought that this woman also has the skill, her father left office for several thousand years, can have so many fierce expert unexpectedly. 祖安仔细观察他那些手下,一个个修为都堪比之前的焰魔海妖,心想这女人倒也有本事,她爹都下台几千年了,竟然还能有这么多厉害的高手 When Latin America saw on the scene also has several elders of real demon clan, the look changes, quickly encircled Zu An and the others in abundance. 当萨拉美看到在场的还有真魔一族的几个长老,不由纷纷色变,急忙将祖安等人围了起来。 In the Latin America eye contains the ghost: Donal, you betrays me 萨拉美眼中含煞:“多纳尔,你出卖我” Real demon clan big elder and the others are startled, must know the Latin America and other present, but top counter- thief, Donal how with her gathering same place. 真魔一族的大长老等人更是吃惊,要知道萨拉美等如今可是头号反贼,多纳尔怎么会跟她凑到一起。 Zu An is holding Jiang Luofu that pliable but hard to break waist , to continue to act real demon clan that wave- pampered young master of: Eldest Young Lady considered thoroughly, if I betrayed you, this time came continued these people, but was the lord of evil spirit arrives.” 祖安抱着姜罗敷那柔韧的腰肢,继续扮演着真魔一族那个浪-荡的公子哥:“大小姐多虑了,我如果出卖你了,这次来的就不止这几个人,而是妖魔之主亲临了。” Principal Big Sister body is quite fragrant. 校长姐姐身上好香。 Jiang Luofu the body ties tight at this time, pinched the waist of Zu An in secret, she suspected that Zu An this fellow is working for one's own interests under the guise of working for the public, and has the evidence. 姜罗敷此时身体紧绷,暗中掐了掐祖安的腰,她怀疑祖安这家伙在假公济私,而且有证据。 But is in front of these evil spirit now, she also can only continue to play the beforehand role. 只不过如今当着这些妖魔的面,她也只能继续扮演着之前的角色。 Latin America and Mogard look at each other one, knows truth that somewhat he said: Your this anything meaning 萨拉美和莫加德对视一眼,都知道他说的有几分道理:“那你这什么意思” Zu An said with a smile slightly: Our real demon clan these elders also want to go to that beautiful new world to have a look, I am not always good to refute their faces.” 祖安微微笑道:“我们真魔一族这些长老们也想去那个美丽的新世界看看,我总不好驳他们的面子吧。” He had not been thinking a belt/bring real demon clan, but more wants more to think that yesterday a real demon clan is hiding what secret, finally is prompted by a sudden impulse or decides to take big elder and the others. 他原本是没想着带真魔一族的,只不过昨天越想越觉得真魔一族隐藏着什么秘密,最终心血来潮还是决定将大长老等人带上。 The big elder knew that can go to the new world, similarly is wild with joy, this resources-short underground city they have stayed enough. 大长老得知可以去新世界,同样欣喜若狂,这个资源贫瘠的地下城他们早已呆够了。 Immediately calls the major elders, finally is selective five people to represent the new world hits the outpost. 当即召集各大长老,最后精挑细选出五个人为代表去新的世界打前哨。 Thinks various beautiful new world types of new blood food take drainless, each and everyone is much more excited. 一想到美丽的新世界各种新鲜血食取之不竭,一个个都激动得流口水。 Never expected that Donal this boy put in order such big pleasant surprise not making a sound unexpectedly, really had the Patriarch style more and more. 没想到多纳尔这小子不声不响竟然整出了这么大的惊喜,真是越来越有族长风范了。 This may to the difference that we said from the beginning.” The Latin America complexion is gloomy. “这可跟我们一开始说的不一样。”萨拉美脸色阴沉。 Zu An does not care at all: „The person who side is a little familiar with, always feels relieved.” 祖安毫不在意:“身边有点自己熟悉的人,总是放心一些。” Mogard secret sound transmission: Eldest Young Lady, this boy estimate is afraid us dismantles the bridge after crossing, therefore called some same clan to embolden.” 莫加德暗暗传音:“大小姐,这小子估计是害怕我们过河拆桥,所以叫了些同族壮胆。” Latin America sneers secretly: Before this boy all sorts of behaviors, his a little does not guard against me to be instead somewhat surprised. However he was too naive, we really must begin, these fellows were also useful.” 萨拉美暗暗冷笑:“以这小子以前的种种行为来看,他不这样有点防范我反而觉得有些意外。不过他还是太天真了,我们真要动手,这几个家伙又有什么用。” Does not need the lord of father slaughtering to go out to begin, solely their these, no matter the quantity or cultivation base, want powerful compared with a real demon side many. 都不需要父亲杀戮之主出关动手,单单他们这些,不管是数量还是修为,都比真魔一方要强大不少。 „, Allowed you to lead them, everyone worked as one, rescued my father together, when the time comes a real demon clan, had to enjoy not the glory, splendor, riches and honor...... Latin America to speak inevitably to a real demon clan fervently. “也罢,就允许你带他们了,大家同心协力,一起解救我父亲,到时候真魔一族,必然有享不尽的荣华富贵……”萨拉美冲真魔一族慷慨激昂地演讲道。 But the real demon big elder has crossed by the age that the pictures of cakes charm, in his surface is responding to Latin America with a laugh, at the same time inquired Zu An in secret anxiously: How rescue slaughtering the Lord young master you meddles this extermination of the clan the matter!” 只不过真魔大长老早已过了被画饼迷住的年龄,他表面上笑呵呵地回应着萨拉美,一边暗中焦急询问祖安:“营救杀戮之主公子你怎么插手这种灭族的事啊!” Big elder is not hurried, now the whole world arrives this step, the lord of evil spirit is unreliable, we must seek the way out in addition.” Looks the big elder as if sky collapsed expression, Zu An somewhat is also funny, if moves to locate, oneself this time head should also humming sound. “大长老莫慌,如今整个世界走到这一步,妖魔之主已经靠不住了,我们得另寻生路。”看着大长老仿佛天塌了的表情,祖安也有些好笑,若是易地而处,自己此时脑瓜子应该也嗡嗡的吧。 But sought the way out unable to find the Latin America that side again in addition.” Looks at the appearance of big elder, perhaps if not the situation compared with person, he has tied up Latin America to take undeserved credit now. “可再另寻生路也不能找到萨拉美那边去啊。”看大长老的样子,若非如今形势比人强,说不定他已经绑着萨拉美去邀功了。 Big elder did not say a secret of our real demon clan in the Ancient Times forehead, but the forehead in the cultivation world, Latin America and his party happen to must go to that world to save the lord of slaughtering, we can search to explore the way with the aid of their strengths.” Zu An urged. “大长老不是说我们真魔一族的秘密在上古天庭么而天庭又在修行世界,萨拉美一行正好要去那个世界拯救杀戮之主,我们可以借助他们的力量去探探路。”祖安劝道。 In the real demon big elder heart moves, must know the cultivation world, although is small and weak, but that side has incomparably powerful Regent, the lord of evil spirit patted many top expert to have not to return in the two years in the past, has Latin America and his party to withstand/top truly well in front. 真魔大长老心中一动,要知道修行世界虽然弱小,但那边有个无比强大的摄政王,妖魔之主这两年拍了多少顶尖强者过去都有去无回,有萨拉美一行在前面顶着确实不错。 Thinks that resumes the seduction of ancestor honor, the big elder tacitly approved this matter finally. 想到恢复先祖荣光的诱惑,大长老最终默认了这件事。 At this time Latin America has directed transported in large quantities of high rank Origin Stone as if all around formation, she arrived in front of Zu An: Now all have prepared, can start transmits formation.” 这时萨拉美已经指挥手下搬运了大批高阶元石仿佛四周阵法之中,她来到祖安面前:“如今一切已经准备好,可以启动传送阵法了。” This formation is he cultivates after all, essential plate control in his hands. 阵法毕竟是他修的,关键的阵盘掌控在他手里。 Wait a bit, a matter.” Zu An was saying looked around Jiang Luofu one. “稍等,还有一件事。”祖安说着看了旁边的姜罗敷一眼。 The Jiang Luofu associative compound, raises the hand suddenly, a cloud penetration arrow attacks the horizon. 姜罗敷会意,忽然扬起手,一支穿云箭直插天际。 Was put under house arrest Pei Mianman in palace and the others and other coherent signals, hears word has taken out a plate in abundance, usually handles gently, a quick a stream of mark appears in the nearby. 被软禁在宫殿中的裴绵曼等人早就在等相关信号,闻言纷纷取出一个阵盘,素手轻点,很快一道道阵纹在附近浮现。 cultivation the lord of evil spirit in the palace opened the eye suddenly, the sinking sound asked: Outside anything situation 原本在宫中修炼的妖魔之主忽然睁开了眼睛,沉声问道:“外面什么情况” Before quick has a palace , the demon causes your letter report: On start/open Bingzhu, outside the palace some people project the whistling arrow suddenly, seems like what cipher, we are sending people to go to examine.” 很快有一个殿前魔使进来禀报:“启禀主上,宫外忽然有人射出哨箭,似乎是什么暗号,我们正在派人前去查看。” The lord of evil spirit deeply frowned: I felt in the palace to have formation to fluctuate probably.” 妖魔之主眉头紧锁:“我好像感受到了宫中有阵法波动。” He is just about to travel to examine, suddenly the complexion changes, looked to the direction of underground city vault. 他正要动身前去查看,忽然脸色一变,望向了地下城穹顶的方向。 An intermittent everything may become vulnerable transmits, the vault in entire underground city also presented ka ka the crack sound, as if will collapse momentarily. 一阵阵地动山摇传来,整个地下城的穹顶也出现了咔咔的裂声,仿佛随时会垮塌下来。 Aura of destruction lowers continuously, the underground city is in chaos immediately, they were too ripe to this aura. 一缕缕毁灭的气息降下,地下城顿时陷入一片混乱,他们对这个气息太熟了。 Is the strength of this destruction makes the whole world fall to the enemy, making tyrannical temporary them have to retreat in defeat again and again, finally hides in the city of this underground deep place. 就是这种毁灭的力量让整个世界沦陷,让强横一时的他们不得不节节败退,最后躲到这地下深处的城中。 That is the aura of end beast terrifying storm, it checked the address of underground city! 那是末日兽恐怖风暴的气息,它查到地下城的地址了! The lord of evil spirit cannot attend to the palace these formation fluctuating again, hurried loudly exclaimed: Underground city defends formation to have problems, everyone comes with me!” 妖魔之主再也顾不得宫中那些阵法波动,急忙大吼道:“地下城防御阵法出了问题,大家跟我来!” At once brings three strange bird to shoot up to the sky from the palace, goes toward the underground city vault. 旋即带着三头怪鸟从宫殿中冲天而起,朝地下城穹顶而去。 Before each palace , the demon causes, the formation master in palace with, them was clear in abundance, if defends the formation damage, the entire underground city the direct exposure in the face of the strength of that destruction, how long could not want, the end beast sensation will come here, when the time comes no can live. 各个殿前魔使,还有宫中的阵法师纷纷跟了上去,他们清楚,若是防御阵法损坏,整个地下城将直接暴露在那毁灭的力量面前,要不了多久,末日兽就会感知到这里,到时候没有一个能活下来。 Looks at the evil spirit to shoot up to the sky, in the palace in the most honored garden, form standing is one of them, the whole person packages in a giant cape, the face hides in the shadow of hat, only could see the corners of the mouth are hanging ponders the happy expression: Matter was getting more and more interesting.” 看着妖魔冲天而起,宫殿中一个最尊贵的庭院中,一个身影站在其中,整个人包裹在一个巨大的斗篷之中,脸藏在帽子的阴影中,只看得到嘴角挂着的一丝玩味笑意:“事情越来越有趣了。” And said that a real demon clan, Jiang Luofu just sent out the whistling arrow, the subordinates in Latin America pulled out the weapon instantaneously: „Do you do!” 且说真魔一族,姜罗敷刚刚发出哨箭,萨拉美的手下瞬间将武器拔了出来:“你干什么!” The each and everyone imposing manner rises dramatically, encircles Jiang Luofu in the middle, so long as orders, can rip the fragment her instantaneously. 一个个气势暴增,将姜罗敷围在中间,只要一声令下,就能瞬间将她撕成碎片。 The Jiang Luofu complexion is somewhat pale, but she did not worry, because Zu An always keeps off before her body. 姜罗敷脸色有些苍白,只不过她并不担心,因为祖安始终挡在她身前。 Not nervous, this is I makes her send.” The Zu An look is tranquil, the aura isolation of these terrifying outside. “诸位莫慌,这是我让她发的。”祖安神色平静,将那些恐怖的气息隔绝在外。 On the Latin America face flashes through unusual look, but look ice-cold: You just caught us in the lord of notice evil spirit 萨拉美脸上闪过一丝异色,不过还是神色冰冷:“你刚刚在通知妖魔之主来抓我们么” She has been guarding against this situation actually, established the dark sentry post to examine all the way, had not discovered that exceptionally came. 她其实一直防备着这种情况,一路上都设置了暗哨查看,并没有发现异常才现身。 But she realizes the general idea/careless now, if Donal and his party constrain them, the lord of evil spirit truly can catch up smoothly, such all ended. 只不过她现在意识到大意了,若是多纳尔一行拖住他们,妖魔之主确实能顺利赶过来,那样一切都完了。 She understands finally why this fellow must shout an elder of real demon clan, although these fellows make the inadequate what danger, but constrains them to accomplish. 她终于明白了为何这家伙要把真魔一族的长老喊来,这些家伙虽然造不成什么危险,但拖住他们还是办得到的。 Thinks of here, in her eye the murderous intention overflows. 想到这里,她眼中杀机四溢。
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