„Misunderstanding?”Zu Ansneers, walkedtoward the opposite partydirectly.
“止步!”皮总管身边的侍卫警告道。Theypresent the life of lord of evil spirit, is responsible forprotecting the security of skinmanager, if the managerhas an accident, theyhavetenheadsalsoinsufficientlyto cut.
The Zu Anlookis indifferent, does not seem to heardgeneral, continuedto walktoward the opposite.祖安神色冷漠,仿佛没听见一般,继续朝对面走了过去。Thatsound of footstepsas iftreadsabove the atria of numerousdemon, the skinmanagersubconsciousnesswill draw backdrawing backin the future.
那脚步声仿佛踏在众魔的心房之上,皮总管下意识往后退了退。Otherguards could also not helpdraw backin the futureseveralsteps.
其他的侍卫也情不自禁往后退了几步。Whydoes not know, oppositefellowbodyhas an inexplicableimposing manner, makingtheirheartfeel weak.
An bow and arrowguardis extremely tense, has not pressed firmly between the fingers the bowstring, in the hand a loosen, an advantagearrowrapidshottowardZu An.
一个弓箭侍卫太过紧张,没有捏住弓弦,手里一松,一根利箭迅速朝祖安射了过去。Thisintensetime, hadlead, othercompanionsthink that somepeopleorder, the bow and arrowin abundancelasing in hand.
这种紧张的时刻,有了带头,其他的同伴以为有人下了命令,手中的弓箭纷纷激射而出。„Aiya!” The bigelderthighpattedquicklyrottenly, hewas just aboutto persuade, who would have guessed thathitsuddenly.
Can't lord of theseguardsevil spiritcalm down?
The words saying that young mastercultivationworldcame backto growmuch, it seems like it was stimulatedbythatRegent, reallyneeded to growinformed and experienced.
话说公子这次修行世界回来成长了不少,看来被那个摄政王刺激到了,果然需要历练才能成长。Although the archeronly hassix, butas the evil spirit the Lordguard, how could do theirstrengthsregard as the commonarcher?
虽然弓箭手只有六个,但身为妖魔之主的侍卫,他们的实力又岂能看作一般的弓箭手?Eacharrowshell seems to be common, is carrying the terrifyingpower and influence, razes to the ground the trimmedicinegardensufficiently.
每根箭仿佛炮弹一般,都携带着恐怖的威势,足以将整片药园夷为平地。Moreoversixarrowscoordinateextremelyexquisitely, blockedhigh and lowaboutall the routes of dodging, making the enemyroadlessmayescape.
The Zu Anlookis tranquil, hehas not dodgedfrom the start, butstands in same place, suddenlylifted the hand.祖安神色平静,他压根没有闪避,而是站在原地,忽然抬起了手。skinmanager the eyesshrinkinstantaneously, heseesobviouslyclearly, the opposite partylifts the movement of handto be very slow, seems picking the branch that dropsto be the same.
一根,两根……Suddenly, heunexpectedlythatifquickly the bow and arrow of lightningtookin abundancein the hand.
眨眼间,他竟然将那快若闪电的弓箭纷纷拿在了手中。Thisis how possible!
这怎么可能!don'tsaid that isskinmanageroneline, somebigelderdoubts, whenyoung master’s was cultivation basesohigh?
莫说是皮总管一行,就连大长老都有些疑惑,公子的修为什么时候如此高了?Sees onlynextsecond of Zu Anto wieldconveniently, thatseveralarrows in hishandshootat a quickerspeed.
The rapidness of speed, the numerousdemonsrespondedradicallywithout enough time.
速度之快,众魔根本来不及反应。„!”Sixarchersalmostcalled out pitifullysimultaneously, the skinmanagerturn headlooked, discovered that ontheirheadsis inserting an arrow, the strongimpulsemadetheirheadsexplodemost probably, the scenewas especially bloody.
“啊!”六个弓箭手几乎是同时惨叫起来,皮总管回头望去,发现他们的脑袋上都插着一根箭,强大的冲击力让他们的脑袋都爆掉了大半,场面格外血腥。„Donalyoumustrevolt!” The swordguard and shieldguard under bodyare startledandfear.
“多纳尔你要造反么!”身下的刀剑侍卫与盾牌侍卫又惊又惧。Mustknow that theyare the lord of subordinateguard of evil spirit, whousually is away from homenot to flatterthemcautiously?
The guard who justthatseveralbesiegedthattwomaidservantswas killed can also say that hedoes not know, moreovertheseare the skinmanagerprivateguards, the positionstatusandtheirtheseguardswere entirely different.
刚刚那几个围攻那两个侍女的侍卫被杀还可以说他不知道,而且那些都是皮总管私人的侍卫,地位身份和他们这些侍卫截然不同。Theyspoke, Zu Anfigurehas appearedbeforethem.
他们说话间,祖安身形已经出现在他们面前。Bang, the bigshield on shieldguardarmwas shakenby the greatstrengthdirectlyfliesbeyonddozensmeters.
The swords in othertheseswordguardhandsalsobreak offin abundance, theyhave not even seen clearlywhat's the matter, Zu Anhad seized the neck of skinmanager, lifted the spacehim.
The skinmanagerwas just aboutto begin, but the opposite party was really quick, his skillhas not shownwith enough timeis then trigged the strategic pointby the opposite party.
皮总管原本正要动手,可对方实在是太快了,他一身本事还没来得及施展便被对方制住了要害。Feelson the neckthatiron hoophand, as ifcancrumbhisthroatband, the skinmanagerbreathbe getting more and more difficultmomentarily, the plump and fair-complectedfacerisesinstantaneouslyred, evenstartsto turn purple.
感受到脖子上那铁箍般的手,似乎随时都能捏碎他的喉箍,皮总管呼吸越来越困难,白白胖胖的脸瞬间涨得通红,甚至开始发紫起来。„Shows mercy!”Hefeltoneselfdiequickly, the bigelderruns overimpatiently.
“手下留情!”他感觉到自己快死的时候,大长老心急火燎地跑了过来。„Young master, mustimpulsenot.” The bigelderquicklyadvises saying that simultaneouslyis crazytohimsignals with the eyes.
“公子,莫要冲动。”大长老急忙劝阻道,同时疯狂给他使眼色。Zu Anknits the browsslightly, nowthisskinmanagerhad offended, might as wellkilleddirectlyby the never recurringtrouble.祖安微微皱眉,如今这个皮总管已经得罪了,还不如直接杀了以绝后患。Felthiskilling intent, the skinmanageralmostfrightens the urine: „Bountiful...... forgives!”
The bigelder is also hurriedsound transmission saying: „Young master, the main pole of evil spiritis the favorskinmanager.”
大长老也急忙传音道:“公子,妖魔之主极为宠幸皮总管。”„What's the big deal.”Zu Ancoldlysaid,now the lord of evil spiritneedshimto work astwo-sidedspyLatin America, naturallycannotmovehimcasually.
“那又如何。”祖安冷冷道,如今妖魔之主需要他在萨拉美这边当双面间谍,自然不会随便动他。On the contraryisifputthisskinmanager, the ghostknows that hecanin the main surface of advanceslanderous talkevil spirit, variousschemes and trickscope withhim, nowat the evil spiritworldcrisis, hedoes not thinkstep by stepmanywantsto plot againsthisenemymomentarily.
The bigelderwas anxious: „don't tell meyouforgothimareon the lordbelovedmale- favored, if you homicide, on the lord the thunderwere angry, when the time comesdon'tsaidyou, perhaps an entirerealdemonclancould not preserve.”
大长老急了:“难道你忘了他是主上心爱的男-宠了么,你要是把他杀了,主上雷霆大怒,到时候莫说你,就连整个真魔一族恐怕也保不住。”Thisyoung master’schangeis big, are don't tell methattwowomensoreally important?
这次公子的变化好大,难道那两个女人真就那么重要?Reallyis the femme fatale!
果然是红颜祸水啊!„Male- favors?”Zu Anis startled, at oncefeelshot, throws into the distant place the skinmanagerinstantaneously.
“男-宠?”祖安一怔,旋即觉得烫手,瞬间将皮总管抛到远处。InhishandcondensedWater Elemental, cleanedinstantaneouslyseveral.
他手上凝聚了一层水元素,瞬间就清洗了好几遍。No wonderbeforethought that thisfellowobviouslyfacewhiskers, on the contrary the soft and fair skin, withoutleast bitfirm yang aura, isthisreason.
难怪之前就觉得这个家伙明明一脸络腮胡,反倒细皮嫩肉,没有半点阳刚之气,原来是这个原因。Saw that helets loose the skinmanager, the bigelderrelaxes, hurriedheldskinmanagerin the past.
看到他将皮总管放开,大长老松了一口气,急忙过去将皮总管扶了起来。„Is managerall right?”
“总管没事吧?”„Snort,”skinmanageris just aboutto manifest suddenly, butsees the Zu Anform, thinks that hejustdied the feeling of covering, swallowed the words of mouth, turns aroundto run.
“哼,”皮总管正要发作,不过看到祖安的身影,想到他刚刚被死亡笼罩的感觉,将嘴边的话吞了回去,转身就跑。As soon asheruns, othertheseguardsnaturallyalsofollowedheto run.
The Zu Aneyebrowmoves, butnotagaintake action.祖安眉毛动了动,不过并没有再出手。
The bigelderrelaxesfinally: „Justscared to deathme, ifyoureallyimpulsed the homicidewetroubledin a big way.”
大长老终于松了一口气:“刚刚吓死我了,你要是真的冲动将他杀了我们就麻烦大了。”„Inaturallyobtain the clearweight.”Zu Anreplied.
“我自然分得清轻重。”祖安答道。At this time the bigeldersomewhathad doubts: „Donalyou seemed to be fiercer than before.”
这时大长老有些疑惑:“多纳尔你似乎比之前厉害了很多啊。”Solelyiscultivation base is not actually bigwith the beforehanddisparity, buthisbodythataura, justletsome of hispalpitations.
单单是修为其实和之前差距不算大,但他身上那种气场,刚刚让他都有些心悸。If notoneselfhad gottenhisphysical examfor successive two times, perhapswill suspect that hehadto pretend to bebyanything.
若非自己连续两次检查过他的身体,恐怕都会怀疑他被什么存在冒充了。Zu Anhas thought that explained: „Hadsomefortuitous encountersin the cultivationworld, harvestedmuch.”祖安早就想好了解释:“在修行世界有了一些奇遇,收获了不少。”
The bigeldersighs with emotion: „Thatcultivationworldis really mystical, a rise and fall of it seems likerealdemonclaninthatworld.”
……Andsaid that the skinmanagerescapesfearful and apprehensive, whenwill unable to seeZu Anjust nowto relaxagainfrom now on.
且说皮总管胆战心惊地一路逃跑,待再也看不见祖安过后方才松了一口气。Thenrealized that justdistress, the hurriedstiffbody, reorganized the somewhatdisorderlyclothessimultaneously.
然后意识到刚刚的狼狈,急忙挺直身子,同时整理有些凌乱的衣服。„Manager, thisDonal is really audacious in the extreme, darestoyourtake action!”Nearbyguardcannot bearsay,just the opposite partykilledtheirmanycolleagues, theyabuse powerso manyyears, is so when distressed?
“总管,这个多纳尔实在是胆大包天,竟敢对您出手!”旁边的侍卫忍不住说道,刚刚对方杀了他们不少同僚,他们作威作福这么多年,什么时候这么狼狈过?skinmanager the expressionis cloudy and cold: „The shame of today, Iwill let the Donalhundredtimes of repayments!”
皮总管表情阴冷狰狞:“今日之辱,我会让多纳尔百倍偿还!”Hedecided that goes backto add inflammatory detailsto describein the lord of evil spirit, on the lordtakes responsibilityforhim, hecompletelywill haveexpertto come backto askDonalto do accounts.
他决定回去在妖魔之主添油加醋描述一下,主上为他做主,他会尽起高手回来找多纳尔算账。When the time comeswill makeDonallielike the dogbeforehimaskshim, thenworks ashissurfaceproperlyto sufferto play with his twobeautifulmaidservant.
到时候会让多纳尔像狗一样趴在他面前求他,然后再当着他的面好好折磨玩弄他那两个美丽的侍女。Becausewhenyear to yearevil spiritLordmale- favors, hismentalityhas twisted.
因为常年当妖魔之主的男-宠,他的心态早已扭曲。Onlywantsoneselfbodybitter experiencehundredtimes of thousandmorevariousothersbody.
只想将自己身上的遭遇百倍千倍加诸别人身上。„Perhapsyoudid not have the opportunity.”At this time a chuckletransmitted.
“恐怕你没机会了。”这时一声轻笑传来。„Who?”Numerousdemonsonestartled, had not detectedcompletelyhas others to approach.
“谁?”众魔一惊,完全没察觉到有其他人靠近。Seeks the prestige, discoversonnot far awaytreeto stand a form.
寻声望去,发现不远处树上站着一个身影。„Originallyisyou.”Saw clearlyafter the opposite party, the skinmanagerrelaxes, „frightensmeto jump.”
“原来是你。”看清了对方过后,皮总管松了一口气,“吓我一跳。”Hejustsaid that formdisappearssuddenlydoes not see, just like a lightningto pass over gently and swiftlyaroundhim.
The instinct of manyyears of guardmakestheseguardshold up the weapondefensesubconsciously, what a pity, oneveryoneneckhad hadtogether the fiercewoundlate.
多年侍卫的本能让那些侍卫下意识举起兵器防御,可惜已经晚了,所有人脖子上都出现一道狰狞的伤口。„Whyis......?” The wound that skinmanagercovers the neck, triesto hold the opposite partywith the handat the same time.
“为……为什么?”皮总管一手捂住脖子的伤口,一边试图用手抓住对方。Thatformsimplyhas not respondedhim, butspread out a book, puts outpays the light the pento write above: „Maidservant who xyearsxmoon/monthxday, the skinmanagersexually harassed a realdemonclanyoung masterDonal, both sideswere rivals for sexual favorhittake actiongreatly, indignantunderwas killedbyDonal.”
After finished, thatpagevanishedinvoiddirectly, the a stream ofspecialtracescattered in all directionsin the air, the history of as ifthisworldwere manysomerecord.
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