KI :: Volume #24

#2315: One under demon, above ten thousand demons

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The servant looked at Zu An one, somewhat hesitates. 那仆人看了祖安一眼,不禁有些犹豫。 The big elder opens the mouth saying: But said that might as well.” 大长老开口道:“但说无妨。” The servant then said: Just the young lead(er) two girls went to the medicine garden to pick the medicine, originally from the beginning returns very good, who knows that suddenly the skin manager came.” 那仆人这才说道:“刚刚小的领两位姑娘去药园采药,本来一开始还好好的,谁知道忽然皮总管来了。” Skin manager!” The big elder heard that the word complexion changes. “皮总管!”大长老闻言脸色一变。 In Zu An heart curious, this what skin manager anything background, why elder assembly such response. 祖安心中好奇,这个什么皮总管到底什么来头,为何大长老会这样的反应。 The servants looked at Zu An one cautiously, this continues saying: Two maidservants who skin manager one sees the young master, thought that their looks is attractive, therefore then wants to sexually harass, that old is protecting young, had the conflict with skin manager......” 仆人小心翼翼地看了祖安一眼,这才继续说道:“皮总管一来就看到公子的两个侍女了,觉得她们长得漂亮,所以便想要调戏,那个年长的护着年纪小的,和皮总管产生了冲突……” He has not said, Zu An has vanished in same place, rushes over in the direction of medicine field directly. 他还没说完,祖安已经消失在了原地,径直朝药田的方向冲了过去。 The big elder complexion changes, quickly pursued: Young master, must impulse not.” 大长老脸色一变,急忙追了上来:“公子,莫要冲动。” Zu An cold snort/hum: What's wrong, others bullied on the face, haven't we been able to impulse?” 祖安冷哼一声:“怎么,人家都欺负到脸上了,我们还不能冲动一下么?” The big elder smiles bitterly saying: Can it be that young master forgot the skin manager is on a lord...... trusted aide, on his acceptor favored extremely, if annoyed him, basically did not have the good end.” 大长老苦笑道:“公子莫不是忘了皮总管是主上的……的心腹,他极受主上宠幸,若是惹到了他,基本没有好下场的。” The Zu An surface sinks like the water, he is not Donal, where also manages what manager non- manager. 祖安面沉如水,他又不是多纳尔,哪里还管什么总管不总管的。 The big elder continues to urge fast: Young master, we have not obtained the first ancestor to inherit now, should conceal one's abilities and bide one's time conceals one's abilities and bides one's time, but several women, are not worth having no consideration for face with the skin manager.” 大长老继续快速劝道:“公子,我们现在还没有得到始祖传承,该韬光养晦就韬光养晦,不过几个女人而已,不值得和皮总管撕破脸。” Zu An cold snort/hum: Some things can make concessions, something cannot, the evil spirit world expert be to revere, if were snatched the woman by the opposite party face to face, how other clans do see our real demon clan?” 祖安冷哼一声:“有些事情能退让,有些事情不能,妖魔世界本就强者为尊,若是当面被对方抢了女人,其他各族如何看我们真魔一族?” Feels the anger in his voice, the big elder was anxious immediately: How many young master time dealt with the skin manager before is not good? Previous time also delivered a maidservant to him, how this time to calm down?” 感受到他声音中的怒气,大长老顿时急了:“公子之前几次应付皮总管不是挺好的么?上次还送了一个侍女给他了,怎么这次这么沉不住气了?” During the speeches the sound were many wiped the meaning of doubts. 说话间声音多了一抹疑惑之意。 In Zu An heart one startled, has not thought of here to expose weaknesses, but he responded quickly also: This other, I compromised for the general interest for a while for a while before like that also has not seen him to read me to be good, instead bullies me intensely, if this time made concessions again, later has not known that this fellow will set what excessive request to a real demon clan.” 祖安心中一惊,没想到这里露出了破绽,不过他反应也快:“此一时彼一时也,之前我那般委曲求全,也没见他念我好,反而变本加厉地欺负我,若是这次再退让了,之后还不知道这家伙会对真魔一族提出什么过分的要求。” When the time comes other clans think our real demon clan is weakly good to bully, comes up to nip one in abundance, our real demon clan cannot shoulder even again.” “到时候其他各族以为我们真魔一族软弱好欺,纷纷上来咬一口,我们真魔一族就算再强也扛不住啊。” Hears his words, the big elder look moves, he said that indeed really has several points of truth, this skin manager really does not make sense. 听到他的话,大长老神色一动,他说的确实有几分道理,这个皮总管实在不像话。 However he cannot bear say with a smile: Young master so many reasons, want to come to be the quite pleasing that two maidservants.” 不过他还是忍不住笑道:“公子这么多理由,想来还是颇为中意那两个侍女吧。” Feels his relaxed tone, Zu An knows that this pass/test was: I did not deny, really has part reason.” 感受到他轻松的语气,祖安知道这一关是过了:“我不否认,确实有部分这个原因。” During speeches two people had arrived at the medicine Tian radical, at this time the medicine Tian radical was encircling one pile of evil spirit. 说话间两人已经来到了药田旁,此时药田旁正围了一堆妖魔。 The assorted evil spirit is teasing flies round around two women with a smile, once for a while wants to touch the body of opposite party intentionally, but each time that mature female fends off. 各色妖魔正戏谑笑着在两个女人周围飞来飞去,时不时故意想去触摸一下对方的身体,只不过每次都被其中那个成熟的女子挡开。 Jiang Luofu protects obscenely after behind, slightly not by various surroundings types Ji Xiaoxi- the evil spirit influence that smiles, displays various skills to protect around the body. 姜罗敷纪小希护在身后,丝毫没有被周围各种淫-笑的妖魔影响,施展各种技能护住周身 Ji Xiaoxi is also counter-attacking to help her share the pressure diligently, her cultivation base is too just low, the role that plays is minimal. 纪小希也在努力反击帮她分担压力,只不过她的修为太低,起到的作用微乎其微。 But distant place one group of evil spirit guards are crowding around a plump and fair-complected evil spirit, smilingly is looking at all these. 而远处一群妖魔侍卫簇拥着一个白白胖胖的妖魔,正笑眯眯地看着这一切。 Especially saw that various Jiang Luofu types fly to kick greatly elegantly- when leg, could not bear blow the whistling. 特别是看到姜罗敷各种飞踢大秀美-腿时,忍不住吹起了口哨。 The big elder could not bear looked at Jiang Luofu one, thought that no wonder the young master liked them, was truly attractive. 大长老也忍不住多看了姜罗敷一眼,心想难怪公子那么喜欢她们,确实漂亮得很。 This legs don't said these young people, if oneself were young 20 years old, perhaps will also be excited. 双腿莫说那些年轻人了,若是自己再年轻个二十岁,恐怕也会心动。 Side that physique petite little miss body has timid soft to sprout/moe the makings, is very easy to stimulate the protection desire of man. 旁边那个体态娇小的小姑娘身上更是有一种怯生生的软萌气质,很容易激发起男人的保护欲。 beauty, do not revolt, from our manager, our manager will love the person very much.” 美人儿,别反抗了,就从了我们总管吧,我们总管可是很会疼人的。” Good, the skin manager in our world is under an demon, above ten thousand demons, so long as had to enjoy not the glory, splendor, riches and honor from him.” “不错,皮总管在我们世界可是一魔之下,万魔之上,只要从了他就有享不尽的荣华富贵。” If not, since, your fates compared with dying also miserably.” “若是不从,你们的下场会比死都还惨。” Nearby several evil spirit walks randomly, while villainous smile sexually harassing. 旁边几个妖魔一边游走,一边奸笑着调戏。 Although they same have the torso four limbs, but the bluish gray color, on the head two sharp corners/horns, the lower jaw is all over the body tall and slender, an entire head but actually triangle seems to be ordinary. 他们虽然和人一样有躯干四肢,但通体青灰色,脑袋上两个尖角,下颚细长,整个脑袋仿佛一个倒三角一般。 In the hand some take the sword, some take the similar carbine common weapon, from attacks in all directions toward two females. 手里有的拿着刀剑,有的拿着类似骑枪一般的武器,从四面八方朝两女攻过去。 But Jiang Luofu around the body dances in the air eight to send the hairpin common flying sword similarly, protects completely two people around the body, at all not to the opportunity that they are close. 只不过姜罗敷周身飞舞着八根类似发簪一般的飞剑,将两人周身护得完完全全,根本不给他们接近的机会。 You have not eaten meal, couldn't both women cope?” At this time that plump and fair-complected evil spirit nearby small monster that lowered the head to bend the back cannot bear shout. “你们是没吃饭么,两个女人都对付不了?”这时那白白胖胖的妖魔旁边一个低头哈腰的小妖忍不住喊道。 That small monster whole body flesh drab, a big mouth accounted for cheeks half, in addition various body types of dense and numerous disgusting lumps, as if toad is fine. 那小妖浑身肌肤土褐色,一张大嘴巴占了脸蛋儿的一半,再加上身上各种密密麻麻恶心的疙瘩,仿佛一个癞蛤蟆精一般。 Hears his cry, these guards do not dare to turn on the water again: This woman is really thorny, everyone do not show tender affection, acts seriously.” 听到他的叫声,那些侍卫也不敢再放水了:“这女人还真棘手,大家别怜香惜玉了,动真格的。” Surrounding simultaneously accordingly, stepped up the offensive to attack toward two females in abundance. 周围齐齐应声,纷纷加紧攻势朝两女攻了过去。 Jiang Luofu feels the pressure on multiply immediately, when is worrying, suddenly side transmits several black air/Qi swords, penetrates the evil spirit that side these besieged directly. 姜罗敷顿时感受到压力倍增,正担忧之际,忽然旁边传来几道黑色气剑,直接穿透了旁边那些围攻的妖魔。 „!” “啊!” An intermittent pitiful yell sound gets up, the evil spirit that these besiege was nailed tight all in side. 一阵阵惨叫声响起,那些围攻的妖魔尽数被钉死在了旁边。 Two females turn head look, sees the arrival of Zu An, Ji Xiaoxi is pleasantly surprised: Ancestor......” 两女回头望去,看到祖安的到来,纪小希不禁又惊又喜:“祖……” Jiang Luofu quickly breaks, first shouts: Master!” 姜罗敷急忙打断,抢先喊道:“主人!” Ji Xiaoxi also responded instantaneously, similarly followed to shout: Master!” 纪小希也瞬间反应过来,同样跟着喊道:“主人!” Small cheeks is ruddy. 一张小脸蛋儿红扑扑的。 Jiang Luofu the cheeks also somewhat feel hot at this time, shouted his master for the first time, but also is in front of so many people. 姜罗敷此时脸颊也有些发烫,第一次喊他主人,还当着这么多人的面。 The key is the opposite party age is smaller than her, initially in Brightmoon City was also her student, that feeling had inexplicable ashamed and specialness. 关键是对方年龄还比她小,当初在明月城还算是她的学生,那种感觉有一种莫名的羞耻与特殊。 Zu An saw that two people are safe, this relaxes. 祖安看到两人平安无恙,这才松了一口气。 Hears two different-styled masters, saw again two females have various characters and styles respectively, in the Zu An also heart. 听到两声风格各异的主人,再看到两女各有各的风情,祖安也不禁心中一荡。 But he restrains the mind quickly, looking at distant place that looked is lead plump and fair-complected evil spirit body. 只不过他很快收敛心神,将目光放到了远处那个一看就是领头的白白胖胖妖魔身上 Cannot see him is what prototype, is only the soft and fair skin, as if on the demon person rag doll face is actually growing whiskers, matches is having an inexplicable strange feeling together. 看不出他是什么原型,只是细皮嫩肉的,仿佛魔人布偶脸上却长着一圈络腮胡,搭配在一起有一种莫名的诡异感。 This should be the skin manager in big elder mouth. 这应该就是大长老口中的皮总管了吧。 Sees the Zu An action, that skin manager complexion sinks, side that frog essence first jumped: Bold, dares to kill the subordinate of skin manager blatantly, is this must revolt?” 看到祖安的举动,那皮总管脸色一沉,旁边那个蛤蟆精先跳了起来:“大胆,竟敢公然杀害皮总管的手下,这是要造反么?” dengbidmxswqqxswyifan dengbidmxswqqxswyifan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan shuyueepzwqqwxwxsguan xs007zhuikereadw23zw xs007zhuikereadw23zw
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