KI :: Volume #24

#2313: A secret of real demon clan

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On the greatly long expert trembles, originally prepares to the cup of Zu An liquor almost falls but actually directly on the ground. 大长老手上一颤,本来准备给祖安倒酒的杯子都差点直接掉在地上。 At this time he could not attend to but actually the liquor, quickly put down the bottle and cup: Young master, why will say like this 此时他也顾不得倒酒了,急忙将瓶子和杯子放下:“公子,为何会这样说” Zu An then today all that encountered in the palace and he said: I look that helplessly the crazy king also has the green crown lizard king dead before me, the lord of evil spirit obviously is not the action of having no interest, this does to look to me obviously intentionally.” 祖安这才将今天在宫殿遭遇的一切和他讲了一遍:“我就眼睁睁看着狂王还有绿冠蜥王死在我面前啊,妖魔之主显然不是无心之举,这样显然是故意做来给我看的。” The big elder swallows the saliva: Has not thought that crazy king Helv crown lizard king one generation of fierce and ambitiouses, die unexpectedly such vexed, the one had only known, they might as well and others went to the cultivation world with the shadow fiendish person, even if dies still dies imposingly.” 大长老咽了咽口水:“没想到狂王和绿冠蜥王一代枭雄,竟然死得这么窝囊,早知如此,他们还不如和暗影魔王等一起去修行世界,就算死也死得轰轰烈烈嘛。” In the Zu An heart moves, listens to his tone, the crazy king Helv crown lizard king is equivalent in the position and strength and the shadow fiendish person evil spirit world, that easily killed their evil spirit the Lord strength to be immeasurably deep. 祖安心中一动,听他口气,狂王和绿冠蜥王在妖魔世界的地位与实力与暗影魔王相当,那轻易杀死他们的妖魔之主的实力更加深不可测了。 „The young master does not need to worry, listens to your words the meaning, obviously was they colluded with previous dynasty surviving members, therefore was executed, on the lord this act should warn a real demon clan, so long as later we worked conscientiously, poured does not need to fear.” The big elder is gradually quiet , before arriving at the table, but actually liquor. “不过公子不必担心,听你话的意思,显然是他们勾结了前朝余孽,所以才被处死,主上此举应该只是警告真魔一族,只要以后我们兢兢业业做事,倒也不必怕。”大长老渐渐平静下来,又来到桌前倒酒。 At this time Zu An said: But I had accepted gathering of Latin America Eldest Young Lady before, but also promised them.” 这时祖安说道:“可是我之前接受过萨拉美大小姐的招揽,还答应了他们。” Since this matter had known the lords of evil spirit, he pours did not fear that said listens to others, changes passively for initiative. 既然这件事连妖魔之主都已经知道了,他倒也不怕说给其他人听,变被动为主动。 What!” The wine pot in greatly long expert has not grasped finally, bang fell on the ground, fell place broken. “什么!”大长老手里的酒壶终于没有拿住,砰的一声掉在了地上,碎落了一地。 That flows everywhere the ape red wine fluid to be similar to his time mood. 那四处流淌的猩红酒液就如同他此时的心情。 He cannot attend to loving dearly oneself this bottle of collections, quickly grabs the hand of Zu An to ask: Young master you do not frighten me, what situation 他顾不得心疼自己这瓶珍藏,急忙抓着祖安的手问道:“公子你别吓我,到底什么情况” Zu An has been paying attention to his response, determined that he truly does not know oneself relations with Latin America, this said: „Before I go to the cultivation world, Mogard has looked for me, earlier today, Latin America Eldest Young Lady also looked for me personally.” 祖安一直关注着他的反应,确定他确实不知道自己和萨拉美一方的关系,这才说道:“我去修行世界之前莫加德来找过我,今天早些时候,萨拉美大小姐也亲自来找了我。” Big elder hears word immediately fuss: Muddled, how the young master you can rebel the communication with these.” 大长老闻言顿时急得团团转:“糊涂啊,公子你怎么能跟这些逆贼来往呢。” He had not asked that Zu An does have to join the opposite party, he and opposite party frequent contact does not have first to report that had explained the issue. 他没有问祖安到底有没有加入对方,他和对方频繁接触却没有第一时间举报已经说明了问题。 He also understands why finally the lord of evil spirit will massacre the crazy king and green crown lizard king before the young master intentionally, obviously gets suspicious. 他也终于明白妖魔之主为何会故意在公子面前杀掉狂王与绿冠蜥王,显然是起了疑心。 I do not have the means that now the whole world creakies, will welcome the result of destruction momentarily, so many years, the lord of evil spirit thinks that the solution his means were proven the each and everyone failure finally, the big family member thoughts move, I also want to look for the outlet to a real demon clan.” Zu An replied at the same time, simultaneously is observing opposite party's response, is used to change the rumor momentarily, what is lucky is the opposite party has not had the suspicion. “我也没办法,如今整个世界摇摇欲坠,随时会迎来毁灭的结局,这么多年了,妖魔之主有没有想到解决办法他的办法最终被证明一个个失败,大家人心思动,我也是要为了给真魔一族寻找出路而已。”祖安一边回答,同时观察着对方的反应,用来随时改变口风,万幸的是对方并没有产生怀疑。 May not need to mix up with these previous dynasty surviving members.” The big elder cannot bear say, you think the lord of slaughtering was any good thing, in the past, made cruelly various respected families to its disunity, competed in the cultivation world to be defeated afterward are suppressed in that side, even if he really came back, can change anything!” “可也没必要跟那些前朝余孽混在一起啊。”大长老忍不住说道,“你以为杀戮之主就是什么好东西了么,当年残暴不已,弄得各大家族对其离心离德,后来出征修行世界失败被镇压在那边,就算他真的回来,又能改变什么!” But must make anything, cannot sit waits for death.” Zu An stares looks at his eye. “可总要做点什么,总不能一直坐着等死吧。”祖安直勾勾地看着他的眼睛。 The big elder fell into silent, the expression appears struggles especially, several times started to speak but hesitated, is joining hands behind the back the turning circle circle in the room. 大长老陷入了沉默,表情显得格外挣扎,数次欲言又止,背着手在房中转圈圈。 Transfers the Zu An eye somewhat spent time, he stopped finally, as if next decided anything to be determined general: Blames me, something this/should told you earlier, otherwise you so will not be impulsive.” 转得祖安眼睛都有些花了的时候,他终于停了下来,似乎下定了什么决心一般:“都怪我,有些事情该早点告诉你的,不然你也不会这么冲动。” What matter in the Zu An heart moves, he through all sorts of signs guessed correctly that a real demon clan has the secret, therefore comes the big elder to develop intentionally, has not thought that was really effective. “什么事情”祖安心中一动,他通过种种迹象猜到真魔一族有秘密,所以故意来大长老这边演上一番,没想到真的奏效了。 You should still remember how your father died initially.” The big elder tone is serious. “你应该还记得你爹当初怎么死的吧。”大长老语气沉重无比。 Zu An un, thought how ambiguous I know how Donal his father dies. 祖安模棱两可地嗯了一声,心想我怎么知道多纳尔他爹咋死的。 When is worrying exposes weaknesses, the big elder from attending to saying: Initially the lord of evil spirit led some of your father also large clans king to meet head-on the end beast together, finally loses, the kings of various large clans lose seriously, many simply have not come back, although your father successfully escapes, but he has been seriously injured, at the point of death first told me a secret of real demon clan, lets me, when you are powerful enough transmit to you again.” 正担忧露出破绽之时,大长老已经自顾说道:“当初妖魔之主带着你爹还有各大族的王一起去迎战末日兽,结果铩羽而归,各大族的王损失惨重,好多都根本没有回来,你爹虽然成功逃回来,但他已经身受重伤,临死前告诉了我真魔一族的秘密,让我在你足够强大的时候再转交给你。” He, deeply looked at Zu An one: Originally has thought the young master is not very powerful, but this time young master can succeed greatly in the cultivation world, moreover this time walks randomly between the lords and evil spirit lords of slaughtering, this frame of mind is really surprises me, should make you know this secret.” 他顿了顿,深深地看了祖安一眼:“本来一直觉得公子还不够强大,但此番公子能在修行世界大获成功,而且这次游走在杀戮之主与妖魔之主中间,这份心气实属让我意外,也该让你知晓这个秘密了。” Zu An in the heart filled at this time curiously, wishing one could makes him leave so many idle talk, quickly marches into the subject. 祖安此时心中充满了好奇,恨不得让他别这么多废话,赶快步入正题。 The big elder has not made him wait for a long time luckily, got down several sound-insulated formation in the side arrange/cloth conveniently, this sincere said: Young master, relations that below said the life and death of my clan, you were sure to remember that cannot divulge a point to go out, no matter past the good friend, were side these women, otherwise wanted some wee bit divulging, our real demon clan will be beyond redemption.” 幸好大长老并没有让他久等,随手在身边布下了数个隔音法阵,这才正色说道:“公子,下面说的关系着我族的生死存亡,你切记不能泄露一点出去,不管是昔日好友,还是身边那些女人,否则只要有一丁点泄露,我们真魔一族就会万劫不复。” This is natural!” Zu An complies immediately. “这是自然!”祖安立马答应。 Feels his seriousness, the big elder nods satisfied: „The young master trip cultivation world, should see that side Demon Race, thought they and we are somewhat similar 感受到他的郑重,大长老满意地点了点头:“公子此行修行世界,应该见过了那边的魔族,是不是觉得他们和我们有几分相似” Good, no matter appearance, even the language custom is close.” Zu An replied, in the heart also had doubts, don't tell me Monster Race was really the past evil spirit world some bloodlines that left behind in that side. “不错,不管长相,甚至语言习俗都很接近。”祖安答道,心中同样有一种疑惑,难道妖族真的是当年妖魔世界在那边留下的一些血脉么。 Not only approaches, us even can also change magically to stimulate them to hide the strength in bloodlines.” The big elder mentioned this to have a natural pride. “岂止接近,我们甚至还能点化激发他们隐藏在血脉里的力量。”大长老说起这个有一种天然的骄傲。 Is because they are our ancestors Zu An are probing asking in the bloodlines that the cultivation world leaves behind. “是因为他们是我们先祖在修行世界留下的血脉么”祖安试探着问道。 „The bloodlines their inferior stock lifeform of ancestor also matches big elder to laugh at one, Monster Race of cultivation world was the ancestor inspired the spirit wisdom of local indigenous life in the blood that lands fight left behind in the past, but evolved gradually.” “先祖的血脉他们那种劣种生物也配”大长老嗤笑一声,“修行世界的妖族不过是当年我们先祖在那片土地战斗留下的鲜血启发了当地土着生灵的灵智而渐渐演化来的而已。” „The blood of ancestor unexpectedly is so powerful Zu An to be somewhat surprised, the expert blood effect is truly extremely numerous, for example his present blood can treat some internal injuries , to promote cultivator cultivation base and so on, but must open the spirit wisdom of life, cannot achieve by far. “先祖的血竟然如此强大”祖安有些吃惊,强者的鲜血确实功效极多,比如他如今的血可以治疗一些暗伤,促进修行者修为之类,但要开启生灵的灵智,还是远远做不到的。 Naturally, the young master may know an ancestor of our real demon clan is anything has big elder to say this saying time somewhat is excited. “当然,公子可知我们真魔一族的先祖是什么存在”大长老说这话的时候都有些激动。 don't tell me is not the real demon Zu An is startled. 难道不是真魔么”祖安一怔。 Of course not, we now are only because lost the strength in remote antiquity bloodlines, degenerates, for a real demon clan,” big elder snort/hum one, our ancestors are the Spiritual God in forehead!” “当然不是,我们如今只是因为失去了远古血脉里的力量,才退化为了真魔一族而已,”大长老哼了一声,“我们的先祖乃是天庭里的神灵!” Forehead then was really one's turn Zu An to be startled, although has guessed correctly some ancestor backgrounds of real demon, but has not thought that the background was so big. “天庭”这下真的轮到祖安吃惊了,尽管已经猜到了真魔的先祖有些来头,但万万没想到来头这么大。
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