ThatflashZu Anwhole bodyfine hairset upright, almoststicks out suddenlyat the sceneescapes.
那一瞬间祖安浑身汗毛都竖了起来,差点当场暴起夺路而逃。Butwalks randomlyin the life and deathedgeyear to year, hehasenoughcalmness, salutesto explainquickly: „ThatLatin Americahas truly looked forme, butIhave not workedforher.”
只不过常年游走在生死边缘,他有足够的镇定,很快行礼解释道:“那萨拉美确实找过我,但我并没有为她做事。”Lord of slight nodevil spirit: „Verygood, if you earliest possible timequibbledhave not contactedLatin America, nowis a corpse.”
妖魔之主微微点头:“很好,你要是第一时间狡辩没接触过萨拉美,现在已经是一具尸体了。”„Onlordwise.”Since the Zu Annaturallyclearopposite partywere in front ofownto sayLatin America, deniedandis not meaningful.
“主上英明。”祖安当然清楚对方既然当着自己的面说出了萨拉美,否认并没有什么意义。If the opposite partyreallymustkillhim, theoreticallywill not saythesetohim the response time, thereforeroughlyguessed correctly the thoughts of opposite party.
如果对方真要杀他的话,理论上不会说这些给他反应的时间,所以大致猜到了对方的心思。Helooked atnot far awaytwowreckage, instantaneouslyreason thatunderstood the lord of evil spiritmakesthemjustarrangein front ofoneself, topunish one as a warning to others.
他看了一眼不远处两具残骸,瞬间明白了妖魔之主之所以让他们刚好排在自己前面,就是为了杀鸡儆猴。„Latin Americagives the duty that youissueisanything” the lord of evil spiritaskslightly.
“萨拉美给你布置的任务是什么”妖魔之主淡淡地问道。„Inquireshis father'snewsin the cultivationworld, if possible, helpingherrescue the lord of slaughtering.”Zu Anreplied, henaturallynot the idea to Latin Americagiving loyalty, replied that theseandhad nothinghesitant, the opposite partyseemed like the planto win overhim, ifat this timedid not coordinateon a real numberiron.
“在修行世界打探他爹的消息,如果可能的话,帮她营救杀戮之主。”祖安答道,他自然没有给萨拉美效忠的想法,回答这些并没有什么犹豫,对方似乎是打算拉拢他,这个时候若是不配合就实数头铁了。„The lord of rescueslaughtering” the lord of evil spiritsneers, „just as expected, rescuesto be successfulfinally”
“营救杀戮之主”妖魔之主冷笑一声,“果然不出所料,结果呢,营救成功没有”„Naturallyno, shadowfiendish personand the othersare defeatedinGreat Snow Mountain, proved the destinystillon the lordhere.”Zu An not saltywas not palepattedflattery.
The lord of evil spiritlaughs: „Destinynaturallyme!”
After laughs wildly, hethenasked: „That sideconcreteanythingsituation, toldme.”
一阵狂笑过后,他接着问道:“那边具体什么情况,跟我说说。”Althoughhebeforesentthreegroups of troopsto capture the cultivationworldtogether, butwas away from is so of far and barriercultivationworld, manydetailnewshehad no wayto receivepromptly.
他之前虽然派了三路人马共同夺取修行世界,但隔着这么远以及修行世界的屏障,很多细节消息他也没法及时收到。Zu Anhas prepared the excuse, hearswordspoke with confidence, the naturalsevenpoints of realthreepoints of false, especially the lord of killedessentialnewsslaughteringconcealed.祖安早已准备好了说辞,闻言侃侃而谈,当然七分真三分假,特别是杀戮之主被杀的关键消息隐瞒了下来。Said that from now onhewill be probingasking: „Onlord, ItoLatin Americatheyemptywithwinding, reallydo not turn tohim.”
说完过后他试探着问道:“主上,我只是对萨拉美他们虚与委蛇而已,并没有真的要投靠他。”„, Whythatfirstdoes not report the lord of evil spiritto sneerto saytome”,coordinatingbehindthatthreestrange birdto chew the sound of bone, appears the especiallygloomyterrifying.
“哦,那为何不第一时间向我汇报”妖魔之主冷笑道,配合着后面那三头怪鸟嘴嚼骨头的声音,显得格外阴森恐怖。Zu Anrespondedquicklyalso: „Mostlyis worriedto be suspectedby the lordon, feared that seized the chanceto slanderbyothercolleagues, thereforeconcealedhas not said......”祖安反应也快:“主要是担心被主上怀疑,又怕被其他同僚趁机进谗,所以才隐瞒没说……”Advocation of coldsnort/humevil spirit: „Ido not know that theseareyourtrue ideas, is your word of deceiving.”
妖魔之主冷哼一声:“我不知道这些到底是你的真实想法,还是你的欺瞒之词。”Zu Anjustwantsto sayagain,was actually brokenby the opposite party: „Thisis unimportant, whenyouknowall that thenI said that naturallyunderstandthis/shouldgives loyalty toanyoneloyally.”祖安正想再说,却被对方打断:“不过这不重要,等你知道了接下来我所说的一切,自然明白该忠心效忠谁。”Zu Anhearswordstares, felt unusual.祖安闻言一愣,感觉到了一丝不寻常。„Youthink that Latin AmericaandMogardtheyreallybelieveyou” the lord of evil spiritsneer, „is just usesyouto cope withme, youmayknow why theymustmakeyoubring back totheseDemon RaceSaintessfrom the cultivationworld”
“你以为萨拉美、莫加德他们是真的相信你么”妖魔之主冷笑一声,“只不过是利用你来对付我而已,你可知道他们为何要让你从修行世界带回那些魔族圣女”Zu Anheard that the wordwhole bodyfine hairalmostblasted out, doingfor quite a whilechoseDemon RaceSaintessis the idea of Latin America!祖安闻言浑身汗毛都差点炸开了,搞一半天原来选魔族圣女是萨拉美一方的主意!
Before oneself, beforeherdoes not know that thishas exposed
那自己之前在她面前并不知道这点岂不是已经暴露了ThatLatin America was too sly, the superficialupper garment, in fact the thoughtsespeciallyare sloppy meticulous.
那个萨拉美实在太狡猾了,表面上装得粗枝大叶,实际上心思格外缜密。Thinkslaughablyinitiallyoneselfplayherruns around in circles, perhapsshein the heartwas ridiculinghisstupidityat that time.
可笑当初以为自己将她耍得团团转,恐怕她当时心中在嘲笑他的愚蠢吧。Suddenlyinhisheartisonestartled, sincetheseDemon RaceSaintessareLatin Americamustbring, thatpresentManmanthey are very dangerous
忽然他心中又是一惊,既然这些魔族圣女是萨拉美要带回来的,那现在曼曼他们岂不是很危险Heis impatient to get backnow, butcleardoes not handle the lord of evil spirit, has no way, will run awayforcefullyonlywill take awaymoredangerstothem.
他如今归心似箭,不过也清楚不把妖魔之主这边搞定,根本没法回去,强行逃走只会给她们带去更多的危险。Now can only comfort itself, thereis a domain of realdemonclan, Latin Americaand the otherswantedtothemdisadvantageouslyis notthateasy.
现在只能安慰自己,那里是真魔一族的地盘,萨拉美等人想要对她们不利也不是那么容易。Let aloneManmanandXie Daoyuntheyare not weaker, depend upon the formationwords to be ableto supportsome time.
更何况曼曼、谢道韫她们并不弱,依靠阵法的话应该能支持一段时间。Thinks that hereheseizes the chanceto inquire the lord of evil spirit: „OnlordmayknowLatin Americato wantDemon RaceSaintessispreparesto makeanything”
想到这里他趁机询问妖魔之主:“主上可知萨拉美一方要魔族圣女是准备做什么”„Snort, has not indulged in fantasy, wantsto display a Ancient Timesblood sacrificeto summonLegendaryto existto resolve the presentendcrisis.” The lord of evil spiritsneers saying that „in thesewas gloomy the cockroachnot to have the means that actuallybelievedsomeLegendarycult tactics. Perhapshoweverin my opinion, theyarethink that cannot be rescuingslaughteringin the Lordsituationto usethismethodto cope withmeby some chance.”
“哼,还不是异想天开,想施展一种上古血祭召唤一种传说中的存在来应对如今的末日危机。”妖魔之主冷笑道,“这些阴暗里的蟑螂也是没办法了,竟然相信一些传说中的邪术。不过在我看来,他们恐怕是想在万一救不回杀戮之主的情况下用这种方法对付我吧。”Zu An: „......”祖安:“……”Althoughdoes not know that thisblood sacrificeisanything, butlistens to the nameto know that is notmeddlesome.
虽然不知道这个血祭是什么,但听名字就知道绝不是什么好事。No mattersummoned anything, asofferingseveralSaintess, will clearly not have the means of livelihood.
不管召唤出个什么东西,作为祭品的几个圣女,显然不会有活路。Healsowantsto unite the influence of Latin Americato cope with the lord of evil spirit, nowactuallyworries, in the contradictionwithLatin Americais irreconcilable.
他原本还想联合萨拉美一方的势力来对付妖魔之主,现在却犯了难,和萨拉美之间的矛盾不可调和。Butdon't tell memusthelp the lord of evil spiritcope withLatin America
可难道要帮妖魔之主对付萨拉美一方么Althoughin the Zu Anheart the anxiety, on the mouthsaid: „Onlord, Iam willingto helpyouput downLatin Americatheseto rebel!”祖安心中虽然疑虑,嘴上却说道:“主上,我愿帮你剿除萨拉美这些逆贼!”Advocation of coldsnort/humevil spirit: „Whohas coordinatedthem who wantsyouto exterminatetheiryouto needto do, completesto helpthemrescue the lord of slaughtering.”
妖魔之主冷哼一声:“谁要你剿灭他们你需要做的就是一直配合他们,做好帮他们把杀戮之主救回来。”Zu An: „”祖安:“”Heat this timeseriouslywas the a mind filled withquestion mark, the lord of thisevil spirit was insaneinsanely, ifreallysaved the lord of slaughtering, by the strength of opposite party, he likely playedto take off/escape.
他此时当真是满脑子问号了,这妖魔之主是失心疯了么,如果真把杀戮之主救回来,以对方的实力,他很可能玩脱吧。„Was thistooadventurouspoint”Zu Anwas probingasking, wantsto clarify the reason that the opposite partysomade, hebelieves that the lord of evil spiritwas not a fool, certainlyhad the thing that oneselfdid not know.
“这是不是太冒险了点”祖安试探着问道,想弄清对方这般做的原因,他相信妖魔之主绝非蠢人,一定有自己不知道的东西。„Thiswas notyoushould the matter of worrying.” The lord of evil spiritsaidlightly,„thenIwill open the flood gatestoyou, makingyouobtain the trustandmaking good use of Latin Americaas soon as possible, youanythingdo not needto managenow, do one's bestto helpherworkand that's the end.”
“这就不是你该操心的事了。”妖魔之主淡淡地说道,“接下来我会给你大开方便之门,让你尽快得到萨拉美的信任与重用,你现在什么都不用管,尽心尽力帮她做事就是了。”Zu An: „......”祖安:“……”Youmadelike thisIam very hurried.
你这样弄得我很慌啊。Althoughblendingtwo-sidedspycanmakea loteasily, butin the two sidesis not a person, fateespeciallywill be a.
虽然混成双面间谍能让很多事情变得容易一些,但在两边都不是人,一着不慎下场会格外凄惨。Healsowantsto eavesdrop on a news, the lord of evil spirithas only pointed to the doorpitifully.
When he can only ask to be excused, goes down the stair, hisshadowby the dimlightaccording to the wall, appearsespeciallytwists, is joined tothreestrange bird that transmitsbehindonce for a whileto chew the crazyking and sound of greencrownlizardkingboneagain, the entiremain hallis feelingfeeling of the gloomyterrifying.
After leaving the palace, before thesepalaces , the demoncausesnot to followagain, Zu Anrelaxes, hurries totoward the cave mansionfast.
离开宫殿之后,那些殿前魔使并没有再跟着,祖安松了一口气,快速往洞府赶去。Nowhemostis worriedisLatin Americaand the otherswhilehimnot, whengoesto seizeto conduct thatwhatblood sacrificevariouswoman.
他现在最担心的就是萨拉美等人趁他不在的时候去将诸女抓走进行那个什么血祭。With lightning speed, returns to a domain of realdemonclanfinally, on the mountain the cave mansion, will stop at the foot of the hillfinallysuddenly, is looking atoppositefigure, his heartraisedinstantaneously.
一路风驰电掣,终于回到真魔一族的地盘,正要回山上洞府,结果在山脚下忽然停了下来,望着对面的身形,他一颗心瞬间提了起来。„Young masterthisis burning with impatience, whichjustwent to”Tat Latin America StationbeforeMogardbody, coldlyis looking athim.
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