KI :: Volume #23

#2290: Secret

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Zu An stares, has not thought that will get this answer. 祖安一愣,万万没想到会得到这个答案。 Must know that from meets the evil spirit to start for the first time, the evil spirit is the threatening attack side. 要知道从第一次遇到妖魔开始,妖魔便是来势汹汹的进攻方。 That stance does not know obviously destroyed many world, brings disaster hardship with wailing to the innumerable world. 那架势显然是不知道毁灭了多少世界,给无数世界带来灾厄与哀嚎。 He has to think motive that these evil spirit go all out, but often only thinks that their greedy and cruelty, has not thought can be unexpectedly because their world is also facing demise. 他不是没有想过这些妖魔这么拼命的动机,但往往只想到他们的贪婪与残暴,从来没想过竟然会是因为他们的世界也面临着灭亡。 What thing can destroy your world Zu An sinking sound to ask. “什么东西能毁灭你们的世界”祖安沉声问道。 The situation of these days having to do, these evil spirit each and everyone were very fierce, even if were limited the strength by the barrier of this world, still stood in this world absolute peak, moreover each and everyone also had various mysterious skills and abilities. 从这些日子打交道的情况来看,这些妖魔一个个都厉害得很,哪怕被这个世界的屏障限制了实力,依然站在这个世界绝对的顶峰,而且一个个都还有各种神奇的技能与能力。 It can be imagined did not have the limit of this world, their real strengths powerful. 可想而知没有了这个世界的限制,他们的真实实力有多强大。 Such evil spirit is also not one two, but is a troop! 这样的妖魔还不是一个两个,而是一大群! The world of evil spirit how powerful 妖魔的世界得多么强大 How such powerful world will face the destruction the risk. 这样强大的世界又怎么会面临毁灭的风险。 Our world is truly powerful, but in universe various Tianwan, still has is too more powerful more mystical existence,” real demon envoy as if thought of anything, on the face showed a frightened facial expression, „an end beast arrived at our world, some world call it to the star/celestial body weapon.” “我们的世界确实算强大的,但在宇宙诸天万界中,依然有太多更强大更神秘的存在,”真魔使者似乎想到了什么,脸上露出了一个恐惧的神情,“一个末日兽来到了我们世界,有的世界又称其为对星体兵器。” „Since the opposite party arrives, the whole world filled the innumerable wild hurricanes, many cyclones are even bigger than your world, if throws in your stars these cyclones, meets is embezzled by the hurricane instantaneously, was ripped to tear to pieces.” The real demon envoy mentioned these to have a lingering fear, obviously initially had experienced, then day's catastrophe. “自从对方降临过后,我们整个世界都充满了无数狂暴的飓风,不少气旋甚至比你们这个世界还要大,若是将你们这个星球扔到那些气旋中,会瞬间被飓风吞没,然后被撕扯成碎片。”真魔使者说起这些心有余悸,显然当初经历过那末日的浩劫。 Zu An: „......” 祖安:“……” Heard the opposite party saying that the innumerable wild hurricanes, he also somewhat thinks otherwise, thought that the hurricane might is big, how can also endanger to a powerful world 原本听到对方说无数狂暴飓风,他还有些不以为然,心想飓风威力再大,又如何能危及到一个强大的世界 Perhaps many top expert of this world will not fear the hurricane. 恐怕连自己这个世界的不少顶尖高手都不会怕飓风吧。 However hears opposite party latter, immediately shouted secretly disturbs. 不过听到对方后一句,顿时暗呼打扰了。 He has not thought of the hurricane to be able unexpectedly as big as this situation. 他是万万没想到飓风竟然能大到这个地步的。 You have not thought the counter-attack, from the beforehand fight situation, your world exists much is quite fierce.” “你们就没想过反击么,从之前交手情况来看,你们世界不少存在还是相当厉害的。” We have certainly tried.” The real demon envoy looks the bitter and astringent meaning, just that terrifying hurricane appears extremely suddenly, basically first destroyed our world 90% civilizations, during the following several thousand years our Organization the innumerable counter-attack, what a pity all flew back without any results, can only achieve in the subsurface formation the city, was preserving the remaining civilizations reluctantly. May after suffering of several thousand years of hurricane, our world lack various cultivation resources, even food is short, becomes more and more weak.” “我们当然试过。”真魔使者面露苦涩之意,“只不过那恐怖飓风出现得太过突然,基本上第一时间毁灭了我们世界90%的文明,后续数千年间我们组织了无数次反击,可惜全都无功而返,唯一能做到的就是在地下建造了城池,勉强保存着剩下的文明。可经过数千年飓风的折磨,我们的世界缺少各种修行资源,甚至连食物都短缺,变得越来越虚弱。” Zu An thought no wonder before , Demon Race major Patriarch said that he also needs the magnanimous cultivation resources and blood food, originally is this reason: Therefore you tried to find the new world in the outside world, shifted to here 祖安心想难怪之前魔族各大家主说他还需要海量的修行资源与血食,原来是这个原因:“所以你们就试图在外界找到新世界,转移到这边来” Good, from the beginning the war party is in the upper hand, is thinking massacres that mysterious end beast directly, but several thousand years of failure made everyone clearly recognize the reality, therefore started to search high and low other world as the outlet gradually.” The real demon envoy smiles bitterly saying that was a pity our world natural dispositions are cruel, the world that before the innumerable years neighbor has been able to find conquered, could not find other world.” “不错,一开始主战派占了上风,想着直接杀掉那神秘的末日兽,可数千年的失败让大家认清了现实,于是渐渐开始四处寻找其他世界作为出路。”真魔使者苦笑道,“可惜我们的世界生性残暴,之前无数的岁月早已将附近能找到的世界都征服完了,根本找不到其他世界了。” Remembered the past years to invade the matter of this world failure until some people, therefore staged a comeback.” “直到有人想起了当年入侵你们这个世界失败的事情,于是纷纷卷土重来。” Heard his these explanations, Zu An understood the whole story of matter finally: Several thousand years ago you attack this world what's the matter 听到他的这些讲解,祖安终于明白了事情的原委:“几千年前你们进攻这个世界到底是怎么回事” The real demon envoy shakes the head slightly: I not clear......” 真魔使者微微摇头:“我也不清楚……” Felt that the opposite party look is bad, he flustered immediately: I really do not know that several thousand years of that war entire evil spirit world makes every effort to keep secret, many records were destroyed, as if only then a small number of some old people know some details.” 感觉到对方神色不善,他顿时慌了:“我真的不知道啊,几千年那场大战整个妖魔世界都讳莫如深,好多记载都被销毁了,似乎只有少数一些老人才知道一些细节。” Destruction a Zu An brow wrinkle, never expected that he will use this word unexpectedly. “销毁”祖安眉头一皱,没想到他竟然会用这个词。 Good, destroys.” The real demon envoy answered, I also detected several thousand years ago that war seems to be hiding what secret, was covered up specially. But the whole world faces the destruction now the crisis, I do not have the opportunity to investigate this matter.” “不错,就是销毁。”真魔使者解释道,“我也察觉到几千年前那场战争似乎隐藏着什么秘密,被人特意遮掩起来了。只不过如今整个世界都面临毁灭的危机,我也没机会去调查这件事。” Zu An falls into silent, thinks that initially in governing gate time of clearness that the place of seal saw, she said at that time, seems also hiding various secrets, it seems like in the past that war was not simple. 祖安陷入沉默,想到当初在封印之地见到的御门倍晴,她当时说得云里雾里,似乎也藏着各种秘密,看来当年那场战争并不简单。 But cannot obtain the concrete information now, then no longer intertwines this issue, but cared is more practical: You form to transmit formation with four stones likely, with the evil spirit world approximately when transmits 只不过现在也得不到具体情报,便不再纠结这个问题,而是关心更实际的:“你拿四象石组建传送阵法,和妖魔世界约的什么时候传送过来” He must make full use of the home-game advantage, the seizing the chance layout catches the whole lot in a dragnet these evil spirit. 他要充分利用主场之利,趁机布局将那些妖魔一网打尽。 The real demon envoy shakes the head saying: Has not agreed on the time, this is only my private action, I found the records of four likely stones from an old book, I have not reported this matter, but follows other evil spirit to come to this world together, then found an excuse to leave the large unit casually, coming Demon Race to try one's luck, the luck was really never expected that good, really really had four likely stones......” 真魔使者摇头道:“并没有约定时间,这只是我的私人行动,我是从一本古籍上找到了四象石的记载,我并没有上报这件事,而只是跟着其他妖魔一起来这个世界,然后随便找了个理由离开大部队,来魔族这边碰碰运气,没想到运气还真不错,竟然真的有四象石……” Told only half that he somewhat is suddenly disheartened, what luck is good, bumps into this big evil star, simply was but actually eight lifetime mildew. 说到一半他忽然有些丧气,什么运气不错啊,碰上这个大煞星,简直是倒了八辈子霉。 Therefore this matter, only then your one person know that” in the Zu An heart moves, before also thinks that the lord of consideration evil spirit is profound, in the surface sends three groups of troops to do the matter, in fact is actually shield this in secret, as it now seems was wants. “所以这件事只有你一个人知道”祖安心中一动,之前还以为妖魔之主思虑深远,表面上派三路人马搞事情,实际上却是掩护暗中的这一路,现在看来是自己想多了。 Only then a few knows personally, I planned, reported that the lord of evil spirit, then and seeks more interests for the family, only these become coming to naught pitifully now.” The real demon envoy mentioned these to be somewhat desolate. “只有少数几个人知道,我打算回去后报告妖魔之主,然后借此为家族和自己谋取更多利益,只可惜现在这些都成了一场空。”真魔使者说起这些有些落寞。 Said yourself and family's situation.” Zu An said. “说说你自己和家族的情况吧。”祖安说道。 Real demon envoy hesitant: I said you will let off me 真魔使者犹豫了一下:“我说了你会放过我么” Zu An coldly looks at him: You, if replied that must make me satisfy, I can not put in the without a gap hell you.” 祖安冷冷看着他:“你如果回答得让我满意,我可以不将你放到无间地狱里。” Real demon envoy hears word relaxes actually, actually he does not hug to hope that the opposite party will put himself, after all oneself try to bribe his woman unexpectedly, yeah, how to hoodwink the heart on the lard at that time. 真魔使者闻言倒是松了一口气,其实他也不抱希望对方会放了自己,毕竟自己竟然试图染指他的女人,哎,当时怎么就猪油蒙了心呢。 To come or approach is of great success somewhat forgets oneself, when therefore cannot flutter. 想来还是临近大功告成有些忘乎所以,所以什么时候都不能飘啊。 So long as did not stay in that terrifying without a gap hell is enough: My family is the entire evil spirit the world's peak family, like Yun Family they position in Demon Race same......” 只要不呆在那恐怖的无间地狱就已经足够了:“我的家族乃是整个妖魔世界最顶尖的家族,就如同云家他们在魔族中的地位一样……” Then he related information roughly will say. 接着他将相关的情报大致说了一遍。 Zu An nods slightly, then harvests much. 祖安微微颔首,这下收获不少。 Your world strength highest whom is the lord of evil spirit the he and slaughtering lord of compares who is weak Zu An then to ask, he has a premonition, sooner or later can with the lord of that what evil spirit to, know oneself and other side can be ever-victorious. “你们世界实力最高的就是妖魔之主么他和杀戮之主比起来谁强谁弱”祖安接着问道,他有一种预感,迟早会和那个什么妖魔之主对上,知己知彼方能百战百胜。 Strength highest naturally is the lord of evil spirit. The lord of slaughtering is several thousand years ago the leader in our evil spirit world, the position is like the lord of present evil spirit. His strength is very strong, but the lord of evil spirit has the experience of predecessor after all, the time is progressive, now should be the lord of evil spirit.” The real demon envoy analyzes to say. “实力最高的自然是妖魔之主。杀戮之主是几千年前我们妖魔世界的首领,地位和如今的妖魔之主是一样的。他的实力很强,但妖魔之主毕竟有着前人的经验,时代是进步的,现在应该是妖魔之主更强一些。”真魔使者分析道。 The Zu An secret nod, this real demon envoy but is actually not a playboy, really has the skill, this analyzes is fair. 祖安暗暗点头,这个真魔使者倒也不是个纨绔,确实相当有本事,这分析得合情合理。 „The lord of evil spirit has what ability and magical treasure and so on “妖魔之主有什么能力和法宝之类的” Evil spirit lord him......” “妖魔之主他……” The real demon envoy just said half, the Zu An suddenly complexion changes, because the head of real demon envoy explodes unexpectedly directly! 真魔使者刚说道一半,祖安忽然脸色一变,因为真魔使者的脑袋竟然直接爆裂开来! At the scene divine soul entirely to extinguish! 当场神魂俱灭! Before similar matter he had also bumped into, these evil spirit think after this world died the meeting can in the evil spirit world rebirth, not think that the lord of evil spirit fudges in their body, once they leaked some essential secrets, direct relationship of form and spirit entirely to extinguish. 之前类似的事他也碰到过,这些妖魔以为在这个世界死后会可以在妖魔世界重生,万万没想到妖魔之主在他们身上动了手脚,一旦他们泄露一些关键秘密,就会直接形神俱灭。 Thinks arrests in its soul body the nether world hell, will avoid the evil spirit the Lord method, has not thought virtually impossible to guard against, it seems like restriction under lord of evil spirit is really mysterious, even can affect in the nether world hell. 原本以为将其灵魂体拘到幽冥地府中,会躲开妖魔之主的手段,没想到还是防不胜防,看来妖魔之主下的禁制果然神奇,甚至能作用到幽冥地府之中。 Thinks of here, his complexion enforced several points. 想到这里,他不禁脸色严肃了几分。
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