KI :: Volume #23

#2260: Does the heaven play me?

In Yangxindian, usually in usually paid great attention to the deportment Bi Linglong actually a docile cat snuggle at this time likely generally in the Zu An bosom. 养心殿中,平日里素来注重仪态的碧玲珑此时却像个温顺的小猫儿一般依偎在祖安怀中。 Just cried, under the comfort of opposite party, gradually tranquil. 刚刚大哭了一场,在对方的安慰下,渐渐平静了下来。 Feels one's beloved that warm chest, the gentle sound, she thought suddenly all are not fearful. 感受到心上人那温暖的胸膛,温柔的声音,她忽然觉得一切也没那么可怕了。 Similar to such that the opposite party said that not the good matter will pass finally, the following road has him to accompany, then all enough. 就如同对方说的那样,不好的事情终会过去,后面的路有他陪伴,那么一切都够了。 Right, Ah Zu, this time came is you notifies about some following personnel arrangements that I and Empress Dowager discussed.” Bi Linglong remembers the proper business, originally wants to sit, finally closely was actually being hugged by the opposite party, continued to lie down in his arms simply. “对了,阿祖,这次过来是和你通报一下我和太后商量的关于接下来的一些人事安排。”碧玲珑想起正事,本来想坐起来,结果却被对方紧紧搂着,索性就继续躺在他怀里了。 She likes this type very much by sweetheart is hugging the feeling, this Imperial Palace is too big, seat that she usually in sits also too ice-cold. 她很喜欢这种被情郎拥抱着的感觉,这皇宫实在太大,她平日里坐的位子也实在太冰冷。 Does not use, you decide are, I trust.” Zu An said with a smile. “不用,你们决定便是,我信得过。”祖安笑着说道。 Bi Linglong charmingly angry white his eyes: Where has you to work as the waving the arms about storekeeper like this, some essential things want you to decide personally.” 碧玲珑娇嗔地白了他一眼:“哪有你这样当甩手掌柜的,一些关键的事情还是要你亲自拍板的。” Saw that her is angry thin angry the appearance to be especially charming lightly, Zu An could not bear lower the head to kiss. 看到她那轻嗔薄怒的样子格外迷人,祖安忍不住低头亲了上去。 First said the proper business, otherwise I feared that a while did not have the strength to say.” Bi Linglong finger is pressing his lip, cheeks is somewhat ruddy. “先说正事,不然我怕等会儿没力气说了。”碧玲珑手指按着他的嘴唇,脸蛋儿有些红扑扑的。 You said that I have not kissed your mouth.” Zu An smilingly replied, the lip continued to just scratch the surface on her cheeks and neck. “你说呀,我又没亲你嘴儿。”祖安笑眯眯地答道,嘴唇继续在她脸颊、脖子上蜻蜓点水。 Itchy Bi Linglong giggle smiles, dodges, while said fast, she was quite clear will put in order each time has by this fellow cannot withstand, when the time comes will definitely forget the proper business. “痒”碧玲珑咯咯直笑,一边闪躲,一边快速说了起来,她可是相当清楚自己每次都会被这家伙整得有多么不堪,到时候肯定会忘了正事。 „Before Pei Family, participated in the coup d'etat, Pei Ming Directors of the Palace Secretariat naturally did not need to work as, I planned that made Jiang Boyang take over, he was known as the prestige and talent, usually in also with your goodwill, receives your obligation today, he took over Directors of the Palace Secretariat is the rightest candidate.” 裴家之前参与了政变,裴明尚书令自然不用当了,我打算让姜伯阳接任,他素有威望与才干,平日里也和你亲善,今日又受你大恩,他来接任尚书令是最合适的人选。” The Zu An slight nod, Jiang Boyang is truly suitable. 祖安微微点头,姜伯阳确实很适合。 Bi Linglong also asked suddenly: Right, was that Miss Jiang your woman 碧玲珑忽然又问道:“对了,那个姜小姐是不是你的女人啊” Thinks anything blindly, we are only the sentiments of sister and brother, in Brightmoon City she is the Academy principal, initially to my many looked.” Zu An replied. “瞎想什么呢,我们只是姐弟之情,之前在明月城的时候她是学院的校长,当初对我多有照拂。”祖安答道。 Is only sister and brother Miss Jiang is so beautiful, initially was almost selected as Crown Princess to run to evade the calamity, you really can let off such Bi Linglong some do not believe. “就只是姐弟姜小姐那么美,当初可是差点被选为太子妃才跑出去避祸的,你真的能放过这样的”碧玲珑有些不信。 Zu An said ill-humoredly: In your heart I am that type see one to take a color- devil 祖安没好气道:“在你心中我就是那种见一个要一个的色-中恶魔么” don't tell me not Bi Linglong lip slightly honk. 难道不是么”碧玲珑嘴唇微嘟。 Zu An: „......” 祖安:“……” His anger makes an effort directly- pinches- her. 气得直接用力-捏-了她一把。 Bi Linglong ying warned one, both hands are hugging the neck of Zu An, gathered near his ear: Miss Jiang is stockings very beautiful 碧玲珑嘤咛一声,双手勾着祖安的脖子,凑到他耳边:“姜小姐的丝袜是不是很美” Also ok.” Thinks Jiang Luofu that black silk with high with the appearance, the Zu An lip angle can not help rise slightly. “还行吧。”想到姜罗敷那黑丝配高跟的模样,祖安的唇角情不自禁微微上扬。 Words that you like, I will also put on next time to you look.” The Bi Linglong double cheek flushed red, since childhood she accepts is the most classical conservative prestigious family virtuous young women educates, such matter is extremely really shy. “你喜欢的话,我下次也穿给你看。”碧玲珑双颊酡红,她从小接受的都是最古典保守的名门淑女教育,这样的事情实在太过羞涩。 Zu An great happiness: Good!” 祖安大喜:“好啊!” Although stockings in this world is a rarity, but had found some in some Ancient Times vestiges, in the market makes this store to be not enough. 虽然丝袜在这个世界还是个稀罕物,只是在一些上古遗迹里找到过一些,市面上做这个的商铺还不够多。 But her solemn Empress, wants to get so far as some is not difficult. 但她堂堂一个皇后,想要弄到一些并不困难。 Ah Zu really greedy families Miss Jiang. 阿祖果然馋人家姜小姐。 Bi Linglong glances the circulation, light snort/hum, this then said: Moreover Yu Xuanchong of noble character and high prestige, because before involved between Crown Prince and King Qi the battle is recalled the government position, considering Madame Yu and your relations, he suited restores the Chief Secretary Left Vice Director position.” 碧玲珑眼波流转,轻哼一声,这才接着说道:“另外玉玄冲德高望重,之前因为牵扯进太子齐王之间地争斗被罢免了官职,考虑到玉夫人和你的关系,他适合恢复尚书左仆射的职位。” At this point, in her heart one gloomy, must know that beforehand Chief Secretary Left Vice Director is father's duty. 说到这里,她心中一黯,要知道之前尚书左仆射乃是父亲的职务。 The father uses up all the tricks, finally also obtained anything 父亲机关算尽,最后又得到什么了 Might as well anything does not serve as, so long as supports me and Ah Zu, this deliberation hall is his, is insufficient to be harmed by the evil spirit. 还不如什么都不用做,只要支持我和阿祖,这朝堂都是他的,也不至于被妖魔所害。 However she was also clear that this is not realistic, with the father oversuspicious temper, participated to cruelly harm previous dynasty the Prince sovereign grandson's matter in the past, does not believe inevitably Ah Zu will let off him. 不过她也清楚这不现实,以父亲多疑的性子,当年参与残害前朝皇子皇孙的事,必然不相信阿祖会放过他。 But she is clear, Zu An looks in her surface, will not be ruthless, his itself/Ben is a very good very good person...... 可她偏偏清楚,祖安看在她的面上,也绝不会赶尽杀绝,他本就是一个很好很好的人…… As if detected that his low mood, Zu An patted her back to comfort gently. 似乎察觉到他低落的情绪,祖安轻轻拍了拍她的背安慰起来。 The Bi Linglong restraining mind, then said: „The Secretary position, Empress Dowager proposed that is taken over by Sang Hong. His itself/Ben is ruling the country can the feudal official, before holding the post Chief Secretary, is quite familiar with various government affairs, Zhi Yin is the family background is insufficient, therefore is unable to go a step further. But by Miss Sang and Zheng Miss and your relations, I also thought that he is quite suitable.” 碧玲珑收敛心神,接着说道:“还有中书令的位置,太后提议由桑弘接任。他本就是治世之能臣,之前担任度支尚书,对各种政务相当熟悉,只因为家世不够,所以一直无法更进一步。但以桑姑娘、郑姑娘和你的关系,我也觉得他相当适合。” Zu An secret nod, Sang Hong, although is not the good person of traditional sense, but he truly is can the feudal official . Moreover the present is he firmest union, lets him, when Secretary is good. 祖安暗暗点头,桑弘虽然不算传统意义的好人,但他确实是个能臣,而且如今是他最坚定的同盟,让他当中书令再好不过。 As for army, must certainly trade a blood wantonly, Qin Family two Duke of the State is known as the prestige in the army, now is suiting to stabilize the situation, but their brothers ran Capital Commandant in the past simultaneously, the Army Protector critical position, causing many military officers basically to stem from the Qin Family hanger-on, in addition is on good terms Murong Family and Chu Family, I think that this will have the hidden danger, the key is Qin Family also does not have the daughter to marry you, with your relation is extremely weak, therefore I make their brothers one continue, when Capital Commandant, another when Protecting General, how you think “至于军队方面,肯定要大肆换一番血,秦家两位国公在军中素有威望,如今正适合出来稳定局势,只不过以往他们兄弟同时掌管中领军、中护军要害位置,导致很多军官基本都出自秦家门下,再加上交好慕容家楚家,我认为这样会有隐患,关键是秦家又没有女儿嫁给你,和你的联系还是太过薄弱,所以我让他们兄弟一个继续当中领军,另一个当卫将军,你认为如何” A Zu An heavy line: don't tell me must have the daughter to marry me to be good, I am not also mean-spirited, must appoint people by favoritism.” 祖安一头黑线:“难道非要有女儿嫁给我才行么,我又没那么小气,非要任人唯亲。” Bi Linglong sincere said: As high-rank, appointing people by favoritism is not the misdemeanor, only by doing so, can guarantee that your idea can carry out thoroughly. Although some people have the great ability, but he and you are not a heart, he more has the talent to harm is also bigger.” 碧玲珑正色说道:“身为上位者,任人唯亲并不是什么坏事,只有这样,才能保证你的想法能彻底贯彻执行下去。有些人虽然有大才,但他和你不是一条心,他越有才危害也就越大。” Although usually in I do not like you being forgiving everywhere, but has saying that this in politics- governs instead is awarded marks, marries to be the same like the family, has that matter to relate, their family and your benefit are consistent, I also felt relieved that entrusts with an important task them. You had not discovered that just these key posts, the daughters of their family/home related with you significantly “虽然平日里我也不太喜欢你四处留情,但不得不说,这在政-治上反而是加分项,就如同家族联姻一样,有那层关系在,他们家族和你的利益是一致的,我也放心将他们委以重任。你没发现刚刚这几个重要职位,他们家的女儿都和你关系匪浅么” Zu An was praised somewhat embarrassed: Never expected that my these is a womanizer by you such are described, probably is big on.” 祖安都被表扬得有些不好意思了:“没想到我那些沾花惹草被你这样一形容,好像还多高大上的。” Bi Linglong sighed spookily: I can have what means that who makes me like on you, was accepted all your by oneself.” 碧玲珑幽幽一叹:“我能有什么办法,谁让我喜欢上你呢,只有让自己接受你的一切。” Actually she such outstanding proud woman, the real sentiment root deep type, still definitely the hope wholehearted love, receives several concubine rooms to bloom a loose leaf for the family even at most. 其实她这样优秀骄傲的女人,就算真的情根深种,也肯定希望一心一意的爱情,顶多收几个妾室为家族开枝散叶。 But Zu An too was outstanding, to her thought outstandingly dream not real degree, her very clear opposite party not can monopolize. 可偏偏祖安实在太优秀了,优秀到她都觉得梦幻不真实的程度,她很清楚对方绝非自己一个人能独占的。 Holds the opposite party with it forcefully, so that is disgusting, might as well is from the beginning more magnanimous. 与其强行去抓住对方以致惹人厌恶,还不如一开始就大度一些。 This is also she is selected as Crown Princess since childhood, the accepted imperial education, has not thought that used in Zu An body. 这也是她从小被选为太子妃,接受的皇家教育,万万没想到用在祖安身上了。 Linglong(exquisite).” In the Zu An heart is moved, closely hugs her in the bosom. 玲珑。”祖安心中感动,将她紧紧搂在怀中。 Bi Linglong cheeks pastes in his chest: Right, I heard that Qin Wanru lets you bestow the marriage and Murong Family marry I to remember Murong Qinghe that girl as if very has the favorable impression to you, your spend some thoughts, the girl definitely is slightly easy, such Murong Family is you most faithful ally, but being insufficient makes Qin Family, Chu Family and Murong Family triangular relationship extremely close.” 碧玲珑脸蛋儿贴在他胸膛:“对了,我听说秦晚如让你赐婚和慕容家的联姻我记得慕容清河那丫头对你似乎挺有好感的,你稍稍花点心思,那丫头肯定手到擒来,这样慕容家就是你最忠实的盟友,而不至于让秦家楚家慕容家三角关系太过紧密。” Zu An cannot help laughing: Qinghe and Youzhao friends from childhood, how I will go to the horizontal blade to seize the love, relax, they several people I knew, basically is the honest people, should not have these situations that you think.” 祖安哑然失笑:“清河幼昭青梅竹马,我又岂会去横刀夺爱,放心吧,他们几家的人我都认识,基本都是正直之人,应该不会出现你想的那些情况的。” This generation truly not, but the next generation, or separates several generations again, such minister alliance to Royal Court is a threat.” Bi Linglong muttered. “这一代确实不会,可下一代呢,或者再隔几代呢,这样的大臣联盟对朝廷是个威胁。”碧玲珑咕哝道。 Zu An knows that her worry reasonable, sighed she processes the royal government many years, many mentalities unknowingly have been the emperor thoughts: Linglong(exquisite), you really suit are the empress.” 祖安知道她的担忧不无道理,不禁感叹她处理朝政多年,很多心态早已不知不觉是帝王心思:“玲珑,你真的适合当女皇呀。” Bi Linglong complexion slightly red: I do not want to be what empress, I like ordinary people these couples, light have rather ended the life with you.” 碧玲珑脸色微红:“我才不想当什么女皇,我宁愿像普通老百姓那些夫妻一样,和你平平淡淡过完一生。” That she is educated since childhood, actually in the bone is to pursue the power and influence, but at this moment, Bi Family falls to this world, she as if turned into the loner, pursues that all also to have what significance. 她从小接受的教育,其实骨子里是追逐权势的,但事到如今,碧家落到这副天地,她仿佛变成了孤家寡人,追求那一切又有什么意义。 What a pity she is also clear, by the Zu An present ability and status, where also has the opportunity to live the light life together. 可惜她也清楚,以祖安如今的能力和身份,又哪里有机会一起过平淡生活。 Even she wants, his side these female seductresses/evil spirits will not want. 就算她愿意,他身边那些女妖精也不会愿意啊。 Linglong(exquisite), I also give the low-down with you, I have no interest in the throne, now lives temporarily stabilizes the situation here, in the future will support you to be the empress gradually, you manage this country compared with me appropriately.” The Zu An clear own temper, making him handle these complicated government affairs, thinks big. 玲珑,我也跟你交个底,我对皇位没兴趣,如今只是暂时住在这里稳定形势,将来会逐步扶持你当女皇的,你比我更合适管理这个国家。”祖安清楚自己的性子,让他处理这些繁复的政务,想想就头大。 Let alone his vision solid stars sea, only Human Race throne, he really does not care now. 更何况如今他的眼光实在星辰大海,区区一个人族皇位,他真的不放在心上。 Well, you also set up merpeople Empress for the empress probably, now wants to make me be the empress......” the Bi Linglong suddenly complexion one red, „your fellow, will not be Empress will play greasily, will want to play the empress “咦,你好像将人鱼皇后也立为了女皇,如今又想让我当女皇……”碧玲珑忽然脸色一红,“你这家伙,不会是皇后玩腻了,想要玩女皇吧” In the Zu An heart, hugs her in the bosom: „It is not good 祖安心中一荡,将她搂在怀中:“不行么” Bastard Bi Linglong beat gently beat his chest, you with that merpeople Empress what's the matter, I remember before , you have not seen, how to put together quickly “坏蛋”碧玲珑轻轻捶了捶他的胸膛,“你和那人鱼皇后又是怎么回事,我记得以前你们没见过吧,怎么这么快就搞在一起了” What put together, but handled something.” Zu An said with a smile embarrasedly. “什么搞在一起了,只是一起处理了些事情。”祖安讪讪笑道。 Then fell in love over time the Bi Linglong faint smile. “然后日久生情了”碧玲珑似笑非笑。 Zu An is somewhat surprised: Never expected that you will also play this joke.” 祖安有些惊讶:“没想到你也会开这种玩笑了。” Bi Linglong complexion slightly red: Also is not proximity to pitch makes you black, had a bad effect on by you.” 碧玲珑脸色微红:“还不是近墨者黑,被你带坏了。” Zu An hugs her in the bosom: Haha, since you are interested, I speak me to you at the matter of sea clan......” 祖安将她抱在怀中:“哈哈,既然你这么感兴趣,那我给你讲讲我在海族发生的事情吧……” Yeah, you discussed the matter of sea clan saying that why to buy my clothes Bi Linglong to realize suddenly is not right. “哎,你讲海族的事就讲嘛,干嘛扯我衣服”碧玲珑忽然意识到不对劲了。 On light mouth said is a little bored, can do other matters simultaneously, time-saving.” Was just broken one after another, Zu An felt oneself were about to blast out. “光嘴上说有点无聊,可以同时干点其他事,节省时间。”刚刚接连被打断,祖安觉得自己都快炸开了。 Felt his change, Bi Linglong cheeks entire is all of a sudden red: I do not listen.” 感受到他的变化,碧玲珑脸蛋儿一下子全红了:“那我不听了。” Was saying then must set out to leave, finally ying- warned one, had been drawn by the opposite party. 说着便要起身离开,结果嘤-咛一声,原来已经被对方重新拉了回去。 Feels the opposite party that to roast aerodynamic heat- lip, slightly rough big- hand, her body becomes tender, the rejection is getting more and more weak. 感受到对方那炙-热-的唇,还有略显粗糙的大-手,她身子发软,拒绝越来越无力。 Two people leave are so long, she fully suffered the pain of yearning every day, at this time the affection well ups, can not help respond to sweetheart. 两人离别这么久,她每日都饱受相思之苦,此时情意涌上心头,也情不自禁回应着情郎 Does not know that just he bullied Yun Yuqing like this, she could not bear in his body smelled smelling, has not smelled any strange flavor actually. 就是不知道刚刚他是不是这样欺负云雨晴的,她忍不住在他身上嗅了嗅,倒是没有嗅到什么奇怪的味道。 However Ah Zu seemed like control Water Elemental, wanted to cover up is not the difficult matter. 不过阿祖似乎掌控水元素,想要遮掩也不是难事。 Aiya, I am actually thinking anything...... 哎呀,我到底在想些什么…… Suddenly her figure trembles, the whole person closely grasped body- the man, cannot bear in his shoulder bites ruthlessly-, seemed to be rebuking this man cruel-hearted and thick- Lu. 忽然她身形一颤,整个人紧紧抱住了身上-的男人,忍不住在他肩头狠狠咬-了一口,似乎在嗔怪这个男人的狠心与粗-鲁。 The Zu An look was more affable, this told this period of time experience with her slowly. 祖安神色舒缓了很多,这才慢慢跟她讲述起来这段时间的经历。 Who knows that just said few, suddenly look mutation. 谁知道刚说没几句,忽然神色异变。 The heaven today is to play me! 老天今天是要玩我么! Also come 又来 Ah Zu Bi Linglong the chignon was how scattered in disorder at this time, the facial expression as if got drunk, the flower coin of forehead serves as contrast under that tender and beautiful complexion, appears even more beautiful fine. 阿祖怎么了”碧玲珑此时发髻散乱,神情仿佛喝醉了似的,眉心的花钿衬托在那娇艳的脸色之下,显得越发美丽精致。 Snort, some people must court death!” Zu An cold sound said. “哼,有人要找死!”祖安冷声说道。
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