KI :: Volume #23

#2258: Graciousness and enmity

And said that Bi Linglong handled various things, this discovered that the weather is late, moon hung on the tree. 且说碧玲珑处理完了各种事情,这才发现天色已晚,月亮都挂在树上了。 She could not bear rub the temples, today had too many too many matter, casual placed usually is the earthquake rank, finally such multiple magnitude matter also happened. 她忍不住揉了揉太阳穴,今天发生了太多太多的事情,随便一件放在平日里都是地震级别的,结果这么多重量级的事情同时发生。 She not only need handle the matter in Imperial Palace, but must handle the Bi Family matter. 她不仅要处理皇宫里的事情,还要处理碧家的事情。 The father was killed by the evil spirit, before Bi Family many people involve, that politics- changes. 父亲被妖魔所杀,碧家很多人又牵扯到之前那场政-变。 What is lucky was Empress Dowager showed mercy, otherwise really pursued the responsibility strictly, people who Bi Family perhaps had the larger part must meet with a disaster. 万幸的是太后手下留情了,不然真的严格追责,碧家恐怕有一大半的人都要遭殃。 The bonus is so, half of people must be punished. 饶是如此,也有一半的人要被处罚。 Thinks before oneself , when chapter of Bi Family, many clansmen to the scene that she shouted abuse, she was very then agitated. 想到自己之前回碧家时,不少族人对她破口大骂的场景,她便十分烦躁。 „, You said that I was making the mistake.” Bi Linglong unprecedentedly vacant. “莫莫,你说我是不是做错了。”碧玲珑前所未有地茫然。 Rong Mo was certainly clear why she will ask like this, is filled with righteous indignation saying: Young lady your what wrong has is in some Master clans the elder is also misled by the evil spirit obviously, violates these wrong things, perhaps if not for this time you, entire Bi Family will be eradicated, these people are not only ungrateful, instead scolded you, was really ungrateful.” 容莫当然清楚她为何会这样问,义愤填膺道:“小姐你何错之有明明是老爷还有一些族中长辈被妖魔蛊惑,犯下那些错事,这次若不是你,整个碧家恐怕都会被连根拔起,那些人不仅不感激,反而骂你,真是忘恩负义。” Bi Linglong sighed spookily: They thought that is because I turned to Ah Zu, this caused these disasters.” 碧玲珑幽幽一叹:“他们觉得是因为我投靠了阿祖,这才导致了这些祸事。” Actually the logic of Bi Family person is very clear, she is Empress, the status is honored in the extreme, originally this/should and Mr. and Mrs. Zhao Ruizhi works as one, shares weal and woe. 其实碧家人的逻辑很清楚,她本来已经是皇后了,身份尊贵得无以复加,本就该和赵睿智夫妻齐心协力,荣辱与共。 Now and Zu An in the same place, she can obtain anything 如今和祖安在一起,她又能得到什么 The Empress status apparently did not have, others Zu An has the own wife, where wheel obtains her 皇后的身份显然是没有了,人家祖安自己的妻子,哪里轮得到她 Now although makes her act as an agent the royal government as before, after can, 如今虽然依旧让她代管朝政,可以后呢 In the history never has the new monarchy to let others' Empress, when own Empress. 历史上从来没有新的君主让别人的皇后自己的皇后的。 Often received the harem is the imperial concubine is the best result. 往往收入后宫为妃已经是最好的结局了。 Bustles about one quite a while, not only lowered the own position and power and influence lane first-level, but also makes entire Bi Family be almost annihilated, does not understand her by the clansmen. 忙乎一半天,不仅把自己的身份地位、权势都弄低了一级,还让整个碧家差点全军覆没,是以族人都不理解她。 Rong Mo said panting in indignation: This and young lady has what relations Regent present cultivation base to be matchless, he wants to do, among whole world who prevented Regent also to help Master revenge let alone today. According to me said, luckily the young lady and he has a friendship, otherwise Bi Family is really beyond redemption today. These people only cared that the own power and influence position, did not care the young lady you likes anything, is happy.” 容莫气呼呼说道:“这和小姐有什么关系摄政王如今的修为举世无敌,他想要干什么,天下间谁又阻止得了更何况摄政王今天还帮老爷报仇了。照我说,幸好小姐和他有一段情分在,不然今天碧家真就是万劫不复了。那些人只关心自己的权势地位,根本不关心小姐你喜欢什么,幸不幸福。” Hears her chirp to speak for oneself, the Bi Linglong mood relaxed much, said with a smile slightly: You before were not very repugnant Ah Zu, quarrelled with him each time, how now to mention that he is completely respect 听到她叽叽喳喳为自己说话,碧玲珑心情舒缓了不少,不禁微微笑道:“你以前不是挺讨厌阿祖的么,每次都和他拌嘴,现在怎么提到他尽是崇敬之情” Rong Mo small face one red: Regent now is so fierce, where I dare.” 容莫小脸一红:“摄政王现在那么厉害,我哪敢啊。” In the mind appeared Zu An to suppress Bi Family initially, Tian Town kills these evil spirit now the appearances, was really good to lead. 脑海中浮现出祖安当初镇压碧家,还有今天镇杀那些妖魔的样子,真的好帅。 „, I should also go to chat with Ah Zu.” Bi Linglong sets out, Rong Mo also somewhat jumps for joy follows behind. “也罢,我也该去和阿祖聊聊了。”碧玲珑起身,容莫也有些雀跃地跟在身后。 Arrives at outside Yangxindian, Bi Linglong notices them quickly: See Queen Empress!” 一路来到养心殿外,碧玲珑很快注意到她们:“参见皇后娘娘!” Is like this different from the Yun Yuqing foreign family, Bi Linglong these years the chancellor in the palace, basically all palace ladies know her, Zhang Zitong also usually admired to her. 云雨晴这样的外来户不同,碧玲珑这些年在宫中主事,基本上所有宫人都认识她,张梓彤对她也素来佩服。 Especially before today Regent comes back, she had detected ahead of time Sovereign has the issue, is really an intelligent woman. 特别是今天摄政王回来前,她已经提前察觉到皇帝有问题,真是一个聪慧的女人。 Well, you here Bi Linglong somewhat is how surprised. “咦,你怎么在这里”碧玲珑有些惊讶。 Zhang Zitong replied: Big human life I run the palace former guard.” 张梓彤答道:“大人命我掌管殿前侍卫。” Notices in her mouth Sir, the Bi Linglong eyebrow raises, thought that she actually knows Ah Zu is Gold 11, it seems like is really his trusted aide. 注意到她口中的“大人”,碧玲珑眉毛微扬,心想她竟然知道阿祖就是金牌十一,看来果然是他的心腹。 But fellow unfaithful/stamen very much, looks for such a big long leg beautiful woman, when Chief of the Imperial Guardsmen, really does not have other thoughts. 只不过那家伙花心的很,找这样一个大长腿美女当侍卫长,真的没有别的心思么。 Truly no one suits compared with you.” Bi Linglong smiles, takes advantage of opportunity to encourage her several. “确实没有谁比你适合。”碧玲珑笑了笑,顺势勉励了她几句。 In the Zhang Zitong heart was also very happy: Empress is looks for the Sir my goes circular.” 张梓彤心中也很高兴:“娘娘是来找大人的么我这就去通传。” Had the work.” Bi Linglong nods slightly, she also felt the good intentions of opposite party. “有劳了。”碧玲珑微微颔首,她也感受到了对方的善意。 The Zhang Zitong step is lively, the corners of the mouth raise, first she truly likes Bi Linglong, happen to makes her go to disturbing a that Yun Yuqing good deed. 张梓彤步履轻快,嘴角微扬,一来她确实喜欢碧玲珑,二来么,正好让她去“打搅”一下那云雨晴的好事。 Snort, late at night looks for the Sir, peaceful what heart. 哼,三更半夜来找大人,安的什么心。 Hears sound that Zhang Zitong knocks on a door, Zu An: „” 听到张梓彤敲门的声音,祖安:“” God this plays me 老天爷这是玩我吧 Just Yun Elder Sister was this, now comes 刚刚云姐姐是这样,现在又来 Yun Yuqing is actually the whole body shivers fiercely, she somewhat could not withstand, now this was stirred up almost made that the heart comes out from the throat twitching of the eyelid. 云雨晴却是浑身剧烈颤抖起来,她本就有些不堪,如今被这一激差点弄得心都从嗓子眼跳出来。 Zu An deeply inspires, under returns to normal with great difficulty the mood: cough cough, you asked her to come.” 祖安深吸一口气,好不容易才平复下心情:“,你去请她进来吧。” Yun Yuqing stared in a big way the eye, now their condition, Bi Linglong came to see highly improper. 云雨晴瞪大了眼,如今两人这状况,碧玲珑进来看到了成何体统。 Some Zu An apologies: Today had so many great changes, Linglong(exquisite) now perhaps also is quite sensitively terrified, I cannot stay away.” 祖安有些歉意:“今日发生了如此多巨变,玲珑现在恐怕也相当惶恐敏感,我不能避而不见。” Said that from now on he himself will be shocked, this saying how some familiarities 说完过后他自己都愣住了,这话怎么有些熟悉感 Yun Yuqing one wants also to be, opposite party same husband, even even/including the father also died, to a certain extent, as if also are more miserable. 云雨晴一想也是,对方同样死了“夫君”,甚至连父亲也死了,某种程度上来说,似乎比自己还要惨一些。 Thinks that here she also recovers, quickly shoves open Zu An. 想到这里她也回过神来,急忙将祖安推开。 Hears that just like opens the champagne the sound, Yun Yuqing wishes one could a crack to worm one's way into, starts to reorganize the clothes flurriedly. 听到那犹如开启香槟的声音,云雨晴恨不得有个地缝钻进去,慌乱地开始整理衣裳。 Ties in the core one anxious, a dizziness weak transmission, body one soft, almost fell from the window, nearby Zu An supports her luckily. 结果心中一急,一阵眩晕虚弱感传来,身子一软,差点从窗台上摔了下去,幸好一旁的祖安将她扶住。 When she just jumped down from the window, Bi Linglong happen to pushes the door to enter. 当她刚从窗台上跳下来时,碧玲珑正好推门而入。 Sees after her, Bi Linglong is startled slightly: Originally Yuqing also here.” 看到她过后,碧玲珑微微一怔:“原来雨晴也在这里。” Linglong(exquisite) Big Sister.” Yun Yuqing is somewhat grateful, the opposite party has not called it Princess Wu, really has Seven Orifices Exquisite Heart worthily. 玲珑姐姐。”云雨晴有些感激,对方并没有称之为吴王妃,果然不愧有一颗七窍玲珑心 The matter that but just had really feels ashamed, she does not know how here should face, therefore is blushing said fast: I had just chatted with Ah Zu, did not disturb you.” 只不过刚刚发生的事情实在太羞人,她在这里不知道该如何面对,于是红着脸快速说道:“刚刚我已经和阿祖聊完了,就不打扰你们了。” Said that escapes also departs. 说完逃也似地离去。 When saw the opposite party to depart ill-humoredly the form, Bi Linglong white Zu An: Ah Zu, you just bullied her 看到对方离去时的身影,碧玲珑没好气白了祖安一眼:“阿祖,你刚刚是不是欺负她了” Zu An face heat: You are thinking anything blindly, she abandons today, in the heart vacant therefore asks me to speak.” 祖安老脸一热:“你在瞎想什么呢,她今天抛弃了很多,心中茫然所以来找我说说话。” He just wielded conveniently, controls the Water Elemental ability at the present, in the room is clean , without a wee bit flaws to remain. 他刚刚随手一挥,以如今操控水元素的能力,房中早就干干净净,没有一丁点破绽留下来。 Bi Linglong thought that just Yun Yuqing the neck on is completely tide- red color, in posture also day for peace of walking different, has not had anything to be fishy. 碧玲珑心想刚刚云雨晴连脖子上都尽是潮-红之色,走路的姿势也和平日里不同,没发生什么才有鬼了。 However she has not punctured: It seems like she somewhat has same problem with me actually.” 不过她也没有戳破:“看来她跟我倒是有几分同病相怜。” Is about to sit, I rub to you alleviate the weariness.” Zu An pushes she is arriving at dragon Yiqian, presses her to sit. “快过来坐,我给你揉揉缓解一下疲劳。”祖安推着她来到龙椅前,按着她坐了下去。 We chatted are.” Bi Linglong thought that the ghost knows your had just rubbed anything, but the opposite party concern she felt, as if the affectionate couple was common. “我们聊聊天就是。”碧玲珑心想鬼知道你这手刚刚揉过什么,不过对方这份关切之情她还是感受到了,仿佛恩爱夫妻一般的。 „The Bi Family matter processed Zu An to sit down in her side, holds her hand to cross together essence qi. 碧家的事处理好了么”祖安在她身边坐下,牵着她的手渡过去一道元气 Feels that warmly- class/flow, the Bi Linglong whole person is all of a sudden refreshing, today's sweeps away exhaustedly: Un, the Empress Dowager that side showed mercy, wants to come to look in your face.” 感受到那股暖-流,碧玲珑整个人一下子神清气爽,今日的疲惫一扫而空:“嗯,太后那边手下留情了,想来应该是看在你的面子上。” That is good, your father's matter I am sorry, restrains grief.” Zu An sighs. “那就好,令尊的事情我很抱歉,节哀。”祖安叹了一口气。 Ah Zu......” hears his gentle sound, Bi Linglong usually in strong flash collapse, can not help throw to him bosom, wū wū cried. 阿祖……”听到他温柔的声音,碧玲珑平日里的坚强一瞬间崩溃,情不自禁扑到他怀中,呜呜呜地哭了起来。 Zu An caresses her mild-mannered long hair to comfort her gently, the world said that she is a natural statesman, wrist/skill maturely even cold blood, but everyone as if forgot her is about young little miss. 祖安轻轻抚着她柔顺的长发安慰着她,世人都说她是个天生的政治家,手腕成熟甚至冷血,但大家似乎都忘了她不过十几岁的小姑娘啊。 And said another side, in Cininggong, Liu Ning is drawing two beautiful young girls to discuss the daily family activity there: Qianqian, Dandan, too thanked you before.” 且说另一边,慈宁宫中,柳凝正拉着两个美少女在那里唠家常:“倩倩,旦旦,之前真的太感谢你们了。” The two impressively were Sang Qiàn and Zheng Dan. 那两人赫然便是桑倩郑旦了。 Liu Ning has remembered their benevolence, therefore the matter in palace processes to send people to ask them to come. 柳凝一直牢记她们的恩情,所以宫里的事一处理完就派人去请她们过来。 A Cininggong remote corner, a shadow ambush there, the mean eyes looks to the direction of Empress Dowager resting palace, suddenly is full of the burning hot. 慈宁宫一处偏僻的角落,一道黑影潜伏在那里,阴狠的双眼望向太后寝宫的方向,忽然间又充满着炙热。
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