Clonejointlyto displaywithmanyemperors, butstrength, is very indeed powerful, but , compared with him, was still weaker.
The tidesea the spiritual energy of godgoing out of townsuburban, almostswallowscompletelycleanly, nowthesestrengths, change tohisplacing, any move, has the ability of destructionworld, theseEmperorandgodking, althoughrepresentedgodmostpeak, collapses at the first blowas before.
潮汐海将神界出了城市外的灵气,几乎全部吞噬干净,现在这些力量,都化作他的寄养,举手投足,带着毁灭天地的能力,这些帝君、神王,尽管代表了神界最巅峰,依旧不堪一击。This timeruthlessperson, as ifrepresentedentiregod, no onecankeep off.
此时的狠人,仿佛代表了整个神界,无人能挡。„Godperishes, welivedo not have the significance, mycloudHornless Dragon, perishes togetherwithyou......”
“神界灭亡,我们活着也没意义,我云螭,与你同归于尽……”cloudHornless Dragon the Great Emperorchanges the main body, a giantFive Claws Golden Dragon, flew highto throwtohim.
云螭大帝变化出本体,一头巨大的五爪金龙,凌空向他扑了过去。„You? Does not match!”
The ruthlesspersonpalmpinches, Gold Dragonhangsin the palm, in any eventstruggles, cannot escape.
狠人手掌一捏,金龙就挂在掌心,无论如何挣扎,都逃脱不掉。„Old friend, waits forme!”
“老友,等我!”HoldsfierceEmperoralsooneto bellow, changes the white tigermain body, nearby flies highto arrive.
Not the deadEmperor, not the deadFire Phoenixmain bodydemonstrates,flameshiningsky.
The profounddeepGreat Emperor, the main bodyis a turtle, just likeliftingvariousheaven.
玄冥大帝,本尊乃一头大龟,宛如托举着诸天。FourbigDivine Beast, guard the godfour-pole, simultaneouslychanges the main body, god of avalanche, becomesslow.
四大神兽,镇守神界四极,同时变化本体,崩塌的神界,都变得缓慢下来。Universeas ifininstantaneousanchorage.
The consecutivelyfourpalms, the ruthlesspersonsuppressesfourbeasts, in the eyeflashes throughtogetherstrongkilling intent: „Sinceyoucourt death, Ihelpyou......”
连续四掌,狠人将四兽镇压下来,眼中闪过一道浓烈的杀意:“既然你们找死,我就成全你们……”In the roaringsound, justthinks that under the extreme methodswrite off the peoplecompletely, feltarm that raisesonetight, from the skystopped.
咆哮声中,正想下死手将众人全部抹杀,就感到扬起的手臂一紧,在空中停了下来。„To killthem, askedmenot to have......”
“想要杀他们,问过我没有……”Immediately, in the peopleshockingvision , a person's shadowfromin the airwalkedgradually.
正是张悬!This timeyouth, the whole bodystrengthrushes, was more powerful than tentimesto continuea moment ago, came from the day, just like the whole personis a world.
The ruthlesspersonstopped, the visionis dignified.
狠人停了下来,目光凝重。Hehas not understoodobviously why several minutesscene, the strength of opposite partyhad the sohugechange.
他显然也没明白,为何短短几分钟的光景,对方的实力有了如此巨大的变化。„But, howincreased? God of heyday, cannot resist, Ido not believe that you can blockme......”
“不过,增加了又如何?全盛期的神界,都抵挡不住,我不信,你能挡得住我……”coldsnort/hum, the ruthlesspersonracketfallsagainunder.
一声冷哼,狠人再次拍落而下。Openedto hang the long swordto raise, welcomed.
张悬长剑扬起,迎了上来。both sidesfightintogether, spacea stream oftearing, the air currentscurries about.
双方战斗在一起,空间一道道撕裂,气流四处乱窜。„Openshangs to win?”
“张悬能不能获胜?”Comfortabledayholemasterstation, if the sunlightfullwerelooks at the past of worrying.
自在天孔师驻地,洛若曦满是担忧的看过去。SheandKongmastertransmit the strengthtostretch/openXuan, oneselfcultivation base, has reduced, only then the godkingrank, was inferior that beforehandwas so magnificent.
她和孔师将力量传递给张悬,自身修为,已经降低到只有神王级别,不如之前那么辉煌了。However, where the rankis suspending, so long as the strengthis enough, will happen one day, canrestore.
不过,级别在哪里摆着,只要力量足够,终有一天,可以重新恢复。„By the presentstrength, wantsto exceed...... is very difficult! Only if...... hecancomprehendto exceed the strength of Emperor!”
“凭借现在的实力,想要胜过……很难!除非……他能领悟超越帝君的力量!”Silentmoment, KongShidao.
沉默了片刻,孔师道。Severalemperorsunite, is unable to exceed the ruthlessperson, even iftheytransmit the strengthto the opposite partycompletely, wantsto exceed, without is still so easy.
十几个帝君联合,都无法胜过狠人,即便他们将力量全部传递给对方,想要胜过,也没那么容易。Reason thatby doing so , because...... strengthcentralizedinperson of body, maytouch the apex, has the possibilityto surpass the limittruly, the breakthrough!
之所以这样做,是因为……力量只有集中在一人身上,才有可能触碰到顶点,才有可能真正超越极限,突破自我!„Exceeds the strength of Emperor?”
“超越帝君的力量?”If the sunlightlookis distant.
洛若曦眼神悠远。Fatheralsosobertime, onceandshehas spoken the similarwords, but...... sheis unable to achieve, can the belovedman, achieve?
父亲还清醒的时候,曾和她说过同样的话,但……她无法做到,自己心爱的男子,能够做到吗?„Hecan certainly...... hehave an unyieldingheart! Withtothisworldproudly.”
“他一定能……他有着一颗不屈的心!和对这个世界的傲然。”Sees the question in herheart, Kongmastersaid with a smile.
The consecutivelyseveralmoves, stretch/openXuan the fingers/tiger mouthto split open, the chestpresented a hugescar, fiercefearsome.
连续几招下来,张悬虎口开裂,胸口出现了一道巨大的伤痕,狰狞可怖。WithKongmaster said that evenfusedtheirstrength, within the bodyformedcompleteHeavenly Dao, as beforeis not the opponent.
和孔师说的一样,即便融合了他们二人的力量,体内形成了完整的天道,依旧不是对手。„Haha, but alsothinksfiercely, no more than so!” The ruthlesspersoncoldlysmiles.
“哈哈,还以为多厉害,不过如此!”狠人冷冷一笑。„In any caseis notyouropponent, sooner or laterwill be killed, such being the case, Iwant dead underyoustrongestattack......”deeplyinspire, openhovering, is not attacking, insteadlooksto the presentruthlessperson.
“反正不是你的对手,早晚都会被杀,既然如此,我想死在你最强的攻击之下……”深吸一口气,张悬停了下来,不在进攻,反而看向眼前的狠人。„Good, Ihelpyou, gives you strongestattack......”
“好,我成全你,给你最强的攻击……”Listened tohimto saylike this, the ruthlesspersongawked, immediatelycoldsnort/hum, the palmraised.
The azurelightappearsin the palmtogether, the racketfallsfiercelyunder.
一道青光出现在掌心,猛地拍落而下。Reallyis the strongestattack, entiregodsends outto thunder, just likesooncannot withstand, was made a giantpotholeagain.
The eyesshut tightly, stretch/openXuanhas not avoided.
The headblasts open, the soulis defeated and dispersedeverywhere.
脑袋炸裂开来,灵魂四处溃散。„Openshangs......”seesthis, everyonecomplexiononewhite.
“张悬……”看到这一幕,所有人都脸色一白。77just likegoing crazy.
洛七七宛如发疯。cloudHornless DragonGreat Emperorand the othersalsostare the bigeye, non-stoptrembling.
云螭大帝等人也瞪大眼睛,不停哆嗦。Seesthisholemaster, if the sunlightalsoallstares.
The original intentionisto lethimbreaks through the shackles, the impactexceedsemperorboundaryrealm, howto revolt, is resignedto go to?
本意是让他突破桎梏,冲击超越帝境境界的,怎么不去反抗,甘心赴死?Thus, how could it not beto disappointtheirgood intention?
这样,岂不辜负了他们的一番好心?„It is not right, is not deadEmperor the law of notdying......”
“不对,是不死帝君的不死之法……”Was feeling strange, the holemasteropens the mouthsuddenly.
The peoplesawimmediately, the headblasts out, evenstretch/openXuan of souldisruption, pendant of chestblasts outsuddenly, drop of bloodfloat, burns, formedflame of onegroup of burning hots, in the flame, a perfectform, graduallyhoweverleaves.
众人随即看到,脑袋炸开,甚至灵魂碎裂的张悬,胸口的吊坠陡然炸开,一滴血液悬浮而起,燃烧起来,形成了一团炙热的火焰,火焰中,一具完好无损的身影,缓步而出。„Did he...... with the aid of the strength of opposite party, in the bloodwithpendant, haveto lackHeavenly Daowith the soulseparation?”
洛若曦瞳孔收缩。stretch/openXuan after bathhotrebirth, within the bodyactuallydid not have the Heavenly Daolibrary, did not have the disturbance of Heavenly Dao, was separated fromHeavenly Dao!
浴火重生后的张悬,体内竟然没了天道图书馆,没了天道的干扰,脱离了天道!„How does heachieve?”
孔师也满是不敢相信。Heavenly Dao and soulfuseintogether, shares everything, toget rid, hehas tosoul flies away and scatters, condense the soulwith the aid of the ghostpond.天道和灵魂融合在一起,不分彼此,为了摆脱,他不得不魂飞魄散,借助幽魂池重新凝聚魂魄。At presentthis, is only cutto kill, thoroughlygot rid, whatmeansused?
眼前这位,只被斩杀了一下,就彻底摆脱,用了什么办法?„Iknow...... heused the ruthlesspersonto get rid of the soulcontract the means......”, if the sunlightresponded.
The soulcontractbinds the master and servant, the masterdoes not relieve, the servantis restrainedforever...... the Heavenly Daolibrary is also this, it can be said that a contract of enhanced version.
灵魂契约绑定主人和仆人,主人不解除,仆人就永远受制……天道图书馆也是这样,可以说是一种增强版的契约。Bound the soul, does not refuse stubbornlyto be separated.
绑定了灵魂,不死不会脱离。But...... the ruthlesspersongot rid of the soulcontractwith the aid ofthatspecialstrength, the concretemethod, before openinghangs, has inquiredin detail, perhapsat that timehad the thoughts.
但……狠人借助那种特殊力量摆脱了灵魂契约,具体方法,张悬之前详细询问过,恐怕那时就动了心思。Thenintentionallyat risk of life, makinghimdisplay the strongeststrengthto attacktohim.
这才故意拼死,让其施展出最强力量对他攻击。With the aid ofthisstrength, the bathhotrebirth, reallysucceedsgreatly!
借助这种力量,浴火重生,没想到,果然大获成功!„So that's how it is, thisisbreaks through the method of Emperor......”
“原来如此,这才是突破帝君的方法……”stretch/openXuan who goes outfrom the flame, on the faceshows the lightsmile, probablyunderstoodanything, suddenlybeckons, one sideclone, turns into a lotus flowerimmediately, flew.
从火焰中走出的张悬,脸上露出淡淡的微笑,像是明白了什么,突然一招手,一侧的分身,立刻重新变成一朵莲花,飞了过来。In an instant, with the perfect integration.
刹那间,与自身完美融合。A twinklingskill, the peoplefelt,presentstretch/openXuan, turnedprobably for ninedays, ninedaysarehe.
The soletreadson the groundgently.
脚掌在地上轻轻一踏。Chaoticninedays, stabilizeimmediately.
When ninedays of chaosGolden Lotus, ninedays of birthappears, canstabilize for ninedays, at this timeclonewith the self-perfect integration, shares everything, was equal tohiscontrolthisstrength.
九天混沌金莲,九天诞生时出现,能够稳定九天,此时分身和自我完美融合,不分彼此,也就等于他掌控了这种力量。Moreover, fusedninedays of chaosGolden Lotuscultivation base, hereached the peakrealm, presentedbecoming less crowded, as ifwill break throughmomentarily.
不仅如此,融合了九天混沌金莲的修为,他本就达到巅峰的境界,出现了松动,似乎随时都会突破。„Master and servantsentiment, brotherssentimentandmasterShengqing, the parentalsentimentandlove...... fuseintogether, originallyis the world myriad things, thisis a person!”
“主仆情、兄弟情、师生情、父母情、爱情……融合在一起,原来就是世间万物,这才是人!”Be with smile on the face, stretch/openXuanmuttered.
The Heavenly Daolibraryis separated from the soulinstantly, heunderstands.天道图书馆脱离灵魂的刹那,他明白过来。Was the personlooked at the world, had the world, firsthad the world, latterhad the person?
是人看了世界,才有了世界,还是先有世界,后有了人?Iswind moves, isexcited!
是风动,还是心动!Thisissue, ancientimmortalpuzzlecountlesspeople.
这个问题,亘古不朽的困扰着无数人。Naturally, now...... theseare unimportant!
当然,现在……这些都不重要了!Without the life, without the emotion, the worldexistseven, there is what significance?
没有生命,没有情感,世界就算存在,又有何意义?Therefore, after breaking through the love, is the numerousexcites the emotions! Isinterweaves the whole worldemotion.
The world myriad thingsallhave the emotion, feels emotionhas the world, has the emotion, cancontinue the life.
The love, is the sentiment.
The hatred, is the sentiment.
憎,是情。Happy, is the sentiment.
The pain, is the sentiment.
痛苦,是情。Leaving, is the sentiment.
离别,是情。Gathers, is the sentiment!
相聚,也是情!„Myriadcordialities, are adopted by us......”
“万千情意,为我所用……”Hūlowly, openshangswithin the bodyimprisonmentrealm, broke openinstantaneously.
一声低呼,张悬体内禁锢的境界,瞬间破开。Emperorshackles, breakthrough!
帝君桎梏,突破了!In a flash, as iftouched a completely newworld and front door, the soulobtainedfastnourishing.
The air/Qi of innumerablechaos, welled up, the mortal bodyalsopromotesrapidly.
无数混沌之气,涌了过来,肉身也飞速提升。Beforeonly thenabsorbed the spiritstrength, canprogress, butnow the spaceturbulent flowandchaosair/Qi, even ifwere the azurelight of opposite party, canfor all my, share everything.
之前只有吸收灵力,才能进步,而现在空间乱流、混沌之气,哪怕是对方的青光,都可以为我所有,不分彼此。„You......”ruthlesspersonhave not thought that ownall-out attack, not onlyhas not cutto killit, insteadhelpedhim, air/Qi„!”randomly calls, shouted angrily, attackedagain.
“你……”狠人没想到,自己的全力攻击,非但没将其斩杀,反而成全了他,气的“哇哇!”乱叫,一声怒喝,再次攻击下来。„Youhate the Emperor who keeps aloof, has not saved itselfin the spaceturbulent flow, is the sentiment;Thought that oncewasmyservant, the implicationwas base and lowandangry, was the sentiment; To destroygod, vented the anger, was the sentiment; To becomemore powerful, similarlyis the sentiment...... the emotionis controllingyou, howyoucan exceedme, wasn't controlledbyme?”
“你怨恨高高在上的帝君,没在空间乱流中救下自己,是情;觉得曾是我的仆人,蕴含卑微和愤怒,是情;想要毁灭神界,发泄愤怒,是情;想要变得更加强大,同样是情……情感控制着你,你又如何胜得过我,不被我控制?”Smileslightly, stretch/openXuan the voiceis getting quicker and quicker, is getting more and more resounding, the palmgraspsgently.
The invincibleruthlessperson, by the innumerableemotionfine laces, was imprisonedvertically and horizontally/able to move unhinderedintogether, timid and hesitant, is unable to move.
原本纵横无敌的狠人,就被无数情感细线,禁锢在一起,束手束脚,无法动弹。So long asfeels emotion, mustbe usedbyhim, was controlledbyhim!
“你……”In the ruthlesspersoneyesfullisterrified: „stretch/openmaster, Iamyourservant, do not killme...... Ito want the soulto offer sacrifices......”
狠人眼中满是惶恐:“张师,我是你的仆人,不要杀我……我愿意灵魂献祭……”„Nowsaystheseagain,...... has shown a faint smilelate”, stretch/openXuanshakes the head.
The sentiment of controlwhole world, the servantand so onto him, has no significance.掌控天下之情,仆人之类对于他来说,已经没任何意义了。Killedgodlevelso manypeople, injured the owngirlfriend, 77as well asso manyfriends, today, howalsopossiblyto forgive!
“不……”Feelshisresolute, the ruthlesspersonpupilcontraction, the voicehad not ended, immediatelyfeels a bodyfiercepain.
嘭!Suddenly, explodes, changes to the innumerablespiritual energies, fillsto well uptovariousgodplaces.
一刹那间,爆炸开来,化作无数灵气,向神界各处灌涌。Before, allstrengths that the tideseaswallowed, at this timereturned nurturing to parentscompletely, the dried upwilderness, gave full play to the vitality.
“这……”„Did thiskill?”
“这样就杀了?”cloudHornless Dragon the Great Emperor, not the deadEmperorandLinglong(exquisite)Fairy Maidenand the others, allstaredin a big way the eye, cannotbelieve.
云螭大帝、不死帝君、玲珑仙子啊等人,全都瞪大了眼睛,不敢相信。A moment agothey and ruthlesspeoplehave fought, knewfearfully, such powerfulperson, the destruction, this did hangunexpectedlyconveniently...... went towhatsituation?
刚才他们和狠人交过手,知道可怕,这么强大的人,竟然随手覆灭,这位张悬……到底达到了何种地步?Above the don't tell meEmperor, reallyalsohasotherrealm?难道帝君之上,真的还有另外的境界?„Hesucceeded......”
“他成功了……”Kongmaster, if the sunlight, loosens the fist that pinches tightly.
孔师和洛若曦,松开捏紧的拳头。„ThisisHeavenly Daopart, InowonrestoreHeavenly Dao......”
“这是天道的一部分,那我现在就归还天道……”Sawa moment agofromownwithin the body, was separated„Heavenly Daolacked”, as in in the airfloat, stretch/openXuansmiled, counted on the fingers a ball.
嗡!Is born with followhislibraryseverely, loudlyembedabove the godsky.
从重生就伴随他的图书馆,轰然镶嵌在神界的天空之上。God that bellresounding, collapsesunceasingly, visibleslow recovery, chaoticair current, gathers.
大钟般的鸣响,不断崩溃的神界,肉眼可见的缓慢恢复,混乱的气流,也重新聚拢起来。God of avalanche, stoppedfinally, witheredspiritual energy, followed the death of ruthlessperson, slowlyrecovery.
崩塌的神界,终于停了下来,干枯的灵气,也伴随狠人的死亡,慢慢复苏。„It seems like, godmustwelcome the spiritual energyrecoverytime......”stretch/openXuanto smile.
The hole of tidesea, follows the complement of Heavenly Dao, has restored, godrestores the beforehandgrand occasion, is only the timeissue.
潮汐海的窟窿,伴随天道的补全,已经恢复,神界恢复以前的盛况,只是时间问题。„stretch/openXuan, herecomes......”
“张悬,这边来……”Justcompletedthese, in the brainresounded a sound, stretch/openXuanleng, onestepstepped forward.
刚做完这些,脑中响起一个声音,张悬愣了一下,一步跨出。Thisstep, does not know that flewfar, immediatelysaw a youthstandsin the front.
这一步,不知飞了多远,随即看到一个青年站在面前。Beforetaught the swordsmanshipthat.
正是之前传授自己剑法的那位。„Senior, you......”
“前辈,你……”Seesishe, stretch/openXuanstares.
看到是他,张悬一愣。Beforefeltthis, immeasurably deep, nowdiscovers, compared withoneself, onlymissedone, has reached the mostpeak of Emperor, compared withbeforehand, if the sunlight, powerfuldid not knowmany.
之前就觉得这位,深不可测,现在才发现,比起自己,也只差了一丝而已,已然达到了帝君的最巅峰,比起之前的洛若曦,都强大不知多少。„Saidmynamethen, Icalled...... NieTong!”Youthbodysends outunprecedentedswordintent, lightsay/way.
“直呼我名字即可,我叫……聂铜!”青年身上散发出一往无前的剑意,淡淡道。„NieTong?”stretch/openXuanknits the brows.
“聂铜?”张悬皱了皱眉。Hearsthisname for the first time.
第一次听到这个名字。„Withmecomes, leadingyouto seemy brother!” The youth who is calledNiecoppersmiles, forwardstride.
“跟我来,带你见我哥哥!”叫做聂铜的青年莞尔一笑,向前跨步而出。Opensfollows close onfloating after behind, does not know that flewfar, stoppedbefore a mountain peak.
The appearancecompared withhismany, the frownrisesat the worst, onetypeprofoundcannotsee through the feeling.
The strength of thisyouth, unexpectedlyis at present more powerful than him, similarlybroke through the shackles of Emperor, moreovercultivation baseis profoundersincerely!
眼前这位青年的实力,竟然比他还要强大,同样突破了帝君的桎梏,而且修为更加深远厚重!„Below, Nieclouds!” The youthsmiledlightly, looked: „Alsois...... NieLingxi, inyourmouth, if the father of sunlight!”
“在下,聂云!”青年淡淡一笑,看了过来:“也就是……聂灵犀,你口中洛若曦的父亲!”„If the father of sunlight?”
“若曦的父亲?”stretch/openXuanshakes: „Are you...... godHeavenly Dao?”
张悬一震:“你……是神界天道?”Beforeif the sunlighthas said that the ownfather, isHeavenly Dao, how unable to think,issuchyoung people.
之前洛若曦说过,自己的父亲,是天道,怎么都想不到,是这样一个年轻人。„I, as soon asgasifies the Taoist trinity, part of souls, turned intoHeavenly Dao! Also, thisworld, wasIcreates, said that IwasHeavenly Dao may also all!”Niecloudsmileslightly.
张悬不敢相信。God is thispersoncreatesunexpectedlyat present?
Should hisstrength, strong?
那他的实力,该有多强?„It is not right, ifgodisyoucreates, youareHeavenly Dao, whateverwhy the ruthlesspersonwreaks havoc, butnottake action......”stretch/openXuanlooks.
If notbreaks through, godhas the possibilityto crashextremelythoroughly, whyat presentthisperson, no matterdidn't ask?
如果不是自己突破,神界极有可能彻底崩塌,为何眼前这人,不管不问?Eveneven/including did daughter'slife and death, care?
甚至连女儿的生死,都关心?Had not replied that hisissue, Niecloudlookslightly: „Youthink...... abovegod, more powerfullife?”
没回答他的问题,聂云淡淡的看过来:“你认为……神界之上,还有更加强大的生命吗?”„This......”stretch/openXuanstopped: „Shouldhave......”
“这……”张悬停顿了一下:“应该有吧……”Althoughhas not seen, but since hecancultivationtothisrealm, perhaps others , evenis stronger.
虽然没见过,但既然他能修炼到这种境界,或许其他人也可以,甚至更强。Probablyat presentthis.
就好像眼前这位。„Ioncesuspected,abovegodwill have a more powerfullife, thereforeexhaustspeeps atfull power, finallybrought in the higherworldbacklashes...... a palmair-splittingunder!”
“我曾怀疑,神界之上会有更强大的生命,所以用尽全力窥视,最终引来了更高世界的反噬……一个手掌破空而下!”Niecloudlooks: „Ifat that timeImoved aside, haspossibilityentiregodto be levelledextremely, did not havehalflifeagain......, therefore, kept offthismove, buttherefore, Heavenly Dao of incarnationwas also split.”
聂云看过来:“当时如果我躲闪,极有可能整个神界都会被抹平,再没有半个生命……所以,挡下了这招,但也因此,化身的天道被分裂出去。”„Thissituation, Iwantto restore, is onlytogether the thought that but...... Iunderstand,wantstrulyuniquegodshackles, explores the palmbywhatto come, besidegod, there is anything...... to depend onmeto be very difficultto achieveonly. Therefore, wantsto have a look, to have the life, canbreak through the Emperorshackles, achieveswithmyorthogonalsituation!”
“这种情况,我想恢复,只是一道意念而已,但……我明白,想要真正超脱神界桎梏,去探索手掌由何而来,神界之外,又有什么……单靠我一人很难做到。所以,想要看看,有没有生命,能够突破帝君桎梏,达到和我平齐的地步!”„Therefore, the scatteredHeavenly Dao thought that will deliver to the lowest levelworld...... to grantrespectivelywas the soul of thisworld, is not the soul of thisworldwithone. Butyou, have not disappointedmefinally!”
“所以,就将分散的天道意念,送到最底层的世界……分别赐予原本属于这个世界的灵魂,和一个不属于这个世界的灵魂。而你,最终没让我失望!”Niecloudsaid with a smile.
聂云笑道。„It is not the soul of thisworld, according to this logic, mytransmigration, because ofyou?”Instretch/openXuanxinshakes.
“不属于这个世界的灵魂,这样说来,我穿越,也是因为你?”张悬心中一震。No wonder, cantransmigrationcome, has not thought that isthisbehaviorat present.
难怪,能够穿越过来,没想到都是眼前这位所为。„Hehe!”Niecloudsmiles, said: „Itselfbelongs tothisworld, hasto the awe of the world, wantsto break through the worldshackles, the difficultyis much bigger, I am also the intentionmove, has not thought,youreallycansucceed......”
“呵呵!”聂云轻轻一笑,道:“本身属于这个世界,就有着对世界的敬畏,想要突破世界桎梏,难度要大得多,我也是心念一动,并没想到,你真的能够成功……”„I......”hangs the complexionredone: „If notKongmaster, Iam impossibleto go tothissituation......”
“我……”张悬脸色一红:“如果不是孔师,我根本不可能达到这种地步……”Without the selfless contributions of hole, wantsto achievepresentrealm, is impossibleto achieve.
没有孔师的无私奉献,想要达到现在的境界,根本不可能做到。„OpportunityIgavehim, has not grasped. Fightswith the ratio of cleverness, is actually the bestopportunity that hebreaks through, what a pity, hechose the avoidance, thinksoneselfleave room for maneuver, canmove out, in factactuallylostwent fearlessly ahead, facingexceedingourpeople, ifthisspiritdoes not even have, how can also withitcontending?”
聂云道。stretch/openXuanis silent.
张悬沉默不语。At that timetwopeople of fights, hewatched, Kongmastersomewhatwas indeed not satisfactoryonresolute.
当时二人的战斗,他都看在眼里,孔师的确在果决上有些欠妥。Alsothere is a possibility, heis not willingto cutto kill, ifsunlight.
也有可能,他不愿意斩杀洛若曦吧。What a pity, thisin an instant, missed the opportunity of being promoted.
可惜,就这一念之间,错过了晋级的机会。„IfKongmasterwins, if after the sunlightwill die......”moment, stretch/openXuanlooks, the eyebrowwrinkles.
“如果孔师获胜,若曦就会死……”片刻后,张悬看过来,眉毛皱起。Difficultto be inadequate, at present doesn't thisdaughter'slife and deathmanage?
难不成,眼前这位连女儿的生死都不管了?„Hasme, shewill not die......”Niecloudto smilelightly: „Yourpresentstrength, how manycould not misswithme, youfelttwopeople of strengths, the crucial moment, wantedto save others, canachieve?”
“有我在,她不会死……”聂云淡淡一笑:“你现在的实力,和我也差不了多少了,你觉得二人的实力,生死关头,想要救人,能不能做到?”„This......”stretch/openXuansmiles bitterly.
“这……”张悬苦笑。Breaks through the Emperor, with the Emperor, istwoconcepts, ifhereallywantstake action, can indeed savein the finalmoment, moreover ensure a woundcannot bear.
突破帝君,和帝君,是两个概念,如果他真的愿意出手,的确可以在最后关头将人救下,而且保证,一点伤都受不了。„Cleverness, ismyanotherwifebeautiful womanlives, the name that thereforeshecamouflages, is surnamed...... in order to makeherbelieve,does not get emotional, by the presenthas thoughtIalsofall into the stupor......”
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