Soulcontract, conjunctionsoul, so long as do not relieve, even if the opposite partymethodis exceedingly high, is unable to reduce and solve.
灵魂契约,契合灵魂,只要自己不解除,哪怕对方手段通天,都无法化解。Probably not deadEmperorlittleyellowchicken, beforewas only the godking, hewas a Emperor, similarlydid not havemeanssolutionthisagreement.
就好像不死帝君小黄鸡,之前只是神王,他是帝君,同样没办法解决这种约定。In order topreventthisfellowreneges, appearsphenomenon that backlashes, the famous teachermainlandoncesetspecially, even if the opposite partycanbe separated from the book of Heavenly Dao, is unable to work loose the agreement between souls!
为了防止这家伙变卦,出现反噬的现象,名师大陆就曾专门定下,即便对方可以脱离天道之册,也无法挣脱灵魂间的约定啊!„Soulcontract, indeedis unable fromknowing the seasplits, butIfuse the specialgas that evenHeavenly Daocanreduce and solve, reduces and solvesthistype of contract, not difficult......, so long ashas the sufficientstrength, shellscontractwhereabouts, canachieve!”
The soulcontract, is basedonHeavenly Dao, specialstrengtheven/includingShenjieHeavenly Daocanreduce and solve, reduces and solves the soulcontract, so long asprocessesappropriately, there iswhatdifficulty?
灵魂契约,是建立在天道基础上的,特殊力量连神界天道都能化解,化解个灵魂契约,只要处理得当,又有何难?„...... Hangs the visionto flashso that's how it is”.
“原来如此……”张悬目光一闪。„Saidso manywithyou, calculates that thanksledmetogod!”
“和你说这么多,也算感谢将我带到神界了!”Explained, the ruthlesspersonno longer said that the bodyauraeven moreancientdistant, black holebecamehuger, skill that obviouslyspoke, swalloweddid not knowmanystrengths, didnutritiously.
解释完,狠人不再多说,身上的气息愈发的亘古悠远,身后的黑洞变得更加巨大,显然说话的功夫,又吞噬了不知多少力量,做了滋补。„stretch/openXuan, the black holeswallowsare more, hisstrengthis stronger......”
“张悬,黑洞吞的越多,他的实力越强……”If the sunlightalsodiscoveredis not right, hurriedsound transmissioncomes.
洛若曦也发现了不对劲,急忙传音过来。„Preparationbegins!”In the hearthas doubtscompletelydisappears, stretch/openXuansheninspires, in the hand the long sword, raisessuddenly: „Such being the case, thatundersees the true factswhile you are at it!”
轰隆!Most powerfulswordintent, displaysagain.
最强大的剑意,再次施展而出。Liveswhenduplicate/restoressubmits, diesto work asSauvignon Blanc!
The life and deathalldoes not care, what alsothere isto stop?
生死皆不在乎,又有何事可以阻拦?Thismove of swordsmanship, althoughhas not achieved the Emperorto comprehend, containedall in heartto holdto read, the day in within the body, iffelt emotioncultivation technique, displayed the limit.
A sword the attack of ruthlessperson, cutstwo halves.
一剑将狠人的攻击,斩成两半。At the same time, ifsunlightalsotake action, the white handstumbled, swordglowlikesnow.
同一时刻,洛若曦也出手了,玉手翻滚,剑芒如雪。Herswordsmanshipandswordgoddaythatyouthis somewhat similar, has the unprecedentedimposing manner, withGrand Daonaturalnatural.
她的剑法和剑神天的那位青年有些相似,带着一往无前的气势,和大道自然的潇洒。„Yourmovesareveryfierce, butcontrastsme, missedsome......”
“你们的招数是很厉害,但对比我,还是差了些……”Smiles, the ruthlesspersongraspsagaindownward.
轻轻一笑,狠人再次向下抓来。In a flash, blocks the sky, the palmcovered the world, the spacedisruption, the starsas ifmustbe hitforcefully.
一瞬间,遮天蔽日,手掌将天地都笼罩了,空间碎裂,日月星辰都仿佛要被硬生生打下来。Pū! Pū!
噗!噗!stretch/openXuan, if the sunlightflies upside downsimultaneously, the personspurtsin the in the airbloodcrazily.
张悬和洛若曦同时倒飞而出,人在空中鲜血狂喷。Bytwopeople of strengths, cannot resistunexpectedly!
Did thisfellowachievewhatrealm?
这家伙到底达到了何种境界?„Dissolute!” The clonestridetreads, every timewalksonestep, has the lotus flowerto bloom, voidhas the sound of running water.
“放肆!”分身大步踏来,每走一步,就有莲花绽放,虚空中带着流水的声音。Looksfrom afar,classyis full.
远远看去,逼格十足。Refining upninedays of chaosGolden Lotus, hiscultivation basecompared withstretch/openXuan, is not weak.
A fistraises, the strengthrushes for ninedays.
一拳扬起,力量冲上九天。With the ruthlesspersontobumping, flying upside down, cannot blockonemove.
和狠人对碰,同样倒飞而出,挡不住一招。stretch/openXuancovers the forehead.
The achievementEmperor, clonenot to change the acting coolnatural dispositionas before......
成就帝君了,分身依旧不改装逼的本性……Suchgorgeousacting cool, might as well the concentration of efforts, the mightis bigger!
这么绚丽的装逼,还不如将力量集中起来,威力更大!„Togethertake action, otherwise, theydied, wewill die......”
“一起出手,不然,他们死了,我们都会死……”littleyellowchickendrinksgreatly, the scarletflamecombustion, the sky seems like lit.
小黄鸡一声大喝,赤红的的火焰燃烧,天空都像被点燃。Remainingsixbigemperors, uses the methodrespectively.
剩下六大帝君,也各自施展手段。Sevenemperorsunite, destroy the dayto extinguish, a sideworldcannot resistin the front, but the opposite partyabsorbed the ruthlessperson of specialstrength, nearby the attackarrives, the black holeincreasessuddenly, suddenlyskillswallows the strengthcleanly, counter-attackstightlybit by bit.
嘭嘭嘭嘭!Sevenemperorsandstretch/openXuanand the others were the same, flying upside down.
七位帝君和张悬等人一样,倒飞而出。Tenbigemperors, uniteintogether, have not blockedopposite partyonemoveunexpectedly!
Will thisfellow, be so how powerful?
A moverouts the people, ruthlesspersononestep, the wrist/skillturnsforward, pattedagain.
一招击溃众人,狠人向前一步,手腕一翻,再次拍了下来。„Petty peopledare!”
“鼠辈敢尔!”Followsoneto drinkgreatly, beforeswordgoddaythatold man, the toweringappearance, kept offin the front, in the hand the long swordchanges toMilky Way.
伴随一声大喝,之前剑神天的那位老者,突兀出现,挡在面前,手中长剑化作银河。„Emperor? Is healso the Emperorstrength?”
“帝君?他也是帝君实力?”stretch/openXuan the pupilshrinks.
张悬瞳孔一缩。Thisold manfollowedinitiallyin the youthbehind, thisthinks that is onlyaccompanies, most the titlegodking, displays the strengthto discover,unexpectedly is also Emperorexpert!
这位老者当初跟在青年身后,本以为只是个随从,最多封号神王,施展出力量才发现,竟然也是一位帝君强者!Ifheis a Emperor, thatyouth, whatis?
如果他是帝君,那位青年,是什么?„Heis the swordgoddayEmperor......”strugglingis standing the body, if the sunlightclenches teethto say.
“他本身就是剑神天的帝君……”挣扎站着身来,洛若曦咬牙道。„Youth who that...... passes onmyswordsmanship?”stretch/openXuancannot bearagain.
“那……传我剑法的青年呢?”张悬再也忍不住。„Heis......”, if the sunlightjustwantsto reply, theEmperor who a spacedistortion, sees the swordgoddayimmediately, flew upside downsimilarly, fallsonnot far away, pounds a big hole.
“他是……”洛若曦刚想回答,空间一阵扭曲,随即看到剑神天的这位帝君,同样倒飞了出去,落在不远处,砸出一个大坑。stretch/openXuan the presentstrength, with the comprehension of swordsmanship, farexceedshim, cannot contend, hiscultivation baseis not even weak, the sword techniqueis wise, as beforeis not the opponent.
张悬现在的实力,和对剑道的领悟,远超过他,都抗衡不住,他即便修为不弱,剑术高明,依旧不是对手。„Haha, Emperor, oneflock of range chickenearthenware dogs! TodayIextinguish for ninedays, extinguishedthisgod, tramples flatallrules!”
“哈哈,帝君,一群土鸡瓦狗而已!今天我就灭了九天,灭了这神界,将一切规则踏平!”Beats the swordgoddayEmperor, the ruthlesspersonlaughscrazily, all aroundspacenon-stopcollapsing, served as contrasthesuch asmonsterlikedemon.
将剑神天的帝君击败,狠人疯狂大笑,四周的空间不停坍塌,衬托的他如妖如魔。„What to do?”stretch/openXuan the fistpinches tightly.
“怎么办?”张悬拳头捏紧。A moment agoheandclone, displayed the strongestbattle efficiency, ifevenpresentsunlight , the strongestmovewill use, has not blockedonemove of opposite party......
刚才他和分身,都施展出最强战斗力了,甚至眼前的洛若曦,也将最强招数使用了出来,都没挡住对方的一招……don't tell megod, really can no oneblockat presentthis?难道神界,真的没人能够挡住眼前这位?Whateverhedoes destroy the world?
任由他将世界毁灭?„The onlymeans...... lackyourHeavenly Dao, return toHeavenly Dao, makingHeavenly Daosuppress...... him”, ifXishowfistpinches tightly, eye socketfloodred.
“唯一的办法……是将你的天道有缺,回归天道本身,让天道将他镇压……”洛若曦秀拳捏紧,眼眶泛红。„Returns toHeavenly Dao?”stretch/openXuanknowshermeaning.
The library in mind, is in itself Heavenly Daopart, oncereturns, Heavenly Daowas equal to that thoroughwas complete, can perhaps restore the loophole, will suppress the personto repel.
It seems like the immune system of human body.
The immune systemis complete, the viruscame, easilyaction of driving away;Went bad, cannot resist the viralinvasion, strongperson, will therefore die.
只是……„Hewas too powerful, even ifHeavenly Daorestorescompletely, is unable to suppress!”stretch/openXuanshakes the head.
The virus, the immune systemcancutto kill, but...... fierce tiger?
病毒,免疫系统是可以斩杀,但……猛虎呢?Strongimmune system, what also means there is?
再强的免疫系统,又有什么办法?At presentthis, is only the ordinarygodking, even ifconfers a title upon, Heavenly Daocaneasilykill, maywantpowerfulcompared with the emperors...... is notHeavenly Daocancontend.
眼前这位,只是普通神王,哪怕封号,天道都可以轻易杀死,可比帝君都要强大……已然不是天道可以抗衡的了。„This......”, if the sunlightstopped, in the pure whitejadesurfacereveals the color of losing: „Yes...... does not have the meansto suppress, but, Heavenly Daois complete, hecanwake, cutsto killthis, is not difficult!”
“这……”洛若曦停顿了一下,洁白的玉面上露出失落之色:“是啊……没办法镇压,但是,天道完整,他就能醒过来,斩杀这位,并不难!”„He?”stretch/openXuanknits the brows.
“他?”张悬皱眉。„Ileadyouto seehim,...... deeplyinspiresin the comfortableday”, if the sunlightclenches teeth, turns aroundto approach the forward flightto go.
“我带你去见他,就在自在天……”深吸一口气,洛若曦一咬牙,转身就向前飞去。„To escape?”Ruthlesspersoncoldsnort/hum, pressestobelow.
嘭!If the sunlightfromin the aircrashes.
洛若曦从空中坠落。„You......”hangs the swordsmanshipto displayagain, swordintentmagnificently.
The againsuppressedpersonblocks.
再次被狠人挡住。„Youwalkquickly, Iblockhim......”
“你们快走,我来挡住他……”Knows that theywantto savegodagain the method, rather thanruns away, cloneto reverewith not the deademperor, drinksto keep offinfrontgreatly, 77alsochanges, returns to the staticspatialbeadmain body.
知道他们再想拯救神界的方法,而不是逃走,分身和不死帝尊,一声大喝挡在前面,洛七七也摇身一变,回归静空珠本体。All aroundspacesolidifies.
“走!”Sees the peopleto act boldly regardless of one's safetyto keep offinbehind, notdreaded the death, stretch/openXuaneye socketonered, but, knowsnowdoes not say, if a Larrau the sunlight, the bodyin a flash, cut the space, the nextquarterhas appearedin the comfortabledayrange.
The comfortabledaydoes not have the beforehandcomfortablenessnow, the godavalanche, in all directions a confusion.
自在天现在已经没了之前的自在,神界崩塌,四处一片混乱。„He who you said that where?”
“你说的他,在哪里?”Has no free timeto observe the life of average person, stretch/openXuanlooksto the girl in bosom.
没空去观察普通人的生活,张悬看向怀中的女孩。Thatperson that ifshe said that reallycansavegod, oneselfsacrificedwhy not!
如果她说的那人,真能拯救神界,自己牺牲又何妨!„Heismy father, the blood in yourpendant, ishis, not the deadEmperor, oncewashisbeastfavored......”, if the sunlightcontrolled one's breathing, answered.
“父亲?”stretch/openXuanis suddenly enlighted.
张悬恍然大悟。No wonderhas felt the bloodand in pendant, if the sunlightis similar, is different, originallyisher father.
难怪一直觉得吊坠中的血液和洛若曦相似,却又不同,原来是她父亲的。Thisalso explained that thatthought why not the deadEmperorleaves behind, after seeingpendant, immediatelyrecognizes is in itself the lord.
这样也就解释了,为何不死帝君留下的那道意念,看到吊坠后,立刻认自己为主。„Is your fatheralso a Emperor? Hasstrength that exceeds the Emperor?”
“你父亲也是帝君?或者拥有超越帝君的实力?”Cannot bearsay.
The libraryconfusion, is the blood in pendant, was restoredsoberlybyoneself, is difficultto be inadequate, not onlysheis a Emperor, the father is also, evenis more powerful?
图书馆混乱,是吊坠中的血液,让自己恢复清醒,难不成,不仅她是帝君,父亲也是,甚至更加强大?If so, why can also the stupor?
如果是这样的话,又为何会昏迷?AlsoneedsHeavenly Daoto lack, canmakeitssober?
又需要天道有缺,才能让其清醒?„Heis not a Emperor, butis...... Heavenly Dao!”
“他不是帝君,而是……天道!”IfXishowfistpinches tightly.
洛若曦秀拳捏紧。„Heavenly Dao? Is your father...... Heavenly Dao?”stretch/openXuanshakes, cannotbelieve.
“天道?你父亲……是天道?”张悬一震,不敢相信。„Yes! 50years ago, the fathercannot resistthatonlybig hand, falls into the stupororderly, the Heavenly DaocollapseSanchengthreeparts, Heavenly DaolackswithHeavenly Dao, enters the spaceturbulent flow, mycontrolHeavenly Daonature, maintains the balance of god. Wishmakeshimrestore, somecollections that only will then disperse......, therefore, Isorenounce, cannotbe defeated! Enters the famous teachermainlandspecially, studies the Spring and Autumn Periodgrand ceremony, finding the wayto defeatKongmaster! WithKongmasterfights, askshismatter, isthis.”
“是!五十年前,父亲抵挡不住那只大手,陷入昏迷,天道崩散成三部分,天道有序和天道有缺,进入空间乱流,我代为掌控天道自然,维持神界的平衡。想要让他恢复,只有将散开的部分收集……所以,我才如此决绝,不能失败!才专门进入名师大陆,研究春秋大典,想办法战胜孔师!和孔师战斗的时候,拜托他的事,也是这个。”If the sunlightsaid.
Shortly after the famous teachermainlandjustknew, the presentgirl, had toldwithoneselfherstory, mustsave a close relative, oneselfwere not clearat that time, nowis suddenly enlighted.
名师大陆刚认识不久,眼前的女孩,就和自己讲述过她的故事,要救一位至亲,自己当时还不明白,现在才恍然大悟。Unexpectedlyisher father, moreovergodHeavenly Dao!
竟然是她父亲,而且还是神界天道!Heavenly Daoreallycanturn into the human form, andbears children?天道真的能够化成人形,并且生儿育女吗?„controlHeavenly Daonature...... yourwithin the body, without the Heavenly Daofragment?”Suddenly, realizesinherlanguageis not right, stretch/openXuanlooks.
“代为掌控天道自然……你体内,没有天道碎片?”突然,意识到她语言中的不对劲,张悬看过来。control, withthisfusion in within the body, istwoconcepts.
代为掌控,和自己这种融合在体内,是两种概念。„Iam onlycontrol, is notHeavenly Daopart......”, if the sunlightsaid.
张悬松了口气。Like thissaid,onlyneededoneself to lackHeavenly Daoto stripto be good, did not needheralso dead.
这样说起来,只需要自己将天道有缺剥离出来就行了,并不需要她也死亡。Althoughthisdestiny, is not willingto accept, is actually not willing the presentgirl, injured.
尽管这种命运,不愿意接受,却也不愿意眼前的女孩,受到伤害。„Ihaveto lackto stripHeavenly Dao in within the body, your fathercanlive, will suppress the personto striketo kill?”Opensfloatinglooks like.
“我将体内的天道有缺剥离出来,你父亲就能活过来,甚至将狠人击杀是吧?”张悬看来。„This...... Ido not determine......”
“这……我也不确定……”Looked upcrashedgod, if the sunlighthesitated.
抬头看了看已经崩塌的神界,洛若曦迟疑。Godisfather'sfoundation, now the foundationlike this, evenis sober, reallycanbeatthatpowerfulruthlessperson?
神界是父亲的根基,现在根基都这样了,就算清醒,真的能够将那个强大的狠人击败吗?Reallydid not say!
真不好说!„It seems likeyoucannotaffirm, such being the case, asking others for helpto might as wellaskoneself...... we, only thentry to find the solution!”stretch/openXuanclenches teeth: „YouandI, clone, unite for ninedaysnineemperors, ifKongmasterin the coordination, not necessarilycannotwin!”
“看来你也不能肯定,既然如此,求人不如求己……我们只有自己想办法!”张悬咬了咬牙:“你、我、分身,联合九天九帝,如果在配合上孔师,未必不能获胜!”„Holemaster? He......”, if the sunlightknits the brows.
“孔师?他……”洛若曦皱眉。„Holemasterhad died! Hehad not diedtruly, ifguessesright, hewas cutto killbyyou, butis usedto be separated from the Heavenly Daomethod...... accidentally/surprisingly, heshould be the same withWeiChangfeng, yes【Innateembryosoulbody】!”
张悬道。SeesWeiChangfeng, understands, holemasterso-calledmaintains the spiritwisdom, should be the same withhim, is the innateembryosoulbody.
看到魏长风,就明白过来,孔师所谓的保持灵智,应该和他一样,是先天胎魂体。Canachievein the embryonot to confuse.
The subsequent hand who in additionleaves behindahead of time, resurrecting, is only the timeissue.
再加上提前留下的后手,复活,只是时间问题。If the sunlightis shocked, as ifshehas not thought,canbethis.
洛若曦愣住,似乎她没想到,会是这样。„In the pasthad a lookto know, guessedgood, heshouldrestore, otherwise, histhesestudents, were impossibleeven the tideseanot to go to......”stretch/openXuandao.
“过去看看就知道了,猜的不错,他应该已经恢复,不然,他的那些学生,不可能连潮汐海都没去……”张悬道。Kongmasterthesestudents, childdeep poolancientSaintand the others, each oneare strong, even if no Emperorto help, stillhas the meansto enter the tideseainevitably, buthas not actually seen.
孔师的那些学生,子渊古圣等人,个个实力强劲,就算没有帝君帮助,也必然有办法进入潮汐海,可却一个都没见。Has a more importantmatterto waitinevitably, wantsto take advantage that allemperorsgo to the tideseato have no timeto take into considerationdoes!
必然是有更重要的事情等着,想要趁所有帝君去潮汐海无暇顾及的时候去做!Butthisimportantmatter, obviously is to make the holemasterrestore.
而这种重要的事,明显就是让孔师恢复。„This......”, ifin the sunlightheartshakes, is suddenly enlighted.
“走吧!”No longerexplained, the single-handedstroke, opens the hanging loadto arriveis, reallysaw that an old man who newlyKongmasterlivessits cross-leggedfloatinin the air, seesthemto arrive, shows a faint smile: „Came!”
It is not Kongmaster, who is also!
The master of thisten thousand th, has not really disappointed himself!
这位万世之师,果然没让自己失望!Withguess, will focus onwhileeveryonetidesea, resurrected.
和猜测的一样,趁着所有人都将注意力集中在潮汐海的时候,重新复活了。„You......”, if the sunlighttenderbodyshakes.
“你……”洛若曦娇躯一震。Sheknows that the Emperorcanresurrect, not the deadEmperoralsolived, but...... has not thought that the speedwas so fast!
她知道帝君可以复活,不死帝君也活过来了,但……没想到速度这么快!„IconcealHeavenly Dao, ahead of timeprepared the subsequent hand, that in ghostpondgiant who does not have the name, isIstays behind, on the same daywas cutto killbyyou, Itook the opportunityto break out of the fetter of Heavenly Dao, condensed the mortal body, nowalsojustrestores!”
“我隐瞒天道,提前就准备了后手,幽魂池中的那个没有名字的巨人,就是我留下的,当日被你斩杀,我借机摆脱了天道的束缚,重新凝聚肉身,现在也刚刚恢复罢了!”Kongmastershows a faint smile.
孔师微微一笑。Heis skilled in the timeability, seemed likegodonlyto pass for oneandtwodays, in facttorestore the strength, how longexperienceddid not know.
他精通时间能力,看起来神界只过了一、两天,实际上为了恢复力量,经历了不知多久。Dozensyears of time, had.
几十年的时光,都有了。„Ourstrengths, areverystrong, butwantsto exceed the ruthlessperson, withoutthateasy......”
“我们三人的实力,是很强,但想要胜过狠人,也没那么容易……”SeesKongmasterto restore, if the sunlightshakes the headas before.
见孔师果真恢复,洛若曦依旧摇头。Does not rise others power and prestige, extinguishes the spirit, butis the fact.
不是涨他人威风,灭自己志气,而是事实。So manypeopleuniteda moment ago, withoutblocking the opposite party, evenincreased a holemaster, how can also?
刚才这么多人联合,都没挡住对方,即便增加一个孔师,又能如何?Similarlycannot change the aspect!
同样改变不了局面!„Oursinglestrengths, evenunitesintogether, indeedis not the opponent of opposite party, but......, ifeveryone'sstrength, fusesinbody of person?”
“我们单个的实力,甚至联合在一起,的确不是对方的对手,但……如果将所有人的力量,都融合在一个人的身上呢?”Kongmasterlookswith a smile.
“融合在一个人身上?”Not onlythistime, if the sunlightknits the brows, stretch/openXuanis also fullis the doubts.
这次不光洛若曦皱眉,张悬也满是疑惑。„Thatpalmcanteargod, scattersHeavenly Dao, strength, the unquestionable, ruthlesspersonabsorbsthisstrengthcompletely, swallowed a god50years of spiritual energy, the onlystrength, ourmore than tenemperors, takeindividually, indeedis not the opponent......”
“那个手掌能够撕裂神界,将天道都打散,实力之强,不容置疑,狠人将这股力量全部吸收,又吞噬了神界五十年的灵气,单凭实力,我们十几位帝君,单个拿出来,的确不是对手……”KongShidao: „Butunitesintogether, concentration of effortsinperson of body...... not necessarily!”
孔师道:“但联合在一起,将力量集中在一人身上……就未必了吧!”„Howto concentrate?”
“如何集中?”If the sunlightlooks.
洛若曦看过来。Simplicity that said that doesdifficultly.
The emperorshave stoodingodmostpeak, if so easyto absorbothers'strength, she is also insufficientso manyyears, bogs down.
帝君已经站在神界最巅峰了,如果这么容易吸收别人的力量,她也不至于这么多年,停滞不前。„Verysimple...... we bodystrength, the centralismare openingfloatingbody, oncehecanbreak through the Emperorshackles, canrescuegod!”
孔师道。„I?”stretch/openXuanstares: „WhyisI?”
“我?”张悬一愣:“为什么是我?”„Whatclevernessemperorreverescultivationis the free, uniquenature! Buthad the restriction of fatheraffinityHeavenly Dao, had the person of worrying, does not have the meansto be truly uniqueforever! IfIhave not misread, initiallywithIfought, youhad also once given up, planned that was cutto killbyme!”
孔师道。If the sunlightcould not speak.
洛若曦说不出话来。Fighttime, indeed this plan, thereforetwopeople of fights, juststarted, leaves room for maneuverrespectively, just likecomparing notes, notlikelife and deathfight.
战斗的时候,的确有过这种打算,所以二人的交手,刚开始的时候,各自留着后手,宛如切磋,不像生死搏斗。„It is not ableto be aloof, naturallyalsoondisplaystrongeststrength, evengivesmuchrealair/Qi, similarlyis unable to attackthattohighrealm! As forme......”
“无法超脱,自然也就发挥不出最强力量,即便给与再多的真气,同样无法冲击那至高的境界!至于我……”Kongmasternods saying: „Has the common people, wantsto bring salvation towhole world, actuallydid not wantothersto sacrificeforme, were too benevolently many, was a shortcoming! If stingier, the differentspiritclanextermination of the clan, will not have the presentaspect......”
孔师点头道:“心怀苍生,想要普度天下,却不愿意别人为我牺牲,仁慈太多,也是缺点!如果心狠一些,将异灵族灭族,就不会有现在的局面……”Initiallyifcanextinguish the differentspiritclansmancompletelykills, the ruthlesspersonwas impossibleto resurrect, will not have the presentsituation.
当初如果能将异灵族人全部灭杀,狠人就不可能复活,也不会有现在的情况。„Therefore, Iam not suitable! Butstretch/openXuan, cultivation techniqueis satisfactory, withoutflaw. The artlives, even if the bodydies, so long asliveshas no qualms, onheartinbroad and level. Thispersonhasin a big waycontains, biggerdevelopment opportunities, only by doing so, canwalkis higher!”
“所以,我也不适合!而张悬,功法顺心,没有缺陷。讲究活出自我,哪怕身死,只要活得无愧,就心中坦荡。这种人拥有更大的包容,更大的发展空间,只有这样,才能走的更高,更远!”Kongmastercontinuesto say.
孔师继续道。Liveswhenduplicate/restoressubmits, diesto work asSauvignon Blanc!
生当复来归,死当长相思!Did not care the death, how can also byotherthings the fetters?
连死亡都不在乎,又怎么会被其他事情所羁绊?„This......”stretch/openXuanknits the brows, justwantsto sayanything, sees the holemasterflashing eyeslooks: „Did not needto decline, firstsaid the timewithout enough time, trains others, evenwith enough time, Istillthoughtnot necessarilysomepeoplecandowellcompared withyou! The clevernessemperorrevereswithin the body, althoughdoes not have the Heavenly Daofragment, controlHeavenly Dao, hasto be the own understanding of Heavenly Daoyear to year;MycontrolHeavenly Daois ordered, ifweinstill into the strengthtoyou, yourwithin the bodywill have the completeHeavenly Daostrength! Ninedays of chaosGolden Lotus that in the coordinationclone, can definitely achieveto decide for ninedays, holds the universe, fights the highest heaven, extinguishes the myriad things!”
“好吧!”Sees the opposite partyto make the decision, oneselfexplained that againmanyalsouseless, opened the center or point of suspension the nod.
轰隆!Sits cross-leggedto complete, a blinkskill, twovigorousstrengths, fillto well upfrom the both sides.
盘膝做好,一眨眼功夫,两股雄浑的力量,就从两侧灌涌而来。stretch/openXuanwhole bodyonestiff, the whole personas ifincarnationHeavenly Dao, hoversin an instantaboveninedays.
The soulandmortal body, are really mad, was obtaining the baptisminstantaneously, is getting stronger and stronger, is getting more and more vigorous.
……„Do youalsowantto blockme? Alsogood, killedyou, goesto killstretch/openXuanzhanagain......”
“你们也想拦我?也好,杀了你们,再去将张悬斩杀……”77andcloneand the othersto patflies, the ruthlesspersoncoldlysmiles.
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