KI :: Volume #16

#1584: coroner

Normal this has no way to accomplish, even if Grand Master is impossible such far distance one in the evening with enough time back and forth. 正常来说这是没法办到的,哪怕是宗师也不可能这么远的距离一个晚上来得及来回。 But Zu An is different, he has the flaming chariot to assist, being equivalent, in previous life has a private plane to be able at any time- is not right, the speed of flaming chariot may be faster than the private plane. 祖安不一样,他有着风火轮相助,相当于在前世有一架私人飞机可以随时出发-不对,风火轮的速度可比私人飞机快。 Zu An arranges in the army the matter, exhorts others in the evening do not disturb themselves. 祖安安排好军中事情,嘱咐其他人晚上不要来打搅自己。 During the daytime has contrast that fights, now he prestige in the army is rising, these soldiers admire subconsciously, no wonder General ancestor is so fierce, in the evening wants laborious cultivation, each and everyone naturally to grant, does not disturb him. 有白天那一战的衬托,如今他在军中威望如日中天,那些士兵下意识佩服,难怪祖将军如此厉害,晚上都要辛苦修行,一个个自然允诺,不来打扰他。 For providing against contingencies, he leaves behind Daji to wear the own clothes to camouflage him here specially, oneself slip out quietly, found a secluded place then to soar, waits to be far away from the military compound just now to put out the flaming chariot from now on, speeds away to go in the direction of easy county. 为了以防万一,他特意留下妲己穿上自己的衣服在这边伪装他,自己则悄悄溜了出去,找到一个僻静地方然后一飞冲天,等远离了军营过后方才拿出了风火轮,朝着易郡的方向疾驰而去。 This place to the easy county about ten thousand kilometers, Zu An not to dare to have delays slightly, biggest???????????????? Melts the stimulation of movement the flaming chariot, the whole person just like meteor general to the sky to rule out, after breaking open the sonic barrier, the surrounding air becomes such as the water generally viscous, on his present body intensity, can bear the astral wind that so the speed produces, ordinary cultivator will fear the body to be melted directly. 此地离易郡近万公里,祖安一路不敢有丝毫耽误,最大????????????????化催动着风火轮,整个人犹如一颗流星一般往天边划去,破开音障后,周围的空气都变得如水一般粘稠起来,也就他现在的身体强度,才受得了如此速度产生的罡风,普通修士恐怕身体都会被直接融了。 With lightning speed, finally midnight time rushed to changed/easy Juncheng, bountiful by Zu An now cultivation base, somewhat is tired pants. 一路风驰电掣,终于半夜的时候赶到了易郡城中,饶是以祖安如今地修为,也累得有些气喘吁吁。 He found an opportunity to descend in the city secretly, often had to defend formation like this big city, but was limited to the Grand Master above cultivator effect, so long as naturally were not submerged by the enemy massively, a few Grand Master also what difficulty caused anything to threaten to this big city. 他找了个机会偷偷在城中降落,像这种大城往往有防御阵法,但对宗师以上的修行者效果有限,当然只要不是被敌人大规模潜入,少数几个宗师也何难对这座大城造成什么威胁。 Before went to Yunzhong County to pass by changed/easy Jun one time on the way, this time came also somewhat to be but actually familiar and easy. 之前去云中郡途中路过易郡一次,这次过来倒也有些轻车熟路。 Relayed a while in the city, finally found the cipher that similar Jianren left behind, quiet at dead of night, pours luckily now also saved lots of troubles. 在城中转了一会儿,终于找到了肖建仁留下的暗号,幸好如今夜深人静,倒也省了很多麻烦。 Goes following the cipher, finally arrives at a remote courtyard, Zu An divine thought noses, all around does not have the difference, this circumvents quietly. 一路循着暗号而去,最终来到一偏僻的院子,祖安神念查探一下,四周没有异样,这才悄无声息翻墙进去。 Sees the main room candle small flame from afar, as if person's shadow flickering, Zu An is startled, hadn't they rested late? 远远看到正屋烛火亮着,似乎还有人影幢幢,祖安一怔,这么晚了他们还没睡? In the heart somewhat is at once gratified, similar Jianren this fellow is very credible, certainly is also in the research case, after going back, files the report to apply to him to be promoted raises in salary. 旋即心中有些欣慰,肖建仁这家伙还是挺靠谱的,一定是还在研究案情,回去后就打报告申请给他升职加薪。 When he is just about to praise the opposite party, suddenly hears similar Jianren voice: Opens the miss, next time you to Capital, I will lead you to have a look to the Tianqiao that side, that is entire Capital is liveliest the lively place, local conditions and social customs and easy county entirely different.” 他正要走进去表扬对方时,忽然听到肖建仁的声音:“张姑娘,下次你到京城,我带你到天桥那边去看看,那可是整个京城最热闹繁华的地方,风土人情和易郡这边大不相同。” Sir similar this word is bad, since to Capital, must certainly taste the Capital good food, there roast duck is binding with the cheek, drenches the specially-made dipping material, that called a said/tunnel.” Another cheap sound resounds, that is wears the seventh child. “肖大人此言差矣,既然到了京城,肯定是要尝尝京城的美食啊,那里的烤鸭用面皮裹着,淋上特制的蘸料,那叫一个地道。”另一个贱贱的声音响起,那是戴老七。 Roast duck that thing is only the flickering people from other place, really must by the Capital good food, when is the charcoal fire copper pot, especially is used for the quick-boiled mutton in the cold weather day, matter that most enjoys.” At this time Chen eight voice. “烤鸭那玩意只是忽悠外地人的,真要论京城美食当属炭火铜锅,特别是在天寒地冻的日子用来涮羊肉,那才是最享受的事情。”这时陈老八的声音。 Zu An hears the doubts, who is miss in their mouth? 祖安听得疑惑,他们口中的张姑娘是谁? Why in this tone reveals thick licking- Dog taste? 为什么这语气中流露出一股浓浓的舔--狗味? Takes a look toward, discovered that three people are gathering round one to select the female to offer flourishing emotion high, the female is tying a high ponytail, a vigor attire, the whole person has a neat gallant feeling. 往里瞅了瞅,发现三人正围着一个高挑女子献殷情,那女子束着个高马尾,一身劲装,整个人有一种干净利落英气勃勃之感。 Especially the skin armor next two perfectly round symmetrical big long legs, looked will think was clamped by these two is certainly living to might as well die. 特别是皮甲下两条浑圆匀称的大长腿,一看就会觉得被这两条夹着一定生不如死。 This female original appearance is good, in addition this attracts the big long leg of eyeball, with the air/Qi of body that valiant and heroic in bearing, increased several points of charm, several grown men must run around in circles by his fan no wonder. 这女子本来容貌不俗,再加上这吸睛的大长腿,和身上那股英姿飒爽之气,更加增添了几分魅力,也难怪几个大男人被他迷得团团转。 However oneself send them to come the investigation, finally they unexpectedly???????????????? Here however picks up the little girl? 不过自己派他们过来查案的,结果他们竟????????????????然在这里泡妞? That high ponytail female somewhat seems to be desolate to several people of attentive looks: My this time comes is you discusses the cases of seven Sirs.” 那高马尾女子对几人的殷勤神色似乎有些冷淡:“我这次过来是和你们探讨七大人的案情的。” nbbsp ; similar Jianren haha said with a smile: Job and life must balance, opening the miss you are the nerve stretch too tightly, relax slightly, perhaps has the new inspiration.” nbbsp;肖建仁哈哈笑道:“工作生活也要平衡嘛,张姑娘你就是神经绷得太紧,稍微放松一下,说不定有新的灵感呢。” Zu An somewhat cannot help laughing, thought that usually in simple-hearted similar Jianren, at this time also was so unexpectedly talkative, never expected that he likes unexpectedly is this type of taste. 祖安有些哑然失笑,心想平日里木讷的肖建仁,此时竟然也如此健谈了,没想到他喜欢的竟然是这种口味的。 The high ponytail female knitting the brows head, will say anything, if suddenly has a feeling, is then staring at the entrance suddenly: Who?” 高马尾女子皱了皱眉头,正要说什么,忽然若有所感,霍然回头盯着门口:“谁?” similar Jianren several people one startled, turn head looks, after seeing Zu An figure, the each and everyone complexion drastic change, receives to be smiling to salute: See Sir 11!” 肖建仁几人一惊,纷纷回头望来,待看到祖安身形后,一个个脸色剧变,纷纷收起嬉皮笑脸行礼:“参见十一大人!” Zu An coldly said: Several are really quite laborious, the greater part of the night also investigates here.” 祖安冷冷地说道:“几位真是好辛苦啊,大半夜还在这里查案。” How similar Jianren and the others will unable to listen to his tone meaning of satire, but they have a guilty conscience, does not dare to refute. 肖建仁等人怎会听不出他语气中的讽刺之意,不过他们做贼心虚,也不敢反驳。 The high ponytail females hear this person are Gold 11, is taking a look at him curious. 高马尾女子听到这人便是金牌十一,也充满好奇地打量着他。 Must know for a long time, Empire Gold embroiders the clothes, only then ten, each assumes a side, is the pivotal character. 要知道长久以来,帝国金牌绣衣只有十位,每一位都坐镇一方,是举足轻重的人物。 In recent years suddenly were many Gold 11, various hearsay made this person seem especially mysterious, all parties to the guess of his cultivation base also to mention just a few. 近年来突然多了一个金牌十一,各种传闻让此人显得格外神秘,各方对他修为的猜测也不一而足。 But she looks like, since can be revering of Gold, posts with the adoptive father, should not be weak is. 但她看来,既然能位列金牌之尊,和义父并列,应该不会太弱才是。 But sees now, in her mind emits two characters: This?” 可现在一见,她脑海中就冒出两个字:“就这?” Although the whole person looks also strong, appearance that but body essence qi has not fluctuated, moreover pants faintly, how to see is an average person. Is don't tell me this partner in exchange of improper favors that Sovereign promotes? Also or he by mind, walked wisdom system of forces? 整个人虽然看着还算健硕,但身上没有一点元气波动的样子,而且隐隐还气喘吁吁,怎么看都是个普通人嘛。难道这是皇上提拔的关系户?又或者他是靠头脑,走的智力系? Since the opposite party are Gold embroiders the clothes, wants to come definitely to have the unknown skill, she pours does not dare to belittle, follows to salute: Gold under seven silver medal stretch/open Zitong has seen Sir 11!” 对方既然是金牌绣衣,想来肯定有不为人知的本事,她倒也不敢小觑,也跟着行礼:“金牌第七麾下银牌张梓彤见过十一大人!” Zu An is startled, this female unexpectedly is the Gold seventh subordinate, looks is under him the right arm. 祖安一怔,这女子竟然是金牌第七的手下,看出来是他麾下的得力干将。 However oneself side looks was the middle-aged person of similar Jianren this bitter in suffering and deep in hatred, Gold seventh looked for a long leg younger sister unexpectedly, was looks hand/subordinate or looks for the secretary. 不过自己身边找的都是肖建仁这种苦大仇深的中年人,金牌第七竟然找了一个长腿妹子,到底是找手下还是找秘书啊。 previous life listens is too many has the matter secretary does and is all right do......” the story, his subconsciousness is suspecting this woman and Gold seventh relations, even deliberately considered that the Gold seventh death and she involves. 前世听过太多“有事秘书干和没事干……”的故事,他下意识在怀疑这女人和金牌第七的关系,甚至寻思金牌第七的死和她有没有牵扯。 Since stretch/open Zitong many years has seen similar vision, at this time in the heart cannot bear an anger, this fellow just first flushed my leg to stare fiercely, now look obviously in???????????????? Thinks some dreadful things, no wonder similar Jian Renna several people are that appearance, if the leaders are not virtuous , the people cannot expected to virtuous. 张梓彤多年以来见惯了类似的目光,此时心中还是忍不住有一股怒气,这家伙刚刚第一眼就冲我腿猛盯,现在眼神显然又在????????????????想一些猥琐的事情,难怪肖建仁那几人是那个样子,上梁不正下梁歪。 come from stretch/open Zitong Rage Points + 250 + 250 + 250...... 来自张梓彤的愤怒值…… Detected that Rage Points Zu An of backstage is startled, but roughly guessed correctly the point that the opposite party is angry, thinks little, nods to her directly. 察觉到后台的愤怒值祖安一怔,不过大致猜到对方生气的点,也不以为意,直接冲她点了点头。 Then turns to similar Jianren: Makes you come ahead of time the investigation, what useful information has?” 然后转向肖建仁:“让你提前过来调查,有查到什么有用的信息么?” Having, having......” similar Jianren was somewhat afraid, puts out a book to give him, this was the information that recently checked newly compiles. “有,有……”肖建仁有些心虚,拿出一个册子递给了他,这是最近新查到的情报汇总。 Zu An roughly swept one, the complexion sank: Basically no new progress, did you come for a long time to check these?” 祖安大致扫了一眼,脸色沉了下来:“基本上没啥新的进展,你们来这么久就查到了这些?” similar Jianren is somewhat ashamed: What Sir 11 lesson is, but our investigates Laicha goes, this matter pure accident/surprise, really could not find what flaw likely.” 肖建仁有些羞愧:“十一大人教训的是,不过我们查来查去,这件事都像个单纯的意外,实在找不到什么破绽啊。” Zu An knits the brows: Giving coroner of seven Sir postmortem examinations called, I must ask his words personally.” 祖安皱了皱眉:“把给七大人尸检的仵作叫来,我要亲自问他话。” At this time nearby stretch/open Zitong opened the mouth: To seven Sirs what makes the autopsy is I.” 这时一旁的张梓彤开口了:“给七大人做尸检的是我。” You?” Then Zu An was shocked, although this miss valiant and heroic in bearing, but has not thought that unexpectedly is a medical examiner? “你?”这下祖安愣住了,虽然这姑娘英姿飒爽,但万万没想到竟然还是个法医? coroner cannot be female?” stretch/open Zitong is supine the neck to look straight ahead him, I pledged by the own reputation and life, my coroner report declares the elimination has not counterfeited, although seven Sirs are my boss, but to my debt of gratitude as weighty as a mountain, my wandering about destitute street was he adopted me since childhood, in my heart had treated as the father him, I compared on the scene who wanted to find the murderer!” 仵作不能是女的么?”张梓彤仰着脖子直视着他,“我以自己的名声和性命发誓,我的仵作报告绝没有作假,七大人虽然是我上司,但对我恩重如山,我从小流落街头是他收养了我,我心中早已把他当做了父亲,我比在场的谁都更希望找到凶手!”
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