KI :: Volume #16

#1578: Regret

This female naturally was goes to Xie Daoyun of Zishan, few days ago passed by the , because of the reason of appearance beautiful appearance, attracted the eyeball in the inn very much, the quick then several uncouthly men to her whistle, said something to smooth things over to sexually harass. 这女子自然是前往紫山的谢道韫了,前些日子路过附近,因为长相美貌的缘故,在客栈中很吸睛,很快便有几个粗鲁汉子对她吹口哨,过来搭讪调戏。 Although she in ordinary day gentle, but does not have the complexion regarding the hooligan of this sexually harassing gentlewoman, take action taught opposite party ruthlessly. 她虽然平日里文静,但对于这种调戏良家妇女的流氓却没好脸色,出手狠狠教训了对方一顿。 Even if in Brightmoon City, her cultivation base is not the ordinary hooligan can stir up, let alone in the two years also face/color Xiangu apprentice. 哪怕是在明月城,她的修为都不是普通流氓惹得起的,更何况这两年还成了颜羡古的入室弟子。 But she is good-hearted, although taught opposite party ruthlessly, but not under Assassin. 只不过她心地善良,虽然狠狠教训了对方一顿,但是并没有下杀手 Who knows that this actually left behind the root of trouble, in a while, these men looked for some companions. 谁知道这样却留下了祸端,没过多久,那些汉子又找来了一些同伴。 This these person of cultivation base want high many, but actually cannot baffle as Rune Master Xie Daoyun. 这次那些人修为要高不少,不过却难不倒身为符文师谢道韫 Then sends these people very much easily, although she is good, but is not entirely white sweet, in the heart somewhat is angry these people ignorant of the proper action to take, specially next heavy folded sheet on which a subordinate reports to a superior the hands or leg of several chief criminals, but does not suppress under the heartache their life. 很容易便将那些人打发,她虽然善良,但也不是傻白甜,心中有些恼怒这些人不知进退,特意下重手折了几个罪魁祸首的手或者腿,但始终狠不下心伤他们性命。 Was deliberately considering the ability that exposes Rune Master does shock sufficiently???????????????? Lives in this crowd of the disreputable, who knows in a while, attracted more people- is not right, should say that brought in one army. 原本寻思着展露符文师的能力足以震慑????????????????住这群宵小之徒,谁知道没过多久,又引来了更多的人-不对,应该说引来了一支“军队”。 Comes from the officials aristocratic family, she from opposite party these tattered clothes, at sixes and sevens weapon disposition recognizes this quickly is not the Royal Court army, but is some rebel armies that each region emerges. 出身官宦世家,她很快从对方那些破破烂烂的衣服,乱七八糟的武器配置认出这并非朝廷的军队,而是各地涌现的一些叛军。 Although Xie Daoyun cultivation base is not low, but she has no way to resist with all one's strength facing an army. 谢道韫虽然修为不低,但面对一支军队她还是没法力敌。 Therefore she repels the enemy who attacks, while tries to withdraw, but in that army as if there is tracing capable person, can always find her trail each time, cannot throw off. 于是她一边打退攻来的敌人,一边试图脱身,但那支军队中似乎有追踪能人,每次总能找到她的踪迹,始终甩不掉。 both sides run to pursue on such a, unknowingly ran up to nearby this. 双方就这样一个跑一个追,不知不觉跑到了这附近。 For these days very intensive escape, making Xie Daoyun exhausted, that rebel army seemed to be good at doing this matter very much, used the population advantage to take turns each time alternately, but she only had a person, had no way to rest completely. 这几天高强度的逃亡,让谢道韫精疲力竭,那支叛军似乎很擅长干这种事,每次都利用人数优势交替轮换,但她只有一个人,完全没法休息。 Like this consumed for several days, essence qi of Xie Daoyun within the body nearly dried up, the key felt exhausted physically and mentally, she felt herself, so long as closed the eye to rest, but rune formation that she studied, usually needed sufficient spirit power to play the maximum might. 就这样耗了好几天,谢道韫体内的元气近乎枯竭,关键是身心俱疲,她感觉自己只要一闭上眼睛就能睡过去,而偏偏她所学的符文阵法,往往需要充足的精神力才能发挥出最大威力。 She just did not rest burning a joss stick time under a tree, a rebel army squad pursued. 她刚在一棵树下休息没有一炷香时间,叛军一个小队就追了上来。 Xie Daoyun pearly white teeth bites tightly, thought that the local government authorities what's the matter, such a army flee in all directions in the area of jurisdiction, does no one manage? 谢道韫贝齿紧咬,心想当地官府到底怎么回事,这么一支军队在辖区流窜,都没人管么? May complain turns over to complain, at this time can only depend on her own, since childhood grows in the officials aristocratic family, the surroundings to these descriptions of rebel army are various savage, specially she is a woman, falls has what fate to think in rebel army to be afraid. 可吐槽归吐槽,此时只能靠她自己,从小生长在官宦世家,周围对叛军的那些描述都是各种凶残,特别她还是个女人,落在叛军手里有什么下场想想都不寒而栗。 Surroundings these rebel armies encircled, has not approached immediately, obviously these days also had many pain in her hands. 周围那些叛军围了过来,并没有马上靠近,显然这些日子在她手里也吃了不少苦。 These rebel armies took up the bow and arrow to shoot toward her by far, even the axe and lance in hand threw directly. 那些叛军远远地拿起弓箭往她射了过来,甚至还有一些将手里的斧头、长矛直接投掷过来。 Xie Daoyun clenches teeth, both hands fast knot seal, before quick body, presents half transparent blue color formation, blocked these arrows and lances all. 谢道韫一咬牙,双手快速结印,很快身前出现一半透明的蓝色法阵,将那些弓箭、长矛尽数拦了下来。 But is quick formation before her body to start to flicker, the whole person also somewhat creakies. 但很快她身前的法阵开始忽明忽暗,整个人也有些摇摇欲坠。 This woman within the body essence qi was about to dry up, everyone tried harder!” That side the rebel army also many cultivator, judge her present condition immediately. “这娘们体内元气快枯竭了,大家加把劲!”叛军那边也不少修行者,立刻判断出她现在的状态。 Xie Daoyun pale incomparable, put out a hand to change a law seal, threw conveniently, these bow and arrow counter-attack that will just block threw. 谢道韫脸色苍白无比,伸手换了一个法印,随手一扔,将刚刚拦下的那些弓箭反击扔了回去。 That side the quick rebel army also called out pitifully again and again, obviously many people avoided injured by these arrow arrows. 很快叛军那边也惨叫连连,显然不少人躲避不及被这些箭矢所伤。 What a pity majority defended, then called to throw. 可惜大部分还是防御了下来,然后嗷嗷叫着扑了过来。 The eyes that both blushes, can see that they now are excited, quick can this attractive young woman catching. 那一双双发红的双眼,可以看得出他们现在有多么兴奋,很快就能将这漂亮的小娘们给擒住了。 Xie Daoyun finger fluctuates, has a new seal to press toward the ground again, light red formation toward a ground cover, then the surroundings starts to explode, these rebel armies are off their feet immediately. 谢道韫手指变幻,再次结出一个新的印往地上一按,一个淡红色的法阵往地上一罩,然后周围都开始爆炸起来,那些叛军顿时人仰马翻。 Xie Daoyun this seizes the chance to go all out to start taking advantage of the shield of mist and dust to run. 谢道韫这趁机借着烟尘的掩护拼命开始跑。 However this can only delay small little while time, in these rebel armies many expert, some mounts are some unusual animals, the speed is faster than many cultivator, let alone Xie Daoyun is the oil completely lamp drier at this time? 不过这样只能拖延一小会儿时间,那些叛军中不乏高手,其中还有些坐骑是些异兽,速度比很多修行者都还要快,更何况谢道韫此时油尽灯枯? ???????????????? Sure enough, ran several li (0.5 km), howling sound transmits, the innumerable lances project, but blocked her way. ????????????????果不其然,才跑了数里,身后一阵呼啸声传来,无数长矛投射而来拦住了她的去路。 Xie Daoyun one startled, stops the footsteps, skill that this delays, had been encircled by these rebel armies. 谢道韫一惊,停下脚步,就这一耽搁的功夫,已经被那些叛军团团围住。 The surrounding rebel army rides various unusual animals to gather round her to transfer, the mouth whistling blows heavenshaking makes a sound, obviously pursued such long prey to succeed in obtaining finally, they were also very excited. 周围的叛军骑着各种异兽围着她转,嘴里口哨吹得震天响,显然追了这么久的猎物终于要到手了,他们也很兴奋。 In the Xie Daoyun eye flashes through a despair, now she her within the body almost essence qi does not have now. 谢道韫眼中闪过一丝绝望,如今她如今她体内几乎一丝元气也没有了。 In her eye flashes through one decidedly, rather commits suicide cannot fall to these rebel army. 她眼中闪过一丝决然,宁可自尽也不能落到这些叛军手里。 Pitifully cannot only see the parental younger brother again, could not see that person again...... 只可惜再也见不到父母弟弟,再也见不到那个人了…… At this moment, first approached in her rebel army forehead temples an arrow to drop down loudly, surroundings everyone was one startled, turned the head to look in abundance, only heard hoofbeat to resound, one team of shining golden armor cavalries sped away toward here. 就在这时,最先靠近她的那个叛军脑门太阳穴中了一箭轰然倒下,周围所有人都是一惊,纷纷转头望去,只听得一阵马蹄声响起,一队明晃晃的金甲骑兵往这边疾驰而来。 What army is this?” These rebel armies array while surprised uncertain, this equipment was too rather good, ordinary county soldier where has such excellent standard armor and weapon? “这是什么部队?”那些叛军一边列阵一边惊疑不定,这装备未免太好了,普通的郡兵哪有这样精良的制式盔甲和武器? Even if Vassal King sharpest Konoe team somewhat cannot compare! 哪怕藩王最精锐的近卫队也有些比不上啊! Xie Daoyun is actually overjoyed, because is the government authorities young lady, in the Capital not short time, she recognized this is the imperial guards! 谢道韫却是大喜过望,因为是官家小姐,又在京城不短时间,她认出了这是羽林军! Moreover Big Brother Zu is in the imperial guards youth Jiang, without thinking when oneself hang in the balance, was he appears unexpectedly saved me, was don't tell me this is destined? 而且祖大哥就是羽林中郎将,没想到自己命悬一线之际,竟然是他出现救了我,难道这就是命中注定么? As a lady , the hobby shows off in writing, her story-telling script to talented men and beautiful women quite likes, has listened to too many too many similar stories, will never expected that some day have own body, that flash she only thought that the happiness must to cry. 身为一个大家闺秀,又爱好舞文弄墨,她对才子佳人的话本是相当喜欢的,听过了太多太多类似的故事,没想到有朝一日会发生到自己身上,那一瞬间她只觉得幸福得要哭了。 The quick that team of cavalries flushed, in the hand the formation in addition after the army crossbow that holds, lifts hand arrow rain, the shield of side rebel army squad cannot defend, wore out to kill to call out pitifully is falling down. 很快那队骑兵冲了过来,手里都是经过阵法加持的军弩,抬手一片箭雨,旁边这支叛军小队的盾牌根本防不住,纷纷被穿破射杀惨叫着倒在了地上。 Wind pulls tightly shouts, quick notice greatly second in command!” Which the rebel army people have the mood resistance, opened the running away pattern in abundance. “风紧扯呼,快通知大当家二当家!”叛军众人哪还有心情抵抗,纷纷开启了逃窜模式。 This team of imperial guards open pursue perish to pursue fleeing enemy troops the pattern, especially takes the lead that two military officers, as if the fierce tiger has the tree, a cultivation base obvious high place people big truncation. 这队羽林军则开启追亡逐北模式,特别是领头那两个将领,仿佛猛虎出柙,修为明显高处众人一大截。 Moreover they seem competing to be the same mutually, for fear that struck the rebel army that killed to be short compared with the opposite party, therefore two people rushed to be first, almost the flash hit this rebel army squad remnantly. 而且他们两人似乎在互相攀比一样,生怕击杀的叛军比对方少了,所以两人争先恐后,几乎一瞬间把这支叛军小队打残了。 Sees is also left over the fragmentary rebel army, that two military officers somewhat have not given full expression, but their being self-possessed status, is not good to go to and snatch the head/number of people again, then arrived at side Xie Daoyun. 看到还剩下零零星星的叛军,那两个将领有些意犹未尽,不过他们自重身份,不好再去和手下抢人头,便来到了谢道韫身边。 Where miss is a person, why can hand over the seat of honor with this crowd of rebel armies?” In that red painted-face man tone is somewhat admiring, must know the army, because has the formation in addition to hold, often is not individual cultivator can contend, at present this gentle little miss can be locked in a stalemate with this rebel army unexpectedly is so long, is really a character, what a pity is not a man, otherwise oneself can swear brotherhood with her. “姑娘是何方人士,为何会和这群叛军交上手?”为首那红脸汉子语气中有些钦佩,要知道军队因为有阵法加持,往往不是个人修行者能抗衡的,眼前这个文文静静的小姑娘竟然能和这股叛军相持这么久,实在是个人物,可惜不是男儿身,不然自己就可以和她结拜了。 At this time nearby that white face military officer well: „Are you disciple in Academy back side of the mountain?” 这时旁边那白脸将领咦了一声:“你是学院后山的弟子?” His thoughts are close, damaged the clothes that to see the Academy style from some opposite party that blood stains. 他心思细密,从对方那有些血污破损的衣裳看出了学院的风格。 „The many thanks two generals rescue, I am Academy Mr. face/color hanger-on Xie Daoyun......” she reply while looks around everywhere, what a pity hasn't looked???????????????? Arrived that familiar form, in heart one gloomy, it seems like that the story-telling script is really the story-telling script, in the real life where is so skillful. 多谢两位将军相救,我乃学院颜先生门下谢道韫……”她一边回答一边四处张望,可惜并没有看????????????????到那熟悉的身影,心中不禁一黯,看来话本果然是话本,现实生活中哪有那么巧。 Hearing her is face/color Xiangu the apprentice, Uncle Wang lin and Zhang Zijiang is overjoyed, must know that in the army innumerable formation basically stems from the hand of Academy, face/color Xiangu occupied the big end, often only then in the army the most senior military officer has the opportunity rune/symbol Lu, magical artifact who use face envy ancient to manufacture and others, now saved his best pupil, what kind of favor is this? 听到她是颜羡古的徒弟,王伯林和张子江不禁大喜过望,要知道军中无数阵法基本都是出自学院之手,其中颜羡古更是占了大头,往往只有军中最高级的将领才有机会用到颜羡古制作的符箓、法器等,如今救了他的高足,这是怎样的人情? Moreover they have listened to the Xie Daoyun reputation vaguely, heard that face/color Xiangu accepted a closing apprentice in recent years, the aptitude is outstanding, hands down will inherit his mantle in the future completely sufficiently. 而且他们依稀听过谢道韫的名头,听说颜羡古近年来收了一个关门徒弟,资质出众,相传将来完全足以继承他的衣钵。 When such character when her danger extends the aid, what kind of return will the future be? 这样的人物在她危难之际伸出援手,将来是怎样的回报? Two people are excited, Xie Daoyun somewhat is low: Why will two generals appear here?” 两人兴奋无比,谢道韫却有些低落:“两位将军为何会出现在这里?” Must know that the imperial guards court attendant is one of the Sovereign personal guards, usually in does not have/leave Capital basically. 要知道羽林郎是皇帝亲军之一,平日里基本不出京城的啊。 We are ordered to go to Zishan......” to know that her status, two people attitude is quite genial. “我们奉命前往紫山……”得知她的身份,两人态度相当和善。 Xie Daoyun was just about to say anything, suddenly the vision swept sweeping toward side, the complexion big change: „Do you lead such person? Bad!” 谢道韫正要说什么,忽然目光往旁边扫了扫,脸色大变:“你们怎么才带这么点人?糟了!” Her solemn face envy ancient last student, if just that squad, how also to catch up with the day to enter her roadless impossible? 她堂堂的颜羡古的关门弟子,如果只是刚刚那支小队,又岂会将她追得上天无路入地无门? Before she faced can be called an army completely, leader cultivation base of especially this army is quite high, this was exhausted essence qi and spirit power, but just that was the dispersion captures to seek for her squad, the large unit will obtain the information then to catch up quickly. 她之前面对的完全称得上一支军队,特别是这支军队的首领修为相当高,这才被耗尽了元气精神力,而刚刚那不过是分散追捕寻找她的一支小队而已,大部队得到信息很快便会赶过来。 Sure enough, finishes speaking then the marching body of everything may become vulnerable to transmit, the innumerable rebel armies brave from mountain forest each one directions, surrounds all round the group. 果不其然,话音刚落便有一阵地动山摇的行军身传来,无数的叛军从山林个个方向冒出来,将一行人团团包围住。 Uncle Wang lin and Zhang Zijiang complexion changes, this little said that also 2,000-3,000 people, they are about 100 people, this also hits. 王伯林和张子江脸色一变,这少说也有2,000-3,000人,他们不过一百人,这还打个屁啊。 This thinks that is the ordinary motley crew, they are then jubilant to snatch the merit. 本以为是普通乌合之众,他们这才兴高采烈来抢功劳。 Without thinking unexpectedly is so the rebel army of scale, the local government authorities are eats the excrement, how can a ignores such army exist? 没想到竟然是如此规模的叛军,当地官府是吃屎的么,怎么能放任这样一股军队存在?
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