KI :: Volume #16

#1576: Entrusting

I want......” to see the appearance that Zu An is critical situation, Kong Nanwu smile, I want a new «Tall tale» story, although «Attractive Female Ghost» good, but has been familiar did not have the curiosity.” “我想要……”看到祖安如临大敌的模样,孔南舞不禁莞尔,“我想要一篇新的《聊斋》故事,《倩女幽魂》虽好,但已经太熟悉了没有新鲜感。” This?” Zu An is somewhat in a daze, was also worried her request will be embarrassing, has not thought of unexpectedly unprecedented easy. “就这?”祖安有些发愣,原本还担心她的要求会让人为难,万万没想到竟然破天荒的容易。 Young master do not think simply, after all can write one is very extraordinary like «Attractive Female Ghost» this story average person for a lifetime, the young master must be perfunctory me with the story not casually.” Saw that he somewhat relaxes, Kong Nanwu reminded. “公子可别以为简单,毕竟像《倩女幽魂》这种故事普通人一辈子能写出一篇就很了不得了,公子莫要随便拿个故事敷衍我。”看到他有些放松,孔南舞不禁提醒道。 At this time nearby Nanxun covered the mouth to say with a smile: Young master, since can write the attractive female ghost , the average person, wants to come this story has words at fingertips and writes with facility can it be that to him.” 这时一旁的南薰掩嘴笑道:“公子既然能写出倩女幽魂,又岂是普通人,想来这种故事对他就是信手拈来罢了。” Saw that two female fox is looking at itself hopefully, Zu An scratched cold sweat secretly, thought that if not with the aid of the wisdom of predecessor, oneself where can think of a splendid story quickly. 看到两女一狐充满期待地望着自己,祖安暗暗擦了一把冷汗,心想如果不是借助前人的智慧,自己哪里能这么快就又想到一精彩的故事啊。 He thinks saying: That this time told a «Evildoer's disguise» story to you, formerly......” 他想了想说道:“那这次就给你们讲一个《画皮》的故事,从前……” ???????????????? He has not deferred to tall tale completely said that but joined the movie «Evildoer's disguise 1 And 2» plot, after all these little misses, were interested in the love. ????????????????他并没有完全按照聊斋里的讲,而是加入了电影《画皮一、二》的情节,毕竟这些小姑娘,对爱情更感兴趣一些。 Sure enough, listened to after the story, Nanxun and in small fox tears class/flow thin crash-bang, Kong Nanwu wanted to be calmer on the other hand, but the eye socket was red, obviously was the feelings is extremely also deep. 果不其然,听完了故事过后,南薰和小狐狸眼泪流的稀里哗啦,孔南舞相对来说要镇定些,不过眼圈红红的,显然也是感触极深。 That demoness was too pitiful, to like paying all, finally all tragedies are she undertake, her anything has not obtained.” Nanxun is wiping tears, she is also a demoness, the nature has the substitution feeling to this role now to a certain extent. “那个女鬼太可怜了,为爱付出了一切,结果所有悲剧都是她承担,她却什么也没得到。”南薰抹着眼泪,她如今某种程度上也是个女鬼,自然对这个角色更有代入感。 Kong Nanwu frowns saying: I thought actually that demoness too...... green tea, is this word this meaning?” She was saying confirmed to Zu An, green tea word studies from Zu An there, obtained the affirmation answer then saying: clear(ly) knows that the opposite party is a married man, actually must such such post, but also plays tricks participation in.” 孔南舞蹙眉道:“我倒是觉得那个女鬼太……绿茶了些,这个词是这意思吧?”她说着向祖安确认了一下,绿茶这个词还是从祖安那里学地,得到了肯定答复这才接着说道:“明知道对方是有妇之夫,却非要那样那样贴上去,还耍手段插足其中。” She princess status noble as Peacock royal family, once there is an engagement definitely is a main wife, before for example, almost became Crown Princess, therefore natural has a protection feeling to mistress. 她身为孔雀王族的郡主身份高贵,一旦有婚约的话肯定是正室,比如之前差点成了太子妃,所以天然对小三儿就有一种防备感。 Nanxun was discontented immediately: Some where you said is so coarse, she also for love.” 南薰顿时不满了:“哪有你说的那么难听,她也只是为了爱情而已。” At this time that small fox opened the mouth soft-spokenly: I thought but actually that male lead quality, had the wife obviously, but also is illegibile with other women.” 这时那小狐狸细声细气地开口了:“我倒觉得那男主好坏,明明有了妻室,还跟其他女人不清不楚的。” Hears her words, in the room several women cannot help but turn head looks to Zu An, does his scalp tingles: You look at me to do.” 听到她的话,屋中几个女人不由自主回头望向祖安,搞得他头皮发麻:“你们看我干什么。” That male lead was also actually good, has maintained one's composure, even if behind thinks that the wife is the monster does not have to be strange she, even to prove oneself do not regard as important the person of appearance, but also sheared blindly the eyes specially......” at this point Kong Nanwu, looked at Zu An one with the strange look, the corners of the mouth brought to wipe the happy expression, young master also thought the male lead too dregs, the subconscious beautified for this man.” “那男主其实也还好了,一直坐怀不乱,后面哪怕以为妻子是妖怪也没有离奇她,甚至为了证明自己不是看重容貌之人,还特意割瞎了双眼……”说到这里孔南舞顿了顿,用奇怪的眼神望了祖安一眼,嘴角带着一抹笑意,“公子是不是也觉得男主太渣了,潜意识替这男人美化了一下。” Zu An is depressed: male lead in my story does not take me as the prototype......” 祖安郁闷道:“我故事里的男主又不是以我为原型的……” He explained one quite a while, although on the result three woman mouths believed him, the expression was actually the appearance that everyone understood, did him to have a deep powerless feeling. 他解释一半天,结果三个女人嘴上虽然相信他,表情却是一副大家都懂的样子,搞得他有一种深深的无力感。 Separating a while is Kong Nanwu chats Zu An to go to the Zishan incident, obviously this well-informed generation also knew the appointment of Royal Court: Young master, trip to Zishan will be perhaps blustery, I received the message, many rivers and lakes people will catch up toward there, goal unknown.” 隔了一会儿是孔南舞聊起了祖安去紫山一事,显然她这种消息灵通之辈也知道了朝廷的任命:“公子,这次紫山之行恐怕会风起云涌,我收到了消息,不少江湖人士都会往那里赶,目的未知。” Zu An is startled: News where you must come?” 祖安一怔:“你从哪儿得来的消息?” Own good and evil is prince regent Monster Race, the position is also higher than her, what news he has not obtained, why can the opposite party? 自己好歹也是妖族摄政王,地位比她高不少吧,他都没有得到什么消息,为何对方可以? I came Human Race also for sometime, always had harvest.” Kong Nanwu said serene, but on the face has the self-satisfied color of being able to stop. “我来人族也有一段时间了,总还是有所收获的。”孔南舞说得云淡风轻,不过脸上却有止不住的得意之色。 Zu An is not inquisitive the detail of her intelligence network: many thanks hole miss reminded.” 祖安也不好问她情报网的细节:“多谢孔姑娘提醒。” In the heart somewhat is simultaneously strange, what's the matter, why even on the rivers and lakes do these fellows also dare to mix the matter of Zishan? 同时心中有些奇怪,到底是怎么回事,为何连江湖上那些家伙也敢掺和紫山的事情? Must know Empire almost scraped together whole world most elites, the wandering about destitute rivers and lakes, although also has expert, but compares with huge Royal Court, just like the fly wasp to shake the tree ???????????????? Usually in hides without enough time. 要知道帝国几乎网罗了天下大部分精英,流落江湖的虽然也有高手,但和庞大的朝廷比起来,犹如蚍蜉撼树,????????????????平日里躲都来不及才是啊。 Kong Nanwu carried nearby wine pot say/way two glasses of liquor, handed in front of its Zhongyi Cup Zu An, the jade cup of a section of white arms sprout/slender white hand and hold liquor that in the sleeve revealed enhanced one another's beauty: Inferior wine one cup, wishing the young master trip safe.” 孔南舞端起一旁的酒壶道了两杯酒,将其中一杯递到了祖安面前,袖子中露出的一截皓腕柔荑和盛酒的玉杯交相辉映:“薄酒一杯,预祝公子此行平安顺利。” many thanks!” Zu An received the liquor to toss down, simultaneously in the heart some doubts, Peacock is not green, will she why so white? 多谢!”祖安接过酒一饮而尽,同时心中有些疑惑,孔雀不是绿的么,为什么她会这么白? nbspp ;...... nbspp;…… Arranges various things in Capital, Zu An then to lead the skilled craftsman who one team of imperial guards and ministries of public works prepare to go to Zishan. 安排好京城中的各种事情,祖安便带着一队羽林军以及工部准备的能工巧匠前往紫山。 This time Zhao Hao takes seriously, the specification that sends out obviously relatively previous time must exceed team that goes abroad on a diplomatic mission Yunzhong County. 这次显然赵昊比较重视,派出的规格要超过上一次出使云中郡的队伍。 Not only the population are more, but also sent the imperial guards two vice generals to accompany. 不仅人数更多,而且还派了羽林军两个副将随行。 The old that face chromatic polarization reddish black man is Uncle Wang lin, all day looked distressed, as if who owed him money to be the same. 年长那个脸色偏红黑的汉子叫王伯林,整天愁眉苦脸,仿佛谁都欠他钱一样。 Slightly young point that named Zhang Zijiang, usually in smiles to anyone, but in the eye none flashes occasionally, showed that he is not in the surface looks that is genial. 稍微年轻点那个叫张子江,平日里对谁都笑眯眯的,不过偶尔眼中精光闪动,显示他并非表面上看着那么为人和善。 The form that although these two display is different, but Zu An can feel the hostilities in their heart. 这两人虽然表现的形式不同,但祖安都能感受到他们心中的敌意。 However this also no wonder, two people are astute competent that in the imperial guards, did for many years in the vice general position, no matter the ability or the prestige obtain everyone's approval. 不过这也难怪,两人在羽林军中都属于精明能干的那种,在副将位置上干了多年,不管是能力还是威望都得到大家的认可。 Usually in two people struggle, to emerge into new imperial guards youth Jiang. 平日里两人明争暗斗,都为了脱颖而出成为新的羽林中郎将。 Who knows that two people battle many years, landed Zu An to obtain this position finally. 谁知道两人争斗多年,结果空降来一个祖安得到了这个位置。 If he comes the powerful family, is known as the prestige, but his actually young in age, even is younger than many imperial guards court attendant recruits. 如果他出身世家大族,素有威望也就罢了,但他却年纪轻轻,甚至比不少羽林郎新兵都要年轻。 In addition comes poorly, heard that had also worked as live-in son-in-law? 再加上出身贫寒,听说曾经还当过赘婿 Although these two years Zu An crest of wave is just abundant, but two people refuse to accept from the bottom of the heart. 所以虽然这两年祖安风头正盛,但两人打心底是不服的。 Had this common enemy, two sworn enemies really for the first time have a attracting each other feeling. Said that this must thank Bi Linglong, she knew after these two vice generals go to Zishan together, reminded in specially pass/test key/opening, otherwise Zu An where can judge two people approximate psychology clearly? 有了这个共同的“敌人”,两个死对头竟然破天荒有一种惺惺相惜之感。说起来这还要感谢碧玲珑,她得知这两副将一起去紫山后,特意提醒个中关窍,否则祖安哪里能这么清晰判断出两人的大致心理? Linglong(exquisite) although these days has thrown a tantrum, but in the heart quite cares my.” Zu An thinks that Bi Linglong that is angry the arrogant tender appearance that obviously is actually not willing to acknowledge, the corners of the mouth rises slightly. 玲珑这些日子虽然一直闹脾气,但心中还是相当关心我的嘛。”祖安想到碧玲珑那明明生气却不愿意承认的傲娇模样,嘴角不禁微微上扬。 Brother Zu is thinking that which woman, smiles so obscenely-.” At this time shoulder by a person racket, a face that brings the silver mask appeared in the front, although wears a mask, then but also wanted bright and intelligent amorous eyes compared with the woman, who was not Xie Xiu is. 祖兄又在想哪个女人啊,笑得如此淫-荡。”这时肩头被人一拍,一张带着银色面具的脸庞出现在面前,虽然蒙着面,但那比女人还要水汪汪的桃花眼,不是谢秀又是谁。 Looks that compared with many females also wants delicate and pretty Xie Xiu, Zu An not to suspect harmless, this boy did not fear some day was grasped to give the anus by whom? 看着比很多女子还要俊美的谢秀,祖安不无恶意地猜想,这小子也不怕有朝一日被谁抓去给肛了? How show has free time to deliver me, do your female fans have with coming.” Zu An previous National Academy one line is still new to his these female powder memory. “秀儿怎么有空来送我啊,你那些女粉丝有没有跟过来。”祖安上次国立学院一行就对他的那些女粉记忆犹新。 The Xie Xiu also whole body quickly grasped the meaning of something, looks around to look at then the small sound said: Do not be loud, I slide secretly.” 谢秀也浑身一个激灵,四处看了看这才小声道:“别那么大声,我是偷偷溜出来的。” ???????????????? ???????????????? In this situation also comes to see off for me, worthily good brothers.” Zu An said that while looks around toward side, somewhat strange has not seen that gentle handsome beautiful figure. “这种情况下都还来为我送别,不愧好兄弟。”祖安一边说一边往旁边张望,有些奇怪没有看到那个文静秀雅的倩影。 Do not look, my elder sister not.” Xie Xiu rolled the eyes. “别看了,我姐不在。”谢秀翻了个白眼 Zu An smiles embarrasedly: „Was your older sister cultivation was busy recently.” 祖安讪讪笑了笑:“你姐是不是最近修行繁忙啊。” Xie Xiu shakes the head: This time comes except to see off to you, a matter must ask you, before is my elder sister, had an assignment, probably must go to Zishan, couple days ago had embarked......” 谢秀摇了摇头:“这次过来除了给你送行,还有一件事要拜托你,就是我姐之前接了个任务,好像也是要去紫山一趟,前几天已经出发了……” He roughly said that but the Xie Daoyun trip is secret, many details he was not clear: My elder sister, although cultivation base is good, but her rivers and lakes experience is too shallow, although is insufficient the front door two not to step, in the past but communicated in Brightmoon City is the people of similar background family background, everyone knows that she is the City Lord thousand gold (daughter) does not dare to act unreasonably ; After Capital, is year to year in the academy back side of the mountain, basically does not need to do with what miscellaneous personnel, this time goes far alone......” 他大致说了一遍,只不过谢道韫此行机密,很多细节他也不清楚:“我姐虽然修为不错,但她江湖经验太浅,虽不至于大门不出二门不迈,可是以往在明月城来往的都是差不多背景家世之人,大家都知道她是城主千金不敢乱来;到了京城后也是常年在书院后山,基本不用和什么闲杂人等打交道,这次独自出远门……” Therefore you worried that she does have an accident on the rivers and lakes?” Zu An laughs, never expected that your boy also has the elder sister to control the attribute.” “所以你担心她在江湖上出事?”祖安哈哈一笑,“没想到你小子还有姐控属性。” What is the elder sister controls?” Xie Xiu bewildered, shakes the head then said, your trip journey is close, therefore I asked you to take care of her specially. I want to go together, but Hei Baizi that old thing does not know recently sends what insanity, arranged big pile of duties to have no time to leave Beijing to me radically. If my elder sister had an accident, how I may confess to the parents.” “啥是姐控?”谢秀一脸茫然,摇了摇头接着说道,“你们此行旅途相近,所以我才特意来拜托你照应一下她。我本来想一起去的,不过黑白子那老东西最近不知道发什么疯,给我安排了一大堆任务根本无暇离京。要是我姐出什么事了,我可怎么向爹娘交代啊。” The Zu An look is strange, good honoring the teacher and respecting his teachings handsome guy...... 祖安神色古怪,好一个尊师重道的帅小伙…… Relax, your older sister is also my good friend, I naturally meet properly to look after her.” He is striking one's chest the guarantee saying that thought is really the fate, never expected that Xie Daoyun must go to Zishan. “放心吧,你姐也是我好朋友,我自然会好好照顾她的。”他拍着胸脯保证道,心想还真是缘分,没想到谢道韫也要去紫山。 Safeguards her basic personal safety and that's the end, does not need to look after too well,” Xie Xiu is vigilant suddenly, „, otherwise looks after the bed to come up is not good.” “保障她基本人身安全就是了,不用照顾得太好,”谢秀忽然警惕起来,“否则照顾到床上去了就不好了。” A Zu An heavy line: „Do you look at me to look like that person?” 祖安一头黑线:“你看我像那种人么?” Xie Xiu sized up his one eyes carefully, then nods seriously: Like!” 谢秀仔细地打量了他一眼,然后郑重其事地点了点头:“像!”
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