KI :: Volume #16

#1508: The know-nothing parties are dauntless

Sees this, two Prince are quite satisfied. 看到这一幕,二皇子相当满意。 Long before, he knows very much early the throne is not own, but is that big brother. 很早很早以前,他就知道皇位不是自己的,而是那个大哥的。 If only because the ability and wisdom and innate talent are inferior to the opposite party, but oneself this difference/two kinds is not clearly bad, even it, because the own mother is not Empress, therefore on note settled Sovereign? 如果只是因为才智、天赋不如对方也就罢了,但自己这两样分明不差,甚至还有过之,就因为自己的母亲并非皇后,所以就注定当不了皇帝么? He is not convinced, but clear Monster Sovereign has not passed to own to be possible the position. 他不服气,可是清楚妖皇并没有将位置传给自己的可能。 Since you do not give, my oneself snatch. 既然你不给,那我就自己抢。 Therefore in long before, him then volunteered for military service very much early on own initiative in the army informed and experienced. 所以在很早很早以前,他便主动请缨到军中历练。 Because is frequent with the fight of Human Race, moreover Human Race gets the advantage, in Israeli troops is actually quite dangerous, casualty rate/lead relative high. 因为和人族的战斗频繁,而且人族占优势,所以军中其实是相当危险的,死伤率相当之高。 don't said Prince, is in the royal court the slightly powerful aristocrat, is not willing to make the juniors enlist in the military. 莫说皇子,就是王庭中稍微有权势的贵族,都不愿意让子弟参军。 But he went dutifully, but also the growth is Monster Race one of the four big stars. 但他还是义无反顾地去了,还成长为妖族的四大名将之一。 But such Father Sovereign does not have to see his one eyes even if, but will treat as Crown Prince him in the future a sharp blade , after waiting for the Crown Prince high-rank, listening to him to direct for him opens up territory to develop the earth. 可哪怕这样父皇也没有正眼看他一眼,只是将他当做太子未来手里的一把锋利的刀,等太子上位之后,听他指挥为他开疆拓土。 He understands all these, therefore while leading troops opportunity outside, wantonly various buy expert. 他明白这一切,所以趁带兵在外的机会,大肆收买各种高手 Other expert do not raise but actually, Great Grandmaster has four people. 其他的高手倒也不提,大宗师则有四人。 Although segment Tianchou cultivation base is high, but is in four people are easiest to win over. 段天仇修为虽高,但却是四人中最容易拉拢的。 Night Elf and Elf clan has the dead enmity, but now the Elf clan in the royal court is one of the three big royal families, is representing the official, then Night Elf naturally is representing black. 暗夜精灵精灵族有着死仇,而如今精灵族在王庭是三大王族之一,代表着官方,那么暗夜精灵自然代表着黑。 Night Elf wants to change all these, can only expect the royal court clouds over, the power reshuffles thoroughly. 暗夜精灵想改变这一切,只能期待着王庭变天,权力彻底重新洗牌。 Therefore two people fit in easily. 所以两人一拍即合。 The Sixth Uncle is not too difficult, he regards as important the life, moreover just entered elder assembly, had not forgotten this mortal world like these antiques, so long as gives what is desired, persuading him is also the logical matter. 六叔也不算太难,他看重寿元,而且刚入长老会,还不像那些老古董一样忘了这花花世界,所以只要投其所好,说动他也是顺理成章的事情。 The black tooth broken tooth had no way out in the past, in addition the first wife wife is also the black tooth family, having this origin gathered him is not difficult, but after rare is gathers, this fellow achieves to be chased by all , because he must eat the life, is not the ordinary animal, must be that existence that has cultivation base, no matter human or Monster Race are good. 黑齿碎牙当年走投无路,再加上自己原配妻子也是黑齿家族的,有这层渊源原本招揽他并不难,可难得是招揽之后,这家伙之所以做到人人喊打,就是因为他要吃生灵,不是普通动物,必须是那种有修为的存在,不管是人类或者妖族都行。 If he a day cannot eat the person, will get angry does not recognize people, perhaps in this world does not have him who who raises. 他要是一天吃不到人,就会翻脸不认人,这世上恐怕也没谁养的起他。 Oneself lead troops to go to war luckily, the workable space were many, for example Human Race captive, or in some armies receives military law handling prisoner, sometimes the insufficient words can also look for a remote village, pretends to be Human Race or ominous beast four plunders, being ransacked, inside villagers will bring belly that fills in the black tooth broken tooth. 幸好自己带兵打仗,可操作的空间就多了,比如人族的俘虏,又或者一些军队中受军法处置的犯人,有时候不够的话还可以找个偏僻的村落,冒充人族或者凶兽肆掠,将之洗劫一空,里面的村民则拿来填黑齿碎牙的肚子。 The bat mister is most troublesome, even if he in Blood Race, is notorious existence. 蝠先生则最麻烦,他哪怕在血族中,也是臭名昭著的存在。 He once received many disciples, enslaves these disciples to seize expert to supply him to take everywhere. 他曾经收了好多弟子,奴役那些弟子四处抓捕高手来供其吸食。 Therefore also set up one set of tedious assessment criteria, the performance first three disciples will obtain the rich reward, middle did not reward does not punish, but the performance worst disciple was out is quite miserable every year, by him taking an essence and blood. 为此还设立了一套繁琐的考核标准,业绩前三的弟子会得到丰厚的奖励,中间的不奖不罚,但每年业绩最差的弟子下场就比较惨了,会被他给吸食掉一身精血。 Such a group of disciples go all out 996, without whom wants to become finally that unlucky ghost. 就这样一群弟子拼了命地996,没谁想成为最后那个倒霉鬼。 Among one group of disciples internal fight curls mutually quite fiercely, has the disciple to think the resistance or running away, but without whom has succeeded, instead the fate is more pitiful, does not seek livehood to ask unable. 一群弟子之间内斗互卷得相当厉害,也不是没有弟子想过反抗或者逃走,但没谁成功过,反而下场更加凄惨,求生不得求死不能。 During dozens years, it is said only then a disciple successfully escapes, probably called Daoist Mosquito, lets the demon who the person was panic at the news in Monster Race and Human Race. 数十年间,据说只有一个弟子成功逃生,好像叫蚊道人,在妖族人族都是让人闻风丧胆的魔头。 Disciples are so fierce, obviously this is the master is fierce. 一个弟子都是如此厉害,可见这个当师父的有多么厉害。 However the bat mister perverse actions, these apprentices cannot bear finally, unite the bat mister outside foe, successfully overthrows his rule. 不过蝠先生倒行逆施,最终这些徒弟都受不了,联合蝠先生在外面的仇敌,成功推翻他的统治。 That fights very frigidly, these disciple nearly casualties completely, the bat mister severe wound absconds. 那一战十分惨烈,那些弟子近乎死伤殆尽,蝠先生重伤逃匿。 Two Prince were also the accident of sorts saved him, naturally he was clear that this demon will not have what sense of gratitude because of the life-saving efforts, therefore did not claim credit for himself, but by the benefit fetters opposite party. 皇子也是机缘巧合救了他,当然他清楚这种魔头绝不会因为救命之恩而产生什么感激之情,因此一直并不居功自傲,而是以利益羁绊对方。 Before must by enslaving the disciple help seeks to take the object, the manpower and resources that now two Prince can use far exceeded before, the bat mister was naturally glad to stay here. 以前还要靠奴役弟子帮忙寻找吸食对象,现在二皇子可以动用的人力物力远超于以前,蝠先生自然乐得留在这里。 However regarding two Prince, giving shelter to him is toughest, because this fellow to blood earnestly seeks is not at the black tooth broken tooth to the demand of flesh , the key was the black tooth broken tooth anything thing swallows in the belly, some degree was destroys the corpse and leave no trace. 不过对于二皇子来说,收留他难度最高,因为这家伙对血液的渴求丝毫不在黑齿碎牙对血肉的需求之下,关键是黑齿碎牙什么东西都吞到了肚子里,某种程度算是毁尸灭迹了。 But bat mister sucking blood does not only eat the meat, is been very obvious after by he takes the life characteristics, once exposes, even if he is Prince is also quite troublesome, therefore he not only need find the person to look for the prey each time secretly, but must help settle, is miserable beyond description seriously. 可蝠先生只吸血不吃肉,被他吸食后的生灵特征十分明显,一旦暴露出去,哪怕他是皇子也相当麻烦,所以每次他不仅要找人秘密物色猎物,还要帮忙善后,当真是苦不堪言。 These four Great Grandmaster are very fierce, but pays the price is too big, moreover when Monster Sovereign is alive, they do not dare to have anything to change. Change. 这四个大宗师是很厉害,但付出代价太大,而且妖皇在世时,他们决计不敢有什么异动。么异动。 Sometimes two Prince will even suspect does oneself invest is so big, looks for several not to dare to Father Sovereign take action have the significance. 有时候二皇子甚至会怀疑自己投入这么大,找几个不敢对父皇出手的有没有意义。 Finally the day sees pitifully, Father Sovereign left died in Secret Realm accidentally/surprisingly. 结果天见可怜,父皇出了意外死在秘境之中。 Only is left over in that ordinary day exceptional Crown Prince, which also has anything saying that dry/does! 只剩下那个平日里自命不凡的太子,哪还有什么好说的,干! However even if this, he had not just let the black tooth broken tooth and bat mister take action, after all these two demons were really notorious, very easy to bring the negative impact on him. 不过哪怕是这样,刚刚他也一直没让黑齿碎牙和蝠先生出手,毕竟这两个魔头实在是太臭名昭著了些,很容易给他带来负面影响。 But at this moment, he did not have the means that has not thought that side the opposite party really had three Great Grandmaster! 但事到如今,他也没办法了,万万没想到对方那边竟然有三个大宗师 He drags clearly for a long time, the variable are more, therefore lets two people take action decisively. 他清楚拖得越久,变数就越多,于是果断让两人出手 As for continuing effect, so long as became Monster Sovereign, even does not need to incite, below countless people will help him solve automatically troublesome these. 至于后续影响,只要自己当上了妖皇,甚至不需要自己授意,下面无数人会自动帮他解决掉这些麻烦。 This bat mister cultivation base is really overbearing, is away from the blood of my within the body somewhat to be even ready to make trouble. 这蝠先生一身修为还真是霸道,隔着这么远连我体内的血液都有些蠢蠢欲动。 Saw in own army many people were injured accidentally, two Prince are unemotional, now he only regards as important small Prince whether was taken, for this general situation, other small sacrifices was acceptable. 看到自己军队中不少人被误伤,二皇子面无表情,现在他只看重小皇子是否被拿下,为了这个大局,其他的小牺牲都是可以接受的。 The officers family member who at the worst afterward gave these sacrifices enhanced comforts and aids a bereaved family, they should be grateful. 大不了事后给这些牺牲的将士家属提高一些抚恤,他们应该就会感恩戴德了。 At this time the bat mister had rushed to Imperial Palace city gate, the Little Demon Empress subordinate trusted aide, but also wanted some expert in abundance take action stops of Xiao. 这时蝠先生已经冲到了皇宫城门口,小妖后麾下心腹,还要萧家的一些高手纷纷出手阻拦。 Who knows that the bat mister wields conveniently, these person of body blow out one group of blood fog, directly was attracted the dry corpse instantaneously. 谁知道蝠先生只是随手一挥,那些人身上就爆出一团血雾,直接瞬间被吸成了干尸。 This comes the Elf clan, Demon Race and expert of sea clan all parties influence on frighten in the future will retreat. 这一来精灵族、魔族、海族各方势力的高手纷纷吓得往后退去。 Various clan times to leave a way out, have not sent the Great Grandmaster rank expert to come, therefore no one dares with this terrifying demon head confrontation. 各族这次为了留后路,并没有派大宗师级别的高手前来,所以没人敢和这种恐怖的魔头正面交锋。 Runs quickest matter Chi Wen, although he is infatuated with the Little Demon Empress beauty very much, but if the attracted adult did, what significance the favor of beautiful woman also does have? 跑得最快的事螭吻,虽然他很迷恋小妖后的美色,但如果被吸成人干了,美女的青睐又还有什么意义? As the matter stands side Little Demon Empress mother and child changing colors Yu Yanluo on remaining Zu An as well as beautiful face. 这样一来小妖后母子身边就剩下祖安以及花容失色地玉烟萝了。 Ah Zu!” Qiao Xueying was worried that the sweetheart safety, what a pity Elf clan expert holds on her stubbornly, did not go forward to bring death by own Princess. 阿祖!”乔雪盈担心情郎的安危,可惜身后的精灵高手死死拉住她,不让自家公主上前送死。 Bat mister grasps distantly to small Prince, a terrifying suction transmits immediately. 蝠先生一手遥遥抓向小皇子,一股恐怖的吸力顿时传来。 Little Demon Empress can only go all out the revolution skill, can make the blood not pass the body reluctantly. 小妖后只能拼命运转功力,才能勉强让血液没有透体而出。 She wants to protect the son, what a pity at this time has a mind to be incapable. 她想保护儿子,可惜此时有心无力。 Has Zu An luckily! 幸好有祖安 At this time the son was being protected by Zu An after behind, sees that man tranquil face, she relaxes slightly. 此时儿子正被祖安护在身后,看到那个男人平静的脸,她稍稍松了一口气。 However was quick a heart also to mention the throat, before Zu An , although an arrow killed Great Grandmaster Shi Zhentian, what as it now seems were perhaps more was relies upon to shoot day bow the prestige of divine artifact, now such near distance, he displays to shoot day to bend radically without enough time. 不过很快一颗心又提到了嗓子眼,祖安之前虽然一箭射杀了大宗师狮震天,但现在看来恐怕更多的还是仰仗射日弓的神器之威,现在这么近的距离,他根本来不及施展射日弓。 Let alone can also protect Queen Medusa and small Prince simultaneously two people? 更何况还要同时护住美杜莎女王和小皇子两人? The bat mister also notices this young man especially to be as if quiet, in the heart sneers secretly, the present young people really do not have the eyesight vigor, old man going into seclusion rivers and lakes so many years, perhaps he has not known the terrifying of old man. 蝠先生也注意到这个年轻男人似乎格外平静,心中暗暗冷笑,现在的年轻人真是没眼力劲,老夫隐退江湖这么多年,恐怕他还不知道老夫的恐怖。 The know-nothing party is really fearless, a while was attracted by old man divine art, the feces and urine/size then incontinence, will look how at the scene when the time comes you also install to lead here. 无知者真是无畏啊,等会儿被老夫神功一吸,当场就会大小便失禁,到时候看你还怎么在这里装帅。 The old men dislike this looks handsome pretty boy. 老夫讨厌这种长得俊的小白脸。 In the past most regarded as important disciple Daoist Mosquito that most loved dearly to be ganged up by a pretty boy! 当年自己最看重最心疼的弟子蚊道人就是被一个小白脸勾搭走的! The cabbage that the old men foster laboriously was given the arch by other pigs unexpectedly! 老夫辛辛苦苦养成的大白菜竟然被其他猪给拱了! Rage Points of come from bat mister + 999 + 999 + 999...... 来自蝠先生的愤怒值…… Sees a series of Rage Points that the backstage raises, Zu An is somewhat strange, oneself have not annoyed him, why will brave such big fire? 看到后台升起的这一连串愤怒值,祖安有些奇怪,自己没惹过他吧,为什么会冒这么大的火? However the blood in within the body faint ebullition makes him not slightly hesitant, sent „a storehouse to experience card to the opposite party directly! 不过体内隐隐沸腾的血液让他没有丝毫犹豫,直接冲对方发了“一库体验卡”! --- --- Recommends brothers tobacco pipe brother work «Medicine Road blue sky»! 推荐好兄弟烟斗老哥的作品《医路青云》! Metropolis work that the tobacco pipe writes, the female character has had the characteristics very much, each is very interesting, the image and plot design very full. 烟斗写的都市作品,女性角色一直很有特点,每一个都很有意思,形象、情节设计得很饱满。 This book continued this style as always, but also joined the hard core surgeon technical class/flow element. 这本书一如既往地延续了这种风格,还加入了硬核的“外科医生”技术流元素。 At present this book about 400,000 characters, having asked everyone to step to support! 目前这本书已经近四十万字,请大家移步支持一下吧! Can vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered in novel app search for «Medicine Road blue sky» 可以纵横小说app里搜《医路青云》 Homepage version address: htt 网页版地址:htt
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