KI :: Volume #15

#1433: The wildness of Shouhua

„The wildness of domain magnificent, chisels the tooth......” Yan Xuehen and Yun Jianyue is meditating these two words, what a pity confessed that experienced they, before had not listened to the related information. “畴华之野,凿齿……”燕雪痕云间月默念着这两个词,可惜自认见多识广的她们,以前并没有听过相关的信息。 Domain magnificent wild also called the wildness of Shouhua, as for chiselling tooth, just cultivated/repaired the snake to mention that it was the ominous beast time tone is very strange, but is not willing to explain anything specifically.” The Yu Yanluo recollection the situation, the expression somewhat was just worried. “畴华之野又叫寿华之野,至于凿齿,刚刚修蛇提到它是凶兽的时候语气很怪,但又不肯具体解释什么。”玉烟萝回忆刚刚情形,表情有些苦恼。 Might as well, has a look to know,” the present cultivation base large restoration, the Yun Jianyue energy is even more sufficient, I instead worried that this cultivates the snake, although happy is very good, but Shun is the road of hero asks us to leave Yi, in the past Yi is cuts to kill it, we bypasses this place now directly, can determine trial not to succeed finally?” “无妨,去看看就知道了,”如今修为大幅恢复,云间月底气越发充足,“我反而更担心这个修蛇,虽然皆大欢喜很好,但舜是让我们重走羿的英雄之路吧,当年羿是斩杀了它,我们如今直接绕过此地,会不会最后判定试炼并没有成功?” Jade younger sister, this in view of you, you do not think.” Said, she quickly supplemented one. “玉妹妹,这不是针对你啊,你不要多想。”说完后她急忙补充了一句。 Yu Yanluo smiles, on the face completely worries about the color. 玉烟萝浅浅笑了笑,脸上尽是担忧之色。 Yan Xuehen looked at Yun Jianyue one surprisedly, this seductress usually stuck to one's own way of doing things, the willful unseemly behavior, how transfers the temper today suddenly, but also explained to Yu Yanluo specially. 燕雪痕惊讶地望了云间月一眼,这妖女素来我行我素,任性妄为,今儿个怎么突然转了性子,还特意向玉烟萝解释。 At this time Zu An said: Should not be in the way, if this Tungting lake Daisawa has not repaired the snake to agree, we cannot come out, obviously successful through Tungting lake Daisawa is the symbol of entry, not necessarily must choose to put to death to cultivate/repair the snake. Moreover according to the local common people's response, they loves to cultivate/repair the snake very much, cultivates snake not that type for the monster of calamity common people.” 这时祖安说道:“应该不碍事,这洞庭大泽如果没有修蛇同意,我们根本出不来,可见成功通过洞庭大泽才是通关的标志,并不一定非要选择诛杀修蛇。而且根据本地百姓的反应,他们很爱戴修蛇,修蛇并非那种为祸百姓的怪物。” Yu Yanluo also said: Good, although it looks is rogue, but the heart is quite good, moreover truly the common people of loving care this side land.” 玉烟萝也说道:“不错,它虽然长得凶恶,但是心地相当善良,而且确实爱护这一方土地的百姓。” Yan Xuehen also nod approval: Now this is better, so as to avoid wants fighting and killing.” 燕雪痕也点头赞同:“如今这样更好,免得非要打打杀杀。” Although has not listened to the entry and so on words and expressions, but is not difficult to understand meaning. 虽然没听过通关之类的词语,但是也不难理解其中的意思。 Yun Jianyue thought deeply about one carefully, approved the judgment of Zu An, naturally she also has a thought that if behind discovered that this is not good, came back to put to death this snake then to settle again. 云间月仔细思索了一阵,也认可了祖安的判断,当然她还有个念头,如果后面发现这样不行,再回来诛杀了这蛇便了事。 Demonic Cult Cult Master, naturally possibly is not what softhearted generation. 魔教教主,自然不可能是什么心慈手软之辈。 Under the leadership of Yu Yanluo, several people shuttle back and forth in various Tungting lake Daisawa types back and forth. 玉烟萝的带领下,几人在洞庭大泽各种来来回回穿梭。 Several people of secret sighs, these canals extend in all directions, just like the labyrinth is the same, side obviously did not have the road, looks is a fierce reef, hit directly directly, unexpectedly the joy after sorrow, presents a canal at present. 几人暗暗感叹,这些水道四通八达,犹如迷宫一样,很多地方明明没有路了,看着是块狰狞的礁石,直接迎头撞上去,居然柳暗花明,眼前又出现了一条水道。 These cultivate/repair the writing skill of snake obviously, if no one directs, wants to leave here is not basically impossible. 这些显然就是修蛇的手笔,如果没人指点,想离开这里的话基本不可能。 Also has not known how long, surrounding malaria finally gradually thin, the canal and silt were also getting fewer and fewer, start to present the solid flat land. 也不知道过了多久,周围的瘴气终于渐渐稀薄,水道、淤泥也越来越少,开始出现了坚实的平地。 Several people know that has been separated from Tungting lake Daisawa's range, therefore abandons the boat to disembark. 几人知道已经脱离了洞庭大泽的范围,于是弃舟登岸。 „Is this cultivates Shouhua that the snake said wildly?” Yan Xuehen is sizing up the surroundings, the big piece lawn, the green and luxuriant mountain valley, front is not the sea monster, is Ruoshui, either is complex Daisawa, a little did her to the water shadow. Now sees this full of vitality mountains and plains, has inexplicable enjoyable on the contrary. “这就是修蛇所说的寿华之野么?”燕雪痕打量着周围,大片草地,郁郁葱葱的山谷,前面不是海怪,就是弱水,要么是复杂的大泽,搞得她对水都有点阴影了。如今看到这片生机勃勃的山野,反倒有一种莫名的舒心。 Repairs the snake to mention how to find that chisel tooth?” Yun Jianyue looks to Yu Yanluo. “修蛇有没有提到如何找到那凿齿?”云间月望向玉烟萝 Yu Yanluo shakes the head: It had not said, spoke frankly can find easily.” 玉烟萝摇了摇头:“它没有说,直说很容易就能找到。” What meaning was very easy to find?” In several people of hearts has doubts, what a pity thinks the half of the day cannot find out what's the matter. “很容易找到什么意思?”几人心中疑惑,可惜想了半天也想不出是怎么回事。 Looked quickly, front has the smoke from kitchen chimneys, some as if people live, we ask that looks.” Zu An notices the distant place mountain valley to have the light smoke to raise suddenly together, this type is not the forest fire in the mountains creates obviously, is more like the open country to bake and so on. “快看,前面有炊烟,似乎有人住,我们去问问看。”祖安忽然注意到远处山谷有一道轻烟升起,这种显然不是山火造成的,更像是野外烧烤之类的。 This times our limelight, from the beginning do not indicate that we are look to chisel the tooth to be troublesome, so as to avoid it is the totem of what native, causes hostility of native.” The Yun Jianyue reminder said. “这次我们注意点,一开始不要表明我们是去找凿齿麻烦的,免得它又是什么当地人的图腾,引起当地人的仇视。”云间月提醒道。 Before several people think , the bitter experience that in Tungting lake Daisawa, deep is so nods. 几人想到之前在洞庭大泽的遭遇,深以为然地点了点头。 Hurries to the smoke from kitchen chimneys direction, smells a meat to be fragrant gradually, several people somewhat were immediately hungry, enters this is not possible after the place of knowledge, they have not eaten the thing. 往炊烟方向赶去,渐渐闻到一股肉香,几人顿时有些饿了,进入这不可知之地过后,他们还没怎么吃过东西。 Although cultivation base to their levels, Inedia is the elementary operation eo, some time does not eat the thing and has no influence. 虽然修为到了他们这层次,辟谷已经是基本操作,一段时间不吃东西并没有什么影响。 However they have not become an immortal after all, is the flesh and blood, the appetite is unable to eliminate. 不过他们毕竟没有成仙,还是血肉之躯,食欲是无法消除的。 A while buys the meat to eat with here sons and here common people.” In the Yun Jianyue belly could not bear rumble called one. “等会儿和这里儿和这里的百姓买点肉来吃。”云间月肚子里也忍不住咕噜噜叫了一声。 Yan Xuehen actually frowns slightly: „Is the flavor of this meat so why strange?” 燕雪痕却是微微蹙眉:“不过这肉的味道为何这么奇怪?” Somewhat is truly strange, before had not heard,” Yun Jianyue said carelessly, this may not the place of knowledge, before inside everywhere be us, has not seen perhaps the lifeform, this time can also eat others not to have the thing that the opportunity eats for a lifetime.” “确实有些奇怪,以前没闻过,”云间月大大咧咧说道,“不过这个不可知之地,里面到处是我们以前没见过的生物,说不定这次还能吃到其他人一辈子没机会吃到的东西呢。” Yan Xuehen one wants also to be, in the heart filled with the anticipation immediately. 燕雪痕一想也是,心中顿时充满了期待。 The quick several people saw the front form, several clothes ragged people are turning away from them, gathered round one group of bonfires, on the bonfire is putting up a thigh to roast, is inciting to brave the gloss. 很快几人看到前面的身影了,几个衣裳褴褛的人背对着他们,围着一团篝火,篝火上正架着一根大腿烤着,正滋滋滋地冒着油光。 Several people must go forward full of enthusiasm, look at this facial expression stiffly immediately one. 几人原本兴致勃勃要上前,看着这一幕神情顿时一僵。 The Yu Yanluo sound somewhat trembles: How that...... does that somewhat look like the person leg?” 玉烟萝声音有些发颤:“那……那怎么有些像人腿?” That truly is the person leg!” The Yun Jianyue complexion is pale. “那确实是人腿!”云间月脸色铁青。 Yu Yanluo and Yan Xuehen cannot bear again, bend the waist to retch in the one side. 玉烟萝燕雪痕再也忍不住,弯腰在一旁干呕起来。 Here sound attracted by the bonfire quickly several people of attention, they turn around to look here direction. 这边的动静很快吸引了篝火旁几人的注意,他们转过身来望着这边的方向。 Zu An several people then see clearly their appearances, where is, although is the build of person, but the head is actually the head of wild animal, especially in the mouth grew two like the chisel same tooth. 祖安几人这才看清他们的外貌,哪里是什么人啊,虽然是人的体型,但脑袋却是野兽的脑袋,特别是嘴里长了两个如同凿子一样的牙齿。 After they see several people, in eye immediately one bright, that is sees the gourmet the ray. They take up spiked club, the wooden club and so on weapon, exudes the sound of intermittent crying out strangely, flushed toward several people. 他们见到几人后,眼中顿时一亮,那是看到美食的光芒。它们拿起身边的狼牙棒,木棍之类的武器,发出阵阵怪叫之声,往几人冲了过来。 Several people naturally cannot be polite with them, see just that starts not to have the least bit to be forgiving, then solved them quickly. 几人自然不会和它们客气,看到刚刚那一幕,下手没有半点留情,很快便解决了它们。 Saw they as if also calculate the intelligent race, but also wants to interrogate and torture the information from their mouths, what a pity they only speak some simple syllable glossaries, several people of bases cannot understand meaning, has to deliver them to start off. 原本看到它们似乎也算智慧种族,还想从它们嘴里拷问一下情报的,可惜它们只会一些简单的音节词汇,几人根本听不懂其中的意思,只好送它们上路了。 Arrives by the bonfire, saw wreckage of man, then Yun Jianyue cannot even bear, retches in the one side. 来到篝火旁,看到了一个男子的残骸,这下连云间月也忍不住,在一旁干呕起来。 Zu An dug a pit, buries that wreckage, thinks the Ancient Times time, everywhere is this ominous thing, the living environment of human also is really bad. 祖安挖了一个坑,将那残骸掩埋起来,心想上古时代,到处都是这样的凶物么,人类的生存环境还真是恶劣啊。 Following several people in this broad Shouhua wild seeking, the discovery such monster were just many. 接下来几人在这片宽广的寿华之野寻找,发现刚刚那样的怪物还很多。 They even tied the military camp community, some grown monsters gathered round the bonfire to dance the dances of some strange there, the mouth make various nondescriptive sounds. 他们甚至结起了营寨村社,一些成年的怪物在那里围着篝火跳一些诡异的舞蹈,嘴里呀呀地发出各种难以名状的声音。 Some monster children, pursue to play there. 还有一些怪物小孩,则在那里追逐嬉戏。 Even also saw that Duke mother two monsters sit under the tree side-by-side the flower month before last, obviously is in love and so on. 甚至还看到一公一母两个怪物肩并肩坐在树下花前月下,显然是在谈恋爱之类的。 If were not before saw that their similar is roasting one of the person leg, will only think that this was an original monster tribe of harmony happiness. 如果不是之前看到他们的同类在烤人腿的一幕,只会觉得这是一个其乐融融的原始怪物部落。 These fellows also free and unfettered but actually.” Yun Jianyue cold snort/hum, put out Changxin Palace Lantern directly, blows gently, inside flame changes to the dreadful flame to take away as many things as possible toward these monsters immediately. “这些家伙倒也逍遥。”云间月冷哼一声,直接拿出了长信宫灯,轻轻一吹,里面的火苗顿时化作滔天的火焰往这些怪物席卷而去。 Yan Xuehen is also unemotional, has not opposed her approach. 燕雪痕也面无表情,并没有反对她的做法。 Only has the Yu Yanluo brow slightly wrinkle, her body has the snake clan bloodlines after all, some degree was also regarded as the different kind by human, but thinks that these monsters eat the situation of person, she has not said anything eventually. 唯有玉烟萝眉头微皱,她毕竟身上有蛇族血脉,某种程度也被人类视为异类,不过想到这些怪物吃人的情形,她终究还是没有说什么。 Before a quick, auspicious village changed into a sea of fire immediately, these monsters called out pitifully are running around. 很快之前还一片祥和的村庄顿时化为了一片火海,那些怪物惨叫着到处乱跑。 Some monsters discovered Zu An several people of places exist, called to take the weapon to clash, where what a pity was close to the half a point, quickly by Changxin Palace Lantern in really burnt down the hard coke. 有怪物发现了祖安几人地存在,嗷嗷叫着拿着武器冲过来,可惜哪里接近得了半分,很快被长信宫灯里的真火烧成了焦炭。 At this moment, the village deep place spread a startled day to angrily roar, a huge body seemed like dashes the mountain massif to clash. 就在这时,村子深处传出了一声惊天怒吼,一个庞大的身躯似乎是撞破了山体冲了出来。 Several people saw clearly its appearance, is the enlargement dozens times of versions of these monsters, the fiendish features, the mouth all looks like the chisel common tooth impressively, on the lower jaw two are especially long and fierce. 几人看清了它的样貌,赫然便是那些怪物的放大几十倍版,青面獠牙,嘴里全是像凿子一般的牙齿,其中下颚上两根尤其长与狰狞。 He grasps the shield, is grasping a giant spiked club. 他一手持盾,一手持着一根巨大狼牙棒。 Sees the sea of fire in village, it called to clash, kept off with the shield before the body, withstood/top the Changxin Palace Lantern flame unexpectedly forcefully! 看到村子里的火海,它嗷嗷叫着冲了出来,以盾牌挡在身前,竟然硬生生将长信宫灯的火焰顶了回来!
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