KI :: Volume #13

#1226: The red mythical bird star moves

Several people then looked, sees only a fat Daoist to stand in the front, wears the apricot yellow Daoist robe, the face high quality meat toot toot, smiles the eye to narrow a line quickly, in addition that big wholesale market, the sleeves neckband does not know what greasy dirt that is stained with, the whole person does not have the meaning of least bit features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality. 几人回头一看,只见一胖胖的道人站在面前,身着杏黄道袍,脸上肉嘟嘟的,笑起来眼睛都快眯成一条线,再加上那大大的啤酒肚,衣袖领口也不知道沾的什么油污,整个人没有半点仙风道骨之意。 But in his hand takes a streamer arrange/cloth, above writes Wu Banxian three large characters. 可偏偏他手里拿着一个幡布,上面写着“吴半仙”三个大字。 Yun Jianyue hit Yan Xuehen with the elbow gently: You said that also does have the disciple in Monster Race?” 云间月用手肘轻轻撞了撞燕雪痕:“你们道门在妖族也有门徒?” The gate has many factions, the common ground to cultivate oneself according to religious doctrine to become an immortal, unique. 道门有很多派别,共同点都是为了修道成仙,超脱自我。 White Jade Capital is in a gate one of the biggest schools. 白玉京是道门中最大的门派之一。 Yan Xuehen replied: So long as there are to the heart of say/way, where can cultivation, in Monster Race being correct gate juniors have what unusual.” 燕雪痕答道:“只要有向道之心,哪里都可以修炼,妖族中有道门子弟有什么稀奇。” Zu An cannot help laughing: Is we asks you to divine according to the diagrams, can turn bad luck into good, is out of danger.” 祖安哑然失笑:“是不是我们请你算一卦,就能逢凶化吉,转危为安啊。” On Earth these played rottenly trick, has not thought that in the different world was also this repertoire. 地球上那些玩烂了的把戏,没想到在异世界也是这个套路啊。 No,” that fat taoist priest shakes the head, divines according to the diagrams to measure the good and bad fortune for you, then I according to the trigram shape, give the say/way of corresponding resolution again, you acted accordingly, just now can true turning bad luck into good.” “非也非也,”那胖道士摇了摇头,“替你们算一卦测吉凶,然后我再根据卦象,给出相应化解之道,你们照办了,方才能真正的逢凶化吉。” Several people are the present age outstanding characters, naturally cannot be deceived by his these small tricks. 几人都是当世出类拔萃的人物,自然不会被他这些小伎俩骗到。 Zu An has thrown together money: Told fortunes does not need actually, asked that your issue, what chamber of commerce in this city may have, which source of goods was sufficient?” 祖安扔过一块银子:“算命倒是不必了,问你个问题,这城中可有什么商会,哪家货源最是充足?” Such swindler news definitely is quickest, they are not familiar with azure mound Guo, but this person affirmed gate clear. 这样的江湖骗子消息肯定是最灵通的,他们对青丘国不熟悉,但这种人肯定门清儿。 That fat taoist priest stared in a big way eye- even if naturally his eye went all out to open the eyes not in a big way, round as if looked like mouse eye: You are on the say/way, wants to rob the chamber of commerce unexpectedly? Illegal matter this poor Daoist is not dry.” 那胖道士瞪大了眼睛-当然他的眼睛就算拼命睁着也没多大,圆圆的仿佛像老鼠眼睛似的:“你们原来是道上的,竟然想去抢劫商会?违法的事情贫道可不干。” Said that turns around to walk. 说完转身就走。 One group of people are speechless, is this fellow the brain has what problem. 一群人无语至极,这家伙是不是脑子有什么毛病。 Zu An held on his pigtail to pull him: Took my money not to reply that the issue does want to walk?” 祖安一把拉住他的小辫子将他扯了回来:“拿了我的钱不回答问题就这么想走?” That fat taoist priest was serious, hears word smiled immediately: This young master spoke what words, looked that your handsome like a jade tree is dashing, if female companion each and everyone graceful beautiful the angel, definitely is not that robbing on the way person. In this azure mound city the biggest chamber of commerce called Fox Chamber of Commerce, located in front one li (0.5 km).” 那胖道士原本一脸严肃,闻言立马笑了起来:“这位公子说得什么话,看你玉树临风英俊潇洒,身旁的女伴一个个风姿绰约美若天仙,肯定也不是那种劫道之人呀。这青丘城中最大的商会叫福克斯商会,就在前面一里处。” Zu An nods, will leave, that fat taoist priest quickly stopped by calling out him: Young master please hold your steps.” 祖安点了点头,正要离开,那胖道士却急忙叫住了他:“公子请留步。” What matter also has?” Zu An visits him vigilantly, looks that the fellow will also play to play tricks. “还有什么事么?”祖安警惕地看着他,看着家伙还会耍出什么花样。 The fat taoist priest touched near the lip two to cast aside the handlebar: My Wu Liang is the day pilot, helping the person become to avoid disaster is our mission, I am counted an trigram to you.” 胖道士摸了摸唇边两撇八字胡:“我吴良是个天机师,帮人趋吉避凶是我们的使命,我给你算上一卦。” A Zu An heavy line: I do not need.” 祖安一头黑线:“我不需要。” Yu Yanluo inquired Yan Xuehen on the quiet: What is day pilot?” 玉烟萝悄悄询问燕雪痕:“天机师是什么?” She has not heard, but this reputation looks very scary, since Yan Xuehen is in a gate the person, wants to come to be clear. 她从没听说过,但这名头看着挺唬人的,燕雪痕既然是道门中人,想来应该清楚。 The Yan Xuehen facial expression is somewhat strange: Is the telling fortunes master to the name that oneself toot one's own horn.” 燕雪痕神情有些古怪:“就是算命术士给自己脸上贴金的称呼而已。” Yu Yanluo: „......” 玉烟萝:“……” Yun Jianyue also criticizes one: You said that the gate is really some god sticks.” 云间月也暗骂一声:“你们道门果然都是些神棍。” At this time that fat taoist priest said: „It is not good, this is our professional ethicses, just collected your money, will not help you melt the good and bad fortune the words, the secret will instead punish my body.” 这时那胖道士说道:“不行,这是我们的职业操守,刚刚收了你的钱,不帮你化吉凶的话,天机反而会惩罚到我身上。” Said that does not need he to reply, in the hand pinched some strange law secret arts, the mouth was talking over some incantations of being able to understand, was suddenly enlighted: Young master will perhaps meet a peach blossom tonight.” 说完也不待他回答,手里捏了一些古怪法诀,嘴里念叨着一些听不懂的咒语,然后一副恍然大悟:“公子今晚恐怕会遇上一场桃花。” Such remarks, three female look simultaneously sewed in Zu An body. 此言一出,三女的眼神齐齐钉在了祖安身上 At this moment, three females seemed to think that as if by prior agreement this is considered as actually actually somewhat. 这一刻,三女似乎不约而同觉得这倒是算得倒是有几分准。 Felt the murderous intention in line of sight, in the Zu An heart the warm greeting the female elder in this fat taoist priest family/home: Snort, just you added that we have the disaster of blood light, this little while also said that I must meet the peach blossom, was yourself talks nonsense to forget?” 感受到视线中的杀机,祖安心中亲切问候了这胖道士家中的女性长辈:“哼,刚刚你还说我们有血光之灾,这会儿又说我要遇到桃花,是不是你自己胡说八道得自己都忘记了?” Yes? Did I have said like this?” The fat taoist priest responded also quickly, immediately was round, both have not conflicted, female bluish green Guaxin broke, to meet with the blood light?” “是么?我有这样说过么?”胖道士反应也快,马上圆了回来,“两者并没有冲突啊,女子碧瓜新破,岂不是会见血光?” Other how many female vision were even more bad, Yu Yanluo deliberately considered, oneself has own of flesh with Zu An, this should not be I who said that is that Yan Xuehen or Yun Jianyue? 其他几女的目光越发不善了,玉烟萝则寻思,自己早已和祖安有了肌肤之亲,这应该不是说的我,那到底是燕雪痕还是云间月啊? However although in her heart, the Zu An charm is infinite, is the world's best man, but these two Demonic Cult Cult Master, a moon's orbit leader, is very difficult to imagine can have that matter with Zu An. 不过虽然在她心中,祖安魅力无限,是世上最好的男人,但这两个一个魔教教主,一个白道魁首,实在很难想象会和祖安发生那种事情。 Yun Jianyue is the similar ponder, Yu Yanluo and Zu An does not know how many times rested, naturally possibly is not oneself, that does don't tell me refer to Yan Xuehen? 云间月也是同样的思考,玉烟萝祖安都不知道睡了多少次了,当然也不可能是自己,那难道是指燕雪痕 However she cancelled this thought immediately, how icing the barren woman to be possible and man has happening together, wants to come mostly is any fox female in this city. 不过她马上打消了这个念头,冰石女怎么可能和男人有交集,想来多半是这城中的什么狐女。 This womanizer, this matter also really may happen. 花心大萝卜,这种事还真有可能发生。 Yan Xuehen on the face a serene appearance, in the heart is actually the difficult situation, Yu Yanluo first removes at this time, Yun Jianyue that ominous seductress is impossible. 燕雪痕此时脸上一副云淡风轻的样子,心中却是惊涛骇浪,玉烟萝首先排除,云间月那个凶巴巴的妖女也不可能。 What don't tell me this trigram shape said is I? 难道这卦象说的是我? Others are not clear, but she knows that this period of time and Zu An relations seriously are the chaotic reasoning of cutting without breaking, although non- lover, but among two people a lot are more intimate than the true lovers, on difference finally that. 别人不清楚,但是她知道这段时间自己和祖安的关系当真是剪不断理还乱,虽非情侣,但两人之间很多事情比真正的情侣间都还要亲密,就差最后那一步了。 If occurrence that matter, she will not be really accidental. 如果真的发生那种事,她也不会太意外。 Ended ended, today cannot see him absolutely alone, so as to avoid there is any accident/surprise to happen! 完了完了,今天绝对不能单独去见他,免得有什么意外发生! Feels three female that strange atmosphere, the Zu An complexion is looking at that fat taoist priest bad: Obviously what you said is the disaster of blood light, can this thing also farfetched to the disaster at?” 感受到三女那诡异的气氛,祖安面色不善地望着那胖道士:“可你明明说的是血光之灾,这玩意也能牵强附会到灾上么?” The fat taoist priest explained unhurriedly: No, the peach blossom has two types, one type is the good luck, one type is the peach blossom tribulation, tonight you meet is the peach blossom tribulation, naturally could be the disaster of blood light.” 胖道士不慌不忙地解释起来:“非也非也,桃花有两种,一种是桃花运,一种是桃花劫,你今晚遇到的正好是桃花劫,自然就算得上血光之灾了。” Zu An: „......” 祖安:“……” This smelly taoist priest talked nonsense seriously, gave back to the circle to come back unexpectedly? 这臭道士一本正经胡说八道,竟然还给圆回来了? He also wants to say anything again, the opposite party has shaken the head saying: Secret cannot divulge, all has been said that the young master puts best into it!” 他还想再说什么,对方已经摇头道:“天机不可泄露,言尽于此,公子好自为之!” At this time Yu Yanluo opened the mouth to say suddenly: „Do you give me also to calculate?” 这时玉烟萝忽然开口道:“那你给我也算算呢?” The opposite party words also said her to have a mind to become doubtful, mostly was worried that Zu An really encountered what danger, therefore planned to try the opposite party, looked that the opposite party had the truly learned and genuinely talented, was the outright nonsense. 对方一番话说得她也有心中犯嘀咕了,主要是担心祖安真遇到什么危险,于是打算试试对方,看对方到底是有真才实学,还是满口胡言。 What does Madame want to be?” The fat taoist priest beams with joy, has not looked like other men to shock in her beauty actually like that moreover could see that this does not install, what is he is interested is other thing. 夫人想算什么呢?”胖道士眉开眼笑,倒是没像其他男子那般震惊于她的美色,而且看得出这并非装出来的,而是他感兴趣的是另外的东西。 Yu Yanluo thinks saying: Heir!” 玉烟萝想了想说道:“子嗣!” Nearby Yun Jianyue and Yan Xuehen expression immediately some unnatural, is this is scattering the dog grain publicly? 一旁的云间月燕雪痕表情顿时有些不自然,这是在公开撒狗粮么? The fat taoist priest smilingly said: „Does Madame make me have a look hand spreading out?” 胖道士笑眯眯地说道:“夫人将手摊开让我看看?” Yu Yanluo the hand booth before the body, that fat taoist priest does not have to contact, but observes and emulates from afar, this world is cultivator, the eyesight is generally very everywhere good, pours cannot see clearly unexpectedly. 玉烟萝将手摊在身前,那胖道士倒也没有去接触,而是远远观摩一番,这个世界到处都是修行者,眼力普遍都很好,倒也不虞看不清。 Long time from now on he will have doubts said: Unreasonable, the Madame waist thin buttocks are big, the typical son's quite stature, why the life is only a descendant, moreover daughter?” 良久过后他疑惑地说道:“没道理啊,夫人腰细屁股大,典型的好生儿子的身材啊,为何一生只有一个后代,而且还是女儿?” Several other people have no feeling actually, in the Yu Yanluo heart is actually the difficult situation, because the Medusa bloodlines are special, the life will really only have a descendant, moreover is doomed only to be a daughter. 其他几人倒是没什么感觉,玉烟萝心中却是惊涛骇浪,因为美杜莎血脉特殊,一生确实只会有一个后代,而且注定只会是女儿。 At this time Yan Xuehen and Yun Jianyue noticed in her response heart to move, their experiences naturally also guessed correctly 12, don't tell me this taoist priest really somewhat skill? 这时燕雪痕云间月注意到她的反应不禁心中一动,她们的见识自然也猜到了一二,难道这道士真有几分本事? However also possibly knew the Yu Yanluo status ahead of time, therefore Yun Jianyue smilingly said: „Does Daoist priest give us also to calculate?” 不过也可能是提前知道了玉烟萝的身份,于是云间月笑眯眯地说道:“道长给我们也算算?” That fat taoist priest smilingly replied: Said the master usually in this situation to add money, but sees today several only felt predestined friends, offered free of charge.” 那胖道士笑眯眯地答道:“道爷平日里这种情况得加钱的,不过今天看到几位只觉得有缘,就免费赠送吧。” An elbow of Yun Jianyue finger Yan Xuehen, then let her hand booth before the taoist priest. 云间月手指一点燕雪痕的手肘,便让她的手摊在了道士面前。 Yan Xuehen is just about to manifest suddenly, actually heard the fat taoist priest well: strange wonderful, this miss original life standard is doomed to spend one's last years lonely, but seemed like the red mythical bird star to move recently, changed the mensal line forcefully, but being doomed disaster numerous, the hard to repair becomes the fruits of virtue very much, meanwhile will injure arrives at the most intimate person.” 燕雪痕正要发作,却听到胖道士咦了一声:“奇哉奇哉,这位姑娘本来的命格注定是孤独终老,但最近似乎红鸾星动,硬生生改了命运线,不过注定劫难重重,很难修成正果,同时还会伤害到最亲近的人。” --- --- Before yesterday morning, many people waited to look at me to laugh in the book review area. At that time then sword to my throat, only then 0.01 centimeter, but after 1/4 burnt a joss stick, these people will admire me thoroughly, because I achieved, although oneself entire life frequently freeze point, but this I think that time was most perfect, because established flag in advance publicly, the last minute withstood/top the tremendous pressure on finish + upload...... 昨天凌晨之前,好多人在书评区等着看我笑话。当时那把剑离我的喉咙只有0.01公分,但是四分之一炷香之后,这些人会彻底地佩服我,因为我做到了,虽然本人生平经常卡点,但是这一次我认为是最完美的,因为事前公开立下了flag,最后一分钟顶着巨大压力写完+上传…… 23 : 59 : 33 successfully renews, the real man said three three! 23时59分33秒成功更新,真男人说三更就三更!
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