KI :: Volume #13

#1208: Helps the apprentice defend the man

little white and Xiaoqing are winking the big eye, visits her innocently. 小白和小青眨着大眼睛,无辜地看着她。 Yun Jianyue: „......” 云间月:“……” Her where wants to obtain in this room also to have others. 她哪里想得到这房间里还有其他人。 If not these years see various magnificent scenes, perhaps this time she unexpected under has called out in alarm. 若非这些年见惯各种大场面,此时的她猝不及防之下恐怕已经惊叫出来。 Then stared Zu An one bitterly, quickly cabinet door closing. 恨恨地回头瞪了祖安一眼,急忙将柜门给关上。 Do this boys and these two little misses just did not know in the room do, otherwise they use is hiding in the closet? 这小子和这两个小姑娘刚刚不知道在房间里干什么,否则她们用的着藏在衣柜里么? Right, just passed through the gate time Zu An that boy clothes not to put on...... 对了,刚刚进门的时候祖安那小子衣服都没穿…… Scoundrel boy! 混账小子! come from Yun Jianyue Rage Points + 555 + 555 + 555...... 来自云间月愤怒值…… She does not understand why oneself will be angry, but cannot attend to sending a punitive expedition now, quickly finds the place to hide. 她也不明白自己为何会这么生气,不过现在也顾不得兴师问罪,急忙找地方躲藏。 In room besides closet, remaining that spacious screens. 房间里除了衣柜之外,就剩下那宽大的屏风了。 Her moved sideways then to hide. 她一个闪身便躲了进去。 ~ this time cannot bear again, calls out in alarm makes noise, responded luckily quickly, quickly covered the mouth. “啊~”她这次再也忍不住,惊呼出声,幸好反应快,急忙捂住了嘴巴。 Yan Xuehen visits her unemotionally, two females look in the eyes like this, the atmosphere suddenly becomes extremely awkward. 燕雪痕面无表情地看着她,两女就这样四目相对,气氛一时间变得极为尴尬。 How can you here?” “你怎么会在这里?” You can come, why can't I come?” “你都能来,我为什么不能来?” Two people worked as so many year of enemies, even does not need to speak, solely one look can exchange the thoughts. 两人当了这么多年对头,甚至不需要说话,单单一个眼神就能交流心思了。 The look connection, in the air as if there is spark to flash. 眼神交汇,空气中仿佛有火花在闪动。 Zu An this bastard! 祖安这混蛋! The Yun Jianyue suddenly facial expression becomes strange, comes in Zu An has not worn the clothes, moreover some as if people help him spread the medicine. 云间月忽然神情变得古怪起来,进来的时候祖安没有穿衣服,而且似乎有人帮他敷过药。 Is it possible that is......” “莫非是……” „It is not, I do not have, do not talk nonsense!” “不是,我没有,别瞎说!” Yan Xuehen is blushing, the look denied immediately. 燕雪痕红着脸,眼神却立马否定。 The quick two females then recognized the chief criminal in this Black Dragon/mishap as if by prior agreement. 很快两女便不约而同认定了此次乌龙的罪魁祸首。 Brat, harms so many people to hear this Throne and your private words.” “臭小子,害得这么多人听到本座和你的私密话。” come from Yun Jianyue Rage Points + 333 + 333 + 333...... 来自云间月愤怒值…… Brat, harming me is so embarrassed, were almost many a handle in the seductress hand.” “臭小子,害得我如此窘迫,差点又多了一个把柄在妖女手里。” come from Yan Xuehen Rage Points + 333 + 333 + 333...... 来自燕雪痕愤怒值…… Looks at backstage continuous Rage Points, Zu An scalp tingles, how this situation must settle. 看着后台源源不断的愤怒值,祖安头皮发麻,这情形要如何善后啊。 At this moment Yu Yanluo has pushed the door to come , a cream-colored long skirt, the light moonlight sprinkles in her body, the whole person seems to be sending out a clear ray, just like moonlight Goddess. 就在这时玉烟萝已经推门进来了,一席米色长裙,淡淡的月光洒落在她身上,整个人似乎散发着一层晶莹的光芒,犹如月光女神似的。 little white and Xiaoqing who in the closet peep somewhat feel inferior immediately, they are in the clan famous beauty, but compares with Patriarch, missed, was two young girls was too mainly shy, compared with Yu Yanluo mature aura, inborn suffered a loss. 衣柜中偷看的小白和小青顿时有些自惭形秽,她们已经是族中有名的美人儿了,但是和族长比起来,还是差了一些,主要是两个少女太青涩了,和玉烟萝成熟的气场比起来,天生就吃亏。 don't said them, was screen following Yan Xuehen and Yun Jianyue also stopped at daggers drawn looking at each other, is sizing up passing through the gate Yu Yanluo by the slit. 莫说他们,就是屏风后面的燕雪痕云间月也停止了剑拔弩张的对视,纷纷透过缝隙打量着进门的玉烟萝 each and everyone has mixed feelings, no wonder this woman colorful full whole world, making so many men be worried, truly lives lovely enough to cause the fall of a city. 一个个心情复杂,难怪这女人艳名满天下,让那么多男人魂牵梦萦,确实是生得倾国倾城 Although two females bragged that the appearance is not at its, but they were actually clear that do not have the Yu Yanluo body affinity strength, moreover among opposite party any move very natural reveals the gentleness of woman, that most moves the thing of man. 两女虽然自诩容貌不在其之下,但是她们却清楚自己没有玉烟萝身上亲和力,而且对方举手投足之间都很自然地流露出女人的温柔,那是最打动男人的东西。 Well, the gate has not closed.” Yu Yanluo is somewhat surprised, she was indistinct as if heard what screams, but sees Zu An naked, the attention was transferred all of a sudden, elegant face slightly red, you rested, how not to have the putting on clothes clothes.” “咦,门没关呀。”玉烟萝有些惊讶,她本来隐隐约约似乎听到了什么惊呼声,不过看到祖安光着身子,注意力一下子被转开,不禁俏脸微红,“你睡了么,怎么没穿衣裳啊。” Zu An is somewhat absent-minded, did this dialogue as if repeat many times? 祖安有些恍惚,这个对话似乎重复了很多次? Some of his instincts: „, Was just applying medicinal ointment.” 他都有些本能反应了:“哦,刚刚在抹药呢。” „Here I do not make Xing Nu remain take care of you, how to make your one person apply ointment.” Yu Yanluo sees that to love dearly said. “我不是让星奴留在这边服侍你么,怎么让你一个人敷药呢。”玉烟萝见状心疼地说道。 No matter little white Xiaoqing in closet, is Yun Jianyue and Yan Xuehen after screen, the expression is quite strange, thinks the don't tell me meeting...... 不管是衣柜中的小白小青,还是屏风后的云间月燕雪痕,都表情极为古怪,心想难道会…… Sure enough, Zu An said: I worried that your safety, making her come back to protect you. Now since you came, you help me apply ointment.” 果不其然,祖安说道:“我担心你的安危,让她回来保护你了。现在既然你过来了,就你帮我敷药吧。” Really!” “果然!” How many females some gnashing teeth, did this dregs male, deal with how many women with this move? 几个女子都有些牙痒痒,这个渣男,都用这一招对付多少个女人了? come from Yan Xuehen Rage Points + 233 + 233 + 233...... 来自燕雪痕愤怒值…… come from Yun Jianyue Rage Points + 233 + 233 + 233...... 来自云间月愤怒值…… come from little white Rage Points + 233 + 233 + 233...... 来自小白的愤怒值…… come from Xiaoqing's Rage Points + 233 + 233 + 233...... 来自小青的愤怒值…… Sees backstage a series of Rage Points, Zu An only thought that back sends coldly. 看到后台这一连串的愤怒值,祖安只觉得背脊一阵发寒。 Yu Yanluo does not have the meaning that the least bit declines luckily, very natural did by him, took up nearby medicinal ointment: Well, the five iris hundred flowers paste of this probably azure elder.” 幸好玉烟萝并没有半点推辞的意思,很自然地在他旁边做了下来,拿起了一旁的药膏:“咦,这好像是青长老的五芝百花膏啊。” She after all is snake clan Patriarch, has to these hear. 她毕竟是蛇族族长,对这些还是有所耳闻的。 A Xiaoqing heart raised all of a sudden, thought that Big Brother Zu do not tell her, does not let, if makes Patriarch know oneself steal food her man, that ended. 小青一颗心一下子就提了起来,心想祖大哥千万别告诉她呀,不让要是让族长知道自己偷吃她的男人,那就完了。 Who knows that Zu An said directly: „Before is, Xiaoqing miss sends, moreover little white miss also sent all various grassy plants pill, is a good intention.” 谁知道祖安直接说道:“是之前小青姑娘送来的,另外小白姑娘还送来了百草丹,都是一番好意。” Xiaoqing and little white are covering the forehead, in the heart the wail, ended. 小青和小白都捂着额头,心中哀鸣不已,完了完了。 Yan Xuehen and Yun Jianyue after screen looked at each other one, saw opposite party the meaning of worry. 屏风后的燕雪痕云间月对视了一眼,都看出了对方的担忧之意。 Zu An this fellow good luck was too exuberant, knew that these two little miss considering everything also on several double-hour, others sent out the so precious gift to catch up finally is pasting upward. 祖安这家伙桃花运实在太旺盛了些,才认识这两小姑娘满打满算也就几个时辰吧,结果人家就送出如此珍贵的礼物赶着往上贴了。 Two female apprentices compared with these attitude bold Monster Race females, were really shy. 两女的徒弟比起这些作风大胆的妖族女子来说,实在还是太腼腆了些。 Now apprentices not here, we as master, must defend the man for the apprentice. 如今徒弟都不在这里,我们身为师父,还是要替徒弟把男人防守好的。 At this time heard Yu Yanluo chuckle one: These two medicines may be the treasure of two elders, even if I have also heard in Yunzhong County, never expected that they actually took this medicine.” 这时听到玉烟萝轻笑一声:“这两种药可都是两位长老的宝贝,我哪怕一直在云中郡也有所耳闻,没想到她们竟然把这药都拿出来了。” Zu An smiles: Being possible be is white, the azure two elders to seize the chance to relax with your relations.” 祖安笑了笑:“有可能是白、青两位长老想趁机缓和与你的关系吧。” Yu Yanluo shakes the head: Obviously is others two little miss intentions, do not disappoint them.” 玉烟萝摇了摇头:“显然是人家两个小姑娘一片心意呀,你可不要辜负了她们。” little white and Xiaoqing in cabinet are moved to tears immediately, thinking Patriarch is really the good person, actually also spoke for them, resulted in seriously magnanimously does not make sense. 柜子里的小白和小青顿时热泪盈眶,心想族长真是好人啊,竟然还替她们说话,当真是大度得不像话。 Was the grandfather they usually in various types said on the contrary in secret Patriarch was not good, really should not. 反倒是爷爷他们平日里私底下各种说族长不好,真是不应该。 Must thank them.” Thinks that just the enthusiasms of two young girls, on the Zu An face also showed the gentle happy expression. “是要谢谢她们。”想到刚刚两位少女的热情,祖安脸上也露出温柔的笑意。 Their people, the white elder and azure elder as if were just looking for them everywhere.” Yu Yanluo asked curiously. “她们人呢,刚刚白长老、青长老似乎到处在找她们。”玉烟萝好奇问道。 cough cough, they delivered the medicine to go back.” The bonus is the Zu An facial skin endures compared with the city wall, at this time also somewhat feels hot, after all in the room may have many insiders. ,她们送完药就回去了。”饶是祖安脸皮堪比城墙,此时也有些发烫,毕竟房中可有很多知情者。 little white and Xiaoqing relax, Big Brother Zu has not pierced them luckily, otherwise they have really not known that at this time how to face Patriarch. 小白和小青纷纷松了口气,幸好祖大哥没有戳穿她们,不然她们此时还真不知道如何面对族长 As for two female grandfathers, the treasure medicine was stolen away, can not worry to look for them. 至于两女的爷爷,宝贝药被偷走了,能不着急找她们么。 Yan Xuehen and Yun Jianyue after screen is a face despise, this fellow mentioned the lie to come the eye not to wink, does not know that usually in also deceived like this our. 屏风后的燕雪痕云间月则是一脸鄙夷,这家伙说起谎话来眼睛都不眨一下,也不知道平日里是不是也这样骗我们的。 Dregs male! 渣男! „,” On the side of Yu Yanluo smudges the medicinal ointment for him gently, that sees saying that Cult Master and Yan Monastery Lord, I was just deliberately considering do not neglect them, goes to their room to visit specially, finally they are not in the room.” “哦,”玉烟萝一边温柔地替他涂抹药膏,“那有没有看到云教主燕观主啊,刚刚我寻思着不要怠慢了她们,特意去她们房间去探望,结果她们都不在屋里。” A Yan Xuehen and Yan Xuehen liangs heart mentioned the throat instantaneously, just also despised the Zu An lie serial, now actually non-stop praying that he do not tell the truth, otherwise in this situation meets, was the society dies seriously. 燕雪痕颗心瞬间提到了嗓子眼,刚刚还鄙夷祖安谎话连篇呢,现在却不停祈祷他一定不要说真话,不然这种情况下见面,当真是社死了。 „, Possibly is to some Monster Race interests, ran up to strolls everywhere.” Zu An thought that they here, you in their room can discover they are strange. “呃,可能是对妖族有些兴趣,跑到四处去逛了吧。”祖安心想她们在我这儿,你在她们房间能发现她们才怪呢。 Yu Yanluo thinks of two people status: This but actually is also, by their cultivation base, even if will be injured should not have what danger.” 玉烟萝一想到两人身份:“这倒也是,以她们的修为,就算受伤了应该也不会有什么危险。” Is saying suddenly well one: How your wound many places spread the medicine.” 说着忽然咦了一声:“怎么你伤口很多地方敷了药呢。” Zu An was almost choked by the saliva: I just spread.” 祖安差点被口水呛到:“我刚刚自己涂了些。” Yu Yanluo had not suspected: „The body wound as if wiped similarly, pants- took off/escaped.” 玉烟萝倒也没有怀疑:“身上的伤口似乎都抹得差不多了,把裤子-脱了吧。” In the room are hiding four females stared in a big way the eye immediately: „???” 屋中藏着的四女顿时瞪大了眼睛:“???”
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