KI :: Volume #13

#1206: Sharing sorrows

Good.” Zu An is having this intent, this matter spreads, not only affects the Yan Xuehen reputation, oneself are not good to face Chuyan and the others. “好。”祖安正有此意,这件事传扬出去,不仅影响燕雪痕的名声,自己也不好面对初颜等人。 Quick two people fell into silent. 很快两人陷入了沉默。 Looks at Yan Xuehen to frown the sad appearance, some Zu An feeling sorry: Swallow Big Sister, I coordinate certainly to solve this matter.” 看着燕雪痕蹙眉忧愁的样子,祖安有些歉疚:“燕姐姐,我一定配合解决这件事。” Two people this relations, Monastery Lord or the senior are rather strange. 两人这种关系,一口一个观主或者前辈未免怪怪的。 Big Sister?” The Yan Xuehen delicate eyebrows select, „, no matter relations of Chuyan, I passed on your «Remote antiquity To forget kindnesses» before, you shouted that I a master do not suffer a loss.” 姐姐?”燕雪痕秀眉一挑,“不管是初颜的关系,还是我之前传你《太上忘情篇》,你喊我一声师父并不吃亏。” In the closet little white and Xiaoqing are startled, this woman unexpectedly Big Brother Zu master? 衣柜中小白和小青吃了一惊,这女人竟然还是祖大哥的师父? Among the masters and disciples can have the sentiment of men and women? 师徒之间可以有男女之情么? Is the human society so chaotic? 人类社会如此乱么? Zu An replied: After all has not acknowledged as teacher truly, shouted that your master will rather shout you old. If you feel the Big Sister insufficient respect, or called your paternal aunt?” 祖安答道:“毕竟没有真正拜师,喊你师父未免会将你喊老了。要是你觉得姐姐不够尊敬的话,要不喊你姑姑吧?” Yan Xuehen is startled, always thought that in the look of opposite party has an inexplicable hope and earnest, as if hopes very much she complies general. 燕雪痕一怔,总觉得对方的眼神中有一种莫名的期盼与热切,仿佛很希望她答应一般。 Ok, temporarily shouted Big Sister.” Yan Xuehen cannot clarify his idea, thought that Big Sister is of pleasant to hear. “算了,暂时还是喊姐姐吧。”燕雪痕弄不清他的想法,觉得还是姐姐更好听点。 ~ Zu An somewhat is disappointed, her white clothing wins the snow, usually in the ice-cold makings and Xiaolongnu also very look like. “哦~”祖安不禁有些失望,她白衣胜雪,平日里冰冷的气质和小龙女还挺像的。 Yan Xuehen opens the mouth to say suddenly: You said that certainly coordinates me to solve this matter, but if isn't this matter able to solve forever?” 燕雪痕忽然开口道:“你说一定配合我解决这件事,可要是这件事永远无法解决呢?” This issue perplexed Zu An actually, suddenly does not know how should reply. 这个问题倒是把祖安难住了,一时间不知道该如何回答。 Yan Xuehen sighed spookily, what to do when the time comes can also, only be able to return to White Jade Capital seclusion, no longer saw him for a lifetime, the great distance long and trying journey could cut off the emotions. 燕雪痕幽幽一叹,到时候还能怎么办,只能回白玉京闭关,一辈子不再见他,相隔千山万水说不定能斩断情丝。 However in the heart is quite uncomfortable, why is met with a disaster? 不过心中还是相当不爽,为什么是自己一个人遭殃? If were really in that situation, must make Zu An use this skill in Yun Jianyue body, making her also realize my pain. 要是真到了那个地步,一定要让祖安将这技能用在云间月身上,让她也体会到我的痛苦。 Thinks when the time comes Yun Jianyue appearance, her corners of the mouth rise slightly. 想到到时候云间月样子,她的嘴角不禁微微上扬。 Zu An looks at one dull, Yan Xuehen because of the temper too cold reason, usually in always a ice-berg beauty appearance, wants on the cold three points compared with Chu Chuyan initially, basically rarely has the smile. 祖安看得一呆,燕雪痕因为性子太冷的缘故,平日里总是一副冰山美人的样子,比当初楚初颜还要冷上三分,基本上很少有笑容。 But she, once smiles, melts like the snow and ice seriously initially, a hundred flowers in full bloom, beautiful results in incomparable. 可她一旦笑起来,当真是有如冰雪初融,百花盛开,美得不可方物 Notices his look, the Yan Xuehen heart jumps, immediately some angry own responses. 注意到他的眼神,燕雪痕心头一跳,紧接着马上有些恼怒自己的反应。 Does not know is real shy because of the effect that opposite party that sentiment gold/metal is firm. 都不知道是真实的羞涩还是因为对方那情比金坚的效果。 Un, definitely is the effect that sentiment gold/metal is firm! 嗯,肯定是情比金坚的效果! Sees the appearance of her vitality/angry, Zu An light cough: „Can Big Sister then help me spread the medicinal ointment?” 看到她那生气的样子,祖安一声:“姐姐能不能接着帮我涂一下药膏?” Yan Xuehen was mad happily, this fellow was really the nerve big strip, did this also having a face make me help him spread the medicine? 燕雪痕都气乐了,这家伙真是神经大条啊,这样都还有脸让我帮他涂伤药? However thinks that his is injured oneself also to have a large part of reasons is oneself, hesitant one was putting on a serious face by him sits down, smears lump of medicinal ointment with finger, ruthlessly according to above his wound. 不过想到他的受伤自己也有很大一部分原因是自己,犹豫了一下还是板着脸在他旁边坐下,用手指抹上一坨药膏,狠狠地按在了他伤口之上。 Hiss Big Sister light point lightly.” Zu An looks fierce, this woman starts is really ruthless. “嘶~姐姐轻点轻点。”祖安龇牙咧嘴,这女人下手是真狠啊。 Sees his pain the appearance, Yan Xuehen purses the lips to reveal one happy expression, but conceals quickly: real man real man hurt cannot bear.” 看到他痛苦的模样,燕雪痕抿嘴露出一丝浅浅的笑意,不过很快掩饰过去:“男子汉大丈夫这点疼都受不了了。” Although is saying like this, her movement becomes gentle. 虽然这样说着,她的动作还是变得轻柔起来。 Is wiping face that is wiping Yan Xuehen gradually red, when this whole life so has contacted with the man. 抹着抹着燕雪痕的脸渐渐地红了起来,她这辈子什么时候和男子这般接触过。 Before Zu An therapy for her, the good and evil also wore the clothes. 之前祖安替她疗伤,好歹也是穿着衣服的。 Now separates nearly, can smell the aura of firm yang breath of opposite party, feels faint trace thermal energy that his flesh sends out. 现在隔得这么近,都能闻到对方的阳刚气息,感受到他肌肤散发出的丝丝热力。 Sentiment gold/metal was firm has an effect! 情比金坚又起作用了! come from Yan Xuehen Rage Points + 111 + 111 + 111...... 来自燕雪痕愤怒值…… She was just about to say anything, out of the door broadcast a familiar sound suddenly: Ah Zu, did you rest?” 她正要说什么,门外忽然又传来了一个熟悉的声音:“阿祖,你睡了么?” Yan Xuehen has a scare, unexpectedly is Yun Jianyue. 燕雪痕吓了一跳,竟然是云间月 If she comes to notice that two people stay on the bed together, Zu An also took off the clothes, two people flesh interlocking, although is applying ointment, but by her the understanding Yun Jianyue, will definitely arrange some coarse rumors, will refer to the uncertain future also making the person help of Demonic Cult disseminate. 要是她进来看到两人一起呆在床上,祖安还脱了衣裳,两人肌肤相接,虽然是在敷药,但是以她对云间月的了解,肯定会编排一些难听的流言,指不定将来还会让魔教的人帮忙散播。 No.” Zu An subconscious reply. “没有。”祖安下意识回答。 Yan Xuehen just wants to prevent lately one step. 燕雪痕刚想阻止已经迟了一步。 Yun Jianyue smiled one: That opens the door, had the words and you said.” 云间月笑了一声:“那开门吧,有话和你说。” Good.” Zu An looked at Yan Xuehen one, just wants to make her help open the door. “好啊。”祖安看了燕雪痕一眼,正想让她去帮忙开门呢。 Who knows that the opposite party as if frightened rabbit stood equally instantaneously: Do not tell her me here!” 谁知道对方仿佛受惊的兔子一样瞬间站了起来:“不要告诉她我在这里!” Then runs to look for the place of avoidance flustered, she takes a fast look around, selected that gigantic closet subconsciously. 然后慌慌张张跑去找躲避之处,她扫视一圈,下意识也选中了那硕大的衣柜。 Finally just opened the door, little white in, Xiaoqing face-to-face, if not Yan Xuehen is the Great Grandmaster mentality is extraordinary, perhaps has frightened to call at the scene. 结果刚一开门,和里面的小白、小青面对面,若非燕雪痕大宗师心态非凡,恐怕已经当场吓得叫了起来。 Suddenly the atmosphere fell into stagnation! 一时间气氛陷入了凝滞! Yan Xuehen has not thought that here is also hiding from other women unexpectedly, moreover is two! 燕雪痕万万没想到这里竟然还躲着其他女人,而且还是两个! Were that two people just things all seen? 那岂不是两人刚刚的事情全被人看见了? These words that two people spoke were also heard, was sentiment gold/metal firm these matters also to expose? 两人说的那些话也被听见了,情比金坚这些事也暴露了? Thinks of these, red that a Yan Xuehen face rises, has almost not been mad to faint. 想到这些,燕雪痕一张脸涨的通红,差点没有气晕过去。 come from Yan Xuehen Rage Points + 444 + 444 + 444...... 来自燕雪痕愤怒值…… She kills the heart of Zu An to have now, but Yun Jianyue will come in momentarily, she does not have skill to ask him to do accounts now. 她现在杀了祖安的心都有了,不过云间月随时都会进来,她现在没功夫找他算账。 Closes the closet, she quickly hid behind nearby screen. 将衣柜重新关上,她急忙躲到了一旁的屏风后面。 At this time the gate opened, Yun Jianyue well: Originally your gate has not closed, did not say early, harming me waited...... to be long outside.” 这时门吱呀一声开了,云间月咦了一声:“原来你门没关呀,不早说,害得我在外面等了……这么久。” During the speeches noticed the Zu An light the upper body to sit on the bed suddenly, complexion slightly red, but concealed quickly: „Are you doing?” 说话间忽然注意到了祖安光着上身坐在床上,不禁脸色微红,不过很快掩饰过去:“你这是在干什么?” Zu An replied: Before was not injured, is transporting the merit therapy.” 祖安答道:“之前不是受伤了么,正在运功疗伤呢。” Transports the merit therapy therapy, you take off the clothes to do,” the Yun Jianyue complexion is strange, recalled before , he and scene of Golden Crow Crown Prince fight, „does your fellow really have the fondness of exhibitionism?” “运功疗伤就疗伤,你脱衣服干什么呀,”云间月脸色古怪,又回想起之前他和金乌太子战斗的场景,“你这家伙真有暴露狂的癖好?” The screen following Yan Xuehen corners of the mouth rise slightly, thought that scolded well. 屏风后面的燕雪痕嘴角微微上扬,心想骂得好。 Zu An: „......” 祖安:“……” He has to explain: My body is not also many wounds, how does not escape clothes apply medicine, you come just right , helping me a bit faster.” 他只好解释道:“我身上不是也有很多伤口么,不脱衣服怎么涂药呢,你来得正好,快点来帮我。” The Yan Xuehen smile stiffens immediately, just also made me help your apply medicine, turned the head and shouted that other women do help you spread? 燕雪痕笑容顿时僵住,刚刚还让我帮你涂药呢,转头又喊其他女人帮你涂? Indeed is a stage coach, can everyone on? 敢情是个公共马车,人人都可以上? come from Yan Xuehen Rage Points + 574 + 574 + 574...... 来自燕雪痕愤怒值…… Xiaoqing of concealed in cabinet is more depressed, is I first comes obviously! 藏在柜子里的小青更加郁闷,明明是我先来的! The medicine is also I brings, just made Yan Xuehen help spread also even, now also shouts another woman? 药也是我拿来的,刚刚让燕雪痕帮忙涂也就算了,现在又喊另一个女人来? come from Xiaoqing's Rage Points + 555 + 555 + 555...... 来自小青的愤怒值…… Sees backstage continuous Rage Points, Zu An simply is scalp tingles, but could not attend to at this moment so many, cannot with Yun Jianyue say that was just other woman is applying ointment for him. 看到后台源源不断的愤怒值,祖安简直是头皮发麻,可事到如今也顾不得那么多了,总不能和云间月说刚刚是别的女人在替他敷药嘛。 This Yan Xuehen also is really, I am cleaning up for you obviously, finally you come to blame me on the contrary. 这个燕雪痕也真是的,我明明在替你擦屁股,结果你反倒来怪我。 Brat your courage is actually big, does daring make me apply ointment to you?” Yun Jianyue cold snort/hum, read before you helps my properly teach that Golden Crow Crown Prince, this Throne did not cross the villain on the Sir.” “臭小子你胆子倒是不小,竟敢让我给你敷药?”云间月冷哼一声,“不过念在你之前帮我好好教训了那金乌太子一顿,本座就大人不记小人过。” Said, arrived at his side to sit down, Yan Xuehen was shy she to be much more natural: Yo, the stature is good.” 说完后来到了他身边坐下,想必燕雪痕的羞涩她要大方得多:“哟,身材不错。” Zu An is somewhat depressed: Looked at from all sides several times up by you, felt that owed in a big way.” 祖安有些郁闷:“前前后后好几次被你看光了,感觉亏大了。” Yun Jianyue faint smile: What's wrong, is difficult to be inadequate you also to look inadequately?” 云间月似笑非笑:“怎么,难不成你还想看回来不成?” Zu An said solemnly: I am not mean-spirited like some people, if can look that come from however thought averaged.” 祖安沉声道:“我不像有些人那么小气,要是能看回来自然就觉得扯平了。” Some Yan Xuehen gnashing teeth after screen, this boy is not saying her. 屏风后的燕雪痕有些牙痒痒,这小子不就是在说她么。 ~ 啪~ The Yun Jianyue direct palm of the hand clapped in him conducted the back: Brat, you were tired of living, traded in front of this Throne said personally such words, do not know died many times.” 云间月直接一巴掌拍在了他背上:“臭小子,你是活腻了么,换个人在本座面前说这样的话,都不知道死多少次了。” Zu An smiled on the contrary: That looks like Cult Master Big Sister truly to work as the person on one's own side me.” 祖安反倒笑了起来:“那看来教主姐姐确实把我当自己人嘛。” Your this boy will gild to oneself actually very much,” Yun Jianyue smiles, takes five iris hundred flowers paste the wound to apply ointment to him, looks at the trace that he conducts the back, while said with amazement, „, who before was spreads to you, as if also very careful.” “你这小子倒是很会给自己贴金,”云间月笑了笑,一边拿着五芝百花膏给他伤口敷药,看着他背上的痕迹,一边惊讶地说道,“咦,之前是谁给你敷的啊,似乎还挺细心的啊。” A Yan Xuehen heart after screen raised immediately. 屏风后的燕雪痕一颗心立马提了起来。 Naturally is I spread,” Zu An replied, was difficult to be inadequate Yan Xuehen.” “当然是我自己敷的啊,”祖安答道,“难不成还是燕雪痕啊。” Some Yan Xuehen gnashing teeth, this boy is making the dead nearby to walk randomly completely. 燕雪痕有些牙痒痒,这小子完全就是在作死边上游走。 „, That ice barren woman will apply ointment for the man, that was really Sun hits the west side to come out.” Yun Jianyue cut one, two people fought so many years, has not known to her temper. “切,那冰石女会替男人敷药,那真是太阳打西边出来了。”云间月切了一声,两人斗了这么多年,对她的性子还不知道么。 Screen following Yan Xuehen is somewhat discontented, the own image has cannot withstand. 屏风后面的燕雪痕有些不满,自己的形象有那么不堪么。 little white and Xiaoqing in closet look at each other one, felt that doubts in opposite party heart, these two woman and are Big Brother Zu relations, so how strange? 衣柜里的小白和小青对视一眼,都感觉到了对方心中的疑惑,这两个女人和祖大哥的关系,怎么这么奇怪? Yun Jianyue finger has slid Zu An that smooth actually percussive muscle, cheeks gradually somewhat was also red, quickly shifts the topic: Right, did you see that ice barren woman? Just I looked for her, finally could not find everywhere.” 云间月手指滑过祖安那光滑却充满爆炸力的肌肉,脸蛋儿也渐渐有些红了,急忙转移话题道:“对了,你有没有看到那冰石女啊?刚刚我去找她,结果到处都找不到。”
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