KI :: Volume #11

#1053: flip the table

Looks at outside situation Zu An to the window: „Does the don't tell me Jane/simple Taiding really dare to revolt inadequately?” 祖安到窗边望了望外面的情形:“难道简泰定真的敢造反不成?” That is insufficient but actually, he is not so stupid.” Sang Hong arrives at the window similarly, looks the army that outside is surrounding in depth saying that just that side the governor's headquarters dispatched troops to sphere the temporary office of president with huge crowds of people, in name was these days Yunzhong County had too many violence, was worried that the villain threatened the Imperial Envoy security, therefore sent the army to come specially the protection.” “那倒不至于,他没这么蠢。”桑弘同样来到窗边,望着外面层层包围的军队说道,“刚刚都督府那边派兵过来将行馆里三层外三层围住了,名义上是这些日子云中郡发生了太多暴力事件,担心凶徒威胁到钦差的安全,所以特意派部队过来保护。” But everyone was clear, their named protection, actually puts under house arrest, the person of each turnover will be inspected by them strictly.” “可是所有人都清楚,他们名为保护,实为软禁,每个进出之人都会被他们严密检查。” Was being defended by them like this, the Imperial Envoy dignity is nothing left, and has no way to handle anything again.” Sang Hong mentioned in this tone to fill angrily, I raised the question, but these big end of soldiers did not know at all, only said that observed the higher authority to order, I must see their higher authorities, then they used a pretext Jane/simple Taiding to be in seclusion.” “被他们这样守着,钦差的威严荡然无存,而且根本没法再做什么事情。”桑弘说起这个语气中充满恼怒,“我提出质疑,可那些大头兵一问三不知,只说遵守上级命令,我要见他们上级,然后他们推说简泰定正在闭关。” What seclusion, heals from a wound obviously.” Zu An snort/hum. “什么闭关,明明是养伤。”祖安哼了一声。 We naturally know, but they resort to the method of such rascal we not to have the means.” Sang Hong said worriedly. “我们自然知道,可他们耍这样无赖的手段我们也没办法。”桑弘苦恼地说道。 That whatever they do encircle?” A Zu An brow wrinkle. “那就任由他们这么围下去?”祖安眉头一皱。 This also not necessarily is the misdemeanor, the matter that after all does this violates the taboo very much. This morning I have related Royal Court, Sovereign will have declined make to swallow king, making him have the army secret to come Yunzhong County to guard against mishap.” Sang Hong looks to the direction of easy county, „, since Jane/simple Taiding does not dare to have no consideration for face at present, then we wait for patiently, the army that waits for swallow king came, their being doomed game is as good as lost.” “这也未必是坏事,毕竟这样作死的事情很犯忌讳。今早我已经联系了朝廷,皇上已经会下调令给燕王,让他带军队秘密来云中郡以防不测。”桑弘望向易郡的方向,“既然简泰定目前不敢撕破脸,那么我们就耐心等待,等燕王的军队来了过后,他们注定大势已去。” Today he reports the long and short of the story of matter to Sovereign personally, Sovereign what kind of character, naturally does not need to looking at what evidence stodgy. 今天他亲自向皇帝禀告了整件事的来龙去脉,皇帝何等人物,自然不需要迂腐到看什么证据。 Directly the swallow king who lets recent changed/easy Jun leads the person to come, when the time comes certainly Jane/simple Taiding and the others caught the whole lot in a dragnet by the thunder again, after being stable, after Yunzhong County situation, evidence anything can make slowly. 直接让最近的易郡的燕王带人过来,到时候再以雷霆之势将简泰定等人一网打尽,稳定后云中郡局势过后,证据什么的可以慢慢弄。 Zu An tight pressed brow: I always thought that the places of this time matter many fishy, as if invisible big nets are manipulating us, perhaps the back also has anyone.” 祖安紧蹙眉头:“我总觉得这次的事情很多蹊跷之处,似乎有一张无形的大网在摆弄我们,背后说不定还有什么人。” What relations does that have?” Sang Hong looked at his one eyes meaningfully, do not forget the goal of our trip, is to give the Yunzhong County Duke investigation? To uphold justice?” “那又有什么关系?”桑弘意味深长地看了他一眼,“别忘了我们此行的目的,是为给云中郡公查案的么?是为了伸张正义的么?” In Zu An heart one startled, this remembered before leaving Beijing, these words that Sovereign, the trip to cope with Yu Family obviously, shovels the Yunzhong County Origin Stone mineral lode and powerful families all completely, the power takes back Royal Court. 祖安心中一惊,这才想起了离京前皇帝的那些话,此行显然是为了对付玉家,将云中郡元石矿脉和世家大族尽数铲尽,权力收归朝廷 Yesterday had in that assembly, jade profound big wave also involved, but jade profound big wave was a Yu Family elder of noble character and high prestige, even if other Yu Family people did not know the circumstances of the matter, Sovereign still had enough excuse to cope with Yu Family. 昨天发生那场集会中,玉玄涛也涉及其中,而玉玄涛是玉家一位德高望重的长老,就算玉家其他人都不知情,皇帝也有足够的借口对付玉家了。 Moreover this time even can also tidy up Jane/simple Taiding together, takes back the Yunzhong County Duke fiefdom justifiablily, why not? 而且这次甚至还能将简泰定一起收拾了,名正言顺收回云中郡公的封地,何乐而不为? As for what plot open intrigue, Sovereign, no matter, he only cares about the result. 至于什么阴谋阳谋,皇帝并不管,他只在乎结果。 Saw him to understand, Sang Hong has not said anything again, patted his shoulder: These days do not think other, properly healed from a wound.” 见他明白了,桑弘也没再说什么,拍了拍他的肩头:“这些日子别想其他的了,好好养伤吧。” At this time Pei You hurries back from outside, complains outside a big pile was defending after the governor's headquarters soldier, started to say the achievement of own trip: I asked jade profound big wave to assist to investigate to Yu Family, finally the Yu Family person told me his last night seclusion cultivation cultivation deviation, causing the meridians completely to break to perish.” 这时裴佑从外面赶了回来,吐槽了一大堆外面守着的都督府士兵过后,开始说自己此行的收获:“我到玉家去请玉玄涛协助调查,结果玉家的人告诉我他昨晚闭关修炼走火入魔,导致经脉尽断而亡。” Yu Family eliminates a potential informant actually quickly, what a pity all these did not have the significance.” Sang Hong sneers to say. 玉家倒是灭口得快,可惜这一切都没意义了。”桑弘冷笑道。 In the Zu An mind appeared the Yu Yanluo as pretty as a flower appearance, was very difficult such makings graceful bearing the beautiful woman and viper woman of corresponds on. 祖安脑海中浮现出了玉烟萝如花似玉的模样,实在很难将那样气质风韵的佳人和蛇蝎之妇对应上。 Said cannot judge people solely on appearance, is the pretty woman will deceive people, how you do not grow the memory.” Zu An alerts itself secretly, the vision also becomes firm. “都说了不能以貌取人,越是漂亮的女人越会骗人,你怎么不长记性呢。”祖安暗暗警醒自己,目光也变得坚定起来。 He needs to investigate thoroughly the matter, makes a heart to understand. 他需要将事情查清楚,弄一个心头明白。 After others walk, he put out defended Image and Sound Stone that the mansion must come from the county, is putting Jane/simple Yanyou the appearance repeatedly. 待其他人走后,他拿出了从郡守府得来的影音石,一遍一遍放着简延祐的样子。 Looked at after several double-hour, Zu An closed the eye slowly. 看了几个时辰过后,祖安缓缓闭上了眼睛。 Jane/simple Yanyou the appearance kept reappearing in his mind, each angle, every action and every movement, manner movement of speech wait/etc. 简延祐的样子在他脑海中不停浮现,各个角度,一举一动,说话的神态动作等等。 After these thoroughly cooked in heart, Zu An put out has prepared the good written records, the beautiful calligraphy, the portraits of quick Jane/simple Taiding appeared gloriously on the paper. 当这些烂熟于心过后,祖安拿出早就准备好的纸笔,笔走龙蛇,很快一幅幅简泰定的画像跃然纸上。 If there are to know that person of Jane/simple Yanyou the noticed meets the eye to be startled, because this world portrait regards as important the image practical rather. 如果有认识简延祐之人看到一定会眼睛都惊掉出来,因为这个世界画像更看重意象而非写实。 But Zu An these picture and Jane/simple Yanyou true person was almost exactly the same. 祖安这些画和简延祐真人几乎一模一样。 Before Zu An sat the mirror, transported thousand people of cultivation technique at the same time, on the face non-stop fluctuating, gradually appeared with Jane/simple Yanyou the similar face in the mirror. 紧接着祖安坐到了镜子前,运起千人一面的功法,脸上不停变幻,渐渐的一张和简延祐相似的脸出现在了镜中。 Is comparing Image and Sound Stone and just the picture picture, Zu An decorated some details, until became with Jane/simple Yanyou exactly the same just now nods satisfied. 对照着影音石和刚刚画的画,祖安修饰掉一些细节,直到和简延祐变得一模一样方才满意地点了点头。 From starts to Yunzhong County, he has thought has a pair of invisible big hand to arrange all, what a pity the information is insufficient, he is very difficult to discover the back that person. 从到云中郡开始,他一直觉得有一双无形的大手在安排着一切,可惜信息不够,他很难找出背后那人。 The enemies are dark I to be bright, if this had continued, led by the nose by others mostly. 敌暗我明,如果继续这样下去,多半还是被人家牵着鼻子走。 Such being the case, then on flip the table, making the opposite party walk according to his custom. 既然如此,那就掀桌子吧,让对方按照他的规矩走。 However an issue, he can imitate Jane/simple Yanyou the face, actually has no way to imitate his sound. 不过还有个问题,他能模仿简延祐的脸,却没法模仿他的声音。 But can only put out a small-scale butterfly knot appearance the thing to stay in the neckband, this thing naturally is sprouting/moe younger sister voice change that before pulled out. 无奈之下只能拿出一个小型蝴蝶结模样的东西呆在了领口,这玩意自然便是之前抽到的萌妹变声器。 Uses to first camouflage each time to sprout/moe the younger sister to deceive a man...... 每次使用必须要先伪装成萌妹骗过一个男人…… Thinks of here, the Zu An then eyelid jumps, this thing was discovered, oneself society dies immediately. 想到这里,祖安便眼皮直跳,这玩意被发现,自己立马社死啊。 But at this moment, braced oneself also can only use. 可事到如今,硬着头皮也只能用了。 Whom is used to deceive? 用来骗谁呢? In the Zu An mind filtered a candidate, finally the Pei You appearance floats the heart. 祖安脑海里过滤了一遍人选,最后裴佑的模样浮上心头。 You!” “就你了!” And said that another side Pei You is pacing in the room anxiously back and forth. 且说另一边裴佑正在房中焦躁不安地来回踱步。 These days on suspicion of killing left Su was closed in the temporary office of president monitors. 这些日子因为涉嫌杀害左苏以至于被关在行馆监视。 Clears the suspicion with great difficulty, finally the governor's headquarters dispatched troops to sphere here. 好不容易洗清嫌疑,结果都督府又派兵将这里围住了。 He thought that own bird quick pale spur came. 他觉得自己的鸟都快淡出嘴儿来了。 Yeah, wants to consider the pink business, finally now cannot go out, the day, bestows my little girl!” “哎,本想去照顾桃红生意的,结果现在都出不了门,天呐,赐我一个妞吧!” Little Elder Brother ~ at this moment a gentle and charming sound resounds. “小哥哥~”就在这时一阵娇柔的声音响起。 Pei You the whole body hair was immediately straight, this sound one hear is moe the younger sister. 裴佑顿时浑身毛发都直了,这声音一听就是个萌妹子啊。 Who?” He has not completely lost the reason, now the entire temporary office of president is sphered layer on layer/heavily, suddenly came the miss, really some fishy. “谁?”他还没完全失去理智,如今整个行馆都被重重围住了,突然来了姑娘,实在有些蹊跷。 I am the maidservant in temporary office of president, Sir Sang know that the young master was wronged these days, makes me serve the young master specially.” Out of the door that female said frail. “我是行馆中的侍女,桑大人知道公子这段时间受委屈了,特意让我来伺候公子。”门外那“女子”娇怯怯地说道。 Pei You immediately great happiness: Sir Sang sympathizes unexpectedly, the miss come in a big hurry.” 裴佑顿时大喜:“桑大人竟然如此体贴,姑娘快快请进。” Beforehand various are not happy vanishes into thin air immediately, he opens the door hurriedly. 之前的各种不愉快顿时不翼而飞,他急匆匆打开房门。 Well, Brother Zu? How is you, maidservant?” After the person, Pei You sees clearly the entrance is startled, quickly looks behind toward him. “咦,祖兄?怎么是你,那侍女呢?”裴佑看清门口的人后一怔,急忙往他身后望去。 The result happen to sees Daji, the Pei You breath is all of a sudden rapid, in the world really has the so beautiful woman, don't tell me is she maidservant in temporary office of president? 结果正好看到妲己,裴佑呼吸一下子急促起来,世上竟然有如此美丽的女人,难道她就是行馆的侍女么? Today I really am have a lot of good fortune in love affairs! 今天我真是艳福不浅啊! However Daji in the eye exuded the intermittent extraordinary splendor at this time, the Pei You look also became confused. 不过妲己此时眼中泛起了阵阵异彩,裴佑的眼神也变得迷茫起来。 A Zu An heavy line, thought that brought luckily Daji, otherwise almost the society died. 祖安一头黑线,心想幸好将妲己带过来了,不然差点社死。 Just when Pei You believes he is the maidservant in temporary office of president, sprouted younger sister voice change to offer sacrifices successfully. 刚刚当裴佑相信他是行馆中的侍女的时候,萌妹变声器就已经献祭成功了。 Will leave, who would have guessed that the opposite party opened the door impatiently, two people meet face to face. 正要离开,哪知道对方迫不及待就打开了房门,两人打了个照面。 For does not make the opposite party suspect, he then made Daji displayed Bewitching the World the skill confuse the opposite party. 为了不让对方怀疑,他便让妲己施展“狐媚天下”的技能迷惑了对方。 Then witnessed that Pei You turns around to walk toward the bed on, walks while takes off the clothes, fell down stark naked on the bed, legs clamps the quilt one to output, made the bedboard , when makes noise. 然后目睹裴佑转身往床上走去,一边走一边脱衣裳,紧接着赤条条扑倒了床上,双腿夹着被子一顿输出,将床板都弄得哐当哐当作响。 Zu An looks at dumbstruck, then looked to Daji: What instruction did you give him to issue?” 祖安看得目瞪口呆,然后望向了妲己:“你到底给他下了什么指令?” Daji innocent blinks. 妲己一脸无辜地眨了眨眼睛。 Zu An has to close the door, thought that if pats this, Pei You saw , cannot be ashamed and resentful directly hits the wall. 祖安只好关上了房门,心想要是将这一幕拍下来,裴佑看到后还不得羞愤得直接撞墙啊。 Compared with his, oneself used to sprout/moe younger sister voice change does not seem hard to accept. 比起他这来说,自己使用萌妹变声器似乎也没那么难以接受了。 He chose a defensive relatively weak place to walk. 紧接着他选择一个防守相对薄弱的地方走了出去。 Although his concealment skill is fierce, but outside is a soldier, he is impossible to conceal the truth. 他的隐匿功夫虽然厉害,但外面全是士兵,他也不可能瞒得过。 He has not concealed the truth, goes out directly swaggering, then made Daji charm that team of soldiers, after he left, these soldiers sobered, just matter will have forgotten cleanly. 他也并没有瞒,直接大摇大摆出去,然后让妲己迷住了那队士兵,待他离开后,那些士兵才清醒过来,已经将刚刚的事情忘得一干二净了。 Like this arrived at beside the jade mansion, Zu An put out the mirror to inspect this time facial features again, determines did not have after the flaw, this foot sharp, quietly leaps. 就这样来到了玉府之外,祖安再次拿出镜子检查了一下自己此时的面容,确定没破绽过后,这才足尖一点,悄悄飞跃进去。 He came the jade mansion already several times, the familiar terrain as well as guarded along the way, avoided the dark sentry post using jade badge and Bright Mirror is Not Yours concealment ability, successfully arrived at the Yu Yanluo residence. 他来玉府已经好几次了,熟悉地形以及沿途守卫,一路利用玉琮以及明镜非台的隐匿能力躲开暗哨,成功来到了玉烟萝的住所。 Shoves open the window to submerge quietly, in the room the steam comes, in his heart one happy, it seems like Yu Yanluo really in inside, will otherwise not make the house such hotly. 悄悄推开窗潜入进去,屋中热气迎面而来,他心中一喜,看来玉烟萝果然在里面,否则也不会将房子弄得这么热。 Because of the Yu Yanluo happy static reason, in the room others, he have not seen in the distant place red curtain indistinctly, the graceful form lies down in inside together, although does not look clearly, but the light light looks at a curve, is a beautiful picture scroll. 因为玉烟萝喜静的缘故,房间里并没有其他人,他隐隐约约看到远处红色帐幔之中,一道曼妙的身影躺在里面,虽然看不真切,但光光看个曲线,已经是一副绝美的画卷了。 Is coordinating in the air again unique fragrant and sweet, makes any man capricious sufficiently. 再配合着空气中独特的甜香,足以让任何男人心猿意马。 Zu An proceeded several steps, stopped before her bed. 祖安往前走了几步,在她床前停了下来。 Who?” Yu Yanluo had detected finally, sat suddenly, holds on the brocade quilt to cover bosom single-handedly, at the same time looks vigilantly to here. “谁?”玉烟萝终于有所察觉,霍然坐了起来,一手拉住锦被捂住胸前,一边警惕地望向这边。 Zu An said in Jane/simple Yanyou the tone: Madame, is I!” 祖安以简延祐的语气说道:“夫人,是我!”
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