KI :: Volume #11

#1051: The remote antiquity forgets kindnesses

At present the women's white clothing is floating, the look is chilly, what is different from Chu Chuyan, she clear such as on the face of jade has meaning of the imposing dignity, should wield the power and influence that the whole world great sect gate brings for a long time. 眼前女子白衣飘飘,眼神清冷,和楚初颜不同的是,她晶莹如玉的脸上有一股凛然威严之意,应该是长期执掌天下一等一的宗门带来的威势。 With her arrival, the entire room temperature fell several degrees all of a sudden. 随着她的到来,整个房间温度一下子降了好几度。 The Zu An first response was Chuyan also was very cold initially, but in the body warmed very much, did not know this woman to be able also this. 祖安第一反应就是当初初颜也挺冷的,但身子里温暖得很,不知道这女人会不会也这样。 This thought he has a scare, quickly restrains the mind. 这念头一起他都吓了一跳,急忙收敛心神。 He can only rejoice this world does not have the mental telepathy and so on skill, otherwise makes the opposite party know anything that oneself just thought that but also can not defeat the bone to raise the ash him. 他只能庆幸这个世界没有他心通之类的技能,否则让对方知道自己刚刚想的什么,还不得将他挫骨扬灰啊。 Your look is not right.” swallow Xuehen the brow pressed, looked at his one eyes lightly disgruntledly. “你的眼神不对。”燕雪痕眉头轻蹙,不悦地看了他一眼。 cough cough, please I have the wound in the body, cannot get up to salute to swallow Guanzhu.” Zu An must ship out a weak appearance to change the topic. ,请恕我有伤在身,不能起来给燕观主行礼。”祖安只得装出一副虚弱的样子岔开话题。 The opposite party greater part of the night touches to the room comes, will not always talk love with him. 对方大半夜摸到房间来,总不会和他谈情说爱的。 If by some chance under the opposite party comes Assassin, first installs severely wounded Paralysis she, looked that a while has the opportunity to overturn. 万一对方真是来下杀手的,先装重伤麻痹她,看等会儿有没有机会翻盘。 Swallow view lord?” swallow Xuehen snort/hum, by you and Chuyan relations, shouted that my swallow Guanzhu can not be inappropriate?” “燕观主?”燕雪痕哼了一声,“以你和初颜的关系,喊我燕观主会不会不合适?” Zu An scalp tingles, it seems like it was really discovered by her, has to probe was saying: Master?” 祖安头皮发麻,看来果然还是被她发现了,只好试探着说道:“师父?” swallow Xuehen: „......” 燕雪痕:“……” Who is your master, do not climb the relations randomly!” “谁是你师父,别乱攀关系!” Zu An innocent said: You are the Chuyan master, I and Chuyan are couples, did not shout that your master also shouted anything, I do not want to be treated as the jockey to extinguish the person of ancestor.” 祖安一脸无辜地说道:“你是初颜的师父,我和初颜又是夫妻,不喊你师父又喊什么,我可不想被人当做骑师灭祖之人。” swallow Xuehen the brow dark wrinkle, always thought that he bullies master Miezu several character pronunciation to be somewhat strange, but only considers the dialectal difference, has not gone into seriously: You, since with Chuyan is this relations, why that is also thick as thieves with that Demonic Cult seductress?” 燕雪痕眉头暗皱,总觉得他“欺师灭祖”几个字发音有些古怪,不过只当是方言差异,也没有深究:“你既然和初颜是这种关系,那为何还和那魔教妖女打得火热?” Zu An some pain in the ass, have thought immediately when the innumerable own female friend meets scene of carnage, but has not thought that will be opened scene of carnage by the elder of female friend. 祖安顿时有些蛋疼,想过无数次自己的红颜知己碰面时的修罗场,但万万没想到会由红颜知己的长辈来开启修罗场 He has to reply: Initially I was caught by Royal Court, bumps into many dangers all the way, is fortunate enough to Building Miss Qiu fate to rescue, I can live safely, this matter Chuyan is also very clear.” 他只好答道:“当初我被朝廷所抓,一路上碰到很多危险,幸得秋姑娘命相救,我才能平安活下来,此事初颜也很清楚。” The implication is my wife knows me and Qiu Honglei relations, when your master worries blindly. 言外之意是我老婆都知道我和秋红泪的关系,你这个当师父的又瞎操什么心。 swallow Xuehen is somewhat disgruntled: Others have the life-saving efforts to you, you can definitely other ways repay, can pledge yourself? Had not looked in the final analysis the girls live beautifully, had lustful intent.” 燕雪痕有些不悦:“人家对你有救命之恩,你完全可以其他方式报答,非要以身相许么?说到底还不是看人家姑娘生得美艳,起了色心而已。” Zu An sincere say/way: How could fall in love with one another also cried out lustful intent.” 祖安正色道:“两情相悦又岂能叫起色心呢。” swallow Xuehen said lightly: You will quibble actually, this Throne also being disinclined manages your things, in any case you and Chuyan already and left, you had not related from now henceforth, you must be also good with the Demonic Cult seductress, with other females, had nothing to do with her.” 燕雪痕淡淡地说道:“你倒是会强词夺理,本座也懒得理你这些事情,反正你和初颜已经和离了,从今以后你们就没关系了,你要和魔教妖女也好,和其他女子也罢,都和她无关了。” Zu An was anxious: Our initial and to for the choice that to preserve Chu Family has no recourse, do not divorce, our sentiments as before......” 祖安急了:“我们当初的和离是为了保存楚家迫不得已的选择,并不是要离婚,我们的感情依旧……” „?” He had not said that was broken by the swallow snow mark, such being the case between Chuyan and that Demonic Cult seductively attractive girls whom do you elect?” “哦?”他还没说完便被燕雪痕打断,“既然如此初颜和那个魔教妖女之间你选谁?” „......” Zu An somewhat hesitates, can all want?” “呃……”祖安有些犹豫,“可不可以全都要?” Although can say that at this time some fine words deceive, but passes to Qiu Honglei and Yun Jianyue that side afterward, certainly must hurt their hearts. 虽然此时能说些漂亮话糊弄过去,但事后传到秋红泪云间月那边去,肯定要伤她们的心。 Moreover looked appearance that swallow Xuehen one and Yun Jianyue does not cope with,...... is not mostly right, will definitely pass through this saying cocky. 而且看燕雪痕一副和云间月不对付的样子,多半……不对,肯定会把这话穿过去嘚瑟 swallow Xuehen: „???” 燕雪痕:“???” come from swallow Xuehen Rage Points + 444 + 444 + 444...... 来自燕雪痕的愤怒值…… Does the face where this fellow comes, dare to be in front of my to say such shameless words? 这家伙哪里来的脸,竟敢当着我的面说出这样无耻的话? Her complexion sinks: Had not planned to let you in any case in the same place, therefore you must with Demonic Cult seductress together also not to matter.” 她脸色一沉:“反正本来也没有打算让你们在一起,所以你要跟魔教妖女一起也无所谓了。” Zu An knits the brows: This is I and Chuyan private affair, has no need for her master gate manages.” 祖安皱眉道:“这是我和初颜的私事,用不着她的师门管吧。” Naturally needs,” swallow snow mark said faintly, this heart law tasteful remote antiquity forgets kindnesses, she thinks that cultivation to higher realm, must forget sooner or later the world love, such being the case, forgets always to forget the evening early the pain are less. If you for her good words, should drop. The true love should help the opposite party, rather than selfish holds.” “当然需要,”燕雪痕淡漠地说道,“本门心法讲究太上忘情,她想修炼到更高境界,迟早是要忘记人间情爱的,既然如此,早忘记总比晚忘记痛苦更少。你要是为了她好的话,就应该放手。真正的爱是应该成全对方,而不是自私的占有。” A Zu An face is speechless, thought that these gates what's the matter, Demonic Cult «Heavenly Demon Bewitching Sound» need cultivation remain chaste, white jade Capital also need the cultivator remote antiquity to forget kindnesses, that might as well practices the sunflower precious book to consider as finished. 祖安一脸无语,心想这些宗门到底是咋回事,魔教的《天魔魅音》需要修炼守身如玉,白玉京也需要修行者太上忘情,那还不如都去练葵花宝典算了。 He calmly looks at the opposite party: „Can swallow view lord be once in love?” 他静静地看着对方:“燕观主可曾谈过恋爱?” swallow Xuehen: „???” 燕雪痕:“???” She swept Zu An one lightly: Naturally does not have.” 她轻扫了祖安一眼:“自然没有。” Was calm, seemed saying that a showing absolutely no concern matter was the same. 语气平静,仿佛在说一件丝毫不关心的事情一样。 Without being in love, what discussed the love?” Zu An sighs, view Lord just explanation rather took for granted, that what love needs to drop, helped the viewpoint of opposite party is some romance story-telling scripts of manufacturing in a rough way is often used to deceive the young female student.” “既然没谈过恋爱,又何谈懂爱?”祖安叹了一口气,“观主刚刚的解释未免太想当然了吧,那种什么爱需要放手,成全对方的观点往往都是一些粗制滥造的言情话本用来骗小女生的。” On swallow Xuehen the fair jade cheek flashes through wipes to faint red, just those words also were really see from the romance story-telling script. 燕雪痕白皙的玉颊上闪过一抹晕红,刚刚那句话还真是从言情话本上看到的。 Her sect gate cultivation technique needs the remote antiquity to forget kindnesses, but she fully did not know about the sentiment where could discuss what to forget? 她宗门功法需要太上忘情,可是她对情完全不了解,哪里谈得上什么忘? But she regards the whole world man , if no thing, is impossible to discuss a love personally. 可是她又视天下男人如无物,根本不可能亲自去谈一场恋爱。 Therefore she got a sudden inspiration to think of the means that she purchased in the market quietly most romance story-telling scripts, through studying the love stories of these crazy male unhappy women, was aware has understood anything is the love, was easier to achieve the remote antiquity to forget kindnesses. 于是她灵机一动想到了办法,她悄悄购买了市面上大多数言情话本来看,通过研究那些痴男怨女的爱情故事,自觉得已经懂了什么是爱,然后更容易做到太上忘情。 And she most esteems «favors the little lovely wife sweetly: Overbearing sword immortal 99 rope loves», gives the apprentice for this reason specially Chu Chuyan, when lets her leisure properly research. 其中她最为推崇《甜宠小娇妻:霸道剑仙的九十九次索爱》,为此还特意交给徒弟楚初颜,让她闲暇时好好研究。 However these things she will certainly not acknowledge, was divulged by Zu An, almost looks for a crack to worm one's way into awkwardly. 不过这些事情她当然不会承认,被祖安无意间说破,尴尬地差点找个地缝钻进去。 She after all is Great Grandmaster, quickly returned to normal: this Throne has no interest and you discusses these, you plotted against my matter a moment ago, this Throne look in the Chuyan face Shangrao your life, later pesters not again.” 她毕竟是大宗师,很快恢复了平静:“本座没兴趣和你讨论这些,刚才你暗算我的事情,本座看在初颜的面子上饶你一命,以后莫再纠缠。” Zu An strange: „The gambling that just we established frankly and uprightly makes, my where is plotting against you, some so many people can testify for me at the scene.” 祖安奇了:“刚刚我们是正大光明立下的赌约,我哪里是在暗算你啊,当场有那么多人都可以为我作证呢。” swallow Xuehen sneers: You, when this Throne is silly? Although I do not work to have one's wish like Yun Jianyue that demon, is actually insufficient to tie the hands and feet by only several words bunches. I kill you now, afterward who knows is hand that I move? Has not looked in the Chuyan face, you must not know good from bad not.” 燕雪痕冷笑一声:“你当本座傻么?我虽然不像云间月那魔头做事随心所欲,却也不至于被区区几句话束缚住手脚。我现在将你杀了,事后又有谁知道是我动的手?还不是看在初颜的面子上,你莫要不知好歹。” Zu An knits the brows, but was also clear that this matter and she cannot struggle anything, has to shift the topic to ask: Right, I heard white jade Capital usually to pose as Righteous Sect, why may be able to collude with Monster Race, helping Monster Race transport the war material, to harm the innumerable human plunging the people into disaster?” 祖安皱了皱眉,不过也清楚这件事和她争不出什么,只好转移话题问道:“对了,我听闻白玉京素来以名门正派自居,可为何会和妖族勾结,帮妖族输送军需物资,岂不是害得无数人类生灵涂炭?” swallow Xuehen black eyebrow slightly pressed: Nonsense, has our sect Mensh the time handled these things?” 燕雪痕黛眉微蹙:“胡说八道,我们宗门什么时候做过这些事情?” Your good Junior Brother is not doing, he and Yunzhong County defends left Su to unite, the entire government will build the benefit community in the clouds, has colluded with the smuggling with Monster Race.” Zu An coldly said, your let alone you don't know the circumstances of the matter?” “你那个好师弟不就在做么,他和云中郡守左苏联合,将整个云中官场打造成了利益共同体,一直和妖族勾结走私。”祖安冷冷地说道,“你别说你不知情?” swallow Xuehen long time, then said silent slowly: I usually did not inquire about the matter between this mortal world, these matters I am not clear, after going back, will try to prove.” 燕雪痕沉默良久,然后缓缓说道:“我素来不过问尘世间的事情,这些事我并不清楚,回去后会求证一下。” Hearing is not their sect gate is working as the evil behind-the-scenes manipulator secretly, Zu An relaxes, after all others solemn Great Grandmaster, can take his life now momentarily, the ability the temper explanation is very good. 听到不是他们宗门在幕后当黑手,祖安不禁松了一口气,毕竟人家堂堂大宗师,如今随时可以取他性命,能耐着性子解释已经很不错了。 That had Lao Guanzhu,” Zu An remembered anything suddenly, fished out one set of cosmetics to hand over from the bosom, before this was, bought the precious goods that from rouge kou, these exhausted view Lord belts went back.” “那就有劳观主了,”祖安忽然想起什么,从怀中摸出一套化妆品递了过去,这是之前从胭脂蔻买的名贵货,“这些劳烦观主带回去。” swallow Xuehen swept one, shakes the head saying: I do not use these, you unnecessary give a present to flatter to me.” 燕雪痕扫了一眼,摇了摇头道:“我不用这些,你也不必要给我送礼讨好。” Zu An: „......” 祖安:“……” He hesitant one said: This is asks the view lord to take away to give Chuyan.” 他犹豫了一下还是说道:“这是请观主拿去交给初颜的。” swallow Xuehen: „!!!” 燕雪痕:“!!!” Her complexion sinks: Just said with you, after Chuyan , is uninterested with you, do not disturb her to pursue Heavenly Dao again.” 她脸色一沉:“刚刚都和你说了,初颜以后和你再无关系,不要再打扰她追求天道了。” come from swallow Xuehen Rage Points + 233 + 233 + 233...... 来自燕雪痕的愤怒值…… The sleeves stroke, the whole person goes far away floating, only left behind in the air to wipe the vague delicate fragrance proof to come. 说完衣袖一拂,整个人飘然远去,只留下空气中一抹若有若无的幽香证明曾经来过。 Zu An looks that on the table these dazzling cosmetics want to cry but have no tears immediately, just should deliver two sets of her to receive? 祖安看着桌上那些琳琅满目的化妆品顿时欲哭无泪,刚刚是不是应该送两套她就收了啊? Yeah, the thing of this rouge kou is really unlucky, delivered several people not to deliver continuously. 哎,这胭脂蔻的东西真晦气,连续送了好几个人都没送出去了。 ...... …… The 2nd day early morning, had Embroidered Garment Envoy to come to report: Sir Zu, you made the matter that I investigate investigate thoroughly yesterday.” 第二日一早,有绣衣使者前来禀告:“祖大人,昨天您让我调查的事情已经查清楚了。” Finally how?” Zu An that on the bed sits in meditation opened the eye. “结果如何?”床上打坐的祖安睁开了眼睛。 Indeed such as of Sir Zu suspicion.” Embroidered Garment Envoy replied. “的确如祖大人猜想的那样。”绣衣使者答道。 good work.” Encourages opposite party several to make him draw back, Zu An long sighs, really so.” “辛苦了。”勉励对方几句让他退下过后,祖安长长叹了一口气,“果然如此啊。” Then and in the temporary office of president others said when oneself want seclusion to heal from a wound, is all right do not disturb. 接下来和行馆中其他人说自己要闭关养伤,没事时不要打扰。 Let Daji wear his clothes to pretend to be in the room, oneself changed an attire to leave the temporary office of president quietly. 妲己穿上他的衣裳在房中冒充,自己则换了一身装束悄悄离开了行馆。
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