KI :: Volume #11

#1039: Recent clue

Zu An turn head looked, sees only a beautiful moving young girl to stand in the entrance, on this time face wears golden tassels to treat as the veil, tassels above is mounting the agate and ruby, appearing magnificent and expensive and mysterious. 祖安回头一看,只见一个婀娜动人的少女站在门口,她此时脸上戴着一层金色的流苏当做面纱,流苏上面镶嵌着玛瑙和红宝石,显得华贵而神秘。 However everyone many attention were attracted by the female. 不过大家更多的注意力是被女子本身所吸引。 Although on the face is hoodwinking tassels, but can still see a face of bright and colourful incomparable. 尽管脸上蒙着一层流苏,但依然能看到一张明艳不可方物的脸。 If under the far mountain elegantly simple delicate eyebrows, has a pair of mist hazy pupil, seems hoodwinking dense air/Qi, making one look that then can not help want to protect to protect her. 如远山般淡雅的秀眉之下,有着一双水雾朦朦的眸子,仿佛蒙着一层氤氲之气,让人看一眼便情不自禁想要呵护保护她。 Near the lip as if hangs to smile faintly, tender lip tender and beautiful alluring, seemed moistened by the clear morning dew is the same, is sending out a charm that makes one have a parched mouth. 唇边似乎挂着一丝浅笑,柔嫩的唇瓣娇艳欲滴,仿佛是被晶莹的晨露滋润过一样,散发着一种让人口干舌燥的娇媚。 The females glance the circulation, everyone that flash had the same feeling, as if she is looking at herself lovingly, looks in the own look to have the affection greatly, with looking at other people land is different. 女子眼波流转,所有人那一瞬间都产生了同一种感觉,仿佛她正在含情脉脉地望着自己,看自己的眼神中大有情意,和看其他人大大地不同。 If in other places, definitely some countless men in seeing her flash prostrates oneself under her feminine charms. 要是在其他地方,肯定有无数男人会在看到她的一瞬间拜倒在她的石榴裙下。 What a pity here is rouge kou, inside is come from each big or small family's Miss Madame, 可惜这里是胭脂蔻,里面都是来自各个大小家族的夫人小姐, Bah, fox demon!” “呸,狐狸精!” In the original head store some Miss Madame usually in somewhat are inharmonious mutually look unpleasing to the eyes, this time actually for the first time shares a common hatred. 原本店里还有些夫人小姐平日里就有些不睦互相看不顺眼,这次却破天荒同仇敌忾起来。 This woman really met seductive, they were clear, if were the man sees her, will confuse absolutely abandons the wife to abandon the child, therefore the each and everyone look is staring her bad. 这个女人实在是太会勾人了,她们清楚如果是自家男人看到她,绝对会被迷得抛妻弃子,所以一个个眼神不善地瞪着她。 Zu An actually happened simultaneously pleasantly surprised: Honglei!” 祖安却是惊喜交加:“红泪!” He has not thought that will bump into Qiu Honglei in this place, previous time changed/easy Jun leaves, but also thinks that will also be very long cannot see her. 他万万没想到会在这个地方碰到秋红泪,上次易郡一别,还以为又会很久都见不到她了呢。 Ah Zu ~ Qiu Honglei disregards the look that these females envied directly, among the facial features is completely the happy expression. 阿祖~”秋红泪直接无视了那些女子嫉妒的眼神,眉眼间尽是笑意。 Really is the dregs male!” “果然是个渣男!” Saw that the pretty women cannot move to the eye.” “看到漂亮女人都移不开眼睛。” Owed I just also to like him.” “亏我刚刚还那么喜欢他。” ...... …… Sees their intimate appearances, the female in shop hates the room and black immediately, spat scolds. 看到两人那亲热的模样,店中的女子顿时恨屋及乌,纷纷啐骂道。 Saw Rage Points that the backstage non-stop accumulating, Zu An realized suddenly opened a new world, not only can lead the pretty younger sister to gain Rage Points to the man in front, similarly can also bring to gain to the woman in front of again one time. 看到后台不停积累的愤怒值,祖安忽然意识到开辟了一个新天地嘛,不仅可以带漂亮妹妹到男人面前赚愤怒值,同样也可以带到女人面前再赚一次啊。 Once jealousy of woman rises, may be much more fearful than the man. 女人的嫉妒心一旦升起来,可比男人还要可怕得多。 Or changes a place to chat?” Qiu Honglei purses the lips to say with a smile. “要不换个地方聊?”秋红泪抿嘴笑道。 Good.” Zu An also thought that here was surrounded is very uncomfortable. “好。”祖安也觉得在这里被围观很不舒服。 When will leave, Qiu Honglei after pouting: „Doesn't your thing take?” 正要离开之时,秋红泪朝后呶了呶嘴:“你的东西不拿么?” Zu An then realized these cosmetics that oneself buy have not taken, smiles embarrasedly, ran directly. 祖安这才意识到自己买的那些化妆品还没取,讪讪地笑了笑,直接跑了过去。 Young master, so many are not good to take, we can deliver goods.” Storekeepers reminded well-meaning. “公子,这么多不好拿,我们可以送货的。”掌柜的善意地提醒道。 Does not use.” Zu An smiles, pays a bill will load in Glazed Treasure Bead these things from now on directly. “不用了。”祖安笑了笑,付了账过后直接将这些东西装入琉璃宝珠之中。 Space magical artifact!” Had the person of experience to recognize immediately, shouted lowly, had such large space space magical artifact, was not an average person. “空间法器啊!”有见识之人马上认了出来,纷纷低呼起来,有这样大空间的空间法器,绝非一般人。 Zu An could not have attended to responding them, runs up to outside the shop and Qiu Honglei convergence directly. 祖安已经顾不得搭理他们了,直接跑到店外和秋红泪汇合。 Ah Zu is really quite extravagant, bought so many wraps unexpectedly.” The Qiu Honglei faint smile said. 阿祖真是好阔绰呀,竟然一口气买了这么多套。”秋红泪似笑非笑地说道。 Zu An quickly puts out one set: You come just right, this delivers you.” 祖安急忙拿出一套:“你来得正好,这个送你。” Qiu Honglei rolled the eyes: Snort, remains woman who is delivering other not to know the circumstances of the matter, I saw, receives is a little disliking.” 秋红泪翻了个白眼:“哼,留着送其他不知情的女人吧,我都看到了,收着有点膈应。” Zu An: „......” 祖安:“……” He was clear that at this time was not suitable to be reasonable, has to change the topic: Right, you how in Yunzhong County?” 他清楚这时候不适合讲道理,只好岔开话题:“对了,你怎么在云中郡?” How I do not come to see so splendid one exactly.” Qiu Honglei is smiling obviously, in the eye has meaning of the danger. “我不过来又怎么能恰好看到如此精彩的一幕呢。”秋红泪明明在笑,眼中却有一丝危险之意。 Zu An sighs: Previous time changed/easy Jun leaves, I also think that must for a long time unable to see you very much. At that time after we separated, I am delayed by the person who Royal Court pursued, waits dealt with me also to go into your in the Cult prostitute signal cabin from now on specially in the place to examine your whereabouts, finally anything had not found.” 祖安叹了一口气:“上次易郡一别,我还以为又要很久都见不到你了。当时我们分开后我被朝廷追来的人耽误了,等应付完了过后我还特意跑到你们教中烟花信号所在的地方去查看你的下落,结果什么都没找到。” Hears his tone meaning of concern, the Qiu Honglei complexion was also gentle, pulled his arm, very natural by his shoulder: Therefore this called to be predestined friends the thousand li (500 km) to meet.” 听到他语气中的关切之意,秋红泪的脸色也柔和了很多,一把挽起了他的胳膊,很自然地靠在他肩头:“所以这叫有缘千里来相会呀。” Feels the feeling of that moving snapping back, Zu An in the heart does not have the evil thought at this time, is only the warm feeling: When your tattered cultivation technique can cultivate/repair great accomplishment.” 感受着那动人的回弹之感,祖安此时心中却没有邪念,只是温馨之感:“你的那么破烂功法什么时候才能修到大成啊。” That is Heavenly Demon Bewitching Sound, our Sacred Cult to tall Wuxue, is not tattered cultivation technique.” Qiu Honglei somewhat was apparently discontented. “那是天魔魅音,我们圣教的至高武学,才不是什么破烂功法呢。”秋红泪显然有些不满了。 She acts like a spoiled brat that sound to be sweet and greasy, attracts the surrounding many people to look askance toward here. 她撒娇那声音又甜又腻,引来周围不少人往这边侧目。 After seeing the Qiu Honglei appearance figure, each and everyone as pretty as fairies, throws the look that envies the envy to Zu An immediately. 看到秋红泪的模样身段后一个个惊为天人,顿时对祖安投来羡慕嫉妒的眼神。 ok ok ok, when haven't you told me you to associate with me normally?” Zu An blows her nose with a smile, sees a series of Rage Points that the backstage receives, he is the fellow who an affectionate movement stimulates these to see unable to feel intentionally. 好好好,你还没告诉我啥时候你才能正常和我交往呢?”祖安笑着刮了刮她鼻子,看到后台收到的一连串愤怒值,他便故意做点亲昵的动作来刺激一下那些看得见摸不着的家伙。 Sure enough, many each and everyone face was green, some hot-tempered even also curls up the sleeves to have wants to come up to look for a job. 果不其然,不少人一个个脸都绿了,有些脾气火爆的甚至还卷起衣袖有想上来找事的。 What a pity Qiu Honglei apparently is very discontented two people rare reunions to be disturbed by these mixed fish, released internal energy directly, then coldly swept people. 可惜秋红泪显然很不满两人难得的重逢被这些杂鱼打搅,直接释放了气机,然后冷冷扫了一眼众人。 She as Demonic Cult Saintess, usually in can teach docile one group of aggressive Demonic Cult people, let alone these ordinary local ruffians. 她身为魔教圣女,平日里将一群凶悍的魔教人士都能训得服服帖帖的,更何况这些普通的地痞流氓。 Sure enough, these people such as the falling icehouse, drew back immediately in abundance. 果不其然,那些人顿时如坠冰窖,纷纷退了回去。 Saw that Zu An has not moved, lets the woman on the contrary for him over, in the each and everyone heart criticizes: Good live off a woman!” 看到祖安都没动,反倒让女人替他出头,一个个心中暗骂:“好一个吃软饭的!” Why may scold such sourly. 可为什么骂起来这么酸溜溜的呢。 Sees the backstage is one big- wave Rage Points income, Zu An beforehand haze was even more happy. 看到后台又是一大-波愤怒值进账,祖安之前阴霾的心情越发好了起来。 At this time Qiu Honglei achieved: I don't know either, wanted the master to nod to approve was good.” 这时秋红泪才达到:“我也不知道啊,要师父点头认可了才行。” Yun Jianyue there, I goes to say with her.” Zu An discontented say/way. 云间月在那里,我去和她说道说道。”祖安不满道。 Qiu Honglei actually had a scare, quickly puts out a hand to cover his mouth: You leave say randomly, if were heard her definitely to punch your by the master.” 秋红泪却是被吓了一跳,急忙伸手捂住他的嘴:“你别乱讲,要是被师父听见了她肯定揍你一顿。” She does not hate to punch me.” Thinks that Imperial Palace neutralizes all sorts that Yun Jianyue is together, on the Zu An face appears a gentle happy expression. “她才舍不得揍我呢。”想到皇宫中和云间月相处的种种,祖安脸上不禁浮现出一丝温柔的笑意。 Un?” Qiu Honglei is puzzled, always thought where is not right. “嗯?”秋红泪一脸疑惑,总觉得哪里不对劲。 Zu An awkwardly cough 祖安尴尬地了一声 : I meant that I am sweetheart of her treasure apprentice, how she is willing to punch me.” :“我是说我是她宝贝徒弟的情郎,她又怎么舍得揍我呢。” You her apprentice, she is also not the photo punches even does not harm, separated one let alone.” Although on the mouth said like this, in the Qiu Honglei heart is very happy. “你就算是她的徒弟,她还不是照揍不误,更何况还隔了一层。”尽管嘴上这样说,秋红泪心中还是很开心的。 Two people flirted with one another a while, suddenly the matter that Zu An remembers previous time changed/easy Jun: Right, previous time your in the Cult exactly what happened, why must summon you to go back with that urgent signal, I also worried that what you did have are?” 两人打情骂俏了一会儿,祖安忽然想起上次易郡的事:“对了,上次你们教中到底发生了什么事,为何要用那么紧急的信号召唤你们回去呢,我还担心你们出什么是了呢?” Qiu Honglei hesitated, this said: These cannot outside the person with teaching disclose that but you are not a bystander, told you also to might as well.” 秋红泪迟疑了一下,这才说道:“原本这些是不能和教外之人透露的,但你不是外人,告诉你也无妨。” „A our elder by Monster Race expert killing.” “我们一个长老被妖族高手给杀了。” „?” Zu An is somewhat surprised, how never expected that Monster Race and Demonic Cult did, „your elder what cultivation base?” “啊?”祖安有些吃惊,没想到妖族魔教咋干上了,“你们那长老什么修为?” Eighth Rank.” The Qiu Honglei look said dignifiedly, key is he dies somewhat aggrievedly, by Monster Race with the evil law control, was attacked the in the Cult companion suddenly, the master rushes luckily promptly, otherwise entire branch was also slaughtered completely.” 八品吧。”秋红泪神色凝重地说道,“关键是他死得有些憋屈,被妖族用邪法控制,突然袭击教中同伴,幸好师父及时赶到,否则整个分舵也被屠戮殆尽了。” Master in a blaze of passion struck to kill that elder directly, but elder just before the end Ching Dynasty wakes, the master then discovered before him, was controlled.” “师父盛怒之下直接击杀了那个长老,不过那长老临终之前清醒了过来,师父这才发现他之前被控制了。” Zu An hears the complexion to change, how does this listen is so familiar-sounding? 祖安听得脸色一变,这怎么听着这么耳熟? Pei You was not human-controlled is trigged like this killed Zuo Su? 裴佑不也是这样被人控制住杀了左苏的么? Zu An quickly asked: What sorcerer is so fierce?” 祖安急忙问道:“什么妖人如此厉害?” Qiu Honglei replied: Master followed the aura of opposite party to trace at that time, but also hit with that Monster Race, what a pity fellow cultivation base strange, master, although injured him, but ran away by him.” 秋红泪答道:“师父当时就顺着对方的气息去追查了,还和那妖族打了一场,可惜那家伙修为诡异,师父虽然伤了他,但还是被他逃走了。” Can escape from your master, that cultivation base high?” Zu An is startled incomparably. “能从你师父手下逃脱,那修为得多高?”祖安吃惊无比。 Qiu Honglei said low voice: Previous time in Imperial Palace, the master was injured by dog Sovereign, injury throughout not quite agile. A short time ago fought with swallow king, will otherwise not be escaped by that Monster Race. This time I here, traces to come.” 秋红泪小声说道:“上次在皇宫,师父被狗皇帝所伤,伤势始终没好利索。前不久又和燕王大战一场,否则也不会被那妖族逃掉。这次我之所以在这里,也是一路追查而来。” „, Can you know that Monster Race specific information?” Zu An quickly asked. “哦,你可知道那妖族的具体信息?”祖安急忙问道。 Qiu Honglei nods: Master and he has fought, is not difficult to find out the opposite party status in her story and method, the fellow called Kong Qing, was in Monster Race one of the three big Monster King, under Peacock bright king top expert, was good at invading divine soul of goal, controlled the body combat of opposite party.” 秋红泪点了点头:“师父和他交过手,以她的阅历和手段不难查出对方身份,那家伙叫孔青,是妖族中三大妖王之一,孔雀明王麾下的顶尖高手,擅长侵入目标的神魂,控制对方的身体作战。” Kong Qing?” The Zu An facial expression is strange, is surnamed Kong, that Kong Nanwu clansman? 孔青?”祖安神情古怪,也是姓孔的啊,那岂不是孔南舞的族人? No wonder initially Kong Nanwu must to him root hair, have long known Yunzhong County will have expert of Peacock clan, was worried own accidentally wound in their hands, this gave itself a status symbol. 难怪当初孔南舞要给他一根毛,原来早就知道云中郡这边会有孔雀一族的高手,担心自己不小心伤于他们之手,这才给了自己一个身份标志吧。 Has saying that the young girl is very loyal actually. 不得不说,那小妞倒是挺讲义气的。 Now where can you know this Kong Qing to hide?” Zu An quickly asked. “那你可知这个孔青现在藏身在哪里?”祖安急忙问道。 Qiu Honglei replied: „The message that receives most newly, he seems to have appeared in Zhenyuan Chamber of Commerce, but I have not verified with enough time.” 秋红泪答道:“最新收到的消息,他似乎在镇远商会中出现过,不过我还没来得及查证。” Is Zhenyuan Chamber of Commerce?” Zu An stared in a big way the eye. “又是镇远商会?”祖安瞪大了眼睛。 --- --- Yesterday collected 2 chapters to retain the draft rarely sends to early morning ahead of time, is thinking can sell the list to go, the result one limited to exempt all day...... 昨天难得凑齐二章存稿提前到凌晨发,想着能不能销售榜前去一点,结果一整天限免…… Haha, it seems like my receive without paying were many can also by others receive without paying 哈哈,看来我白嫖多了也会被别人白嫖
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