Although the starlinkhas not appeared, but the weatheris soon dark.
虽然星环还没有出现,但天色已经快要暗了下来。Thisletsgreenlieworry and regret.
这让绿鬣十分的担心和后悔。„Ismymistake, if notIcompelsthatchildto learn the flight...... sheto weepa bit faster”in a low voice: „OnPegasuswantedblack, what to doifshedid bump into‚calamity’? The childis so small and weak......”
“都是我的错,如果不是我逼着那孩子快点学会飞行的话……”她低声地啜泣道:“天马上就要黑了,万一她碰到了‘祟’怎么办?那孩子那么弱小……”„Mustsaywords that is unfair, Ialsodivide.”slowShenhangflexurescratched the head: „Sorry, Ias ifmade a pointtooexcessively. In brief, nowis most important, found the diamonda bit faster.”
“要说对不起的话,我也有分。”徐慎行挠了挠头:“抱歉,我似乎弄得太过头了一点。总而言之,现在最重要的,还是快点找到金刚。”„Right.”Speaking ofthis, greenliestands upsuddenly: „Weseekseparately, mustfindherto be goodbefore the darkness!”
“没错。”说到这个,绿鬣就猛然站起身来:“我们分头寻找,一定要在天黑之前找到她才行!”Said that sheranquickly.
说完她就快步跑了出去。„Wealsogoto lookquickly.”Because ofalso some compunctions, thereforeslowShenhangalsoleads the beasteargirlandgoes outto look for the diamondgreatlyblacktogether.
“我们也赶快出去找吧。”因为也有一些内疚,于是徐慎行也带着兽耳女孩和大黑一起外出寻找起了金刚。Looked fora while outside, the beasteargirl'searset uprightsuddenly.
在外面找了一会儿,兽耳女孩的耳朵突然竖了起来。„, Herehas the flavor of diamond!”
“啊,这里有金刚的味道!”Fortunately, the beasteargirl'snoseis above the keenness of imagination, unexpectedlydiscovered the flavor of diamond outside.
幸运的是,兽耳女孩的鼻子超乎想象的灵敏,居然在外面发现了金刚的味道。Is guidedbyher, slowShenhangand his party of soondiscovered the trail of diamond.
由她带路,徐慎行一行人很快就发现了金刚的踪迹。Opposite partybehind a grove, on a smallcliff that was covered with the emerald greengrass, the surfacetoward the sea, on the facewrote all over the confusedlook. Sheis holding the knee, sits there dull, looks that is soon fallinginSuntosea level.
The eveningsunlightlikeusuallyis not dazzling, thatorangeray, on the contraryseemsparticularlygentle.
傍晚的阳光不像平时那么刺眼,那种橘黄色的光芒,反倒显得分外温柔。Heldstupidly the beasteargirl who wantsto rushto greet, slowShenhangconsidered the moment, finallydecidedonepass.
一把抓住了正傻乎乎地想要冲上去打招呼的兽耳女孩,徐慎行考虑了片刻,最后还是决定自己一个人过去。Heletsbeautifullow voiceandfirstreturns to the cafegreatlyblack, ifsaw that greenlieinformedherto find the diamondwhile convenient.
他小声让博美和大黑先回咖啡馆,如果看到绿鬣的话就顺带通知她已经找到金刚了。Afterwardhe himselfpasses through the smallgrove, arrived at the cliff.
随后他自己则穿过小树丛,来到了悬崖边。„Do youdohere?”
“你在这里干嘛呢?”slowShenhangsaidin a soft voice.
The young girldelicateback of trembled, butshehad not replied, butcontinuesto be silent.
少女纤弱的背影哆嗦了一下,但是她并没有回答,而是就那么继续沉默着。„Abouttoday'straining, sorry, Isomewhatwas probably overdone.”
于是徐慎行先开口说道。„Not......”, butnot as he expectedis, the young girlstartedtalking: „Youdoveryto the bird that...... will not fly, no value of existence.”
“不……”但出乎他预料的是,少女开口说话了:“你们做的很对……不会飞的鸟,没有任何存在的价值。”Not, purely the words that considersfrom the economic aspect, the chickenregarding the value of humanwithout doubtishighest.
不不不,单纯从经济方面考虑的话,鸡对于人类的价值无疑是最高的。NaturallyslowShenhangwill not feel disappointedto open the mouthto complaininthisplace.
当然徐慎行不会扫兴到在这种地方开口吐槽。Hecan look, the girl seems to have had anything to pressin the heart.
他看得出来,女孩似乎一直有什么事压在心底。Perhapsisonecanmakeherreveal the aspiration the opportunityalsoperhaps.
或许是一个可以让她吐露心声的机会也说不定。„The value that likewise, asfriends of birds, notI who fliesalsoto have no.”
The girlthensaid,however the content of wordsactuallyfilledfrom the oppressivefeeling: „I have been very clear...... since the beginning, since Ihave had the achievementfriendsmemory, friends of inhabited areacanlaugh atme, will be the birdwill actually not flyobviously......”
女孩接着说道,但是话语的内容却充满了自虐的感觉:“我一直都很清楚……打从一开始,我有作为friends的记忆以来,居民区的friends都会笑话我,明明是鸟却不会飞……”„Iam not open-minded, evenknowsthesefriendsandwithout any malicious intent, butwas ridiculedwords, will be very sad, wantsto bury the faceinownwing......, but, becomesfriendsme, even the wingdid not have. ThereforeIescaped, escaped the business districtfrom the inhabited area.”
“我一点都不豁达,就算知道那些friends并没有恶意,但被嘲笑了的话,就会很伤心,想把脸埋在自己的翅膀里……可是,成为了friends的我,连翅膀都没有了。所以我逃跑了,从居民区逃跑到了商业区。”„I, ultra. Evadescannot complete, if no smallblackreliefs, as well asmetgreenliefinally, must starve to deathon the road of escaping. Greenlieisfirst that Imeet, will not ridicule that Iobviouslyam the bird, friends that butwill actually not fly. Evenshefor this reason, howwithmehas also studied to be ablediligentlyto fly.”
“我啊,超逊的。就连逃避都做不好,如果不是有小黑们的救济,以及最后遇到了绿鬣的话,恐怕就要饿死在逃跑的路上了。绿鬣是我遇到的第一个,不会嘲笑我明明是鸟,但却不会飞的friends。甚至她还为此,一直努力和我一起研究要怎么才能飞起来。”„At that time, myspecialmove, felt, so long ashasgreenlie, no mattermakesanythingnot to relate, so long ascanwithherin the same place, regardless ofwhatIam willingto do. ButI was really weak, anything could not complete, will only hold backtogreenlie.”
“那个时候,我特别的感动,觉得只要有绿鬣的话,不管做什么都没关系,只要能和她在一起的话,不论什么我都愿意做。但我实在是太鶸了,什么事都做不好,只会给绿鬣拖后腿。”„ActuallyIknow that greenlieyearns for the skyvery much, wishcanhoverin the sky, even ifshehas not said that butIam very clear. If there is wingis notI, butisgreenlie, shecan certainlyself-confidentandhoverin the skyhappily......”
“其实我知道的,绿鬣很向往天空,想要能够在天空翱翔,即便她从来没有说过,但我很明白的。如果拥有翅膀的不是我,而是绿鬣的话,她一定能够充满自信、愉快地在天空翱翔吧……”„Ialsothought that shealmostalsosoonendured patiently the limitregardingmyincompetent, thereforewent all out to makemerecentlylearn the flight, quitemademeleavehere...... , my uselessfriendswill not haveanybodyto welcome......”
The girlburiedin the faceoneselfcrook of the elbow, the soundalsogetting smaller, night breezeblew, makinggirl'sbodyshrinkslightly.
女孩将脸埋到了自己臂弯中,声音也越来越小,一阵晚风吹来,令女孩的身体缩得更小了。slowShenhangsighed, then a collarback that held the girl, is entrainingherruins that moved toward the cafe.
徐慎行叹了口气,然后一把抓住女孩的衣领后襟,就把她拽着走向了咖啡馆的废墟。„Do youandyoudo!” The girlstruggled.
“你、你干嘛啊!”女孩挣扎了起来。Howeveris different from hervaliantname, the strength of struggling was really weak.
不过和她彪悍的名字不同,挣扎的力道实在是太鶸了。MoreoverslowShenhangfound that herobviouslybuildandabundantbeautifulare similar, butcarries the feelinginhand, obviouslywantsbeautifulto be light.
而且徐慎行发现她明明体型与博美差不多,但拎在手上的感觉,明显要比博美轻不少。Reallyis the relations of birds......
果然是鸟类的关系么……„Iam not good atconvincingotherswith the language.”slowShenhangsays: „Butrepentswithithere, Ithought that youarego backto have a lookquitewell. Ifgreenliereallyregards the child in such an arrangementyou, shewon't that be worried aboutyou?”
“我不擅长用语言说服别人。”徐慎行开口说道:“但是与其在这里自怨自艾,我觉得你还是自己回去看看比较好。如果绿鬣真的把你当成拖油瓶的话,她也不会那么担心你了吧?”„Thatis onlyherpersonalityis good!”
“那只是她性格好而已!”RegardingslowShenhangwords, the diamondsaidwithout hesitation: „Anyone, shewill care!”
对于徐慎行的话,金刚毫不犹豫地说道:“不论是谁,她都会去关心的!”„Food that youlike, is the pea and corn?”
“你喜欢的食物,是豌豆和玉米吧?”„Ha? Thisand does the presenttopichave the relations? Moreoverwhere do youknow?”diamondstruggles, whileis frowningto ask.
“哈?这个和现在的话题有关系吗?而且你是从哪里知道的?”金刚一边挣扎,一边皱着眉头问道。„Ifshereallymeetstreats everyone equally, thenwhyonly thenyourdinnerisspecially-made?”slowShenhangsaidslowly: „Inthisplace, the pea and corndoes not get so far aseasily. Ifshereallywantsto catch up withyouto walk, why can also give the dinner that youprepareyoumostto likeespecially?”
“如果她真的会平等地对待每一个人,那么为什么只有你的晚餐是特制的呢?”徐慎行缓缓说道:“在这种地方,豌豆和玉米可不容易弄到。要是她真的想要赶你走,为什么还要特地去给你准备你最喜欢的晚餐?”„This...... this is just......”
The diamondalsowantto argueanything, butactuallycould not discover the reasonfinally.
金刚还想要争辩些什么,但最后却也找不出理由了。„ThereforeIconvincedotherswith the wordsrepugnantly...... in brief, regardless of anything, confirmedwith own eyeswas quite good.”
“所以我才讨厌用话来说服别人……总而言之,不论什么事,还是亲眼确认一下比较好。”slowShenhangalsono longersaidanythingmuch, butis carryingsimilarlysilent the diamond of getting down, caught upfastto the abandonedcafe.
徐慎行也不再多说什么,只是拎着同样沉默了下来的金刚吗,飞快地赶向了废弃的咖啡馆。Itwas soon black, sidethatbroadgrandstarlinkis partly visiblein the horizonday after day, ifcannotbeforethoroughis darkto returnto havein the lightshop, thenpossiblysomewhatwill be then troublesome.
天快要黑了,就连天边那恢弘壮丽的星环都已经在地平线上若隐若现了,如果不能在彻底暗下来之前回到有灯光的店内,那么接下来可能会有些麻烦。Howeverthis time, the beastearyoung girlis actually running overhurriedly: „littleslowis not good! Seashoretherepresentedoneto surpass~ ~ ~big‚calamity’! Greenliethinks that the diamondwas eatenbyit, was wantingto save the diamondto say!”
( 3 / 3 )
……Todayhas the relativeto come to the native placeto eat meal, but alsovisits a grave, onehas no spatialsymbolall day, only hadthreechapters.
The monthly ticketlist13 + 1, hitto enjoyto beupper limit + 3 at present, owes5at present.
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