UP :: Volume #22

#2136: Eccentric teacher

Desolate World? A very good choice.” 荒界?一个很好的选择。” cold intent on Bertan face, nods the decision that because of her makes, obviously shoals changes pale, these obstinate deep beast group, are not the vulgar low level lives, their lives have not related with me.” 贝尔坦斯脸上的冷意,因她点头做出的决定,明显变浅变淡许多,“那些顽冥不化的兽群,都是粗鄙低级的生灵,他们的死活和我没有关系。” Yu Yuan above Beheading Dragons Platform, slightly somewhat heavy heart, relaxes suddenly. 斩龙台之上的虞渊,略有些沉重的心情,也忽然放松许多。 This is then good, this it would be the best.” “这便好,这样最好不过了。” Zhong Chichen with the bright sleeve, is cleaning and nonexistent sweat stain, be all smile mediates: Everyone should have the common enemy, we have too the critical matter to do, do not confuse own situations.” 钟赤尘以鲜艳的袖筒,擦拭着并不存在的汗渍,满脸堆笑地打圆场:“大家应该有着共同的敌人,我们有太多紧要的事情要做,千万不要自乱阵脚。” Under the sea of azure-black pollution, Bertan is frowning, coldly looked at his one eyes. 青黑色浑浊之海下,贝尔坦斯皱着眉头,冷冷看了他一眼。 Ridicules Zhong Chichen, the slender tall and straight body, was suddenly stiff. 讪笑中的钟赤尘,修长挺拔的身躯,突然间僵硬了。 Long Jie and Lu Liu look surprise, feels the Zhong Chichen blood, as if filled the lead to be the same, under the Bertan vision, appearing cramped and anxious. 龙颉绿柳神色诧异,感觉钟赤尘血液内部,仿佛灌了铅一般,在贝尔坦斯的目光下,显得局促而不安。 „, He...... is also my teacher.” “咳咳,他……也是我的老师。” Zhong Chichen low voice explanation. 钟赤尘小声解释。 Long Jie and Lu Liu suddenly, understand finally why this consistent natural seven-colored divine dragon, when facing Great Demon God Bertan, is so discrete and terrified. 龙颉绿柳恍然,终于明白为何这头一贯潇洒的七彩神龙,在面对大魔神贝尔坦斯时,那么的谨慎而惶恐。 Originally, solely is not because Bertan demonic power is boundless, because also Bertan once was Medicine God Sect Sect Master! 原来,不单单是因为贝尔坦斯魔力无边,还因为贝尔坦斯曾是药神宗宗主 Hong Qi, Zhong Chichen, several hundred years ago is the disciple who Bertan trains. 洪奇,钟赤尘,在几百年前都是贝尔坦斯调教出来的弟子。 Teacher......” “老师……” Yu Yuan eye obviously unusual, the corners of the mouth transgress the happy expression, when remembers him for Hong Qi suddenly, when Zhong Chichen has not awakened, past events that among the senior brother younger brothers is together. 虞渊目显异样,嘴角不禁逸出笑意,也突然想起他为洪奇时,钟赤尘尚未觉醒时,师兄弟间相处的一幕幕往事。 You must leave as soon as possible.” “你要尽快离开。” Bertan takes back looks to the Zhong Chichen vision, lowers the head, urged Chen Qinghuang seriously, said: Does not allow to release death strength in Origin World again carelessly, incessantly is our Heavenly Demon territory, other star territory world may not similarly.” 贝尔坦斯收回看向钟赤尘的目光,低下头,严肃地叮嘱陈青凰,道:“决不允许在源界再胡乱释放死亡力量,不止是我们天魔领地,别的星域天地同样不可。” „.” “哦。” In Bertan such as under the mountain pressure, the Chen Qinghuang choice regresses, responded to one neither cold nor hot. 贝尔坦斯如山压力下,陈青凰选择退步,不冷不热地回应一句。 Whish! 哗! that bluish gray divine bird, integrates her true body suddenly, she while the sober condition, the hesitation moment, bites white/shell Chidao at present lightly: I want to discuss with you alone.” 那只青灰色的神鸟,骤然融入她的本体真身,她趁着目前清醒的状态,沉吟片刻,轻咬贝齿道:“我想和你单独谈一谈。” She quiet cold and arrogant eyes pupil, framed on Yu Yuan, in her eyes only had Yu Yuan. 她幽冷而高傲的眼眸,定格在了虞渊身上,在她眼中唯有虞渊 Good.” “好。” Bertan nods the nod, that meteorite extremely scattered region, all meteorites close up toward the center suddenly, actually in a short time, piecing together is the land of one piece of disruption. 贝尔坦斯颔首点头,那片陨石极其分散的区域,所有陨石突然朝着中央靠拢,硬是在短时间内,拼凑为一块碎裂的陆地。 The land of this disruption, can regard as Saka stump residual limb. 这块碎裂的陆地,可以视为萨卡的“残肢”。 Numerous yellow dim light, in plundering of Great Demon God Bertan soul strength, by him in disruption land chooses, changes to a golden mud ball. 众多灰黄色的幽光,在大魔神贝尔坦斯灵魂力量的搜刮,被他在碎裂的“陆地”中挑选出来,化作一个黄灿灿的泥球。 In the mud ball, there are numerous as if weed yellow dim light, contains the exquisite land deep meaning. 泥球中,有众多仿佛杂草般的灰黄色幽光,蕴藏着精妙的大地奥义。 You take away.” “你拿去。” A mud ball formation, flies swiftly toward Yu Yuan, Bertan said: Tai Shi (Highest Beginning) is skilled in earth strength, the thing in this mud ball, you can give Tai Shi (Highest Beginning) that boy, considers my gift.” 泥球倏一形成,就朝着虞渊飞去,贝尔坦斯笑着说:“太始精通大地力量,这泥球里的东西,你可以交给太始那小子,就当是我的礼物。” When treats Zhong Chichen, his attitude is icy, to Undying Bird Empress is also so. 对待钟赤尘时,他态度冷冰冰的,对不死鸟女皇也是如此。 When he and Yu Yuan spoke, actually in happy opened by the face laughs, probably the two faces of two people. 可他和虞渊讲话时,却在喜逐颜开地开怀大笑,像是两个人的两张脸。 Consistent bias!” “一贯的偏心!” Zhong Chichen only dares to complain at heart. 钟赤尘只敢在心里埋怨。 If can hear his inner voice to be the same, Great Demon God Bertan vision, passes toward him suddenly floating. 如能听到他的心声一般,大魔神贝尔坦斯的目光,又忽然朝着他飘逝而来。 The Zhong Chichen heart trembles, including in the heart complained that does not dare, he does not have the words to look for the words 钟赤尘心头一颤,连在心底埋怨都不敢了,他没话找话 And Lu Liu rambled on, the ripples that in order to avoid the innermost feelings exuded, made Bertan perceive again. 地和身旁的绿柳瞎扯,以免内心泛起的涟漪,再让贝尔坦斯觉察到。 This natural Dragon of Space-Time, two lives memory and life, when facing once that Golden Dragon God, not so anxious. 这头潇洒的时空之龙,两世记忆和人生历程,在面对曾经的那头黄金龙神时,都不会如此的不安。 „The equally good treasure, Tai Shi (Highest Beginning) certainly to like actually.” “倒是一样好宝贝,太始一定会喜欢。” Yu Yuan is smiling, rides Beheading Dragons Platform to come, his sea of consciousness deep place Soul Divine Altar, but also is accepting two soul fragments memory. 虞渊微笑着,乘坐斩龙台而来,他识海深处的“灵魂神坛”,还在接受两块灵魂碎片的记忆 He falls is piecing together the world that the meteorite becomes, is held by the Bertan refining mud ball, is feeling in land essential mystery of deep conceals, immediately knows this is Mother of Earth is struck to kill by him, splitting later scatters in the essential mystery principle of Abyss seven layers. 他落在拼凑陨石而成的天地,抓住由贝尔坦斯精炼的泥球,感受着内中深藏的大地精奥,顿时知道这是大地之母被他击杀,分裂以后散落在深渊七层精奥法则。 A short time ago, before that high mountain has not returned to Desolate World, waited is also this thing. 前不久,那座高山没有返回荒界前,等候的也是此物。 If this thing flies into that high mountain, Mother of Earth can in a short time, become high-level origin spirit once again. 如果此物飞入那座高山,大地之母就能在很短时间内,再次成为高级的源灵 Tai Shi (Highest Beginning) now where? Many plans of beyond the heavens Divine Soul Sect, are I and he are discussing making a final decision, if he were born in Abyss long ago, but Mother of Earth has not broken to perish, he certainly is the spokesman who Mother of Earth most favors.” 太始现在何处?天外神魂宗的很多计划,都是我和他商议着敲定,他要是早年诞生在深渊,而大地之母没有破碎而亡,他一定是大地之母最青睐的代言人。” Bertan is very high to the price that Tai Shi (Highest Beginning) comments, looks to appreciate also quite. 贝尔坦斯太始评的价很高,看得出来也颇为欣赏。 Explores Abyss very long him by demon soul, has clarified Abyss various profound mystery, dies Mother of Earth in Lord of Abyss hand, how origin spirit of light was towed, Foundation Tree including darkness, origin spirit of thunder in Foundation Tree, the clarity that he inquires. 魔魂探索深渊很久的他,早就弄清楚了深渊的各种玄奥,死在深渊之主手中的大地之母,还有光明源灵怎么被拖曳进来的,包括黑暗中的建木,建木内的雷霆源灵,他都打探的清清楚楚。 Some secrets, Ji Hui (Extreme Wisdom) and Arthur not necessarily know, but he investigated clearly. 有的秘密,极慧阿瑟斯未必知道,可他都探察清楚了。 He in Cold Territory.” “他在寒域。” Is grasping mud ball Yu Yuan, loses it conveniently in Beheading Dragons Platform, immediately stimulates space strength. 握着“泥球”的虞渊,将其随手丢在斩龙台,立即激发空间力量 Another end, stands his Yang God before glacier, the palm suddenly are many this group mud ball. 另一端,站在冰川前的他阳神,掌心突然多出这团“泥球”。 In Chaos Sea's Kun, Ji Ningshuang and under the An Ziqing amazed look, his Yang God opens the mouth saying: Great Demon God Bertan, after I stimulate self- spirituality, through own strength, resists the invasion of that person. And, refining has fallen completely, invasion trace that that person leaves behind.” 溟沌鲲,还有纪凝霜安梓晴惊诧的眼神下,他阳神开口道:“大魔神贝尔坦斯,被我激发自我灵性以后,通过自己的力量,抵御住了那位的侵染。并且,已完全炼化掉,那位遗留下来的侵染痕迹。” Chaos Sea's Kun of skinny old man appearance, takes the lead to pat the leg to acclaim: Bertan is fierce!” 枯瘦老叟模样的溟沌鲲,率先拍腿赞叹:“贝尔坦斯厉害啊!” little spinosaurus is surprised to know Bertan to wake up, actually seems somewhat depressed. 小棘龙惊闻贝尔坦斯醒来,倒是显得有些闷闷不乐。 „The Stellar Giant Beast ethnic group , because Bertan is the end, what are you excited?” He looks angrily at Chaos Sea's Kun. 星空巨兽族群,就是因为贝尔坦斯画上句号,你激动什么?”他怒视溟沌鲲 Hey, without Bertan appears, Giant Beasts Era will also terminate because of your ancestor. You think, what good thing your ancestor is? With giant beast of my years similar, was cruelly harmed to dig out beast heart by him, you know how many have?” Chaos Sea's Kun sneers. “嘿,没有贝尔坦斯出现,巨兽时代也会因为你的老祖宗而终止。你难道以为,你的老祖宗是个什么好东西?和我一个时代的巨兽同类,被他残害挖出兽心的,你知道有多少吗?”溟沌鲲冷笑。 Just adult Starcatching Beetle, heard their dialogues, shrank necking. 成年星罗步甲,听到他们的对话,不禁缩了缩头。 Do not kick up a racket.” Yu Yuan stopped their quarrel : This thing, is Bertan gives Tai Shi (Highest Beginning).” “别吵吵了。”虞渊制止了他们的争吵,到:“这东西,是贝尔坦斯送给太始的。” Sees with own eyes that side Divergent Nether Star Territory, and regains consciousness to still because of arrival of Bertan, Yu Yuan is relaxed. 眼见歧幽星域那边,因贝尔坦斯的降临和苏醒而平定,虞渊心情放松许多。 What thing?” little spinosaurus strange say/way. “什么东西?”小棘龙奇道。 With land related mysteries of principles.” “和大地相关的法则奥秘。” Yu Yuan is grasping mud ball, said to them: Does not need to defend this place, Divergent Nether Star Territory does not need anything to aid, you return to Cold Territory are.” 虞渊握着“泥球”,对他们说道:“不必守着此地了,歧幽星域也不需要什么援助,你们都回寒域便是。” The words, he first step enters. 话罢,他先一步进入。 Another side. 另一边。 Bertan said suddenly: You Qian, Adria, you two accompany me, we go to Cold Territory. I listened to Yu Yuan saying that can go directly to Abyss below darkness from Cold Territory. Hey, that place I also was really familiar.” 贝尔坦斯突然道:“尤潜,阿德里娅,你们两个陪我,我们去一趟寒域。我听虞渊说了,从寒域能直达深渊下方的黑暗。嘿,那地方我还真是熟悉了。” Builds amethyst demon body him, self-confident not again by the will distortion invasion of that person 筑造出一具紫水晶魔躯的他,自信不会再被那位的意志扭曲侵染 , When remembered him to explore the endless darkness discovery, the innermost feelings had some ideas. ,想起他探索无尽黑暗时的发现,内心有了一些想法。 little Zhong, you deliver us a regulation!” 小钟,你来送我们一程!” Bertan aims at these 9th rank Demon God, said: You, your several, go to that Book of Time, goes to Cold Territory with us.” 贝尔坦斯指向那些九级魔神,道:“你们,还有你们几个,都去那本时之书,也和我们去寒域。” Heavenly Demon that these fortunately survive, no dares to violate his order. 那些幸存下来的天魔,没有一个敢违背他的命令。 Even if these 9th rank Demon God, not by soul purifying divine brilliance wash, but also thinks that It is oneself soul source, does not dare not to listen to Bertan. 即便这些九级魔神,并没有被“净魂神辉”洗涤,还认为祂才是自己的灵魂源头,也不敢不听贝尔坦斯的话。 Vanished in a puff of smoke in Saka, perhaps after Sable also marches into the Saka footsteps, their sense of awe to Bertan deep-rooted, even has pressed their in the depth of one's soul that person distortion will. 萨卡灰飞烟灭,塞布尔或许也步入萨卡后尘以后,他们对贝尔坦斯根深蒂固的敬畏之心,甚至压过了他们灵魂深处那位的扭曲意志。 Quick, all Heavenly Demon arrived on Zhong Chichen Book of Time. 很快,所有天魔都到了钟赤尘时之书上。 Similarly in Book of Time Long Jie, Lu Liu, somewhat is restless. 同样在时之书龙颉,还有绿柳,都有些如坐针毡。 You Qian, Adria, numerous 9th rank Demon God, occupied the Book of Time the greater part space, when they noticed that Bertan came from the distant place, all Heavenly Demon on Book of Time are leaping the position. 尤潜,阿德里娅,众多九级魔神,占据了时之书大部分空间,等他们看到贝尔坦斯从远方过来,时之书上的所有天魔都在腾位置。 Under the starry sky, Bertan such as bright amethyst demon body, squeezes in that armor unexpectedly. 星空下方,贝尔坦斯如剔透紫水晶般的魔躯,竟然又塞入那具盔甲内。 The azure-black muddy sea of that length and breadth, integrates purple crystal demon body. 那片广袤的青黑色浑浊海,也融入紫色水晶般的魔躯 The armor, became the genuine armor, wraps wrapped his mystical demon body. 盔甲,成了真正的盔甲,包裹着他这具神奇魔躯 Bang! 轰! When falls to the armor, heavy/thick Book of Time, the gravity like being able to withstand, tosses unexpectedly fiercely. 待到盔甲落下,厚重的时之书,居然像承受不住这样的重力,剧烈摇荡起来。 Enlarges this book, or you open wide space-time gates, making us arrive in the book.” Bertan disgruntled say/way. “把这本书弄大点,或者你敞开时空之门,让我们到书里面。”贝尔坦斯不悦道。 Zhong Chichen puts on a long face, the kind teacher before facing this, his pressure is very big, busy say/way: „The world in book is tattered, I did not have repaired, now is not good to enter.” He is not willing to open Book of Time, does not make these Heavenly Demon enter. 钟赤尘哭丧着脸,面对这位以前的恩师,他压力很大,忙道:“书里的世界破破烂烂,我还没有修复好,现在不好进入。”他死活不肯打开时之书,不让那些天魔进入。 Teacher, please must forgive.” “老师,请你一定要谅解。” Zhong Chichen salutes, politely calls low voice. 钟赤尘行礼,小声地尊称。 You do not need to call my teacher, receives you for the disciple while convenient, has not taught your anything earnestly.” “你不用叫我老师,收你为徒只是顺带,也没认真教导过你什么。” Bertan beckons with the hand, and avoided saluting of Zhong Chichen, your ancestor is I kills, but your Dragon Clan should also thank me, without my slaughter falls that old dragon, without you are born in Grand Vastness. Considers as finished, these are the minor matters, raises is also no interesting.” 贝尔坦斯摆摆手,并且避开了钟赤尘的行礼,“你老祖宗是我杀的,不过你们龙族也该感谢我,没有我屠掉那头老龙,也没有你们在浩漭诞生。算了算了,这些都是小事,提起来也没什么意思。” He urged Zhong Chichen, do not waste the time again, hurried to send them to Solitary Forest Star Territory, then made a detour Cold Territory. 他催促钟赤尘,不要再浪费时间了,赶紧送他们去森寂星域,然后转道寒域 Zhong Chichen obediently is obedient. 钟赤尘乖乖听话。 But he looks to the Bertan vision, actually seems very complex, casual, does not arrest in mud section Bertan, overlaps gradually with Master that person in his mind. 可他看向贝尔坦斯的目光,却显得很复杂,大大咧咧,不拘于泥小节的贝尔坦斯,和他印象中的那位师傅渐渐重叠起来。 He is very difficult to forget, that follows the opposite party to study Dao of Medicine Refining, listens respectfully to the experience of that person instruction. 他很难遗忘掉,那段跟随对方学习炼药之道,聆听那位教诲的经历。 He was guessing at heart, he in Medicine God Sect Teacher that person, perhaps also by Great Demon God Bertan, the puppet who a demon soul moves into. 他在心里猜测,他在药神宗那位老师,或许也只是被大魔神贝尔坦斯,一道魔魂入驻的傀儡罢了。 When the Bertan speech intonation, some speech and behaviors, actually resemble with Teacher that person. 贝尔坦斯讲话时的语调,一些言谈举止,和那位老师却又是那么相像。 My this leads you to go to Cold Territory.” “我这就带你们去寒域。” The Zhong Chichen restraining distracting thoughts, inspire gently, then controls Book of Time to leave. 钟赤尘收敛杂念,轻轻吸了一口气,便驾驭着时之书离开。 On the way, he Cold Territory current condition, Tan Xiaotian, Tai Shi (Highest Beginning), Cao Jiaze and the others the situations, great thin not leaks informs completely. 途中,他将寒域目前的状况,还有檀笑天太始曹嘉泽等人的处境,巨细无漏地全部告知。 Bertan often nods, has the doubts place, then asks two. 贝尔坦斯不时点头,有疑惑的地方,便开口多问两句。 In Zhong Chichen heart warm, he as if returns for several hundred years ago, the master tests to compare with his pill refining memory time. 钟赤尘心中温暖,他仿佛回到数百年前,师傅考较他炼丹记忆的时光。 The smile flying color of his corners of the mouth flies upwards. 他嘴角的笑容飞彩飞扬。 ...... ……
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