UP :: Volume #13

#1250: Drop of divine blood?

beyond heavens battlefield. 天外战场 one piece of like the ink meteorite, the surface sudden quarry stone rapid flight, imitates the jet black evil spirit that black, if fuses together with the meteorite, is tumbling the body crack. 一块黑如墨汁般的陨石,地表突然乱石疾飞,一头仿若和陨石融为一体的漆黑妖物,翻滚着身子裂地而出。 After stands, dozens zhang (3.33 m) high, all over the body such as black fine iron good. 一头站直后,数十丈高,通体如黑色精铁般的蛮牛。 Thick thick dark oil, from its land of splitting overflowed, was attracted by his opens the mouth, the black rivers and streams fall into his dense great mouth. 浓稠黝黑的油脂,从其裂开的大地内溢了出来,被他张口一吸,黑色江河般落入他森然巨嘴。 Stamps the feet good, meteorite „” disrupts. 蛮牛一跺脚,陨石“喀喀喀”地碎裂开来。 His that huge monster body contracts gradually, soon, turns into a build exceptionally tall and strong, the greater part dark body naked robust man outside. 他那庞大妖身渐渐收缩,不多时,就变成一位体型异常魁梧,大部分黝黑躯体赤裸在外的壮汉。 The robust men only in the waist abdomen place, cover same color black skin armor, the forehead are going against the huge bend angle, the eye pupil full is cruel. 壮汉只在腰腹处,覆盖一件同色的黑皮甲,额头顶着巨大弯角,眼眸满是残暴。 Hu-hu!” “呼哧!” His wing of the nose gearing, the chest cavity is also fluctuating fiercely, resembles is inducing anything in instinct. 他鼻翼连动,胸腔也剧烈起伏着,似在本能地感应着什么。 Jet black blood-color ripple, are centered on his monster body, ripples to eight sides. 一圈圈漆黑血色波纹,以他的妖体为中心,向八方荡漾开来。 divine blood flavor!” 神血的味道!” He face upwards howling, that was used to hide the meteorite that by him, immediately blasts open thoroughly. 他仰天呜嚎一声,那块被他用来藏身的陨石,顿时彻底炸裂。 one jet black lightning, because of his condensing, twinkling a lot of li (0.5 km). 一道漆黑闪电,因他凝炼而成,瞬息千百里。 Bang! Bang bang! 嘭!嘭嘭! The lightning penetrated many meteorites, he region, the stone chip flutters about, the stone is exploding unceasingly. 闪电穿透了不少陨石,他所过的区域,石屑纷飞,石块不断在爆炸。 ...... …… one piece of mingle, in the meteorite of different color crushed stone, is sitting seemingly quiet and refined mild beautiful woman. 一块混杂着,不同颜色碎石的陨石内,坐着一名看似娴静温润的美丽女子 The woman figure is emaciated, arm such as skinny, she low smiles suddenly strangely. 女子身形瘦弱,胳膊如皮包骨头,她突然低低怪笑。 In the laughter, she opens mouth, rows of sharp fangs, such as crowded fishbone. 笑声中,她张开嘴,一排排锋利的獠牙,如密集的鱼刺。 Her that looks at not the big mouth, opened is getting bigger and bigger, as if can swallow many people. 她那原本看着不大的嘴,张的越来越大,仿佛能一口吞下很多人。 If some people approach to look, will discover inside her mouth, unexpectedly in concealed universe. 若有人凑近去看,就会发现她嘴巴里头,竟然内藏乾坤。 Bodies of blood dripping, the meat wall of benefitted barbed nail in her mouth, but also was being nibbled the flesh by her. 一具具血淋琳的躯体,被利刺钉在她口腔中的肉壁,还在被她蚕食着血肉。 ! 噗! The skeleton that did not have the body internal organs, was given to spit by her suddenly, falls breaks on the ground. 一具没了皮肉脏腑的骸骨,突然被她给吐了出来,落在地上散架。 This is one, just had no value again, was nibbled the Moon Night Clan skeleton completely by her. 这是一具,刚刚再没有任何价值的,被她蚕食殆尽的月夜族尸骨。 She gathers Shangju, restored the graceful supple harmless appearance instantaneously, smiles, the tongue licked the lip angle, said: Drop of divine blood.” 她重新合上嘴,瞬间又恢复了婉柔无害的模样,抿嘴一笑,舌头舔了舔唇角,道:“一滴神血。” The meteorite that various color crushed stones build, adjusted the direction fiercely, accelerates to speed along. 各类颜色碎石堆砌的陨石,猛地调整了方向,加速飞驰。 ...... …… Similar scene, is happening in the different regions. 类似的场景,在不同的区域发生着。 Some appear and disappear in Distant Circle Star Territory year to year, collects the sun, moon and stars fragment, refining gold essence and mineral lode, swallows foreign race to ask breakthrough Great Monster, was alarmed one after another. 一些常年出没于邃林星域,收集日月星辰碎片,炼化精金矿脉,吞食异族求突破的大妖,相继被惊动。 Empress of Azure Luan a drop of blood, lets that meteorite that Yu Yuan is, becoming is eye-catching like the beacon light. 青鸾女皇一滴鲜血,让虞渊所在的那块陨石,变得如明灯般耀目。 Is near to him 离他较近 Great Monster, scarce beyond the heavens variant beast, has the induction completely. 大妖,还有稀少的天外异兽,全部生出感应。 That strange meteorite that the Distant Circle Star Territory deep place, Pei Yuling hides, after needing the life to be close stares, will be attracted, was pulled. 邃林星域深处,裴羽翎潜藏的那块诡异陨石,需要生灵接近以后凝望,才会被吸引,被拉扯进去。 Yu Yuan that does not need. 虞渊那块则不必。 Your Majesty the Empress a drop of blood, the dissipation, is letting Great Monster and variant beast unceasingly several wants the demented attractive aura! 女皇陛下一滴鲜血,不断地散逸着,让大妖异兽几欲癫狂的诱人气息! As if telling these lives, divine blood of drop of without owner, on the meteorite of together activity, was just discovered at this moment, asking you to hurry to eat. 仿佛在告诉那些生灵,有一滴无主的神血,此刻就在一块活动的陨石,刚刚被人发现,求你们赶紧过来吃下去。 But that meteorite, in famous beyond heavens battlefield, is still moving now dissolutely fast. 而那块陨石,如今还在著名的天外战场,放肆地飞快活动着。 Range that the god blood energy breath affects, therefore becomes more and more broad, attraction Great Monster and variant beast, are getting more and more. 血气息波及的范围,也因此变得越来越广,吸引的大妖异兽,也越来越多。 ...... …… In cold lie rock cave. 寒洌的岩洞中。 Ghost Spirit Sect Yan Ziyang , often looked has the rivers that cold vein contains restlessly to that looks at that drop tender green, dazzling blood. 鬼灵宗严子央,坐立不安地,不时看向那有着寒脉蕴藏的河流,看着那滴嫩绿色,耀眼至极的鲜血。 His Yang God's body, the eye hides with the temples, is beating crazily. 他这具阳神之体,眼皮子和太阳穴,都在疯狂跳动。 This is because, has him of subtle relation with this extreme cold treasure land, in the meteorite flies on the way, has perceived terrifying monster energy tide! 这是因为,和这块极寒宝地有微妙联系的他,在陨石飞逝的途中,已觉察出许多恐怖的妖能潮汐! He knows certainly, definitely has Great Monster to be dropped the blood of mystical to awaken by that but also reacted. 他当然知道,肯定是有大妖被那滴神奇的鲜血惊醒,还做出了反应。 From the Yu Yuan mouth, he knows Chen Qinghuang is beyond the heavens Undying Bird, knows that Chen Qinghuang the situation is now special, battle strength is unclear, memory even is also at the chaotic condition...... 虞渊的口中,他知道了陈青凰就是天外不死鸟,也知道陈青凰现在情况特殊,战力不明,记忆甚至还处于混乱的状态…… Yu Yuan, should we trade a direction? I always felt, by Great Monster that we alarm, Outer Territory variant beast, because of our pilot's sailing directions, but gradually is increasing.” Yan Ziyang is smiling bitterly, subconsciously, looked at Chen Qinghuang one of the deep sleep, in this beyond heavens battlefield center, what but there is...... the mutation to happen?” 虞渊,我们是不是应该换个方向啊?我总觉得,被我们惊动的大妖,外域异兽,因我们的航行方向而在逐渐增多。”严子央苦笑着,下意识地,又看了沉睡的陈青凰一眼,“在此天外战场中央,可是有什么……异变正在发生?” Grabs monster blade Blood Prison, is realizing from experience seven bloody souls unusual Yu Yuan, nods, „outside I go.” 抓着妖刀血狱”,体悟着七团血魂异常的虞渊,点了点头,“我去外面。” Does not wait for Yan Ziyang to ask again, his form flees, along a big hole, to meteorite surface. 不等严子央再问,他身影一窜,就沿着一个较大的孔洞,到了陨石表面。 Existence of Your Majesty the Empress a drop of blood, lets Yan Ziyang all covering up to here, became meaningless. 女皇陛下一滴鲜血的存在,让严子央所有对这儿的遮掩,都变得没有意义了。 In any case, Great Monster and variant beast will be attracted finally hence, hides, appeared the non- atmosphere actually. 反正,大妖异兽终将会被吸引至此,躲躲藏藏的,倒是显得不大气了。 How long has not known...... 不知过了多久…… Bang! 轰! 8th rank Golden Rock Beast, sinks in the pure monster beast shape fiercely, just still in the meteorite of flying, sank suddenly, crashed several points toward below. 一头八级金岩兽,以纯粹的妖兽形态猛地沉落,刚刚还在飞逝的陨石,陡然一沉,朝着下面坠落了几分。 Landing instant that the gravity magnetic field changes. 落地霎那,重力磁场为之一变。 The shape such as gold/metal lion, the monster body golden light shining ominous beast, the golden eye pupil filled cruelly. 形如金狮,妖身金光灿灿的这头凶兽,金色的眼瞳充满了残暴。 In the eye simply does not have a wee bit spiritual wisdom, seemed dropped the blood that Chen Qinghuang deliberately emits to become confused by that. 只是,眼中根本没丁点灵智,仿佛被那滴陈青凰刻意放出的鲜血冲昏了头脑。 8th rank monster beast, should not certainly such as 八级妖兽,当然不应该如 This, only if were affected by the external force. 此,除非受外力影响。 In its instance of falling, this Golden Rock Beast greeting does not hit, the hoof steps on fully to a giant hole. 在其落下的瞬间,这头金岩兽招呼也不打,蹄足就踩向一个巨大孔洞。 Looks at that stance, wants first to enter inside the meteorite, first found that drop of blood to say again. 看那架势,要第一时间进入陨石里头,先找到那滴鲜血再说。 It seems like, will be simple.” “看来,会简单一点。” Yu Yuan cannot help laughing, in the hand is gripping tightly monster blade Blood Prison, releases piece of blood ocean immediately, inside seven bloody souls such as the blood-color Sun vicissitude is uncertain. 虞渊哑然失笑,手中紧握着的妖刀血狱”,顿时释放出一片血色海洋,里头七团血魂如血色太阳般浮沉不定。 Does not have Great Monster of wisdom, kills, many that truly must reduce effort.” “没智慧的大妖,杀起来,确实要省力的多。” ! 呼! That piece of blood ocean, spreads instantaneously to 8th rank Golden Rock Beast, Yu Yuan abandons the blade, smiles is tagging along after that. 那片血色海洋,瞬间就蔓延向八级金岩兽,虞渊弃刀,微笑着尾随其后。 monster blade has the bloodthirsty instinct, particularly treats this kind of flesh full life, hunger and thirst and greedy. 妖刀有嗜杀天性,尤其是对待这类血肉饱满的生灵,会更加饥渴和贪婪。 This monster blade, although the first master is Grand Vastness Great Monster, but behind goes through many places repeatedly, the foreign race powerhouse also once wielded to have, and complete backlash. 妖刀,虽然第一任主人是浩漭大妖,可后面辗转多次,异族强者也曾执掌拥有,且全部反噬 Therefore, not because the object is Great Monster, Blood Prison will be benevolent. 所以,不会因为对象是大妖,“血狱”就会仁慈。 Kills casually.” In the Yu Yuan heart meditates. “随便杀吧。”虞渊心中默念。 Roar! Roar roar! 吼!吼吼! 8th rank Golden Rock Beast is whooshing, the monster blood ebullition, nearby magnetic field force chaotic cannot withstand. 八级金岩兽嘶吼着,妖血沸腾,附近的磁力场混乱不堪。 Fluttered that piece of blood ocean of past, suddenly changed to bunches , the blood-color is bound in turn by seven bloody souls, such as the brilliant red giant lantern, hung in Golden Rock Beast side. 飘过去的那片血色海洋,突然化作一簇簇,血色被七团血魂反过来裹住,如红艳艳的巨大灯笼,悬在金岩兽的旁边。 The next instance, everywhere blade glow interweaves the net, releases from seven bloody souls. 下一个瞬间,漫天刀芒交织成网,从七团血魂内释放。 seven bloody souls, as if gets is several holding the blade, in the different periods, the different world, is wielding monster blade Blood Prison, executes that Golden Rock Beast. 七团血魂,仿佛变作几个持刀者,在不同的时期,不同的天地,挥动着妖刀血狱”,对那头金岩兽进行格杀。 Yu Yuan as if sees various bloodline profundities, the talent, displays by Great Monster and foreign race powerhouse. 虞渊仿佛看到各类血脉奥妙,天赋,被大妖异族强者施展出来。 It seems like, Blood Prison has blade soul, is only blade soul seven, chaotic is not unified.” Yu Yuan looking pensive. “看来,血狱不是没刀魂,只是刀魂有七个之多,混乱不统一。”虞渊若有所思。 Golden Rock Beast was wrapped up directly, roared to continue in inside, but hard inscription on stone tablet and bronze monster body, is still proliferating the close actually profound scar, and was getting more and more crowded. 金岩兽被直接兜住,在里面咆哮不止,可坚硬的金石妖体,依然遍布着细密却深刻的伤痕,且越来越密集。 Golden Rock Beast these fellows are live in groups, does not know Jin Li, can also in this side beyond heavens battlefield.” 金岩兽这些家伙是群居的,就是不知道金厉,会不会也在此方天外战场。” Yu Yuan feels the chin to continue to whisper. 虞渊摸着下巴继续嘀咕。 Jin Li is 9th rank Golden Rock Beast, the bloodlines of Great Monster breaks through 9th rank, can be called as Monster King in Monster Hall. 金厉九级金岩兽,大妖的血脉突破到九级,在妖殿能够被称呼为妖王 Is just like, Peacock King, Gray Wolf King. 好比,孔雀王,苍狼王 Before Ancient Golden Elephant God has not promoted 10th rank Monster God, was called as the Golden Elephant king, this is the symbol of strength position. 金象古神没晋升十级妖神前,也被称呼为金象王,这是力量地位的象征。 Jin Li is Monster King, the wisdom is also extraordinary, and battle strength is outstanding, but also control numerous Golden Rock Beast, perhaps if in Distant Circle Star Territory, will also trouble at this moment. 金厉也是妖王,智慧非凡,且战力超群,还统御着众多金岩兽,如果此刻也在邃林星域,恐怕会麻烦一点。 However...... 不过…… Yu Yuan looks down to the under foot, thinks that that person sinks the dormancy in the rock cave, will wake up at the proper time, is calm. 虞渊低头看向脚下,想到那位在岩洞沉眠,会在适当的时刻醒来,又淡定起来。 ...... ……
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