UP :: Volume #13

#1249: Purple plumage

Dark cold and gloomy rock cave. 幽暗森冷的岩洞。 Sinks dormancy for a long time Empress of Azure Luan, the long eyelash trembles lightly, at once puts out foul air, then opened the eye. 沉眠许久的青鸾女皇,长长的睫毛轻颤,旋即吐出一口浊气,便睁开了眼。 Yu Yuan and Yan Ziyang awaken suddenly, visits her helplessly. 虞渊严子央陡然惊醒,不知所措地看着她。 The peerless appearance selects doesn't come out slightly slight defect Chen Qinghuang, the ghosts and demons spirit, the float hides the cold vein rivers, a white jade finger, turns into the deep green emerald luster suddenly. 绝世容颜挑不出丝毫瑕疵的陈青凰,鬼魅幽灵般,漂浮在内藏寒脉的河流,一根白玉般的指头,骤然变成碧绿翡翠般的色泽。 The finger, according to the rivers of cold clear, a blood of drop of implication endless mystical, flows out from her fingertip. 指头,按向寒澈的河流,一滴蕴含无尽神奇的鲜血,从她指尖流出。 drop of blood, just like opened the world in that rivers. 滴血,宛如在那河流中开辟了天地。 The limpid ice cold rivers, in cold vein of conceals was also transferred, as if shortly, evolves is a brand-new galaxy different boundary, shows all marvelousness. 清澈冰寒的河流,内藏的寒脉也被调用,仿佛在顷刻间,就衍变为一个全新的星河异境,展现出所有的奇妙。 Yu Yuan approaches, to lower the head silent looks, complexion sudden change. 虞渊沉默走近,低头一看,脸色骤变。 In the rivers, appears suddenly not well-known starry sky, a cluster of stars does not have the light, sun and moon does not see. 河流中,突现一个不知名星空,群星无光,日月不见。 In the great crags of myriad disruption, a wing brilliant multi- color, the figure broad giant peacock, is floating peacefully. 万千碎裂的巨岩中,一只羽翼绚烂多彩,身形宽阔巨大的孔雀,安静地漂浮着。 On the rock of disruption, stained the motley bloodstain, the entire scene shows dismal, the deathly stillness, the depressed gloomy flavor, looks says constraining of doesn't come out. 碎裂的岩石上,沾满了斑驳血迹,整个场景透出一股悲凉,死寂,沉闷灰暗的味道,看着就说不出的压抑。 Magnificent variegated monster energy, changes to the colored light halo, is surrounding this giant peacock. 瑰丽斑斓的妖能,化作彩色光圈,环绕着这只巨大的孔雀。 ...... 只是…… Giant peacock forehead, is inserting straight purple plumage! 巨大孔雀的眉心处,插着一根笔直的紫色羽毛 Such as sharp mountains purple plumage, blooms to absorb the person heart and soul lustrous glow, shows to turn chaotic between Heaven and Earth all rule supreme truth, made the bloodline of all living things dry lonesome terrifying aura. 一根,如锋利山川般的紫色羽毛,绽放出摄人心魄的辉芒,透出扭乱天地间一切规则至理,令众生血脉枯寂的恐怖气息。 Purple plumage, pierced that monster body giant peacock head, made its tragic death in the unknown beyond the heavens galaxy. 紫色羽毛,洞穿了那具妖体巨大的孔雀头部,令其惨死在未知的天外星河。 lustrous glow dazzling purple plumage, but also is absorbing the fine blood and soul strength of that brilliant giant peacock, made that magnificent motley monster energy light halo, gradually became the ray desalination. 辉芒刺目的紫色羽毛,还在汲取着那只绚烂巨型孔雀的精血和魂力,令那瑰丽斑驳的妖能光圈,逐渐变得光芒淡化。 Strange picture in rivers, with the time is fuzzy. 连带的,河流内的诡异画面,也随着时间模糊虚幻。 Yan Ziyang approached, lowered the head only looked at one, the eye pupil of his Yang God physique, split the close slit instantaneously, he is covering the chest single-handedly, hurried to close one's eyes. 严子央凑近了,低头仅看了一眼,他这具阳神体魄的眼瞳,瞬间裂开细密缝隙,他一手捂着胸口,赶紧闭上眼。 Monster Hall Supreme......” 妖殿至高……” Yan Ziyang sent out mingle the pain and frightened moan. 严子央发出了混杂着痛苦和恐惧的呻吟。 Although only looked at one, he has recognized the giant peacock that died, is Monster Hall that person Peacock King. 虽然只看了一眼,他已经认出死去的巨型孔雀,就是妖殿那位孔雀王 Great Monster of 9th rank bloodlines! 九级血脉的大妖 As for that purple plumage that inserts in the Peacock King forehead, besides Monster Hall that person Supreme Monster Phoenix, but who can also be? 至于,那根插在孔雀王额头的紫色羽毛,除了妖殿那位至高妖凤外,还能是谁? Peacock King is Monster Hall Great Monster, gives loyalty to of Monster Hall millennium, why was executed by Monster Phoenix? 孔雀王妖殿大妖,效忠妖殿千年之久,为何被妖凤格杀? In the Yan Ziyang heart overflowed puzzled completely. 严子央心中溢满了困惑。 „Did that person know?” 那位知道了?” After Yu Yuan shock, rapid calm, the sinking sound shouted. 虞渊震惊过后,迅速镇定了下来,沉声喝道。 The Peacock King death, making him also feel constrains uncomfortably, 300 years ago, when he is Hong Qi, with Peacock King 孔雀王的死,让他也感到难受压抑,三百年前,他还是洪奇时,和孔雀王 On having to do, has the shame in the opposite party. 就打过交道,算是有愧于对方。 300 years later some time ago, Peacock King also when his desperately short of flesh essence's energy, has rendered the assistance. 三百年后的不久前,孔雀王还在他急缺血肉精能时,给予过帮助。 Therefore, he owes a Peacock King big benevolence. 所以,他欠孔雀王一个大恩情。 Without the repayment, without apologized for the wicked interest of previous generation with enough time with enough time, this bright Peacock King, then died of the hand of that person unexpectedly. 没来得及偿还,没来得及为前世的恶趣味致歉,这位鲜艳的孔雀王,竟然便死于那位之手。 With dying of Spider Queen, was exactly the same. 蛛后的身亡,如出一辙。 Should know, she is using this way to strike me, reminded me.” “应该知道了,她在用这种方式敲打我,提醒我。” The Your Majesty the Empress look is faint, but forehead exudes the marvelous mighty waves, as if also because of the Peacock King death, some emotions shakes, but overflowed in obviously reveals. 女皇陛下神色淡漠,只是眉心处泛起奇妙波澜,似乎也因孔雀王的死,有一些情绪震荡,只不过没过于明显地流露。 I, through this period of time deep sleep, recalled something.” “我,通过这段时间的沉睡,回忆了一些事。” She, in Peacock King of another side galaxy, by that sharp mountains purple plumage, had been absorbed cleanly blood energy and soul power during the speech. 她在讲话时,远在另外一方星河的孔雀王,已被那根锋锐山川般的紫色羽毛,汲取干净了血能魂力 The body of Peacock King colorful huge Great Monster bird, in ten million block great crags, changes to the flying ash slowly. 孔雀王五彩斑斓的庞大妖禽之身,在千万块巨岩内,慢慢化作飞灰。 The picture in rivers, because of her disappears to fall thoroughly, disappears rapidly. 河流中的画面,也因她的彻底消陨,迅速不见踪影。 100,000 years ago, I was encircled by various beyond the heavens clan Supreme kill......” “十万年前,我被天外各族至高围杀……” Your Majesty the Empress optional a few words, almost make Yan Ziyang frighten kneels down. 女皇陛下随意的一句话,差点让严子央吓的跪倒在地。 Yan Ziyang staggers, stands firm the body fiercely, to regard demons and monsters facial expression, first looks to Chen Qinghuang, then seeks help is looking at Yu Yuan. 严子央一个跄踉,猛地稳住身子,以看待妖魔鬼怪般的神情,先看向陈青凰,再求助似的望着虞渊 He wants to request an answer. 他想要求个答案。 Yu Yuan has not spoken, looks at Your Majesty the Empress peacefully, listens attentively. 虞渊没吭声,安静地看着女皇陛下,用心倾听。 Chen Qinghuang mentioned the 100,000 years ago past events , indicating by me, explained a fact she had acknowledged naturally, she was Undying Bird in that legend. 陈青凰说起十万年前的往事,以“我”来表述,说明了一个事实她已经大方地承认了,她就是那只传说中的不死鸟 I was struck to kill by various clan Supreme, stem from my death and destruction strength out-of-control, causes star territory and world that I appear and disappear, suffers me to lose control the invasion of strength. The territory stars, changed to death forbidden area because of me, naturally caused the panic and discontented of various clan powerhouses.” “我被各族至高击杀,源于我的死亡、毁灭力量失控,使得我出没的星域和世界,遭受我失控力量的侵染。一个个域界星辰,因我而化作死亡禁地,自然引发了各族强者的恐慌和不满。” Your Majesty the Empress mentioned that passing, unemotional. 女皇陛下说起那段过往,面无表情。 Yan Ziyang finally frightened sits. 严子央终于被吓的一屁股坐地。 Hides for many years in this beyond heavens battlefield, has contacted many foreign race him, from Chen Qinghuang few words, guessed its Undying Bird status. 在此天外战场潜藏多年,接触过不少异族的他,从陈青凰的只言片语,就猜测出了其不死鸟的身份。 Undying Bird, 100,000 years of Bird of Death, the death nightmare of all living things......” 不死鸟,十万年的死亡之鸟,众生的死亡梦魇……” Yan Ziyang talked to oneself in the heart scared. 严子央失魂落魄地在心中自语。 Twittering the sound...... does not dare. 连呢喃出声音……都不敢。 My out-of-control, the instigator is Monster Hall that Monster Phoenix. Is she, created out-of-control of my death and destruction strength, causing numerous star territory to destroy because of me, lets Supreme of various beyond the heavens clans, built up all peak battle strength, encircles me finally kills in Annihilation Star Territory.” “我的失控,始作俑者就是妖殿那只妖凤。是她,造成了我死亡、毁灭力量的失控,导致众多星域因我而毁去,也让天外各族的至高,集结了所有巅峰战力,终将我围杀在湮灭星域。” Your Majesty the Empress corners of the mouth cold such as under cold and gloomy rivers. 女皇陛下嘴角冷冽如下方森冷的河流。 Was too long, 100,000 years ago many things, want to recall, wants again imprint to the soul deep place “太久了,十万年前的许多事情,想要回忆起来,想要重新烙印到魂魄深处 , Not only works hard, but also spends the energy very much. I can only recall now, out-of-control because of that Monster Phoenix, but specific reason, cannot think. ” ,不仅费功夫,还很费精力。我现在只能回忆到,失控是因那只妖凤,可具体的原因,还是没有能想起来。” Stopped, she said again: But, always has the time of complete recalling.” 停顿了一下,她再次说道:“不过,总有全部回忆起来的时候。” Her beautiful jade snow-white that, with that section of jasper finger, received suddenly. 她美玉般雪白那只手,和那截碧玉般的指头,忽然收了起来。 In the cold qi dense rivers, a drop is blooming the radiant ray, the tender green, as if contains the blood of infinite vitality, not vanishes with the reclamation of finger and arm. 寒气森森的河流内,一滴绽放着璀璨光芒,嫩绿色,仿佛蕴含着无穷生机的鲜血,并没有随着指头和胳膊的收回消失。 Thump! Thump thump! 咚!咚咚! The heart of Yu Yuan beats unexpectedly fiercely. 虞渊的心脏蓦地剧烈跳动。 That drop tender green blood, in the rivers of cold lie, as if became the sin opium poppy fruit, had the crazy attraction to him. 那滴嫩绿色的鲜血,在寒洌的河流中,似乎成了罪孽般的罂粟果,对他产生了疯狂的吸引力。 If there are countless demon languages in broken bits, is crying out in his ear bank, is urging him, making him swallow that drop of blood. 如有数不尽的细碎魔语,在他耳畔呐喊着,催促着他,让他去吞下那滴鲜血。 Sinks acupoints monster blade, seven bloody souls in bloody world, was stimulated instantaneously, such as soon the out of control place, brings monster blade together rushed out. 沉落穴窍妖刀,血色天地中的七团血魂,也被瞬间刺激了,如即将失控地,带着妖刀一起冲出 The Yu Yuan complexion becomes flushed, suppresses itself desperately, is suppressing monster blade. 虞渊脸色涨红,拼命地压制自己,也压制着妖刀 The Your Majesty the Empress look is faint, the eye pupil deep place, appears wipes the faint smile the strange color, I must the deep sleep, continue to conform with memory again. That drop of blood in river, you could not take, other person or the monster, same are unable to eliminate. However......” 女皇陛下神色淡漠,眼眸深处,浮现一抹似笑非笑的奇异色彩,“我要再次沉睡,继续整合记忆。河中的那滴鲜血,你取不了,别的人或妖,一样无法剥夺。不过……” It can the dissipation have the unique smell, attracts this side galaxy Great Monster and variant beast, making them seek crazily.” “它会散逸出独特的气味,吸引此方星河的大妖异兽,令它们疯狂地寻来。” For me, kills off this side world all monsters and variant beast, particularly stems from Monster Hall Great Monster.” “替我,杀光这方世界所有的妖和异兽,尤其是出自妖殿大妖。” Considers...... to her retaliating.” “就当是……对她的回敬。” Throws down these words, Your Majesty the Empress returns to is treating all along the place, sits down to close the eye. 丢下这番话,女皇陛下又回到一贯待着的地方,重新坐下闭上眼睛。 Yu Yuan deeply frowned, looks at that drop tender green blood, is thinking disaster consequence that Chen Qinghuang just that words, possibly can incur. 虞渊则眉头紧锁地,看着那滴嫩绿色的鲜血,想着陈青凰刚刚那番话,可能会引发的灾难后果。 She, she......” Yan Ziyang stutter place, began conversation finally. “她,她……”严子央结结巴巴地,终于开腔了。 Grand Vastness, Azure Luan Empire pioneer, Chen Qinghuang.” Yu Yuan first explained, then when waits for a Yan Ziyang face to be absent-minded, supplemented, 100,000 years ago, who she is, you should have several.” 浩漭,青鸾帝国的开辟者,陈青凰。”虞渊先这么解释,然后等严子央一脸恍惚时,又补充了一句,“十万年前,她是谁,你应该有数的。” Yan Ziyang shakes greatly: Really so!” 严子央巨震:“果然如此!” Cuts the monster, retaliates that person? Why can be I?” Yu Yuan the face, intent slightly moves, Blood Prison is calling painstakingly from acupoints small world monster blade, wants to swallow that drop of blood words, might as well gives a try.” “斩妖,去回敬那位?可为何是我?”虞渊苦着脸,心念微动,将妖刀血狱”从穴窍小天地唤出,“想吞下那滴血的话,不妨试试看吧。” He places the ice-cold rocky ground monster blade. 他将妖刀放在冰冷的岩地。 seven balls gigantic bloody soul, departs from the dark red knife, slightly does void hesitant, at once plunges the cold rivers fiercely, tries to nibble that drop tender green blood. 七团硕大的血魂,从暗红刀身内飞出,虚空略作犹豫,旋即猛地扑向冷冽的河流,试图蚕食那滴嫩绿色的鲜血。 The vitality infinite blood, the dissipation had/left the death and destruction aura suddenly, seven bloody souls daytime damn, returned to monster blade at a quicker speed. 生机无穷的鲜血,陡然散逸出死亡和毁灭气息,七团血魂白日见鬼般,以更快的速度逃回了妖刀 monster blade sways fiercely. 妖刀则剧烈晃荡。 ...... ……
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