UP :: Volume #13

#1243: Trembling

She is also living, but, she changed a way to live.” “她还活着,不过,她是换了一种方式活着。” Sees with own eyes this Old Heavenly Demon, really knows Concubine Han, the Yu Yuan manner relaxes. 眼见这位老天魔,果然认识寒妃,虞渊神态放松许多。 When speech, his soul form Yin God, but also in quietly perception this bitter cold wonderland. 讲话时,他这具魂灵形态阴神,还在悄悄感知此方酷寒奇地 The soul thought spreads, suddenly touches contains the regular bloodlines of extreme cold strength, bunch of tall and slender silver white dim light, flood in can by the ice piece that the eye sees, the rock and freeze rivers. 魂念蔓延开来,突然触及许多蕴含极寒力量的规则血脉,一束束细长银白的幽光,充斥于能够以眼睛看到的冰块,岩石和冻结的河流。 The bloodlines and soul thought of Old Heavenly Demon, with this world unified whole, have shared everything. 老天魔的血脉和魂念,和此方天地浑然一体,早已不分彼此。 ...... 只是…… In the feeling of Yu Yuan, these imprint the extreme cold profundities bloodlines rule, cannot continuously and links up. 虞渊的感觉中,那些烙印极寒奥妙的血脉规则,并不能连续和连贯。 Has other strength, infiltrates to the ice cliff deep place of land, in the solidification rivers, cut to pieces Extreme Cold Grand Dao, makes the circulation free regular river, mingle too many ability. 有别的力量,渗透到大地的冰岩深处,凝固的河流内,把条条极寒大道切碎,令流转自如的规则之河,混杂了太多的异能 The destruction and death aura, the area of concealment exists, is everywhere. 毁灭和死亡气息,隐蔽地存在着,也是无处不在。 Yu Yuan knew in heart. 虞渊心里有数了。 When physique that Old Heavenly Demon refining has, was pulled by Your Majesty the Empress gathers to well up, mixes strength that oneself understood. 老天魔精炼出的体魄,被女皇陛下拉扯出来聚涌时,糅合了自身参透的力量。 She by the first half body of Old Heavenly Demon, builds the sparkling and translucent bright prisoner's cage, congealing is the one piece of cold crystal, instead the Old Heavenly Demon imprisonment, making it unable break free own body. 她以老天魔的上半个躯体,打造出晶莹剔透的囚笼,凝为一块寒晶,反将老天魔禁锢在内,令其无法挣脱自己的身躯。 I should be able to think......” “我该能想到的……” The half illusory shape, half real Old Heavenly Demon, that fuzzy facial expression, as if covered entirely the anxiety, was I neglected duty, was I am too incompetent, cannot protect two young ladies.” 一半虚幻形态,一半真实的老天魔,那张模糊的脸容,似乎布满了愁苦,“是我失职了,也是我太无能,没能保护好两位小姐。” He not only knows Concubine Han, without lying, as if protects the Concubine Han responsibility. 他不仅认识寒妃,要是没说谎的话,似乎还有保护寒妃的责任。 I and she decide however will meet, listen to the meaning in your words, had you...... once protected them?” Yu Yuan surprisedly said. “我和她定然会见面,听你话里的意思,你……曾守护过她们?”虞渊惊讶道 In the past what entered Grand Vastness was pair of sisters. 当年进入浩漭的是一对姐妹。 As younger sister's Concubine Han, by the house arrest in Star Ashen Sea Region, originally should in the special shape, by refining be fiend demon. 做为妹妹的寒妃,被幽禁在星烬海域,本就应该以特殊的形态,被炼化煞魔 Another, continuously in the Cold Abyss of Nine Nethers deep place, before Chaos Sea's Kun soon come into the world, the secret arrives. 另一位,一直在九幽寒渊深处,溟沌鲲快要出世前,才秘密抵达。 that person, was seize the body Lin Zhuyun, used Lin Zhuyun as the carrier, has had the period of time sight time very much. 那位,则是夺舍蔺竹筠,以蔺竹筠为载体,很是有过一阵子风光时刻。 But because of the mentality change of Chaos Sea's Kun, she instead changes to the Lin Zhuyun bridal clothes finally, was counterattacked by Lin Zhuyun, by its strength and demon soul, increases the strength and boundary unceasingly. 可最终因溟沌鲲的思路改变,她反而化作蔺竹筠的嫁衣,被蔺竹筠反制,以其力量和魔魂,不断增加力量和境界。 Younger sister, became one of the Fiend Demons Cauldron Supreme Fiend Demon. 妹妹,成了煞魔鼎至强煞魔之一。 Elder sister, helped Lin Zhuyun. 姐姐,成全了蔺竹筠 Our patriarch, were killed by Monster Hall that Monster Phoenix, later my clan is in upheaval. Also no something new, in clan original elder, demanded when clan some faith tokens, clashes with two young ladies. I escort them to escape, is seriously battered continuously, turned into the present this.” “我们的族长,被妖殿那只妖凤所杀,随后我族就陷入动荡。也没什么新鲜事,族内原来的长老,索要族内一些信物时,和两位小姐发生冲突。我护送她们逃脱,连续遭受重创,变成了现在这样。” Two young ladies, heard that sacred tool in clan, was brought back to Grand Vastness by Monster Phoenix as the spoils of war , thinks that deliberately the secret sneaks Grand Vastness, seeks sacred tool that loses.” “两位小姐,听说族内的圣器,被妖凤做为战利品带回浩漭,就处心积虑地,想秘密潜入浩漭,寻找遗落的圣器。” They, the choice passes mysterious Cold Abyss' mouth, by the Extreme Cold Heavenly Demon advantage, quietly leisurely enters Grand Vastness.” “她们,选择通过一个神秘的寒渊口,以极寒天魔的优势,悄悄逸入浩漭。” Old Heavenly Demon is very pessimistic, very reluctantly, sigh shakes the head. 老天魔很悲观,也很无奈地,边叹息边摇头。 This past event, Yu Yuan before Moon Swallowing Ape monster body, had heard. 这番旧事,虞渊吞月猿妖体前,早就有所耳闻了。 The Concubine Han ancestor, with Outer Territory Heavenly Demon patriarch, Blood Demon Clan old patriarch, struck to kill Moon Swallowing Ape with joint forces, and ate that Monster God flesh and soul. 寒妃的先祖,和外域天魔族长,血魔族老族长,合力击杀了吞月猿,并分食了那头妖神的血肉和魂魄。 Monster Hall Monster Phoenix, stemming from retaliatory mentality, Extreme Cold Heavenly Demon Clan Great Demon God killed. 妖殿妖凤,出于报复心理,将极寒天魔一族大魔神斩杀 Later, Extreme Cold Heavenly Demon is unable to recover. 之后,极寒天魔就一蹶不振。 Really indulges in fantasy, does not know the depth, after I am injured for the last time, knows that is incapable of continue wait for them, chasing down will direct Distant Circle Star Territory. I, turned into the present this. But I actually heard afterward, their two as if real, successfully entered Grand Vastness.” “真是异想天开,不知道深浅,我最后一次受伤后,知道无力继续守候她们,就将追杀者引到了邃林星域。我,变成了现在这样。可我后来却听说,她们两个似乎真的,成功进入了浩漭。” Went, how can also? Or the death, either degenerates into the captive, where has other way out?” “进去了,又能如何?要么死,要么沦为阶下囚,哪里有别的出路?” The words to this, he stopped, resembles indifferently is looking like, „were they, being imprisoned by whom? Living, the ratio is dying is painful?!” 话到这,他停了下来,似在冷眼看来,“她们,被谁囚禁着?活着,是不是比死还要痛苦?!” The piercing severely cold ice place, belongs to his extreme cold strength, attempts break free Your Majesty the Empress seal, wants his anger, changes to cold ice storm, making Yu Yuan pay the price. 刺骨的严寒冰地,属于他的极寒力量,试图挣脱女皇陛下封禁,想要将他的愤怒,化作寒冰风暴,让虞渊付出代价。 When he acts rashly the strength, lower half him, scorpion tail materialization body, splits fiercely. 可在他妄动力量时,他下半部分,蝎尾般的实质化躯体,也猛地绽裂。 Old Heavenly Demon was calm immediately. 老天魔顿时冷静了下来。 This, I give you to ward off a place to recuperate in addition, after she...... and I have a reunion, I make her see you.” The Yu Yuan smile said. “这样吧,我给你另辟一个地方休养,等她……和我重逢以后,我让她来见你。”虞渊微笑道。 Old Heavenly Demon is stunned. 老天魔愕然。 In the rock cave, Yu Yuan true body, from acupoints small world, called Beheading Dragons Platform. 岩洞中,虞渊本体真身,从穴窍小天地中,唤出了斩龙台 long-strip shape Beheading Dragons Platform, such as the strange jade of one piece of interior pollution, is pasting the uncommon mystical unusual brightness, but the interior also as if there is smoke cloud to wind around, is unable to find inside wonderful. 长条形斩龙台,如一块内部浑浊的奇玉,流转着不凡的神异宝光,但内部又仿佛有烟云缭绕,无法瞧见里头的神妙。 But anyone, looks at one, knows this thing to be uncommon. 可不论是谁,看一眼,就知此物不凡。 This thing?” Yan Ziyang is stunned. “这东西?”严子央愕然。 Yu Yuan sprinkles however smiles, you to my understanding really by far insufficient.” 虞渊洒然一笑,“你对我的认识果然远远不够。” Does not know Beheading Dragons Platform, explaining Yan Ziyang must come about his news, this/should lags extremely. 斩龙台都不知,说明严子央得来的关于他的消息,该是极为滞后的。 Perhaps, because only he wields Fiend Demons Cauldron, is related with Fiendish Demon Sect, after Yan Ziyang hears, will pay attention specially. 或许,只因为他执掌煞魔鼎,和煞魔宗有关,严子央听闻后,才会特意留意。 Yan Ziyang but does not know that he has made anything, before leaving Grand Vastness major world, has carried off anything. 严子央但并不知道他做过什么,离开浩漭大世界前,带走过什么。 Do not worry refined, this Extreme Cold Heavenly Demon, with my a little origin, I handles.” “你也别着急炼化了,这头极寒天魔,和我有点渊源,我来处置。” In explained, the main body grasped Beheading Dragons Platform Yu Yuan, the squint is looking at Chen Qinghuang, in the heart actually feared Your Majesty the Empress woke up suddenly, swallowed Beheading Dragons Platform. 没过多解释,本体握着斩龙台虞渊,斜眼看了看陈青凰,心里面其实怕女皇陛下突然醒来,一口将斩龙台吞下。 The Chen Qinghuang breath is even, nothing unusual. 陈青凰鼻息均匀,没有什么异常。 Relaxing Yu Yuan, Yin God and main body exchange, the main body searches to act, is grasping that cold crystal, achieves the relation in Yin God again. 松了一口气的虞渊,阴神和本体互通,本体探出手来,一把握着那块寒晶,再和内中的阴神达成联系。 Then, he is grasping that cold crystal, looked for the direction, according to into the Beheading Dragons Platform other aspect. 然后,他握着那块寒晶,找准了方向,按入斩龙台的另一面。 Very relaxed, the cold crystal that has his Yin God, goes directly to Beheading Dragons Platform, that Frost Giant Dragon burying corpse place. 很轻松,那块有着他阴神的寒晶,直达斩龙台内,那头冰霜巨龙的埋尸地。 !! 喀!喀喀! The cold crystal of palm of the hand size, had once treated in this Concubine Han, and by the strange world that this is promoted, immediately splits the obvious slit. 巴掌大小的寒晶,在这个寒妃曾待过,并以此晋级的奇异世界,立即裂开许多明显的缝隙。 In the cold crystal, Yu Yuan Yin God, sees this severely cold small world clearly, the cold mountain disintegration, the land blasts open. 寒晶中,虞渊阴神,清晰地看到这个严寒小天地,寒山崩碎,大地炸裂。 Countless ice cliff, the solid ice, ice sphere explodes. 数不尽的冰岩,坚冰,冰球般爆开。 That Demon God Level Old Heavenly Demon, looks frightened, balance he restrains his ability, by many rules of Grand Dao steamroll, demon soul had the instinct fear. 那头魔神级别老天魔,恐惧地看着,制衡他约束他的异能,被多种大道规则碾压,魔魂生出本能的恐惧。 Has not continued is too long. 并没有持续太久。 Small cold crystal, by Beheading Dragons Platform, moreover the a side of small world rule destroys. 小小的寒晶,被斩龙台中,另外一方小天地的规则摧毁。 When everywhere ice glow and ice sediment, drop the land, by Old Heavenly Demon, was being tried gathering trembling. 漫天的冰芒和冰渣子,落下大地时,被老天魔战战兢兢地,重新试着聚拢。 In this process, he has also been observing Yu Yuan Yin God, looked that Yu Yuan does have anything to drive the response. 这个过程中,他还一直观察着虞渊阴神,看虞渊有没有什么激励反应。 Yu Yuan Yin God, an encouragement smile of face. 虞渊阴神,一脸的鼓励笑容。 He therefore felt relieved. 他于是放下心来。 The outside world, the main body is grasping Beheading Dragons Platform, is feeling Yu Yuan of internal great change, actually, is also paying attention to Chen Qinghuang every action and every movement trembling. 外界,本体握着斩龙台,感受着内部巨变的虞渊,其实也战战兢兢地,留意着陈青凰的一举一动。 When the strength that the Beheading Dragons Platform Central Plain has, grinds the cold crystal, inevitably, collides with the Your Majesty the Empress strength. 斩龙台中原来存在的力量,碾碎寒晶时,不可避免地,和女皇陛下的力量碰撞。 He knows, Chen Qinghuang decides when the deep sleep however also has the induction. 他知道,陈青凰在沉睡时定然也有感应。 He is terrified , because he himself also wants to probe, having a look at Your Majesty the Empress to face to leave his acupoints Beheading Dragons Platform, is facing most delicious „when divine pill efficacious medicine, can lose control, can change to that Undying Bird truly, nibbles the strength in Beheading Dragons Platform. 他惶恐不安,是因为他自己也想试探一下,看看女皇陛下在面对离开他穴窍斩龙台,面对着最美味的“神丹灵药”时,到底会不会失控,会不会真正化作那只不死鸟,蚕食斩龙台中的力量。 The Your Majesty the Empress long eyelash, trembles a while, resembles the premonition anything. 女皇陛下长长的睫毛,有一阵子微颤,似预感到什么。 The breath of Yu Yuan turned very quiet. 虞渊的呼吸都屏住了。 He waited for a meeting, prepared running away, discovered Your Majesty the Empress tranquilly gradually, continued own deep sleep, meaning that do not wake up. 他等待了一会,做好了撒腿就跑的准备,发现女皇陛下又渐渐平静了下来,又继续自己的沉睡,没要醒来的意思。 As if a long century, Yu Yuan had relaxed truly, loses into acupoints Beheading Dragons Platform again. 仿佛过了一个漫长世纪,虞渊真正松了一口气,再将斩龙台丢入穴窍 ...... ……
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