UP :: Volume #13

#1242: Chatted looks

Dark Spirit Clan woman, named Tessie. 暗灵族女子,名叫泰茜 According to her view, has Kennard of Son of the Forest title because of that person, dies of Thousand Birds World the war of that chaotic, this lets the Dark Spirit Clan person in power, thinks that Mia has the joint and several liability. 根据她的说法,因那位有着森林之子称号的肯纳德,死于千鸟界的那场混乱之战,这让暗灵族的当权者,认为米娅有连带责任。 Kennard, after all is the that person patriarch son. 肯纳德,毕竟是那位族长的儿子。 Mia in Dark Spirit Clan, although of noble character and high prestige, but cannot place on a par with that person, therefore this time period Mia in the Dark Spirit Clan prestigious position, starts to be weakened. 米娅暗灵族虽然德高望重,可还是远不能和那位相提并论,所以这阵子米娅暗灵族的声望地位,都开始被削弱。 Before gave loyalty to Mia some families, chose goes to her, power and influence that she grasped, was substituted by others. 以前效忠米娅的部分家族,选择离她而去,她原来掌握的权势,也被别人替代。 With her one Wen Lu, because of the status of hybrid, brings much to Mia troublesome. 和她一道儿的温露,因混血的身份,也给米娅带来不少麻烦。 In brief, Thousand Birds World one since parting, aloof position of Mia in clan, has not existed. 总之,千鸟界一别后,米娅在族内的超然地位,已不复存在。 Listened to Tessie that words, Yu Yuan to hesitate, thought that by his present situation, side following condition unclear Chen Qinghuang, he was unable to give Mia anything to help temporarily. 听完泰茜的那番话,虞渊沉吟了一下,觉得以他现在的处境,身旁还跟着状况不明的陈青凰,他暂时无法给予米娅什么帮助。 You why in Distant Circle Star Territory? Also, when treating me and that person, what attitude are you?” He changed a topic. “你们为什么在邃林星域?还有,在对待我和那位时,你们是什么态度?”他换了一个话题。 Such remarks, Tessie, looked at the under foot anxiously, said low voice: that person...... also in?” 此言一出,泰茜不安地,看了看脚下,小声说:“那位……还在?” Yu Yuan nods gently. 虞渊轻轻点头。 Tessie complexion slightly white, hurried say/way: We in Distant Circle Star Territory, is to cope with Genesis Continent that group of guests. As for you, I obtain the news a while ago. I take orders from elder, gives the instruction that I transmit is...... try not to provoke you, if not bump into carefully, avoids on the earliest possible time.” 泰茜脸色微白,急忙道:“我们在邃林星域,是要对付天源大陆的那一批来客。至于你们,我前阵子才得到消息。我听命于的长老,给我传达的指示是……尽量不要招惹你们,如果不小心碰到,就第一时间避开。” She turns head, aims on that meteorite, Rock Clan, Silver Scale Clan and Fire Lizard Clan clansman, their leader, should also be such attitude, but they were not clear that your status, does not know that who you are.” 她回头,又指向那陨石上,岩族银鳞族火蜥族的族人,“他们的首领,应该也是这样的态度,但他们不清楚你们的身份,不知道你是谁。” Yu Yuan is pondering over secretly, slowly nod. 虞渊暗自琢磨着,缓缓点头。 Present outer territory's galaxies, Abysmal Dusk Star Territory attracted all parties' vision attention, one involves the extremely deep war, erupted irresistible. 如今的外域星河,深黯星域吸引了各方的目光注意,一场牵扯极深的战争,势不可挡地爆发了。 Like this critical moment, once the bang killed the Undying Bird ethnic group, this/should has not grasped can strangle Undying Bird again. 这样的紧要关头,曾经轰杀不死鸟的族群,该是没把握能再次扼杀不死鸟 Could not kill, avoided simply, was a wise decision. 杀不了,索性避开来,也是一个明智的决策。 I heard that Monster Hall that person Supreme, is also paying attention to her, the interest is rich.” Tessie also said. “听说,妖殿那位至高,也在关注她,兴致浓郁。”泰茜又道。 Yu Yuan shakes, Monster Hall?” 虞渊一震,“妖殿?” Un, we receive some messages, said that Monster Hall that person Supreme, will have the struggle of fate with her. The peak powerhouses of various clans, have not focused on coping with her, there is a consideration in this aspect. Perhaps, wants to see her and Monster Hall that person, slaughters in the future.” Tessie said. “嗯,我们收到一些消息,说妖殿那位至强者,和她会有宿命之争。各族的巅峰强者,没有集中力量对付她,也有这方面的考虑。或许,是想看到她和妖殿那位,在将来厮杀一场。”泰茜道。 In the Yu Yuan eye full is the thinking. 虞渊眼中满是思索。 Also inquired, knew from the Tessie mouth, Swaying Fantasy Star Territory tactical situation also not bright, but spread out turns into Star Clan patriarch, built up the Star Clan powerhouse, the entire galaxy hunted and killed Zhu Huan, Fu Xuanwen and Wei Zhuo and the others, he a little took pleasure in others' misfortunes suddenly. 又询问一番,从泰茜口中得知,曳幻星域的战况还没明朗,而是衍变成星族族长,集结星族的强者,整个星河猎杀朱焕傅宣文魏卓等人,他突然有点幸灾乐祸了。 Right, we must come the news, “对了,我们还得来消息, Has corpse qi rich alien, appears and disappears in Distant Circle Star Territory. That alien, as if stemmed from Grand Vastness devil, alien had also cropped up in Thousand Birds World. ” Tessie patted a forehead, said: Called what yin corpse(s), corpse slave, you paid attention.” 尸气浓郁的异类,也在邃林星域出没。那种异类,似乎出自浩漭的一位邪魔,异类曾经在千鸟界也冒头过。”泰茜拍了一下额头,道:“叫什么阴尸,尸奴,你留心一下。” Many thanks your informing.” Yu Yuan nods. “多谢你的告知。”虞渊点头。 Wishing you are smooth.” “祝你顺利。” Tessie bows to salute, flies away from this meteorite. 泰茜躬身行礼,又从这块陨石飞走。 Quick, she returns that dark red such as the giant meteorite of blood, one crowd of Silver Scale Clan and Rock Clan soldier, encircles immediately, asked her what's the matter. 很快,她重新回到那块深红如血的巨大陨石,一群银鳞族岩族的战士,顿时围上来,问她到底是怎么回事。 When has not met, that is the person who we cannot provoke.” Tessie sighed spookily, your leader also said that did not meet carefully, avoided as far as possible.” “就当没有遇见吧,那是我们招惹不起的人。”泰茜幽幽一叹,“你们的首领也说了,不小心遇见了,就尽量避开。” This saying, the foreign race soldier of inquiry, feels the knee one soft. 这话一出,询问的异族战士,都觉得膝盖一软。 They look to that stone expression, was full of the fear, probably looks at the god of death in legend, must walk from inside. 他们看向那块石头的表情,充满了恐惧,像是看着传说中的死神,就要从里面走出来般。 ...... …… In rock cave. 岩洞中。 Yan Ziyang face admiration place, looks at safely return Yu Yuan, that Dark Spirit Clan woman, knows you? Coming out that I look, she as if is very respectable you.” 严子央一脸钦佩地,看着安然归来的虞渊,“那个暗灵族女子,是不是认识你?我看的出来,她似乎还很尊敬你。” The above has not presented the fierce fight, gathers the foreign race group of welling up, retreats silently. 上方没出现激烈的战斗,聚涌起来的异族群,就默默退走。 False fusing the Dao he of this meteorite, can through the hole of surface, see the peripheral scene. “假合道”这块陨石的他,能够通过地表的孔洞,望见周边的景象。 This made him just notice, foreign race clansman headed by Tessie, before departure, to fill frightened vision, toward meteorite that they were, deeply looked. 这让他刚刚注意到,以泰茜为首的异族族人,在离开前,以充满了恐惧的目光,朝着他们所在的陨石,深深地看了看。 These people frightened, naturally is not his Yan Ziyang...... 那些人恐惧的,当然不是他严子央…… „Hasn't Extreme Cold Heavenly Demon, erased the remnant soul thought?” Yu Yuan strange say/way. 极寒天魔,还没抹掉残魂意念?”虞渊奇道。 The chest of Yan Ziyang, the cold fog constructs soul rending, because was not actuated by numerous fiend demon, the might is very ordinary. 严子央的胸口,寒雾构筑的“魂裂”,由于不是被众多煞魔驱动,威力很是一般。 Yu Yuan sees faintly, that cold crystal interior, Extreme Cold Heavenly Demon demon soul reduces some merely. 虞渊隐隐看到,那块寒晶内,极寒天魔魔魂仅仅只是缩小一些。 soul imprint of inside core, actually still. 里头核心的灵魂印记,其实依然在。 Where is so simple, this fellow is Demon God.” Yan Ziyang slightly dispirited, „the help of your younger sister, is only my own strength, from the start cannot surround him. Do not say that gives the smelting him little, changed into oneself to use his demon soul.” “哪有那么简单,这家伙可是一头魔神啊。”严子央略显颓丧,“要不是令妹的帮助,单凭我自己的力量,压根困不住他。更不要说,一点点地,将他给熔炼,把他的魔魂化为己用了。” Yu Yuan feels the lower jaw, suddenly said: Can exchange with him?” 虞渊摸着下颚,突然道:“能够和他交流吗?” If he wants, actually Ok. He knows that I want to make anything, therefore has not shown, must with the meaning that I communicate.” Yan Ziyang said. “如果他愿意,倒是可以的。只是,他知道我想做什么,所以就没展现出一点,要和我沟通的意思。”严子央道。 Actually, now the beyond the heavens situation, the Grand Vastness situation, before becomes, was different.” Yu Yuan walks, looks at that group cold fog, suddenly said: Words that does not mind, how do I come to chat with him?” “其实,现在天外的局势,浩漭的局势,都变得和以前不同了。”虞渊走过去,看着那团寒雾,忽然道:“不介意的话,我来和他谈谈如何?” Discussed? What having talks about?” Yan Ziyang is puzzled. “谈?有什么好谈的?”严子央不解。 Chatted looks said again.” “谈谈看再说。” The intention moves, Yu Yuan Yin God leaves from the forehead, is fiercely cold to that group 心念一动,虞渊阴神从眉心离开,猛地向那团寒 The fog goes. 雾而去。 Be careful! Inside formation, can tear the soul!” “小心!里面的阵列,能撕裂魂魄的!” Yan Ziyang has a big shock, for fear that does not know that the dangerous Yu Yuan, by soul rending that” he creates tearing Yin God, causing Yin God to be seriously battered. 严子央大惊失色,生怕不知道危险的虞渊,被他缔造的“魂裂”给撕扯着阴神,导致阴神遭受重创。 All right.” Yu Yuan true body said. “没事。”虞渊本体真身笑着说。 Whiz! 嗖! Yin God enters the place of cold fog filling the air, found that cold crystal, a centralized spiritual thorn. 阴神进入寒雾弥漫之地,找到那块寒晶,集中精神一刺。 In a flash, he arrives in the severely cold world in ice crystal, found, odd-looking Extreme Cold Heavenly Demon. 一瞬间,他就抵达冰晶内的严寒天地,一眼瞧见了,一位形态怪异的极寒天魔 Very old, first half as illusory spiritual body, the lower part scorpion tail crystal shape, has Extreme Cold Heavenly Demon of typical profile. 年龄很大,上半身为虚幻灵体,下半身蝎尾晶体状,有着典型特征的极寒天魔 Silver-haired, if the fuzzy facial features shape malicious ghost Extreme Cold Heavenly Demon, the pupil of ice lustrous, is passing cold lie gloomy and cold. 白发苍苍的,模糊面容形若厉鬼极寒天魔,冰莹的眸子,透着寒洌阴冷。 We discussed.” “我们来谈一谈吧。” Yu Yuan Yin God, in this very small severely cold world, does not ask around, you may know, your Extreme Cold Heavenly Demon Clan, the person is scarce, has been less in the past?” 虞渊阴神,在这个很小的严寒世界,也不四处打探,“你可知道,你们极寒天魔一族,人丁稀少,早就不及当年了?” Old Heavenly Demon whole body cold quiet/dark, does not say a word. 老天魔浑身冷幽,不发一言。 „The Extreme Cold Heavenly Demon ethnic group, is before such, stands on the side of Primodial Demon Clan. If you and Extreme Field Heavenly Demon like that what choice is Blood Demon Clan, I will not come.” The Yu Yuan look is calm, but also shows the smile, naturally, there is another reason, I and your ethnic group is predestined friends.” 极寒天魔族群,还是和以前那样,站在元魔族一边。如果你们和极地天魔那般,选择的是血魔族,我就不会进来了。”虞渊神色从容,还露出笑容,“当然,也有另外一个原因,我和你们族群有缘。” Old ice quiet Demon God, is still unemotional, the look is cold and gloomy. 苍老的冰幽魔神,依然面无表情,眼神森冷。 The entire ice crystal world, in the feeling of Yu Yuan, after seems his first half body was shivered, builds, everywhere is this Extreme Cold Heavenly Demon aura. 整个冰晶般的世界,在虞渊的感觉中,仿佛是他上半个身子被敲碎后,重新打造而成,处处都是此极寒天魔的气息。 He thinks, knows that should be the Your Majesty the Empress strength is the result. 他想了一下,就知道该是女皇陛下的力量所致。 It seems like you do not believe me.” “看来你不太相信我。” Yu Yuan hesitated, its Yin God branches out wisp of soul thought, as one desires fluctuating, is changing to the Concubine Han shape gradually. 虞渊沉吟了一下,其阴神分出一缕魂念,随心变幻着,渐渐化作寒妃的形态。 sparkling and translucent, the appearance is extremely all over the body beautiful, makings such as iceberg certainly peak, elegantly beautiful not local products. 通体晶莹,容貌极美,气质如冰山绝峰,冷艳不可方物。 Concubine Han facial features, by him is recalling, while is carving carefully. 寒妃的面容,被他一边回忆着,一边仔细雕琢着。 Concubine Han of illusory condition, in the water reflection , concentrates probably slowly in this side Hanlie small world. 虚幻状态的寒妃,像是水中倒影,慢慢地,在此方寒洌的小天地凝成。 !!” “喀!喀喀!” that person never says a word, aged Extreme Cold Heavenly Demon, the scorpion tail of ice lustrous, out-of-control feared that is hitting ice cliff, he is startled , first approached excitedly. 那位始终不发一言的,上了岁数的极寒天魔,冰莹的蝎尾,失控地怕打着冰岩,他又是惊慌,又是激动地,第一时间凑近了过来。 His eye, has looked was fabricated by Yu Yuan, he himself also knows that is on illusory Concubine Han. 他的眼睛,一直看着被虞渊凭空捏造出来,他自己也知道是虚幻的寒妃身上。 The Yu Yuan spirit shakes, heart possible. 虞渊精神一震,心道有戏。 She, she, he......” “她,她,他……” Old Heavenly Demon seemed like too long had not exchanged, his sound was very incoherent, makes excuses, said a doesn't come out reason why. 老天魔似乎是太久没和人交流了,他的声音很不连贯,吱吱唔唔的,说不出个所以然来。 Does not worry, our some are the time, can discuss slowly.” The Yu Yuan smile said. “不着急,我们有的是时间,可以慢慢谈。”虞渊微笑道。 „Is she also living?” “她还活着吗?” ...... ……
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