ILK :: Volume #63

#6292: Leads you to revenge

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This islands were blocked instantaneously. 这座岛屿瞬间就被封锁了起来。 Several form direct enter in the middle of islands. 几道身影直接进入了岛屿当中。 Fell on ruins. 落在了一处废墟上。 In the ruins flushed together the form, a blood appeared distressed. 废墟之中冲出来一道身影了,一身的鲜血显得非常的狼狈了。 Lin Fei three disciples! 林飞的三弟子! The article purifies the mind! 文清心! This a little probably young Demoness same person. 这位有点像是小魔女一样的人。 At this time appeared truly distressed, even this were appears is still arrogant. 此时确实显得非常的狼狈了,即便是这样也是显得非常的高傲了。 Can make your Saint Emperor strong level chase down me truly to direct think to be bold, if you want to kill me is not easy, among you association/will important people must striking to kill by me.” “能让你们这几个圣帝强的级别来追杀我确实引以为豪了,如果你想杀我可没那么容易,你们当中总会要人要被我给击杀的。” Even if by these Saint Emperor Expert sphering. 即便是被这些圣帝强者给围住。 The article purifies the mind does not have any changes countenance is fights intent to be strong slightly on the contrary. 文清心丝毫没有任何的变色反倒是战意浓烈。 By her strength, struck to kill the Saint king, even serious injuries Saint Emperor, is not the what people can achieve. 以她的实力,击杀了圣王,甚至重创圣帝,可不是什么人都能做得到的。 However this is insufficient, but must continues to fight downward. 不过这样还不够,还得要继续往下战。 „At death's door, but also dares to bluster!” “死到临头,还敢口出狂言!” Coming that a glare hits, another Saint Emperor Expert making a move. 一道强光打的过来,又一位圣帝强者出手 Is unable to continue watching radically. 根本就看不下去。 This glare contained several unions of strengths, unusual terrifying. 这道强光蕴含了几种力量的结合,非常的恐怖了。 The article purified the mind also made own method Divine Ability. 文清心同样打出了自己的手段神通 Was rumbled to fly. 还是被轰飞了出去了。 Again pounds stretch of ruins the island. 再一次的将海岛砸出来片废墟。 Their these Saint Emperor Expert looks ice-cold. 他们这几个圣帝强者神色冰冷的很。 Was this article purifying the mind makes them pay the serious price. 就是这个文清心让他们付出了惨重的代价了。 Similar half above that family's Expert dies. 家族的高手都死的差不多一半以上 It is not really able to forgive. 真的是无法原谅。 Was good stops up this fellow because of them finally. 好在他们终于堵住这家伙了。 So long as her Bloodline extracting, together with her Divine Ability method, that naturally can make their family's some young Expert strength obtain the rapid promotion. 只要将她的血脉给抽取了,连同她的神通手段,那自然能让他们家族的一些年轻高手实力得到飞速的提升。 Bang bang bang. 砰砰砰。 The article purified the mind do not know to hit to fly many times. 文清心不知道撞飞了多少次了。 Even so. 即便是这样。 Also can erupt the battle efficiency of making a move head. 还能爆发出手头的战斗力呢。 Even more made these Saint Emperor Expert more uncomfortable. 越发让这些圣帝强者们心里头更加的难受了。 This fellow imagination during must be more fearful. 这家伙比想象之中的要更加的可怕了。 Bang! 轰! The article purified the mind another pounding in the ground, these must be bigger than the before time strength time. 文清心又一次的砸在了地面上,这一次比之前的时候力道要更加的大了。 Such. 就这么一下。 Let purified the mind thoroughly lose the battle efficiency. 就让文清心彻底的失去了战斗力了。 In the mind appeared Senior Brother to reappear master. 脑海中浮现了师兄更浮现了师尊了。 master disappointed you. 师尊让你失望了。 The article purifies the mind cannot control, oneself begin. 文清心还是没能控制得住,自己动手。 clearly know was not the Saint Emperor opponent still erupts all sorts of methods, even also promoted the method. 明知道不是圣帝的对手依然爆发出了种种的手段,甚至还提升了手段了。 ability that it seems like you have not struggled, now well at times offers Bloodline of from oneself.” “看来你是没有挣扎的能力了,现在好好时时的献出自己的血脉吧。” Saint Emperor Expert put out a hand to grasp to cover the article to purify the mind directly. 一个圣帝强者伸手一抓直接就罩住了文清心。 Bloodline in body eliminating. 将身体内的血脉给剥夺出来。 The article purifies the mind to struggle. 文清心挣扎着。 what a pity has not used. 可惜没有用了。 After all is Saint Emperor level Expert. 毕竟是圣帝级别强者 Her strength one compared with missed much with them. 她的实力跟他们一比还是差了不少。 If gives several years time again, naturally can fight with them, even gave serious injuries them. 如果再给数年的时间,自然就可以跟他们争锋了,甚至将他们给重创了。 However now misses a point. 但是如今还是差了一点。 I died, you will not have the good end, my master can help me revenge in the same old way, when the time comes on your Saint Emperor is not the opponent, unravelled directly, the big family is also same, henceforth no longer exist!” “我死了,你们也不会有好下场的,我师尊照样会来帮我报仇的,到时候就你们这些圣帝一个个都不是对手,直接就是灰飞烟灭了,偌大的家族也是一样,从此不复存在!” The article purifies the mind becomes incomparable was sober. 文清心变得无比的清醒了。 gaze swept from them. 目光从他们身上一个个的扫了过去。 After their these Saint Emperor Expert were swept by this gaze . 他们这些圣帝强者被这目光扫了之后。 The body trembles. 身体一颤。 As if his saying brought the threat of terrifying. 似乎他这话带来了恐怖的威胁。 strength incomparable that their naturally also know article purifies the mind, but has not thought. 他们自然也知道文清心的实力无比的强了,可是根本就没有想过。 Unexpectedly master. 竟然还有一个师尊 This Master master strength especially. 这个师尊师傅实力格外的强了。 recalls came, Origin Soul that before they resist jointly. 想起来了,之前他们联手对抗的一个元神 That Origin Soul method very fierce, they that method in the family, can make them realize that a moment ago what is called desperately. 那个元神的手段非常的猛,要不是他们在家族里面就刚才那手段,就能让他们体会一下什么叫做绝望。 At death's door also dares Curse we, even your master came to be able how about it , our these Saint Emperor Expert hit to explode him in the same old way!” “死到临头还敢诅咒我们,就算是你师尊来了又能怎么样,,我们这些圣帝强者照样将他打爆!” Was Saint Emperor Expert of head snort/hum one, has not cared completely. 为首的圣帝强者哼了一声,完全就没有在意。 First took this advantage said again. 先把这好处拿到手了再说了。 Their sounds were very a moment ago big, perhaps will have the sound to come toward here. 刚才他们的动静挺大的,说不定就会有动静朝着这边过来。 They do not believe master that article purifies the mind will run at this time, even came the day lily is still cool. 他们根本就不相信那文清心的师尊会在这个时候跑出来,就算是来了黄花菜也凉了。 Said that not to mention they have the powerful backer. 更别提说他们还有强大的靠山呢。 Also Saint Emperor Expert puts out a hand. 又有一个圣帝强者伸出了手来。 Must eliminate Bloodline on Wenqing mind and body. 要剥夺文清心身上的血脉了。 In his making a move. 就在他这出手 Of bang. 轰的一声。 The arm of this Expert half collapsed directly, with spreading whish became fragment(s) to the entire body. 这个强者半边的手臂直接就崩溃了,跟着蔓延到整个身躯哗的一声就成了碎片了。 Sudden gave to have a scare them at the scene. 突如其来的一幕当场就把他们这些人都给吓了一跳了。 Cannot believe, can also have such operation unexpectedly. 根本就不敢相信,竟然还能有这样的操作。 what person?” 什么人?” They in great surprise. 他们大惊。 This meeting does not get down one super to win, some not possible people also to separate emptying. 这会已经不下了一座超级大胜了,不可能有人还可以隔空出手的。 Also only then the article purified the mind in that pupil to present some highlights. 也就只有文清心那眸子里面出现了一些亮点。 master came!” 师尊来了!” Together form no indication appears in the article purifies the mind at present. 一道身影毫无征兆的就出现在文清心的眼前了。 A black robe. 一身的黑袍。 Who isn't that Lin Fei can also be? 不是那林飞还能是谁呢? Lin Fei gave them these three disciples to keep Origin Soul. 林飞给他们这三个弟子都留了一个元神了。 In secret following. 暗中跟随着。 Follows that the article purifies the mind, in place making a move, met powerful Formation. 跟随文清心的这个,在一个地方出手了,就遇上了一个强大的阵法了。 Far exceeded Saint Emperor strength. 远远超出了圣帝实力 Lin Fei Origin Soul erupted. 林飞元神爆发了。 Several times after the attack, unravelled. 数次攻击之后就灰飞烟灭。 Also on know sound. 也就知道了动静了。 Again. 再一查。 Met on know own treasure disciple unexpectedly troubled, but also by several Saint Emperor Expert pursuing. 知道自己的宝贝弟子居然遇上了麻烦了,还被几个圣帝强者给追了。 The time of several thoughts arrived here. 几个念头的时间就来到了这里了。 Good, the will have me past strength of spirit, could not be victorious that also to hit, even if died must to put together several to be good.” “不错,有我当年的骨气,打不过那也要打,就算是死了也得要拼几个才行。” Lin Fei light smiling. 林飞淡淡的笑。 The article purifies the mind by one boasts, on the entire face had the smile. 文清心被一夸,整个脸上都有了笑容了。 Lin Fei gaze went to these Saint Emperor Expert. 林飞目光投向了这几个圣帝强者的。 These Saint Emperor Expert, the complexion especially was ugly. 这几圣帝强者,脸色都格外的难看了。 Can pass among their Formation to come here. 能通过了他们阵法之间就来到这里。 It is not the common goods. 不是一般的货。 Even was very likely to achieve Level of Son of Heaven. 甚至极有可能达到了天王的层次 I was his master, heard that you must hitting to explode me, you can withstand my fist on do not know.” “我就是他的师尊了,听说你们要将我给打爆了,就不知道你们能不能承受我这一拳。” Lin Fei light smiling. 林飞淡淡的笑。 Directly is a fist. 直接就是一拳。 After this fist, their these Saint Emperor Expert wail. 这一拳过后,他们这些圣帝强者哀嚎。 Changed to fragment(s). 就化作了碎片了。 A fist on Insta-kill, hit to explode directly completely. 一拳直接就秒杀了,全部打爆。 Also feels all right to chase down my disciple on your such strength, do not know who gives you this courage.” “就你们这样的实力也好意思来追杀我的弟子,也不知道谁给你们这勇气的。” Lin Fei snort/hum. 林飞哼了一声。 Then the strength hits together on the body that the article purifies the mind. 回头就是一道力量打在文清心的身上。 The article purifies the mind the heaviness of originally wound. 文清心原本伤的重。 After the restore of strength, in an instant restored. 随着力量的修复之后,转眼之间就恢复了过来了。 Even strength has also striven. 甚至实力还有所精进呢。 master leads you to revenge, whom wants to kill to kill anyone, my disciple no one can cope.” 师尊带你去报仇,想杀谁就杀谁,我的弟子没有人能对付。” Lin Fei at this time seemed incomparable was overbearing. 林飞这个时候显得无比的霸道了。 Wenqing inside one warmed heart to heart, is original master. 文清心心里头一暖了,还是原来的师尊 Original taste. 还是原来的味道
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