ILK :: Volume #63

#6291: With danger

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Regarding such a place. 对于这么一个地方。 Lin Fei the interest, this fellow has a little looked for oneself not simple now let alone. 林飞现在已经有点兴趣了,更何况这个家伙来找自己更是不简单的。 If you do not believe that you looked at this thing on know!” “如果你不相信的话,你看了这个东西就知道了!” Simply is very direct. 挺干脆直接。 Opens the hand. 打开手。 Presented a black trace, following arm extended. 就出现了一条黑色的纹路了,顺着手臂一路的延伸出去了。 Lin Fei looks. 林飞就看出来。 This so-called black trace truly is not the common thing. 这个所谓的黑色纹路确确实实并不是一般的东西。 That is special extremely poisonous. 那是特殊的剧毒 This toxin quite is difficult to deal with/ferocious, can make fence black sea suppress is not truly easy. 这个毒素相当厉害,能让樊乌海压制的确实已经是不容易了。 That devil's lair exist special outlawing opium that I go, very evil and cruel, I one did not pay attention on a point, depended on strength to suppress!” “我去的那个魔窟存在一种特殊的拒毒,非常的歹毒,我一不留神就中了一点了,靠着一身的实力才压制的!” Fence black sea does not seem to mind that know he is poisoned to be the same. 樊乌海似乎一点都不介意知道他中了毒一样。 serene. 风轻云淡 After that I looked for several Expert one after another, in addition your words, naturally collected, can rush to that place again.” “从那之后,我就陆陆续续的找了数位高手,再加上你的话,自然就凑齐了,就可以再闯一闯那个地方了。” Fence black sea hopes very much can invite this person to rush to this devil's lair at present. 樊乌海还是很希望能邀请到眼前这个人去闯这个魔窟的。 That place was very likely to have the antidote. 那个地方极有可能就有解药了。 Let alone ordinary world outside this, even can say that this was a abandoned world. 更何况在这个外头的普通世界,甚至可以说这是一个被遗弃的世界了。 Although Expert also like clouds, but truly top successively has left. 虽然高手也是如云,但是真正顶尖的都已经陆陆续续的离开了。 But these devil's lair unearthed was similar, but remaining these devil's lair covered up with all kinds of methods. 而那些魔窟被人挖掘的差不多了,而剩下的这些魔窟都是用各种各样的手段遮掩了起来了。 Also was no one can unable to find. 也不是谁都能找得到的。 Now if can draw in this Lin Fei, that was naturally different. 现在如果能拉上这个林飞的话,那自然就不一样了。 You were so direct, this place also a little interest, I complied let alone, what time!” “你都这么直接了,更何况这地方也有点兴趣,那我就答应了,什么时候去!” Most mostly year, half year time, your excellency can rest well, conserving strength, that place is very dangerous, is special minor difference!” “最多半年的时间,这半年的时间,阁下可以好好的休息一段,养精蓄锐,那地方挺危险的,算是一个特殊的小异界!” Regarding this Lin Fei that not accidental/surprised. 对于这个林飞那是一点都不意外 Since fence black sea said that that did not have the issue. 樊乌海既然这么说了,那就没有问题了。 Following. 跟着。 Fan black sea throws the communication symbol to come together. 樊乌海扔来一块通讯符过来。 Gone time, I used this communication rune/symbol to come to contact with you directly.” “去的时候,我直接就用这块通讯符来联系你了。” After fence black sea leaves behind this communication symbol, turned around to leave. 樊乌海留下这块通讯符之后也就转身离开了。 Disappearance without a trace, this speed transfers to truly is very is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 消失的无影无踪了,这速度移到确实是挺厉害的。 Lin Fei is unable to lock the opposite party, in an instant ran up to without a trace. 林飞根本就无法锁定对方,转眼之间就跑到无影无踪了。 Six months is not considered as that what. 半年时间也不算是什么 After Lin Fei inspection, receives the playing the host west. 林飞检查之后也就收起来做东西。 Turned around to leave. 转身就离开了。 Returned to life Restricted Area. 返回了生命禁区 Life Restricted Area Giant Expert, learned of such a news. 生命禁区巨头强者,也得知了这么一个消息了。 Felt grateful especially. 更是格外的感激了。 Really thanked, is not your words feared that will be profound Heaven Saint Sect will also attack again, the present words estimate considered for a short time.” “真是谢谢了,不是你的话怕是玄天圣宗还会再次来攻打呢,现在的话估计一时半会得好好的考虑考虑了。” Happiest was day of Giant. 最高兴的莫过于是天都巨头了。 Day Giant is also relaxes finally. 天都巨头也算是终于松了一口气。 Thing that his know give, but also is very valuable. 他就知道自己送出去的东西,还算是挺有价值的。 Thinks this forest Fellow Daoist unexpectedly single-handedly ran up to profound Heaven Saint Sect. 想到这个林道友居然单枪匹马的跑到玄天圣宗去了。 That is not the general place. 那可不是一般的地方。 After that place went , is really no one can withstand. 那地方去了之后还真不是谁都能顶得住的。 Naturally felt grateful especially. 自然是格外的感激了。 You delivered such generous gift to me, I naturally must help you level these to trouble, at least I when they do not dare to begin!” “你们都送了这么厚礼给我了,那我自然要帮你们摆平了这些麻烦了,最起码我在的时候他们是不敢动手的!” Can do also only then these, asked the matter about devil's lair. 能做的也就只有这一些了,问起来关于魔窟的事情了。 Forest Fellow Daoist, this prepares devil's lair, if must go to devil's lair, you must be careful, devil's lair heard that had some connects so-called demon!” “林道友,这是准备去魔窟,如果要去魔窟的话,那你就得小心了,魔窟听说有一些都是连通到所谓的魔界了!” Day Giant actually know many about this matter. 天都巨头倒是知道不少关于这个事情。 Other matter is he but actually very clear, but this devil's lair words really did not have the what person to understand compared with him. 别的事情他倒是不是很清楚,但是这个魔窟的话还真的没有什么人比他更加的了解。 Really has this idea, wants to go to this devil's lair to look, heard that outside has many devil's lair to be worth visiting.” “确实有这个想法,想去这个魔窟看一看,听说外面还是有不少的魔窟值得去探访一下的。” Day Giant understood all of a sudden. 天都巨头一下子就明白了过来了。 You want to go to strongest that ten devil's lair, that ten devil's lair truly are very fierce, together with some minor difference, I heard that before is, some footholds of demon.” “你是想去最强的那十个魔窟了,那十个魔窟确实是挺猛的,连同了一些小异界的,听说,都是以前魔界的一些据点了。” Lin Fei is asks on know this time. 林飞知道自己这次算是问对人。 Day Giant also real know many matter about demon. 天都巨头还真的知道不少关于魔界的事情呢。 These devil's lair really have many good things, but some devil's lair you must pay attention, is very dangerous, even can say that some devil's lair are Heavenly Cave Small world that these demon big shot refine, went, wants to come out to be possible is not easy!” “这些魔窟确实都有不少的好东西,不过有些魔窟你就得留神了,挺危险的,甚至可以说有些魔窟都是那些魔界大佬所炼制的洞天小世界的,进去了,想出来可就没那么容易!” Day Giant also takes a material. 天都巨头还拿出来一份资料呢。 The material takes, truly makes Lin Fei very surprised. 资料一拿出来,确确实实是让林飞自己都挺惊讶的。 Also collected such a good thing unexpectedly. 竟然还收藏了这么一份好的东西呢。 „Before this was time our col­lec­tion some materials, about this devil's lair, but these devil's lair were the comparison has the qualifications to go!” “这是以前的时候我们这些人收集的一些资料了,关于这个魔窟的,而这几个魔窟算是比较有资格去的!” Day Giant does not have the what thing to take. 天都巨头也没有什么东西能拿得出来。 The present words can also take on this thing. 现在的话也就这个东西可以拿得出来。 came to can see somebody off. 正好可以送人。 Lin Fei is naturally impolite, directly this material taking away. 林飞自然也不客气了,直接就把这个资料给拿走了。 Took the material he to return to own invincible mountain. 拿了资料他就回到了自己的无敌山。 In the invincible mountain appeared especially peaceful, glanced through these materials. 无敌山内显得格外的安静了,也翻阅了这些资料。 These materials also are really very detailed, even can say that made he himself shine at present. 这些资料还真的是挺详细的,甚至可以说让他自己都是眼前亮了。 Has not really thought can have such thing. 还真没想过能有这样的东西。 Does not have the accidental/surprised words, devil's lair that fence black sea should must go to was these three, these three devil's lair were most is difficult to deal with/ferocious is also most mystical.” “不出意外的话,那个樊乌海应该要去的魔窟就是这三个了,这三个魔窟都是最厉害也最神秘的。” Such! 就这么一下! He must look compared with anybody was clear about you. 他就比任何人都要看得清楚了你。 Inside truly recorded much about this thing. 里面确确实实记录了不少关于这个东西了。 Conveniently receiving got up this thing, looking thoughtful. 随手就把这东西给收了起来了,若有所思呢。 My Origin Soul began unexpectedly, it seems like my disciple should got some positive results, some unexpectedly people began, but actually must look!” “我的元神居然动手了,看来我那弟子应该是打出了些名堂了,竟然有人动手了,倒要去看一看!” In Lin Fei is dull when the invincible mountain, his Origin Soul moved. 林飞呆在无敌山的时候,他的元神动了一下。 Also made Lin Fei open the eye all of a sudden, saw clearly all. 也让林飞一下子就睁开了眼了,洞察了一切了。 first step stepped. 一步就跨了出去了。 Across Void. 穿过虚空 On to bind. 一头就扎了进去。 But at the same time. 而与此同时。 In a vast ocean, together form rapid Teleport. 在一处汪洋大海上,一道身影飞速的移动着。 Of bang, pounded in islands. 轰的一声,就砸在了一座岛屿上。 The islands of half were pounded to lie. 半边的岛屿都被砸趴了下去。 Dust Fei Yang/Flying. 尘土飞扬 Following. 跟着。 Several forms flew to come, a countless shadow departed. 数道身影就飞了过来了,无数道的影子飞出。 Among Instant, this islands blocking. 刹那之间,就将这岛屿给封锁住。 Article purifies the mind, you do not need to run today, you could not be inescapable, never expected that your so many years have not died, dare to run back to take revenge unexpectedly!” “文清心,你今天就不用跑了,你根本就跑不了了,没想到你这么多年没死,竟然还敢跑回来复仇!” Such powerful Origin Soul, but also really hit our one to be caught off guard, but light this is insufficient today, you must die without doubt!” “还有这么一尊强大的元神,还真的打了我们一个措手不及呢,不过光这样还不够今天,你必死无疑了!” Actually dead before, your Bloodline can succeed makes our clansman strength break through big Realm, you are treasure of human form!” “死之前,你这一身的血脉倒是可以成功的让我们的族人实力突破一大个境界,你可是一个人形的宝物!”
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