ILK :: Volume #62

#6143: strength was too low

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Probably like this good thing. 像是着这样的好东西。 Lin Fei also the first time is registered, but he especially is happy. 林飞也是第一次签到出来,但是他心里头已经是格外的高兴了。 After all the last good thing to add on this seal chart again the words, then own strength should will promote high. 毕竟最后一件好东西再加上这个封印图的话,那么自己的实力应该会提升得更高了。 Although has achieved Saint Emperor level, but his know this Saint Emperor level strength does not calculate that has is difficult to deal with/ferocious how. 虽然已经达到了圣帝级别了,但是他知道自己这个圣帝级别实力并不算是有多么的厉害 Even can say meets some is difficult to deal with/ferocious can also stand out of the way. 甚至可以说遇上一些厉害的也就可以靠边站了。 After all these were a Small world strength, but can give to stimulate the seal in this individual, that was different. 毕竟这些都是一个小世界的力量了,但是能将这个体内的印子都给激发出来,那就不一样了。 Beforehand time Lin Fei on the know body is most powerful, however has various types of seals in the body. 以前的时候林飞知道身躯才是最为强大的,但是在身躯里面有着各种的封印。 These seals are are not so good to ponder over, is not good to activate, others are not clear. 这些封印并不是那么好琢磨,也不是那么好激活的,别人不清楚。 Lin Fei words or quite clear, however the present words, he can finally complete this thing thorough stimulating. 林飞的话还是相当的清楚的,但是现在的话,他终于可以完完全全的将这个东西彻彻底底的给激发出来了。 In addition has such a thing. 再加上有这么一个东西。 For example the present had this invincible mountain, then all appeared more natural. 比如现在有了这个无敌山,那么一切就显得更加的理所当然了。 This was three things that master kept, then now Junior Brother has grasped these three things, then you must receive such a small duty that master kept!” “这就是师尊留下来的三件东西了,然后现在师弟已经掌握了这三件东西了,那么你就得接受了师尊留下来的这么一个小小的任务了!” That shadow appeared again, originally Lin Fei think this shadow will also vanish does not see. 那个黑影再次的出现了,本来林飞以为这个黑影会消失不见。 Finally. 结果。 Discovered oneself think were many, others have not left. 才发现自己想的多了,人家根本就没有离开。 Has stood in the nearby on the contrary, unexpectedly duty. 反倒是一直站在边上了,居然还有任务。 do not know is the what duty, please say that I am listening.” 不知道什么任务,请说我听着。” This is the duty that master keeps, this is Scroll, yourself favored, so long as completed this task, then you can obtain are said the second reward that keeps.” “这就是师尊留下来的任务的,这是一张卷轴,你自己看好了,只要完成了这个任务,那么你就能得到是说留下来的第二个奖励了。” Good, is this encourages itself to complete the duty multi- ob­tains reward? 好吧,这是鼓励自己多完成任务多获得奖励吗? Lin Fei smiled at heart under also received Scroll of this seal. 林飞心里头笑了下也就接过了这封印的卷轴了。 The Scroll also do not know seal of this seal long time, but he can feel. 这个封印的卷轴不知道封印了多长的时间了,但是他能感觉得出来。 The strength of this seal is is very very strong, but falls after his in hand, in an instant the strength of this seal vanished cleanly. 这个封印的力量还是很强很强的,不过落在他的手头上之后,转眼之间这个封印的力量就消失得一干二净了。 Followed the golden light to reappear together, a great form appeared. 跟着一道金光浮现了出来,一种伟岸的身影出现。 Endless the pressure in Heaven and Earth ended up directly. 天地之间无尽的威压直接就落得过来了。 Has flash that. 有那么一瞬间。 Lin Fei thought that a look breath can make into fragment(s). 林飞都觉得一个眼神一个呼吸就能将自己打成碎片 This invincible Great Emperor was too fierce, even the facial features of opposite party did not see clearly. 这个无敌大帝太猛了,甚至连对方的面容都看不清楚了。 Never expected that so many years, some people completed the challenge of this road, became one of my disciples, but you now are the recording a name disciple, you must complete then this task, you were the disciple of doing.” “没想到这么多年了,又有人完成了这个路的挑战了,成为我的弟子之一了,不过你现在是记名弟子,你得完成了接下来这个任务,你才算是本做的弟子。” Has not actually resisted regarding this matter Lin Fei. 对于这个事情林飞其实并没有怎么抗拒。 Naturally he currently has this invincible mountain. 当然他现在有了这个无敌山。 In this invincible mountain, can play many good things somewhat. 在这无敌山里面,多多少少还是能起到不少的好东西。 Even without this seal chart, that can still make his strength obtain promotes enormously. 就算是没有这个封印图,那也能让他的实力得到极大的提升了。 Therefore he prepared first to listen to say again. 所以他准备先听听再说。 Millenniums, breaks through this strength seal chart to 100 above, when the time comes attended various day of the world wars!” “千年的时间里面,将这个力量封印图突破到一百个以上,到时候参加诸天世界大战!” Lin Fei also think is the what matter, but listens to listen to him to think that was a little different. 林飞以为什么事情呢,但是听着听着他就觉得有点不一样了。 Unexpectedly such a important matter, various day of the world wars. 居然还有这么一件大事,诸天世界大战。 His before time on know this is not Great World, is only Small world. 之前的时候就知道这并不是一个大世界,只是一个小世界而已。 However the present words came various day of Great World, that seemed somewhat different. 但是现在的话来了一个诸天大世界,那就显得有些不一样了。 Moreover millenniums in own strength opening. 而且得千年的时间内将自己的实力开启。 Strength seal 100 above, that appeared this various heaven to fight time is fiercer. 力量封印一百个以上,那就显得这一次的诸天大战更加的猛了。 I think how know this various heaven fights is a matter, could it be involves Human Race this side?” “我想知道这个诸天大战到底是怎么一回事,难道是涉及到人族这一面吗?” Lin Fei asked one actually subconsciously. 林飞倒是下意识的问了一句了。 You said that if other matter, he has not really cared, but the words of this matter look on the uncommonness of quite. 你说要是别的事情的话,他还真的没怎么在意,但是这个事的话看上去就相当的不凡。 Your present Realm was too low, wait for you became is more powerful says again.” “你现在的境界还是太低了,等你变得再强大一些再说吧。” Follows this form to dissipate to disappear directly. 跟着这道身影直接就消散不见了。 Not is only the pressure remains has not been diverging for a very long time. 不但是现场的威压还是残留着久久没有散去。
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