ILK :: Volume #62

#6142: Seal chart

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This third is the what thing? 这第三个到底是什么东西? This truly went beyond the expectation of Lin Fei. 这确实是超出了林飞的预料的。 Unexpectedly is his unthinkable Top Grade good thing. 居然是他想都不敢想的一个顶级的好东西。 Unexpectedly is the Fiendgod seal chart. 居然是神魔封印图。 This thing appeared some is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 这个玩意就显得有些厉害了。 Just looked first time Lin Fei has not looked came out this to have the what positive result. 刚看第一眼的时候林飞并没有看的出来这到底是有什么名堂。 However the second time he appeared the comparison to see clearly. 但是第二眼的时候他就显得比较看得清楚了。 This is the genuine Fiendgod seal chart. 这就是货真价实神魔封印图。 Naturally this Fiendgod seal chart, is not other thing, but is body inside strength. 当然这个神魔封印图,不是别的东西,而是身体里面的力量的。 In the body of person has the infinite Endless strength seal, but how to make a connection with these seals is most essential. 人的身体里面有无穷无尽的力量封印,但是如何打通这些封印才是最关键的。 But wants to arrive at this first step is not that easy matter, but currently has this Fiendgod seal chart words, that was different. 而想要走到这一步的可不是那么容易的事呢,但是现在有了这个神魔封印图的话,那就不一样了。 Appropriate how can feel a matter. 妥妥当当的就能感觉得出来到底是怎么一回事。 Lin Fei saw this time time can be startled at heart. 林飞看到这个时候的时候心里头才会一惊。 No wonder the before invincible domain appeared with this invincible Fist Technique general, this thing was steadiest. 怪不得之前的无敌领域跟这个无敌拳法都显得一般了,这个东西才是最稳的。 Also is stronger. 也是更强的。 Seal strength the eruptions in within the body, more many of eruption. 将体内的封印的力量一个个的爆发出来了,爆发的越多。 This also became stronger and stronger, mentioned the simple matter, but if really did is not easy. 这样也就变得越来越强了,说来简单的事情,但是真要是做起来的话就没那么容易了。 This point he can realize that therefore his intention moved receives this Fiendgod seal chart. 这一点他还是能体会得到的,所以他就心念一动之间就将这神魔封印图收了。 The strength factor in within the body with appearance. 体内的一个个力量因子就跟着出现。 The strength factor that each presents is partly visible. 每一个出现的力量因子都若隐若现的。 Naturally could not have seen. 当然还有很多都是看不见的。 Lin Fei also sighed with emotion one at heart, this invincible Great Emperor worthily is invincible Great Emperor, is fierce. 林飞心里头也是感慨了一番了,这位无敌大帝不愧是无敌大帝,就是猛啊。 Coming out that unexpectedly even this Fiendgod seal chart can study. 居然连这神魔封印图都能研究的出来。 Gave to activate these factors in body, ob­tains powerful strength. 将身体内的这些因子都给激活了,获得强大的力量。 Very is truly rare. 确确实实挺难得的。 Lin Fei also had the experience, beforehand time he has also seen information in many this aspect. 林飞也算是有了见识了,以前的时候他也见过不少这方面的信息了。 However this words he absolutely is first sight time. 但是这一次的话他绝对是第一次见到。 This absolutely was rarest one time. 这绝对是最为少见的一次了。 Therefore he can realize this method now at heart is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 所以他现在心里头更能体会得到这个法门的厉害了。 Even can say him, so long as activates these factors, strength will promote. 甚至可以说他只要将这些因子激活出来,实力就会提升。 One time, two times of three times of four times, as for the limit in the what place, that did not say well. 一倍,两倍三倍四倍,至于极限到底在什么地方,那就不好好说。 He thought that this Fiendgod seal chart truly is very powerful. 他觉得这神魔封印图确实是挺强大的。 This is the most important thing, he has been able to erupt Saint Emperor level strength now. 这才是最为重要的东西呢,他现在已经能爆发出圣帝级别实力了。 Has not been able to guarantee as for many him. 至于到底有多强他还不敢保证。 within the body these factor quantities were countless, activate one to promote strength. 体内这些因子数量不计其数,激活了一个就能提升实力的。 Such a gift he is quite satisfied. 这么一份礼物他还是相当的满意的。 Other thing he has not really cared. 别的东西他还真的不怎么在意了。 However he intention moves when the time comes, know present should must make what. 不过他到时候心念一动之间,知道自己现在应该要做什么呢。 That registered. 那就是签到了。 Here registers, here most lets his look forward to place. 在这里签到一下,这里才是最让他期待的一个地方。 Although obtained this Fiendgod seal chart. 虽然得到了这个神魔封印图。 This thing must need the body of certain formidable to activate thoroughly. 这个东西得需要一定强悍的身体才能彻底的激活了。 But before fragment(s) of invincible body was lets raise the intensity of body. 之前的无敌之躯的碎片就是让提升身体的强度了。 Can activate certain factor, but this is far from enough, but this to Lin Fei is not considered as that what. 可以激活一定的因子,但这远远不够,不过这对林飞来说并不算是什么 What he is most important is the registration, the registration is the most important thing. 他最重要的是签到,签到才是最重要的东西。 Registers successful ob­tains ten thousand years of cultivation Scroll one on the invincible road.” “在无敌路上签到成功获得万年修炼卷轴一张。” This registration was a little truly different. 这一次的签到确确实实有点不一样了。 This registration unexpectedly is Zhang Wannian cultivation Scroll. 这次签到的居然是一张万年修炼卷轴 At the beginning his also think this was time Scroll, but after looking at one, shouted wildly one at heart. 刚开始的时候他还以为这是一张时间卷轴的,但是看了一眼之后心里头就狂呼了一下了。 This Zhang Wannian cultivation Scroll not simple is Scroll of time. 这张万年修炼卷轴并不简简单单是时间的卷轴 But is a small transcription, in this transcription can the cultivation ten thousand years. 而是一个小的副本,在这个副本里面可以修炼万年的时间。 Naturally these ten thousand years outside is also hundred years. 当然这万年的时间在外面也不过是百年的时间。 This proportion is quite terrifying. 这比例已经算是相当恐怖了。 Hundred years is used for cultivation this 10,000 year, that truly is very cost-effective. 百年的时间用来修炼一万年,那确实是挺划算的。 Moreover importantly cultivation anything incomparable rapid in these ten thousand years. 而且最重要是在这万年里面修炼任何东西都无比的迅速。 cultivation speed speeds up, comprehension certain increase. 修炼速度加快,领悟一定的增幅了。 This is Lin Fei felt reason that shocks. 这才是林飞感觉到震撼的原因。 In addition also cultivation this Fiendgod seal chart, was more different. 再加上自己也修炼了这个神魔封印图,那么更加的不一样了。
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