ILK :: Volume #43

#4270: Only can work as the nourishment

strength of four kings look like in the eye of Lin Fei truly is, naturally placed among the common customs that to be better. 四王的实力林飞的眼中看来确实是还可以的,当然放在世俗间那更是不错了。 Let Heavenly Eye king Gentian devil go to the guardian certainly, naturally protects the parents. 让天目王跟天绝魔王去保护人,自然是保护父母了。 After two kings send, Lin Fei has not been idling. 把两位王打发出去之后,林飞也没有闲着。 Started to close up cultivation as for Ye Xuan with leaf Zixuan in Sacred Mountain directly. 至于叶玄跟叶紫萱直接在圣山开始闭关修炼了。 Master, in this is the place of sacred place most core, before only has master, is not right, is the first ancestor can go, concrete inside had what I to be unknown.” 主人,这里面就是圣地最核心的地方,之前只有师尊,不对,是始祖才能进去,具体里面有什么我就不得而知了。” Saint Lord cautious brought Lin Fei to arrive at the bottom deep place. 圣主小心翼翼的带着林飞来到了地底深处。 In front of very common gateway. 非常不起眼的门户面前。 If not for Saint Lord lead the way the basis could not find such a gateway. 若不是圣主带路的话根本找不到这样一个门户。 It seems like this gateway ordinary cannot be ordinary, Lin Fei actually saw the 1st Layer heavy Restriction method on this gateway. 看上去这门户普通的不能再普通,林飞在这门户上面却看到了一重重的禁制手段。 Naturally these Restriction methods appear very rough, but even practices breathing exercises big Expert regarding Innate is unusual headache exist. 当然这些禁制手段显得非常的粗糙,不过对于先天乃至练气大高手来说都是非常头疼的存在 Decoding is not easy. 破解可没那么容易。 Lin Fei sent Saint Lord. 林飞打发走了圣主 After examining one . 查看了一番之后。 Sword Intent such as on running water bang gateway, triggered these Restriction instantaneously. 剑意如流水轰这门户上面,瞬间触发了这些禁制 Under the violent means that these Restriction were given being split up of bang by Sword Intent directly, but this gateway is perfect. 暴力手段下,这些禁制直接被剑意给轰的四分五裂,不过这门户却完好无损。 First ancestor arranged the method in this above, I must have a look in this to have the what thing but actually.” “始祖在这上面布置了手段,那我倒要看看这里面到底有什么东西。” Gateway unusual is not ordinary, at least Lin Fei could not feel that inside has the what thing. 门户非常的不一般,最起码林飞感觉不到里面有什么东西。 After forbidding to eradicate . 禁止破除之后。 Lin Fei turned on the gateway. 林飞就开启了门户。 The gateway starts, sees only the Long Xiao front surface to raid together, as if a big dragon to/clashes, directly from Lin Fei steamroll in the past. 门户一开,只见一道龙啸迎面袭来,仿佛一条巨龙冲出来似的,直接从林飞的身上碾压了过去。 This is together the attack of Divine Dragon. 这是一道神龙的攻击。 Might unusual. 威力非常的的强。 Lin Fei had prepared, Sword Intent kept off in front, shouldered all attacks instantaneously, but this attack method continued very long period of time, truly can be caught off guard. 林飞早就有所准备了,剑意挡在了面前,瞬间扛下了所有攻击,而这攻击手段持续了很长一段的时间,确实是能让人措手不及。 Lin Fei raises legs to enter in the secret room. 林飞抬腿走进密室里面。 After walking, some actually accidental/surprised, because everywhere is the skeleton. 走进来之后倒是有些意外,因为到处都是骸骨。 These skeletons everywhere are. 这些骸骨遍地都是。 gaze fell on the forefront place. 目光落在了最前面的地方。 There has a cauldron furnace, this is three foot cauldron furnaces, very big, is passing the ancient aura. 那里有一个鼎炉,这是一座三脚鼎炉,非常的大,透着古老的气息。 Lin Fei in this cauldron furnace smelled aura of roaring flame. 在这鼎炉里面林飞嗅到了一股烈焰的气息。 Close to be evaporated thoroughly by the aura of this roaring flame. 靠近就会被这烈焰的气息彻底所蒸发掉。 First ancestor has concealed, in this cauldron furnace unexpectedly seal a drop of Divine Dragon blood.” “始祖还是有所隐瞒啊,这鼎炉里面居然封印着一滴神龙血。” In this truly is a drop of Divine Dragon blood, in the eye of Lin Fei, this drop of Divine Dragon blood is mediocre. 这里面确实是一滴神龙血,不过在林飞的眼中,这滴神龙血不过如此。 The true gods are not continually. 连真正的神都算不上。 After taking can let fleshly body Body Transformation, that naturally is also impossible. 至于服用之后能让肉身脱胎换骨,那自然也是不可能的。 This drop of Divine Dragon blood filled with the Endless roaring flame aura, after anybody takes, will be evaporated directly. 这滴神龙血充满了无尽的烈焰气息,任何人服用下去之后直接就会被蒸发。 It seems like first ancestor that fellow cannot refine the drop Divine Dragon blood thoroughly, therefore can only keep in this cauldron furnace.” “看来始祖那家伙也没能彻底炼化掉滴神龙血,所以只能留在这鼎炉里面。” This drop of Divine Dragon blood is not unusual, but to present Lin Fei, a Divine Dragon blood actually good thing, at least to his Life God Tree is useful. 这滴神龙血并不怎么稀奇,不过对现在的林飞来说,神龙血倒是一件不错的东西,最起码对他的生命神树还是有用的。 Sword Intent Storm covers above the cauldron furnace directly, launched the fierce offensive. 剑意风暴直接笼罩在鼎炉之上,发动了猛烈的攻势。 Cauldron furnace also do not know refines with what kind of material, very firm, but firm material can survive be too long under this airtight offensive. 鼎炉也不知道是用何等材料炼制而成的,非常的坚固,不过再坚固的材料在这密不透风的攻势之下能坚持了太久。 one hour was broken through. 半个时辰就被攻破了。 The cauldron furnace breaks open, a coiled dragon recited the sound to shoot up to the sky. 鼎炉一破开,一团龙吟声冲天而起。 Dragon Prestige sweeps across in all directions. 龙威席卷四面八方。 Contains the fearful Shattered strength, particularly goes to fleshly body. 蕴含着可怕的破灭力量,尤其是冲着肉身而去的。 The Lin Fei opens the mouth swallows this Divine Dragon blood swallowing down. 林飞张口一吞就将这神龙血给吞了下去。 After the Divine Dragon blood swallows down, Life God Tree in within the body gives birth to whiskers rapidly, this Divine Dragon blood dragging. 神龙血吞下去之后,体内的生命神树迅速生出一道道的触须,将这神龙血给拖了过去。 Although this drop of Divine Dragon blood very powerful. 尽管这滴神龙血非常的强大。 Actually cannot disintegrate Lin Fei fleshly body in Lin Fei within the body, instead by Life God Tree every little bit swallowing strength. 林飞的体内却不能瓦解林飞肉身,反而被生命神树一点一滴的吞噬着力量。 In a short time Life God Tree did not lack the nourishment.” “短时间内生命神树不缺养料了。” Lin Fei here, this drop of Divine Dragon blood is the nourishment is coming. 林飞这里,这滴神龙血就是养料来着。 Where on such nourishment looks? 这样的养料上哪找? After taking the Divine Dragon blood, the pressure in secret room on disappearance was clean. 取走了神龙血之后,密室内的威压就消失的一干二净了。 Searched, Lin Fei found some useful things. 搜寻了一番,林飞还是找到了一些有用的东西。 For example ancient book that keeps. 比如一些留下来的典籍。 In the ancient book is ancient writing, naturally this cannot block Lin Fei. 典籍上都是古文,当然这拦不住林飞 After estimating one, went study, understood the above meaning. 揣摩一番之后也就读了出来,弄懂了上面的意思。 Also is really interesting.” “还真是有意思。” Lin Fei has not stopped over the too long time to turn around to leave 林飞并没有逗留太长的时间转身就离开了 What no one in know these ancient books records is what, because Lin Fei all took away them. 没有人知道这些典籍上记载的是什么,因为林飞把它们全都收走了。 The Lin Fei form also arrived at outside Sacred Mountain. 林飞的身影随之也来到了圣山外面。 Divine Dragon Secret Realm said that was big, says slightly big. 神龙秘境说大不大,说小不小。 After Lin Fei one seeks, finally arrived in a common mountain valley. 林飞一番寻找之后,终于来到了一处不起眼的山谷内。 This mountain valley in jungle really very common. 这个山谷在密林里面真的是非常的不起眼。 The mountain valley inside lives many Monster Beast, Lin Fei one is emitting air/Qi field slightly, gave to frighten off these Monster Beast completely. 山谷里面生活着不少的妖兽,林飞一来稍微放出身上的气场,就把这些妖兽全部给吓走了。 In the mountain valley has the cavern. 山谷内有洞穴。 These caverns are Monster Beast live. 这些洞穴都是妖兽所居住的。 Waves, Sword Intent such as the running water all swept away in this ill-smelling smell directly, arrived at the innermost in cavern. 一挥手,剑意如流水直接将这里面的难闻的气味全都一扫而空,来到了洞穴的最里面。 Sword Intent was sweeping to the thick rock. 剑意对着厚厚的岩石就扫了上去。 Very violent decoding. 很暴力的破解。 A stone door appears in Lin Fei like this at present. 一座石门就这样出现在林飞的眼前。 „The material of ancient book really not wrong, Divine Dragon Secret Realm really place to Kunlun Mountains Secret Realm, without guessing wrong, should was here.” “典籍的资料果然没有错,神龙秘境真有一处地方通往昆仑秘境,若是没猜错的话,应该就是在这里了。” This gateway leads to Kunlun Mountains Secret Realm. 这座门户就是通往昆仑秘境 Unusual of protection is complete. 保护的非常完好。 Do not look that a Lin Fei violence decoded a moment ago, if this changes into Innate Expert or practices breathing exercises big Expert, but also really cannot break all of a sudden, even cannot see clue. 别看刚才林飞一通暴力破解,这要是换成先天高手或者是练气大高手,还真的一下子破不开,甚至看不出这其中的端倪。 Camouflage was good, even Spiritual Force is powerful, could not see that this dike has the issue. 伪装的太好了,就算是精神力强大,也看不出这一块岩壁有问题。 Restriction that on the gateway arranges. 门户上布置的一道禁制 On Restriction is pasting huge Talisman, on Talisman is passing dangerous aura. 禁制上贴着一张巨大的符箓,符箓上透着一股令人危险的气息。 Some it seems like people do not hope that Kunlun Mountains Secret Realm and Divine Dragon Secret Realm are linked to each other, even if changes into me is still same.” “看来有人不希望昆仑秘境和神龙秘境连在一起,就算换成我也一样。” Lin Fei went to Kunlun Mountains Secret Realm. 林飞去过昆仑秘境 There Heaven and Earth spiritual energy truly is the same does not compare this Divine Dragon Secret Realm cultivation speed to come quickly. 那里的天地灵气确实是一般般远比不上这神龙秘境修炼速度来得快。 This place is also better than 30 six Heavenly Paradise. 这地方比三十六洞天福地还要好。 Luckily I was ahead of time first step, suffered such big with the temperament of that first ancestor in my hand, perhaps definitely this entrance to Divine Dragon Secret Realm exposing, me must first arrange Great Array to say here again.” “幸亏我提前来了一步,以那位始祖的脾气在我手上吃了这么大的亏,说不定肯定会把这处通往神龙秘境的入口给暴露出去,我得先在这里布置一座大阵再说。” Rich resources of sacred place, therefore Lin Fei does not lack the set up formation material. 圣地的资源丰富,所以林飞不缺布阵的材料 Lin Fei know Great Array is countless, such as an­cient times ominous wait/etc., arranges one to make here casually a hell, who comes in that type that who was finished. 林飞知道大阵不计其数,如远古凶阵等等,随便布置一座就能让这里成为一处森罗地狱,谁进来谁完蛋的那一种。 Hopes that first ancestor that fellow can help me do a good deed, came to extinguishes their power and prestige with this Great Array, lets their know, Kunlun Mountains Secret Realm and separation of Divine Dragon Secret Realm day deep pool, is not they thinks that can come.” “希望始祖那家伙能帮我做件好事,正好用这大阵灭一灭他们的威风,让他们知道,昆仑秘境和神龙秘境天渊之隔,不是他们想想就能进来的。”
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