ILK :: Volume #43

#4269: The lord of Secret Realm

Submitting to of King Kong / diamond king and specters, Lin Fei that not accidental/surprised. 金刚王和魔影的臣服,林飞那是一点都不意外 After on two Monster King plants the Restriction method them brings to return to Sacred Mountain. 在两个妖王身上种下禁制手段后就把他们带回到圣山 When they return to Sacred Mountain, made two Monster King unify this Monster Beast strength while convenient completely. 在他们回圣山的时候,顺便也让两位妖王将这妖兽的力量全部都统一了。 before dragon thousand full under the hands / subordinates were also unified. 之前龙千足的手下也都被统一了。 This matter King Kong / diamond king and specters most likes did. 这种事情金刚王和魔影最喜欢做了。 Although Lin Fei subdued two people with the violent means that but also gave them a benefit. 林飞虽然是用暴力手段收服了两人,不过也给他们一点甜头了。 Was Monster King cultivation Cultivation Technique. 就是妖王修炼功法了。 Lin Fei other not many are many on Cultivation Technique, no matter Cultivation Technique that wants Monster Clan cultivation Cultivation Technique or the ghost cultivates, even Human Race Cultivation Technique all has, any takes, is to make the person act as soon as one gets the news, raises a carnage good thing. 林飞别的不多就功法多,不管是要妖族修炼功法还是鬼修的功法,甚至人族功法全都有,任何一门拿出来,都是让人闻风而动,掀起一场腥风血雨的好东西。 The King Kong / diamond king and specters really have some unwilling, after seeing these Monster Clan Cultivation Technique all did not have the opinion. 金刚王和魔影确实是有一些不甘心的,可是当看到这些妖族功法之后全都没意见了。 Such Cultivation Technique they will not obtain for a lifetime. 这样的功法他们一辈子都不会得到的。 Without thinking to submit to others, unexpectedly also obtains such Cultivation Technique, had this Cultivation Technique, their strength can continues break through. 没想到臣服于别人,居然还得到这样的功法,有了这功法,他们的实力就能继续突破。 Divine Dragon Secret Realm is a cultivation good place. 神龙秘境是一个修炼的好地方。 They really must thank the help of first ancestor at this time, must otherwise their for a lifetime cultivation also to the end. 他们这个时候真要感谢始祖的帮忙了,要不然的话他们这一辈子修炼也就到头了。 They are interested to the first ancestor ancient grave, nothing but wants to obtain something, good to have helped own strength. 他们对始祖古墓那么有兴趣,无非就是想得到一些东西,好对自身的实力有所帮助。 The chance accomplished what art had failed, obtained such big advantage all of a sudden. 无心插柳柳成荫,一下子得了这么大的好处。 Was sincerely convinced. 心服口服了。 They also realize this day foreign visitor Lin Fei not only absolutely simple common custom person that simple. 他们也意识到这位天外来客林飞绝对不只是简简单单世俗界的人那么简单 Not doing well is an old monster antique. 弄不好就是一位老怪物老古董。 The King Kong / diamond king and specters obtained Cultivation Technique, that Saint Lord also naturally obtained Cultivation Technique. 金刚王和魔影都得到了功法,那圣主也自然得到了功法 Saint Lord or continues, when Saint Lord, but after there is King Kong / diamond king and specters, his Saint Lord right sold at a discount greatly, naturally he does not dare to have any opinion and idea. 圣主还是继续圣主,不过有了金刚王和魔影之后,他这位圣主的权利就大打折扣了,当然他也不敢有任何的意见和想法。 This huge bone dragon was also received by Lin Fei, changed to an ossiculum dragon. 这条庞大的骨龙也被林飞收了起来,化作了一条小骨龙。 Sacred place announced the unification. 圣地宣布统一。 Matter is Saint Lord is naturally done. 事情自然是圣主去做的。 The King Kong / diamond king and specters also presented. 金刚王和魔影也都亮相了。 Originally Sacred Mountain person facing this time disaster, terrified time, has not thought pleasantly surprised appeared unexpectedly like this. 本来圣山的人面对这一次的灾难,惶惶不安的时候,可没想到惊喜居然这样出现了。 When they are shocked loosen the one breath, later they will not need to conduct the fight with Monster Beast from now on finally. 在他们震惊之余又松下了一口气,从今之后他们终于再也不用跟妖兽们进行战斗了。 This year by year time later, their sacred place do not know died many Expert. 这一年一年的时间下来,他们圣地不知道死了多少的高手 The corpse can pile up. 尸体都可以堆积如山了。 They can feel at ease cultivation finally. 他们终于可以安心修炼了。 Divine Dragon Secret Realm will not turn into the what danger again the place. 神龙秘境不会再变成什么危险的地方了。 But at the same time, in Kunlun Mountains Secret Realm common remote mountains and ancient forests. 而与此同时,在昆仑秘境一处不起眼的深山老林里面。 ~snap~ ~snap~ one pile of stones blasted out. 咔嚓咔嚓一堆石头炸开了。 Several Monster Beast as if smelled the what aura, arrived following the road went out of the place. 几头妖兽似乎嗅到了什么气息,顺着路来到了走出地方。 The form flushed together. 一道身影冲了出来。 The blood light of bunch flew from these Monster Beast within the body, submerged within the body of this person directly. 一团团的血光从这些妖兽体内飞了出来,直接没入了这个人的体内。 This is the middle-aged person who cannot withstand uglily. 这是一个丑陋不堪的中年人。 Opens that ice-cold pupil. 睁开那冰冷的眸子。 Day foreign visitor Lin Fei, old man remember you, harmed the old man not to have dragon thousand fully this good fleshly body.” “天外来客林飞,老夫记住你了,害得老夫没了龙千足这具上好的肉身。” This person is not others, is the first ancestor. 此人不是别人,正是始祖。 But this time first ancestor truly appears very weak. 只不过此时的始祖确实显得非常的虚弱。 Old man's strength influence was too big, it can be said that the wound to the foundation, the old man was prepared luckily in the past early, left behind such a body, although is ruined, but can also use reluctantly, but first restores strength to say at present again, if were been definitely hapless by these old bastard know.” “老夫的实力影响太大了,可以说是伤到根基了,幸亏当年老夫早有准备,留下了这么一具躯体,虽然破败,但也可以勉勉强强使用,不过眼下还是得先恢复了实力再说,若是被那些老东西知道了肯定要倒霉。” The first ancestors hated at this time. 始祖这个时候恨啊。 Preparation well destroyed unexpectedly in the hand of that Lin Fei. 好好的准备居然都毁在了那位林飞的手上。 Did not have the accidental/surprised words not to do well entire Divine Dragon Secret Realm to be given the control by that brat. 不出意外的话弄不好整个神龙秘境都被那小子给控制了。 A cultivation sacred place, the first ancestor is still ready to make trouble even now. 一处修炼的圣地啊,就算是始祖现在也是蠢蠢欲动。 „It is not good, Divine Dragon Secret Realm cannot give that brat absolutely, must look for terrible business to be good to him, the thing that the old man cannot obtain, that brat also gives up any idea of obtains.” “不行,神龙秘境绝对不能让给那小子,怎么也得给他找点麻烦事才行,老夫得不到的东西,那小子也休想得得到。” Lin Fei controlled Saint Lord is also equal to controlling this Sacred Mountain. 林飞控制圣主也就等于控制了这座圣山 Four king I are good, did not give you please.” “四王我这人还不错吧,不远把你们给请了过来。” Four kings were invited by Lin Fei. 四王都被林飞请了过来。 The King Kong / diamond king and specters send out, the dead king does not come is not good. 金刚王和魔影一出动,死王不来都不行了。 Change in Divine Dragon Secret Realm is quite big, day devil and the others look at each other in blank dismay certainly, responded radically without enough time, this Secret Realm as if exchanged ownerships. 神龙秘境内的变化比较大,天绝魔王等人一个个面面相觑,根本来不及反应,这个秘境似乎就易主了。 Seemingly ordinary Lin Fei became Divine Dragon Secret Realm control unexpectedly, even Sacred Mountain Saint Lord turned to the opposite party including King Kong / diamond king one after another. 看上去普普通通的林飞居然成了神龙秘境的掌控者了,连圣山圣主包括金刚王的都纷纷投靠了对方。 The huge dropping variance lets day of certainly devil and Heavenly Eye king holding breath cold air/Qi, what replaces it is afraid and terrified. 巨大的落差让天绝魔王和天目王倒吸冷气,取而代之的是害怕和惶恐不安。 I ask you to come not to plan that makes what to you, nothing but understands Kunlun Mountains Secret Realm, said one your matter simple to Kunlun Mountains Secret Realm understanding.” “我找你们来也没打算对你们做什么,无非就是了解一下昆仑秘境而已,把你们对昆仑秘境了解的事情都简单说一遍好了。” Day certainly devil and Heavenly Eye kings have been ready, but hears this sound also to relax suddenly. 天绝魔王和天目王都已经做好了准备,可冷不防的听到这声音也就松了一口气。 So long as Lin Fei has not thought kills their to be good. 只要林飞没想过弄死他们那就好。 No matter Lin Fei makes them make what, opinion that they have no. 不管林飞让他们做什么,他们都没有任何的意见。 When relaxes, they also said Kunlun Mountains Secret Realm matter, even if the High level secret is also same, concealment that has no. 松了一口气之余,他们也把昆仑秘境的事情都说了出来,哪怕是高层的秘密也是一样,根本没有任何的隐瞒。 Has this thought idea, but must have a look at this in the what place, what faced is the what person. 有这念头想法,但也要看看这在什么地方,面对的是什么人。 Said two hours. 足足说了一个时辰 Lin Fei also to Kunlun Mountains Secret Realm understanding penetrated, even many hearsay know. 林飞也对昆仑秘境了解的更加的深入了,甚至连不少的传闻都知道了。 Poisonous king and you can first walk.” “毒王和你可以先走了。” Day certainly devil and Heavenly Eye king heart sinks, realized that was troublesome. 天绝魔王和天目王心头一沉,意识到有麻烦了。 Has not selected their names for what. 什么没有点他们的名。 Thump two people knelt. 扑通一声两人都跪了下来。 Forgives!” “饶命啊!” Present Heavenly Eye king Hetian devil wished one could to give itself certainly a palm of the hand. 现在的天目王和天绝魔王恨不得给自己一巴掌了。 Ordinary Lin Fei has ability that controls their life and death. 普普通通的林飞已经有了掌控他们生死的能力了。 The beginning Zulong thousand full cows, had not been given the dry run in the same old way. 始祖龙千足牛吧,还不是被照样给干跑了。 The what qualifications fight with this Lin Fei, honest shrinks the neck is quite good. 还有什么资格跟这位林飞争锋,还是老老实实的缩起脖子比较好。 You felt relieved, I will not slaughter innocents, in any case you were also the four kings under Supreme, strength was also good, therefore I gave your request also very simple, protected two people to common custom to me, the reluctant 10 years were good, believe that your should could achieve.” “你们放心好了,我这人可不会滥杀无辜的,好歹你们也是至尊之下的四王,一身实力还算是挺不错的,所以我给你们的要求也非常简单,到世俗界给我保护两个人,就勉勉强强十年时间好了,相信你们应该做得到吧。” Like this good goon does not use, some that rather what a pity. 这样的上好打手不用,那就未免有些可惜了。 Had not extinguished them at the scene, they can burn joss sticks and worship buddha, saves a life. 没有当场灭了他们,他们都可以去烧香拜佛了,算是捡回一条命了。 Does not have the opinion not to have the opinion, our willing goes to the guardian.” “没意见没意见,我们愿意去保护人。” Ten years are really not long, but the contrast did not have the life, this guardian can be what, moreover common custom also does not have what Expert. 十年时间还真不长,不过对比没了性命,这保护人又算得上是什么,况且世俗界又没什么高手 Lin Fei in two person up and down Restriction, told them this Restriction to have 10 years of limit, the time arrives will naturally untie. 林飞在两人身上下禁制,告诉他们这禁制有十年时间的限制,时间一到自然就会解开。 There dares to say what. 那里敢多说什么 Not awfully? 不要命了是不是?
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