ILK :: Volume #37

#3601: The underground spring teaches

This Secret Realm is not very big. 这处秘境并不是很大。 After Formation blocks this region, Lin Fei first realized change, big Secret Realm falls into the Endless darkness, the depressing aura runs amuck, making the person is unable to take a breather. 阵法封锁这一块区域之后,林飞第一时间察觉到其中的变化,偌大的一个秘境陷入无尽的黑暗中,压抑的气息横行,令人无法喘息 „Is this copes with me?” “这是来对付我吗?” Lin Fei does not think that God Emperor have courage, it is estimated that still in the licking wound silently, that has the thoughts to cope with itself. 林飞不认为神帝们有这个胆子,估计还在默默的舔伤口,那有心思来对付自己。 After four emperor armor treasure Combination leave the Space-Time wheel gets back one's composure the spear/gun, the Lin Fei battle efficiency rises suddenly, even if day Emperor Wind God making a move does not help matters again, in the same old way is not his match. 在四件帝甲宝物组合时空轮回神枪之后,林飞的战斗力暴涨,即便是天风神帝再出手也无济于事,照样不是他的对手。 what person!” Lin Fei said that also does not worry making a move, comes out!” 什么人!”林飞道,也不着急出手,“出来!” What no matter is the what person, starting from has been doomed from their making a move at that moment the result. 不管来的是什么人,从他们出手那一刻开始就注定了结局。 Is tenth God Emperor, clearly know this side Secret Realm is blocked by Formation worthily, but can also be so indifferent.” In Void, goes out of one person to come, the air/Qi of body dreary cold, numerous thick fog surrounding, introduced officially, oneself leaf Xuan, we came from the underground spring to teach, but you were our time assassination goals, but on you four half-finished product immortal treasure, will be our goals.” “不愧是第十神帝,明知道这方秘境阵法封锁,还能如此淡然。”虚空中,走出一人来,身上森寒之气,重重浓雾包围,“正式介绍一下,本人叶玄,我们来自黄泉教,而你则是我们这一次的刺杀目标,而你身上的四件半成品不朽宝物,也将是我们的目标。” Does the underground spring teach? 黄泉教? Lin Fei is very strange, can definitely guarantee in the wind and cloud area not such influence exist. 林飞很陌生,完全可以保证风云疆域内并没有这么一个势力存在 Kills!” “杀!” The form of thick fog, body whiz vanishes, Great Array also starts. 浓雾的身影,身形嗖的一声消失,大阵也随之启动。 The Endless black fog covers. 无尽的黑雾笼罩开来. Numerous Space were covered up. 重重空间被遮掩。 The Lin Fei field of vision was limited, front several feet scopes, other do not see clearly merely, a fuzzy piece, this situation first bumping into. 林飞的视野被限制,仅仅面前几丈的范围,其他都看不清楚,模模糊糊的一片,这种的情况还是第一次碰到。 The chill in the air from behind raids together, a flesh and blood pricked sound appears, latter carried on the back is attacked, formidable fleshly body is pierced by the opposite party at this time, blood directing current, stain red clothing. 一道寒意从身后袭来,一声血肉被刺入的声音出现,后背上被人袭击了一下,强悍肉身此时被对方刺穿,鲜血直流,染红了衣衫。 My fleshly body cannot be able to defend the assassination of opposite party unexpectedly!” That stabbing pain, lets Lin Fei is very accidental/surprised and shock, weapon, is opposite party weapon has certainly the issue, perhaps is immortal level Level weapon.” “我的肉身竟然没能防得住对方的刺杀!”那刺痛,让林飞很是意外和震惊,“兵器,一定是对方的兵器有问题,说不定就是不朽级这个层次兵器。” After Lin Fei emits a countless thought that the whole body gushes out eye-catching sword light immediately, constantly jabs into the body of Lin Fei, the suddenly time, body do not know has encountered many assassinations, tattered and torn, scene very perhaps shocking. 林飞冒出无数个念头之后,周身顿时涌出一道道夺目的剑光,不断刺进林飞的身体内,眨眼的时间,身上不知道遭遇了多少次刺杀,千疮百孔,场面十分的恐触目惊心。 The person who although begins is not God Emperor, but the battle efficiency of this attack is not inferior in God Emperor. 尽管动手的人不是神帝,但这攻击的战斗力不逊色于神帝 Most minimum day Emperor Wind God has not made Lin Fei so distressed, they even wound fleshly body defense not necessarily to achieve, the killer but who these teach from the underground spring truly is strong inconceivable, achieves matter that day of Emperor Wind God they could not achieve. 最起码天风神帝没让林飞如此狼狈过,他们甚至击伤肉身防御都未必做得到,可这些来自黄泉教的杀手确实是强的不可思议,做到了天风神帝他们做不到的事情。 Samsara!” “轮回!” Lin Fei puts out a hand to grasp, the Space-Time wheel gets back one's composure the spear/gun to succeed in obtaining upward, optional one stroke, the samsara world appears, a 1st Layer samsara, is centered on oneself, erupts the terrifying might. 林飞伸手一抓,时空轮回神枪到了手上行,随意的一划,轮回世界浮现,一重一轮回,以自身为中心,爆发出恐怖威力。 Collapse of front black fog constantly. 前面的黑雾不断的崩溃。 The Space-Time wheel gets back one's composure the spear/gun in the hand, Lin Fei strikes at will is the prestige of God Emperor, the might above these God Emperor. 时空轮回神枪在手,林飞随意一击都是神帝之威,威力更在那些神帝之上。 The strength of Space-Time sweeps away, changes to the absolute domain the Lin Fei surrounding region, in this domain, is unrivaled. 时空之力而横扫而出,将林飞周围一片区域化作绝对领域,在这领域内,无人可敌。 The constantly thorn diverges to the Lin Fei sword light gradually, disappearance without a trace, the originally black fog diverges rapidly. 不断刺向林飞的剑光逐渐散去,消失的无影无踪的,原本的黑雾迅速散去。 making a move kills me, wants to walk is not easy.” Feels the aura that they must leave gradually, Lin Fei has gotten angry instantaneously, in any case he is also tenth God Emperor, came to walk, in the world that had such cheap matter, your underground spring taught rather too underestimate me.” 出手杀我,想走没那么容易。”感受到他们逐渐要离开的气息,林飞瞬间怒了,好歹他也是第十神帝,来了就走,世上那有这么便宜的事,“你们黄泉教未免太小看我了。” Lin Fei angrily roars, the Space-Time wheel gets back one's composure the spear/gun most direct simple way, a spear/gun straight thrust front, erupts the strongest might. 林飞怒吼一声,时空轮回神枪最为直接简单的方式,一枪直刺前方,爆发出最强的威力。 Destroys Yellow Dragon! 直捣黄龙! Endless samsara swirl strangles to death, 100 million miles, 500 million miles, in 1 billion. 无尽轮回漩涡一路绞杀过去,100000000里,500000000里,十亿里。 In this range, all by Lin Fei this move of samsara twisting broken, is centered on Lin Fei, time as if in this moment static. 在这范围内,所有的一切都被林飞这一招轮回给绞碎,以林飞为中心,时间都似乎在这一刻静止下来。 All shatter things are floating all. 所有破碎的东西尽数漂浮着。 This is the big move, consumes the strength of I 50% Heavenly God.” Lin Fei is very satisfied to this move, the consumption is bigger, the might is bigger, big move that can definitely withstand. “这才是大招,耗费我五成的天神之力。”林飞对这一招很满意,消耗越大,威力越大,完全能承受的大招。 The underground spring that begins teaches Expert, at this time are floating. 那动手的黄泉教高手,此时一具具都漂浮着。 Expert that this underground spring teaches very much has the ability.” Lin Fei walks, time almost static, this is the Space-Time wheel gets back one's composure the function that the rifle sling comes. “这黄泉教的高手都很有能耐啊。”林飞一路走来,时间几乎静止,这是时空轮回神枪带来的作用。 The underground spring of dying taught on Expert, all was one set of is difficult to deal with/ferocious armor, but the spread all over fissure, penetrated the armor at this time, even if were this, this set of armor on the whole was complete, did not have true shatter. 死去的黄泉教高手身上,全都是一套厉害的铠甲,但此时都遍布裂痕,击穿了铠甲,即便是这样,这套铠甲大体上还是完整的,没有真正的破碎。 Obviously to this point, the details that this underground spring teaches. 冲着这一点,可见这黄泉教的底细。 You... You cannot kill me.” “你...你不能杀我。” Lin Fei sees person who began a moment ago quickly, at this time lost a hand, the body spread all over scar, suffocates, you have killed me, Expert that our underground spring teaches, will certainly kill your.” 林飞很快看到刚才动手的人,此时失去了一只手,身上遍布伤痕,奄奄一息的,“你杀了我,我们黄泉教的高手,一定会杀死你的。” Now know feared, you must kill a moment ago my, a very is difficult to deal with/ferocious appearance.” Lin Fei puts out a hand to grasp, is pinching the neck of opposite party, has raised at will, waves the arms about is a palm of the hand, overturns several teeth, „the present has skill is difficult to deal with/ferocious one to show me again.” “现在知道怕了啊,刚才你可是要杀我的,一副很厉害的样子。”林飞伸手一抓,捏着对方的脖子,随意的提了起来,甩手就是一巴掌,打翻出几个牙齿,“现在有本事再厉害一个给我看看。” leaf Xuan had truly underestimated Lin Fei strength, the god spear/gun on hand, the might big enough to is unable to resist especially, even if under the 3rd Layer function the water his treasure in the body, cannot resist, after all, he is not true God Emperor. 叶玄确实是低估了林飞实力,尤其手上的神枪,威力大到无法抵挡,三重作用下即便水他宝物在身,也抵挡不住,毕竟,他不是真正的神帝 Lin Fei, your strength truly formidable, the Heavenly God 5th Heavenly Layer peak is not inferior is the God Emperor four 5th Layer battle efficiencies, great strength that but your do not know underground spring teaches, so long as you hand over god spear/gun treasure, I can make Sect Elder receive you to consecrate...” leaf Xuangao said, in the pupil reveals a self-satisfaction. 林飞,你实力确实强悍,天神五重天巅峰不亚于是神帝五重战斗力,可你不知道黄泉教的强大,只要你交出身上的神枪宝物,我可以让宗门长老收你为供奉…”叶玄高声道,眸子里更露出一丝得意。 Underground spring teaches, Humph!!” Lin Fei smiles lightly, embarrassed, I do not teach any interest to your underground spring, consecrates the position not to have the interest, but, so long as you told me, who made you kill my, I can put you to leave, after all, your underground spring taught the origin not to be small.” “黄泉教,哼哼!”林飞淡淡一笑,“不好意思,我对你们黄泉教没任何的兴趣,供奉位置也没兴趣,不过,只要你告诉我,谁让你来杀我的,那我可以放你离开,毕竟,你们黄泉教来历不小。” In leaf Xuanxin one happy, so long as can live departure, when the time comes made Sect Expert come again, snatched this half-finished product immortal Divine Armament, absolutely was a big merit. 叶玄心中一喜,只要自己能活着离开,到时候再让宗门高手过来,抢了这件半成品不朽神兵,绝对是一件大功劳。 So long as you put me to leave, this matter our underground spring will teach not to meddle absolutely again!” leaf Xuan said again and again. “只要你放我离开,此事我们黄泉教绝对不会再插手其中!”叶玄连连说道。 Said that who asked you to cope with me!” Lin Fei said, remember, you only have an opportunity, once you were lying by my know, that was embarrassed!” “说吧,到底谁请你们来对付我!”林飞道,“记住,你只有一次的机会,一旦被我知道你在撒谎,那就不好意思了!” Is day Emperor Wind God!” leaf Xuan said, day Emperor Wind God related our underground spring to teach, said that you obtained the ancient permanent God Emperor four emperor armor parts, strength was God Emperor 2nd Layer Realm, therefore we came.” “是天风神帝!”叶玄说道,“天风神帝联系了我们黄泉教,说你得到了古恒神帝的四件帝甲部件,实力不过是神帝二重境界,所以我们就来了。” Day Emperor Wind God! 风神帝! Lin Fei early has a material, asked the person to cope in the wind and cloud area internal energy his, besides day Emperor Wind God can also anyone. 林飞早有所料,在风云疆域内能请人来对付他的,除了天风神帝还能有谁。 Is only he!” Lin Fei pursues asks. “只是他一个人吗!”林飞追问道。 Yes, is he!” leaf Xuandao, this point I will not deceive you, truly is day Emperor Wind God a meaning of person.” “是的,就是他一个人!”叶玄道,“这一点我不会欺骗你,确实是天风神帝一个人的意思。” Lin Fei reveals the meaning doubts unavoidably. 林飞不免露出意思疑惑。 You may the above road!” “那你可以上路了!” In the hand the Space-Time wheel got back one's composure the spear/gun to reduce, changed to a handle short thorn, flood the dim light, was jabbing into leaf Xuan the forehead, the strength of Space-Time started. 手中时空轮回神枪缩小,化作了一柄短刺,泛着幽光,刺进了叶玄的眉心中,时空之力发动。
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