ILK :: Volume #36

#3600: The change of half set of emperor armor

The accident in day Wind City, Lin Fei naturally is do not know. 天风城内的变故,林飞自然是不知道的。 In suppressing the side has thought God Emperor, after having captured the fourth part, Lin Fei gathered half set of emperor armor equipment, strength has promoted big difference/great length, had stronger strength. 在镇压了方觉神帝,夺取了第四件部件之后,林飞集合了半套帝甲装备,实力跟着提升了一大截,拥有更强的实力 Forest God Emperor, your this war was really too brilliant!” “林神帝,你这一战真是太漂亮了!” Day Emperor Wind God they have suffered such a big hardship, it is estimated that must lick the wound silently a long time!” “天风神帝他们吃了这么一大个苦头,估计要默默舔伤口很长一段时间了!” Really is happy, has not thought that your they have such one day, established God Emperor, hehe!” “真是痛快啊,没想到你他们也有这么一天,老牌神帝,嘿嘿!” On three God Emperor faces reveals the unusual happy expression, can make their five God Emperor suffer a loss, the good deed that match is worth celebrating certainly, wishes one could to chat the banquet immediately, drinks to heart's content. 三位神帝脸上都露出少有的喜色,能让他们五位神帝吃大亏,绝对手一件值得庆祝的好事,恨不得马上大摆宴席,痛饮一场。 Initial nine God Emperor, remaining five, two God Emperor have planted now on Lin Fei God Emperor, they rejoiced oneself made right the choice, otherwise, six God Emperor and think that God Emperor learned from another's mistakes. 当初的九位神帝,如今剩下了五位,前后两位神帝栽在林飞神帝手上,他们非常庆幸自己做对了选择,不然的话,六道神帝和方觉神帝都是前车之鉴。 „To cope with them more difficult!” Lin Fei shakes the head, regrettable saying, wants to make them run again on own initiative, do not know lord knows when!” “想对付他们更难了!”林飞摇摇头,遗憾的说道,“再想让他们主动跑出来,不知道猴年马月了!” Lin Fei wants to suppress several, finally had underestimated the consumption degree of emperor armor part, is unable to be lasting, can only fight a battle to force a quick decision, can only say that is the accumulation is not very deep. 林飞本想多镇压几个,结果还是低估了帝甲部件的消耗程度,根本无法持久,只能速战速决,只能说是积累不够深厚。 Three God Emperor sweat, today a war passes on, will cause a stir in the entire wind and cloud area absolutely, finally looked that situation others seem to be unsatisfied. 三位神帝冒汗,今日一战传出去,绝对会轰动整个风云疆域的,结果看情况似乎人家还非常不满意。 This is really the person compared with the popularity deceased person, are we are God Emperor also good. 这真是人比人气死人,我们也是神帝好不好。 ...... …… „The fourth part succeeds in obtaining, half set of emperor armor, hehe!” “第四个部件到手,半套帝甲,嘿嘿!” After leaving three God Emperor, Lin Fei has not been idling, studies these half set of emperor armor also to have what to attach the effect. 离开三位神帝之后,林飞没有闲着,研究这半套帝甲还有什么附加效果。 ancient permanent God Emperor can dominate wind and cloud area, this set of emperor armor performs the big merit, Lin Fei naturally must study well, three and between four definitely have the relation. 古恒神帝能称霸风云疆域,其中这套帝甲立下大功劳,林飞自然是要好好研究研究,三件和四件之间肯定有联系。 Built up to melt the ancient permanent God Emperor empty shade to remember, after a Lin Fei slightly operation, the hideaway mark about emperor armor was also dug. 炼化了古恒神帝虚影记忆,林飞稍微一番操作之后,关于帝甲的隐藏印记也被挖出来。 haha, the emperor armor wondrous use was infinite!” 哈哈哈,原来帝甲妙用无穷啊!” Lin Fei laughs, the intention moves, stimulates to movement four part treasure, I have also underestimated ancient permanent God Emperor, originally this part treasure, not only can promote strength, meanwhile can carry on the Combination use, extremely designed seriously!” 林飞大笑,心念一动,催动四件部件宝物,“我还真是低估了古恒神帝,原来这部件宝物,不光可以提升实力,同时还可以进行组合使用,当真是绝顶设计!” Light aspect, the Lin Fei meeting must approve one. 光这个方面,林飞会必须赞一个。 Good thing, good treasure! 好东西,好宝物 About!” “合!” Four treasure fly, in the Lin Fei front on Combination. 四件宝物飞出来,在林飞的面前就组合了起来。 Takes the Space-Time river as the bottom, six samsara fusions, ancient permanent gauntlet/glove assistance...” Lin Fei puts out a hand to grasp, a black long spear/gun falls in the hand, the strength of time is mobile, six appear, meaning of condense deicide on spear head, overbearing incomparable. “以时空长河为底,六道轮回融合在其中,古恒拳套辅佐…”林飞伸手一抓,一根黑色长枪落在手上,时间之力流动,六道浮现,杀神之意凝练在枪头上,霸道无比。 Whish!! 哗!! Lin Fei grabs the long spear/gun, optional sweeps away, the strength of time cuts Void, the direct link deep place, the might is infinite. 林飞抓着长枪,随意一个横扫,时间之力划开虚空,直达深处,威力无限。 My this optional strikes, the might is not inferior in the deicide fist of ancient permanent gauntlet/glove strikes, even above, this also...” Lin Fei secret holding breath cold air/Qi, this has not displayed the Secret Technique eruption!” “我这随意的一击,威力不逊色于古恒拳套的杀神拳一击,甚至更在之上,这也…”林飞暗暗倒吸冷气,“这还没有施展出秘法爆发!” Lin Fei grabs the long spear/gun, the long thorn, chops horizontally, every gesture and motions, the might is infinite. 林飞抓着长枪,长刺,横劈,一招一式,威力无穷。 Six samsara!” “六道轮回!” Another bayonet leaves, the samsara world appears, samsara Fighting Move. 又一枪刺出,轮回世界浮现,一轮回一杀招 This is stronger than six samsara might that my before shows.” Lin Fei saw that front Void collapses, a 1st Layer samsara world, erupted six times, might 1st Layer has exceeded 1st Layer. “这比我之前施展的六道轮回威力更强。”林飞看到前方虚空崩溃,一重轮回一世界,足足爆发了六次,威力一重胜过一重 So Fighting Move, Lin Fei can induce to death aura clearly. 如此杀招,林飞能清楚的感应到内中的死亡气息。 If before I use this style to think God Emperor to the credit side, feared that is the opposite party cannot shoulder prestige of the spear/gun, is the consumption is very big, one time almost consumes my 30,000 to say the strength of Heavenly God, but so the might, fully is worth!” “如果之前我用这种招式对付方觉神帝,怕是对方扛不住一枪之威,就是消耗挺大的,一次几乎消耗掉我三万天神之力,但如此威力,完全值得!” When Lin Fei is panic-stricken, is this huge consumption holding breath cold air/Qi. 林飞惊骇之余,也为这种庞大消耗倒吸冷气。 This big Fighting Move, erupts continuously three times, it is estimated that no one can live!” Lin Fei quickly restores to come back, four so, I also really am look forward to remaining four part treasure!” “这种大杀招,连续爆发三次,估计谁都活不下来!”林飞很快恢复回来,“四件就如此了,那我还真是期待剩下的四件部件宝物!” Lin Fei receives this long spear/gun. 林飞收起这杆长枪。 „The Space-Time pompom, lives up to reputation.” On Lin Fei likes this long spear/gun, in the past, he had also used the long spear/gun, I must comprehend comprehend, when the time comes again receive to blow strength of a number of Heavenly God well, goes to day Wind City to stop up them again, I do not believe that they can hide!” 时空轮回枪,名不虚传。”林飞喜欢上这杆长枪,当年,他也曾经使用过长枪,“我得好好参悟参悟,到时候再去收刮一批天神之力,再去天风城堵他们,我就不相信他们能一直躲着!” ...... …… In day Wind City. 天风城内。 Day Emperor Wind God killed three God Emperor one to be caught off guard, but have also paid many prices, finally suppressed three God Emperor, has captured the remaining three treasure parts. 风神帝杀了三位神帝一个措手不及,但自己也付出了不少的代价,终于将三位神帝镇压下去,夺取了剩下的三件宝物部件。 !! 咳咳咳咳!! This time day Emperor Wind God one is the blood, coughing up blood that but also keeping, every single time coughs up blood, the complexion is pale a point, becomes very frail, as if the wind will blow will drop down. 此时的天风神帝一身是血,还在不停的咳血,每一次咳血,脸色就苍白一分,变得十分脆弱,似乎风一吹就会倒下。 I, the day wind, finally won!” Day Emperor Wind God grabs three treasure, but in not far away, only the remaining three God Emperor corpses, Lin Fei God Emperor, I also really must thank you, has helped my busy, making me have the opportunity to obtain four treasure at one fell swoop!” “我,天风,终于赢了!”天风神帝抓着三件宝物,而在不远处,只剩下三位神帝的尸体,“林飞神帝,我还真要感谢你,帮了我一个大忙,让我有机会一举得到四件宝物!” For these three treasure, how long day Emperor Wind God do not know has planned, result failure. 为了这三件宝物,天风神不知道谋划了多久,结果一次次失败 This time, day Emperor Wind God succeeded. 这一次,天风神帝成功了。 Three parts succeed in obtaining, he had four treasure, coordinating on the upper body the armor to exempt the wound, strength of day Emperor Wind God rises suddenly instantaneously. 三件部件到手,他有了四件宝物,配合上身上护甲免伤,天风神帝的实力瞬间暴涨上来。 I refine, when the time comes we measure strength again, I meet formidable defeats you, wields the wind and cloud area, becomes first God Emperor that is worthy of the reputation, founds a time!” Day Emperor Wind God wipes the blood, pupil shines, ambitious, „, but, in this before, I must give you a gift.” “等我炼化好了,到时候我们再一决高下,我一定会堂堂正正的击败你,执掌风云疆域,成为名副其实的第一神帝,开创一个时代!”天风神帝擦去鲜血,眸子发亮,野心勃勃,“不过,在这之前,我要送你一份礼物。” ...... …… After obtaining the Space-Time wheel gets back one's composure the spear/gun, the Lin Fei comprehend study, Spear Technique ten thousand li in a day, strength has risen suddenly earnestly. 从得到时空轮回神枪之后,林飞一直埋头参悟学习,枪法一日千里,实力暴涨。 Certain Secret Realm of wind and cloud area, became Lin Fei has practiced the good destination of spear/gun, no matter inside had what danger, basically could not shoulder the Spear Technique attack of Lin Fei. 风云疆域的某些秘境,成了林飞练枪的好去处,甭管里面有何危险,基本上都扛不住林飞枪法攻击。 The long spear/gun displays on Lin Fei, the heart moves at will, any one struck has been full of the greatest might. 长枪在林飞手上施展开来,心随意动,任何一击都充满了莫大的威力。 Death!” “死!” The long spear/gun like the rain, the black rain is continuous, the strength of Space-Time covers. 长枪如雨,黑雨绵绵,时空之力笼罩。 Huge Omi­nous Beast, on the gigantic brain, leaves behind blood holes, falls down, bloody. 一头庞大的凶兽,硕大的脑子上,留下一道道的血洞,一头栽倒下来,血流如注。 In Secret Realm, Lin Fei holds a gun to stand, my Spear Technique also comprehend was similar, these days came, has harvested the strength of many Heavenly God, calculated the time, can go to day Wind City!” 秘境里,林飞持枪而立,“我的枪法参悟的差不多了,这些日子来,也收获了不少的天神之力,算算时间,可以去天风城了!” Regarding that remaining four treasure, Lin Fei always thinks about not to abandon. 对于那剩下的四件宝物,林飞念念不舍。 In the subconscious, Lin Fei believes that so long as obtains four part treasure again, no matter that on the one hand will obtain the huge promotion. 潜意识里,林飞相信只要再得到四件部件宝物,不管是那一方面都会得到巨大的提升。 Some people came.” “有人进来了。” The Lin Fei ear moves slightly, „the good formidable aura, unexpectedly is Half-Step God Emperor, had an emperor prestige of faint trace.” 林飞耳朵微微一动,“好强悍的气息,竟然是半步神帝,有了一丝丝的帝威。” This Secret Realm is not famous, after Lin Fei comes, had not bumped into the person. 这处秘境不算出名,林飞进来后一直没碰到人。 But bumped into 78 to have the fellow of emperor prestige at this time, unavoidably made Lin Fei produce accidental/surprised, but has not gone to care, after all, informed and experienced person were many, came to here is also very normal matter. 可此时碰上了78个身有帝威的家伙,不免让林飞产生一丝意外,但也没去在意,毕竟,历练的人多了去,来这里也是很正常的事。 In front!” “就在前面!” Everybody set up formation!” “大家布阵!” Lin Fei is about to leave Secret Realm, going day Wind City, huge Formation covered to come, to block entire Secret Realm Space. 林飞准备离开秘境,前去天风城,一座庞大阵法笼罩而来,封锁了整个秘境空间
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