IHM :: Volume #3 叱咤霸顶

#447: Hundred Origin Dao, accomplishment!( Second!)

Pulled out along with the potential surface essence massively leaves, the tyrant withstand/top the mainland earth-shattering, the livelihood does not have the light, the innumerable lives perish in desperate wailing! This grade of scene may compared with blood sacrifice big that formerly Tantai Yang displayed terrifying hundred times and thousand times! 随着位面精华被大量抽离,霸顶大陆天崩地裂,日月无光,无数生灵在绝望哀嚎中殒命开去!这等情景可比先前澹台央施展的血祭大阵恐怖了百倍、千倍! Let alone is the ordinary life, even if Tyrant Dingzong powerhouses also distressedly arrives at the extreme at this moment, law enforcement owner hold/container Tianzheng, two elder Gongye Yu, Shen non-, Gongye spot wait/etc. countless person tossed about being miserable beyond description, in an sect the disciple is shouts miserably again and again, the appearance that lives to might as well die. 别说是普通生灵,就算是霸顶宗一众强者们此刻也狼狈到极点,执法堂主包天正、二长老公冶俞、沈非、公冶斑等等无数人被折腾的苦不堪言,一众宗内弟子更是惨呼连连,一副生不如死的模样。 Desperate! No use! Sorrow! Scared! 绝望!无助!悲苦!恐慌! Many negative mood linger in people hearts, everybody cannot see a fresh hope, under is shattered greatly end world, nobody can escape by luck! 诸多负面情绪萦绕在人们心间,大家看不到一丝生的希望,大破灭下的末世,没有人能够幸免! But at this time, rumble the sound resounded through the entire tyrant to withstand/top the mainland, afterward trillion lives were amazed saw, broad Grand Dao rose straight from the ground, direct impact clouds! 但就在这个时候,隆隆之音响彻整个霸顶大陆,随后亿万生灵便是惊诧看到,一条宽阔大道拔地而起,直冲云霄! Regarding this grade of scene, everybody is not strange, formerly already had experienced, is only, these time exceedingly high Grand Dao quantity somewhat seem to be many! 对于这等情景,大家并不陌生,先前已然经历过了,只是,这一次的‘通天大道’数量似乎有些多! After first Grand Dao appears, then, second, third, fourth...... And even many exceedingly high Grand Dao follow on somebody's heels, quantity, dazzling, eyes cannot take it all, moreover, what making numerous lives inspired is, they discovered, along with the appearances of Grand Dao, extinguished the world scene as if to obtain some alleviations, own speed of dying out also for it one slow! 自第一条大道出现后,接下来,第二条,第三条,第四条……乃至更多的通天大道接踵而来,数量之多,让人眼花缭乱,目不暇接,而且,让众多生灵为之振奋的是,他们发现,随着一条条大道的出现,灭世场景似乎得到了一些缓解,自身寂灭的速度也为之一缓! Exceedingly high Grand Dao saved us!” The innumerable lives prayed admire, initially, they by the blood line derived the vitality energy the time, was exceedingly high Grand Dao appears has saved them, now, is shattered to arrive greatly, was the appearances of exceedingly high Grand Dao, making the pain that they suffered reduce much, how this can not make trillion lives grateful. “通天大道又来拯救我们了!”无数生灵不由祈祷拜服,当初,他们被血线汲取生机能量的时候,便是通天大道出现拯救了他们,如今,大破灭降临,又是一条条通天大道的出现,让他们遭受的痛苦减轻了不少,这怎能不让亿万生灵感激呢。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… Exceedingly high Grand Dao seemed to be inexhaustible, appeared one after another, some of them overspread some clear thick ice and twinkles some radiant stars and combustion some endless roaring flame and tumblings the dreadful monstrous waves, some agitations the bone-chilling cold storm, some to flash the endless thunderclap...... Every this numerous to mention just a few! 通天大道仿佛无穷无尽,出现了一条又一条,它们有的铺满晶莹玄冰、有的闪烁着璀璨星辰、有的燃烧着无尽烈焰、有的翻滚着滔天巨浪、也有的鼓动着凛冽暴风、还有的闪动着无尽霹雳……凡此总总不一而足! Always presents exceedingly high Grand Dao, the tyrant withstand/top in the mainland then to stabilize a point, trillion lives slain will then delay a point! 每多出现一条通天大道,霸顶大陆上便稳定一分,亿万生灵的死难便会延缓一分! 13, 18, 20...... 30, 36...... 13条,18条,20条……30条,36条…… Hurry up! Again a bit faster! Must make the tyrant go against the potential surface to preserve, wants!” “快点!再快点!一定要让霸顶位面保全下来,一定要!” The potential surface tree region, Hong Yu closes/obstructs eye sits cross-legged to sit, the forehead blue vein shoulders, all mind all concentrate are expanding Origin Dao to come up, does not dare to have tiny bit neglecting! 位面树区域,洪羽闭目盘膝而坐,额头青筋挑起,所有的心神全都投注在扩展本源道上来,不敢有一丝一毫的怠慢! He uses full power, making the air/Qi of more yellow and black integrate in abyss, making it speed up sinking! Let many Demon arrive in dantian, develops Origin Dao diligently! 他倾尽全力,让更多的玄黄之气融入深渊之中,让它加快下沉!让更多的恶魔来到丹田内,努力拓展本源道 Freely, in this process, he feels faintly, as well as the bottom of abyss transmits the intermittent gloomy and cold aura from numerous Demon, but Hong Yu actually could not control this many, developed Origin Dao is current most important! 尽管,在这一过程中,他隐隐感受到从众多恶魔身上、以及深渊之底传来阵阵阴冷气息,但洪羽却是管不了这许多了,拓展本源道是当前重中之重! Whiz! Whiz! Whiz...... 嗖!嗖!嗖…… As abyss sinks unceasingly, often then jumps 1-2 Demon from below unknown region, they jump out from the abyss mouth, then deftly joins has built Origin Dao in the enterprise, each Demon is the model worker who fulfills duty to fulfill responsibility, they display the skills, extends full power toward the distant place Origin Dao. 随着深渊不断下沉,不时便从下方未知区域跳上来一两头恶魔,他们从深渊口跳出,便麻利的加入了‘修筑本源道’的事业中,每一头恶魔都是尽职尽责的劳模,他们施展浑身解数,全力将一条条本源道向着远方延伸过去。 Demon that these previously entered, including major general Origin Dao not to extend to the potential surface tree, meaning that but they have not actually stood still, hurriedly and ran , to continue to start to construct new Origin Dao from the abyss mouth place! 那些早先进驻的恶魔,其中有不少将本源道延伸至位面树下,但他们却没有丝毫停歇的意思,风风火火的又跑了回来,继续从深渊口处开始修建新的本源道 As the Demon quantity are getting more and more, the Origin Dao construction speed went to the unprecedented situation! 随着恶魔数量越来越多,本源道的修建速度达到了空前的地步! The potential surface core place, numerous Origin Dao streamed, making here even more bustling, more and more broad Grand Dao connections under the potential surface tree, making this almost probably be delayed the speed of decline by the great tree of suck dry obviously. 位面核心处,众多本源道纷至沓来,让得这里越发热火朝天了,越来越多的宽阔大道连通在位面树下,让得这棵几乎要被吸干的巨树明显延缓了衰退的速度。 Huayin madame and corrupt wolf, as well as cloud Ye three are irritable, they discovered, Hong Yu this small indigenous unexpectedly terrifyingly in this way, the Origin Dao complete speed, will kept up with their three's deriving speed, this made their startled anger occur simultaneously, this way, perhaps really might make that boy dump tray! 华阴夫人、贪狼、以及云烨三强不由急躁起来,他们发现,洪羽这小土著竟然恐怖如斯,本源道圆满的速度,堪堪赶上他们三者的汲取速度了,这让他们惊怒交加,照这样下去,恐怕真有可能让那小子翻了盘! In cloud Ji that pair of having no time beautiful pupil colorful, her a while has a look at Origin Dao of numerous connection potential surface tree, a while to have a look at Hong Yu that sits cross-legged to sit, beautiful to the happy expression that on the pinnacle face emerges to wipe to be from the heart, this dead stud horse was regarded as important by that old codger worthily, really some ways.” 云姬那双无暇美眸中异彩纷呈,她一会儿看看众多连通位面树的本源道,一会儿看看盘膝而坐的洪羽,美到极致的脸庞上不由涌现出一抹发自内心的笑意,“这死种马不愧被那老不死看重,果然有些门道。” Void, although the mysterious old man is also very sigh with emotion to more and more Origin Dao, but, his majority of attention still in that leader bustling busy Demon, in its vision has the serious color that is hard to conceal, such expression on mysterious old man really rare. 虚空中,神秘老者虽然对越来越多的本源道也很感慨,不过,他的大部分注意力仍旧在那一头头热火朝天忙碌的‘恶魔’身上,其目光中有着难以掩饰的郑重之色,此等表情在神秘老者身上实在少见。 These lifeform that where Hong Yu this boy looks for? It is not able to completely understand including my old person completely . Moreover, on these strange lifeform as if also has to plant...... The gloomy and cold aura, making people very uncomfortable.” 洪羽这小子从哪里淘换来的这些生物?连我老人家都无法完全看透,而且,这些古怪生物身上似乎还有种……阴冷的气息,令人很不舒服。” Must know, the strength of mysterious old man has reached the unequalled degree, this side universe is he creates, the leader Demon that however, presents at this time is makes him more look is the difference, more looks is the heart startled! 要知道,神秘老者的实力已达到无与伦比的程度,这方宇宙都是他创造的,然而,此时出现的这一头头恶魔却是让他越看越是差异,越看越是心惊! At this time, the mysterious old man does not know that Hong Yu made these strange lifeform is good is bad, he also can only watch changes quietly, if there is a crisis to occur, he can the earliest possible time bang kill these strange lifeform. 这个时候,神秘老者也不知道洪羽弄来这些古怪生物是好是坏,他也只能静观其变,若是有危机发生,他会第一时间轰杀那些怪异的生物。 As time one minute one second passes by, coming under the Origin Dao quantity to potential surface tree already to achieve 92! At this time, Huayin madame and corrupt wolf, as well as the cloud Ye three people are unable to maintain again tranquil, if the quantity achieved 100, making Hong Yu control this potential surface completely, their deriving will then announce the failure! 随着时间一分一秒过去,来至位面树下的本源道数量已然达到92条之多!这个时候,华阴夫人、贪狼、以及云烨三人再也无法保持平静了,若是数量达到‘100条’,让洪羽完全掌控这个位面,他们的汲取便会宣告失败! Cannot let that damn indigenous success!” “不能让那该死的土著成功!” Stemming from letting own strong thoughts, stems from cannot look on that captures cloud Ji heart Hong Yu to rise, these three simply had not discussed, then makes a same action, that is-- 无论是出于让自身壮大的心思,还是出于不能坐视俘获云姬芳心的洪羽崛起,这三强根本没有商量,便做出一番相同的举动,那就是—— Uses the method, toward being during cultivation Hong Yu attack in the past! 施展手段,向着处于修炼当中的洪羽攻击过去! Shameless!” cloud Ji gratified looks at dead stud horse rapid cultivation, actually discovered, three unexpectedly make a move to break, this lets her angry to the extreme! “无耻!”云姬正欣慰的看着‘死种马’迅疾修炼,却是发现,三强竟然出手进行打断,这让她恼怒到极点! However, has not waited for her to make a move to stop, that such as the backing off large bowl dense light then separates part, covers the Hong Yu whole person, Huayin madame and other strong attacking falls to the dense light on, is unable to shake its slightest! 然而,还没等她出手进行阻拦,那如倒扣大碗般的氤氲之光便分离出一部分,将洪羽整个人都笼罩在其中,华阴夫人等三强的攻伐落到氤氲之光上面,无法撼动其分毫! Sees here, cloud Ji relaxed, but three strong violent angers, but they do not have the slight means that because, this is also part of universe rule!!! 看到这里,云姬不由松了口气,而三强一个个暴怒不已,但他们却没有丝毫办法,因为,这也是宇宙规则的一部分!!! Formerly, cloud Ji attacked them, the universe rule made a move to protect, that was guaranteed was shattered greatly carried on, but now, they attack Hong Yu, the universe rule make a move similarly, that was to a slim chance of survival that trillion lives kept! 先前,云姬攻打他们,宇宙规则出手予以守护,那是保证‘大破灭’的进行,而现在,他们攻击洪羽,宇宙规则同样出手,那是给亿万生灵留的一线生机! Grand Dao 50, the evolution 49, run away its one, this runs away one for variable! Among the world anything is not doomed, always has a slim chance of survival! This similarly is part of universe rule! Since Hong Yu put together this variable, then, three wanted the method to destroy through the plate outside, the universe rule naturally cannot! 大道50,天衍49,遁去其一,这遁去的‘一’即为‘变数’!天下间任何事情都不是注定的,总有一线生机!这同样是宇宙规则的一部分!既然洪羽拼出了这个‘变数’,那么,三强想要通过盘外手段破坏,宇宙规则自然是不许的! Actually, past corrupt wolf as well as cloud Ye both are also so, they through oneself effort, put together vitality variable, the universe rule then protected, otherwise, by Huayin madame like that the strong strength, just the corrupt wolf and cloud of Ye achievement emperor boundary they possibly preserved? 其实,当年的‘贪狼’以及‘云烨’两者也是如此,他们通过自己的努力,拼出了‘生机变数’,宇宙规则便予以保护,不然的话,以华阴夫人那般强的战力,刚成就帝境的贪狼、云烨他们怎么可能保全下来? Has the universe rule protection, the cultivation of Hong Yu is disturbed, to arrive in the Origin Dao quantity under potential surface tree to be getting more and more! 有着宇宙规则保护,洪羽的修炼不受丝毫打扰,抵达位面树下的本源道数量越来越多! Finally, in some time, the Origin Dao quantity has achieved 100 numbers!!! 终于,在某一时刻,本源道数量达到了‘100之数’!!! PS: Second company! PS:二连更到! Told fellow reader friends, this should be the last second company, this book must terminate over the next several days, some following renewal non- rules, everybody will possibly excuse me. 跟各位读者朋友说下,这应该是最后一次二连更了,本书在未来几天内就要完结,接下来的更新可能会有些不规律,大家见谅。 Termination time, will have to end this words expressing feelings, at the appointed time I the situation of this book, as well as under the plan of this book wait/etc. chat with everybody. 完结的时候,会有个完本感言,届时我会把这本书的情况,以及下本书的打算等等跟大家聊聊。
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