IHM :: Volume #3 叱咤霸顶

#446: Eruption!

This a Origin Dao cultivation to complete? No wonder cloud Ji fairy maiden regards as important this boy, really some ways! 这就将一条本源道修炼至圆满了么?怪不得云姬仙子那么看重这小子,果然有些门道! Sees with own eyes Origin Dao that extends fast, Huayin madame and corrupt wolf, as well as the corners of the eye of cloud Ye three big powerhouses cannot help but jumped jumping, they are the Lords of potential surface, knows that cultivates the Origin Dao difficult place, did not exaggerate said, cultivation speed of Hong Yu on Origin Dao had already been over their any person! 眼见快速延伸过来的本源道,华阴夫人、贪狼、以及云烨三大强者的眼角都不由自主的跳了跳,他们同是位面之主,知道修炼本源道的困难之处,毫不夸张的说,洪羽本源道上的修炼速度已然超过了他们其中任何一人! Well! That is anything! 咦!那是什么! As Origin Dao comes to the near, the people surprise discovered, above also has lives two horns the big fellow unexpectedly! He is carrying on a series of bustling complex operations on Origin Dao, seems is a full model worker. 随着本源道来至近前,众人诧异发现,其上竟是还有着一个‘头生双角’的大块头!他在本源道上进行着一系列热火朝天的复杂操作,看上去是个十足的劳模。 Can the big fellow promote the cultivation of Origin Dao? Also is really some methods! 那大块头能促进本源道的修炼?还真是有些手段! Although is very at present novel, but, what three do not have too much to think, after all, they have attracted several thousand over ten thousand potential surfaces crazily, what strange powerhouse hasn't seen? Also does not miss Hong Yu this. 虽说眼前一幕挺新奇,不过,三强也没有过多去想什么,毕竟,他们狂吸了数千上万个位面,什么怪异的强者没见过?也不差洪羽这一个。 Another side cloud Ji was also startled at this time, because, by her unusual refined strength, is unable to see that unexpectedly that lived the two horns biological the details! 另一边的云姬此时也怔住了,因为,以她那超凡脱俗的实力,竟然都无法看出那个头生双角生物的底细! cloud Ji concentrates on the surprise vision to Hong Yu that sitting cross-legged to sit, in the heart the secretly thought: Cannot look, this dead stud horse also really has many skills, makes such a thing, somewhat is really special, this cultivation speed, is really incredible!” 云姬将诧异的目光投注向盘膝而坐的洪羽,心中暗道:“看不出来,这死种马还真有两把刷子,弄出来这么个东西,真有些特别,这修炼速度,实在让人难以置信!” But, this could not solve many problems! After all another side three fellows derive with joint forces, the speed quick is above the imagination, the bonus is his some methods, is impossible to compare favorably with that three.” “不过,这也解决不了多少问题!毕竟另一边有三个家伙合力汲取,速度之快超乎想象,饶是他有些手段,也不可能比得上那三者的。” Old codger! This palace had a mortal hatred of you! Later must refuse stubbornly surely the intercourse with you!!!” “老不死!本宫恨死你了!以后定要跟你老死不相往来!!!” Thinks that Hong Yu in soon after then wants the body dying say/way to disappear, cloud Ji only thinks that the whole person is not good, has not always had floods in the hearts resentfully, is unable to vent, oppressed to the extreme. 一想到洪羽在不久之后便要身死道消,云姬只觉整个人都不好了,一股从来未有过的愤懑充斥心间,无法发泄,憋闷到极点。 At this moment, that person is being built on during by cloud Ji Huan is old codger is void, his pair has the unprecedented serious color after the eye pupil of ten thousand th vicissitudes, in his pupil reflects that stands the head length two horns lifeform on Origin Grand Dao! 此刻,被云姬唤作‘老不死’的那人正立于虚空之中,他那双历经万世沧桑的眼眸中有着前所未有的郑重之色,其瞳孔中所倒映的正是那个站在本源大道上的头长双角生物! The boundary of mysterious old man high unmanned energy enemy, even, the universe of this side is he creates, however, he looks at this moment to that lifeform time, although can see many ways, but such as in the mirror in the flowered water the moon/month is also same, in this period was away from something, keeping him from peeping the outcome! After the mysterious old man obtains enlightenment, first time encounters so the situation! 神秘老者的境界之高无人能敌,甚至,这一方的宇宙都是他创造的,然而,此刻他看向那生物的时候,虽说能够看出不少门道,但也如镜中花水中月一样,其间隔着一些东西,让他无法一窥究竟!神秘老者得道之后,还是第一次遇到这般情况! Was mistaken! little Hong this fellow within the body also has the old man to peep not the broken secret unexpectedly, really cannot think! Has method so, little Hong could spell, even, has the possibility finally...... Supports? If, were too in that case interesting, the happiness of accident/surprise! Accident/Surprise happy! I said that for these years, can my old man temperament, possibly be how bad!” “走眼了!小洪这家伙体内竟是还藏有老头子窥不破的隐秘,真是想不到!有着这般手段,小洪或许能拼上一把,甚至,最终有可能……撑下来?要是那样的话,就太有意思了,意外之喜!意外之喜啊!我就说,这么多年来,能对我老头子脾气的,怎么可能差!” The mysterious old man thought aloud, whispers, as if had discovered the new continent was ordinary, gaze that two shone sparklingly every action and every movement in field, full old naughty child appearance. 神秘老者自言自语,嘀嘀咕咕,似乎发现了新大陆一般,两眼烁烁放光的注视着场中的一举一动,十足的老顽童模样。 Three strong that sides after amazed that just started, is afterward calm, in their opinion, Hong Yu, although some small methods, but in the three with joint forces , before the opposite party also at the point of death futile effort struggle, how is the bonus your cultivation speed is quicker? Enough hundred Origin Dao, when can you cultivation? Under my three people derive with joint forces, divides the minute the potential surface suck dry, your this Emperor Tyrant also sees the yama! 三强那边经过刚开始的惊诧,随后便淡定下来,在他们看来,洪羽虽然有些小手段,但在三者合力之下,对方也只是临死前的徒劳挣扎罢了,饶是你的修炼速度快些又如何?足足百条本源道,你要修炼到什么时候?我三人合力汲取下,分分钟就将位面吸干,你这位霸帝也去见阎王吧! However, these people of thoughts just paced back and forth in the mind, actually does not think, the distant place transmits rumble the sound once more, the next quarter, they then amazed discovered, is Origin Dao comes unexpectedly! 然而,这几人的念头刚刚在脑海中徘徊了一遭,却是不想,远处再次传来隆隆之音,下一刻,他们便惊诧发现,竟是又有一条本源道呼啸而来! Has not waited for them to express the exclamation, the rear area transmits the abnormal noise, third Origin Dao also fast comes to! 还没等他们发出惊叹,后方又传来异响,第三条本源道也快速来至! Then, fourth and fifth and sixth...... 接下来,第四条、第五条、第六条…… Origin Dao look like general that reaches an agreement, trying to overtake each other rushes potential surface tree here! 一条条的本源道就像是商量好的一般,你追我赶的涌向位面树这里! So a sound, immediately makes Huayin madame and other strong dumbfounded, such quick? When cultivated becomes such easy? 如此一番动静,顿时让华阴夫人等三强目瞪口呆,这么快的么?什么时候修炼变得这么容易了? If not three of us derive together, perhaps this boy really can create getting out of trouble opportunity! 若非我们三人一同汲取的话,这小子恐怕真能创造出脱困机会的! At this time, three once more looked at to Hong Yu time, the vision of that not sparing a glance has restrained much, although they wanted to torment to death Hong Yu as soon as possible, but, has saying that in their innermost feelings, somewhat admired to this boy, can in the short time Origin Dao achievement complete boundaries, really somewhat go against heaven's will! 这个时候,三强再次看向洪羽的时候,那种不屑一顾的目光收敛了不少,尽管他们想要尽快整死洪羽,不过,不得不说,在他们内心中,对这小子也是有些佩服的,能够在短短时间里将一条条本源道成就圆满境界,实在有些逆天! Numerous broad Grand Dao extend to the potential surface tree under imposingly, the speed quick makes the person suck the tongue, but, after 9 th Origin Dao extends to here, finally stopped this quick rhythm, not having following Origin Dao to follow. 众多宽阔大道轰轰烈烈延伸到位面树下,速度之快让人咂舌,不过,在第9条本源道延伸到这里之后,终于停止了这种快节奏,没有后续本源道跟上了。 9, in addition previously complete 4, altogether 13 Origin Dao, this is comprehended, the cultivation efficiency somewhat is truly high, but, after these 13, what do you also play? Does Origin Dao that other these have not comprehended have the skill so to be also about to try? 9条,加之早先圆满的4条,一共13条本源道,这是原本就领悟的,修炼效率确实有些高,不过,这13条之后,你还玩什么?其它那些还未领悟的本源道有本事也这么快一个试试? In three strong hearts cold snort/hum, however, rumble...... 三强心中冷哼,然而,轰隆隆…… An abnormal noise transmits faintly, although is very far from here, but in the field the person all for a while indirectly received this grade of sound, on faces has shown the unbelievable facial expression, because, everybody is familiar with this grade of sound, that is the sound that Origin Dao extends fast! 一阵异响隐隐传来,虽然距离此处还有挺远,但场中之人全都第一时间接收到了这等声响,一个个的脸上都露出了难以置信的神情,因为,大家对这等声音再熟悉不过,那是本源道快速延伸的声音! No, cannot! Did Origin Dao that this boy will comprehend recently also cultivation to here? Is impossible! Is impossible! Certainly is in this potential surface other life cultivation, certainly is this! 不,不会吧!难道这小子将新近领悟的本源道也修炼至这里了?不可能!绝不可能!一定是这个位面上其它生灵修炼的,一定是这样! However, after a period of time, when that Origin Dao approaches here, the people induce to above aura time, is dumbfounded, because, that above aura impressively was still Hong Yu! 然而,再过一段时间,待那条本源道接近此处,众人感应到上面气息的时候,不由目瞪口呆,因为,那上面的气息赫然仍旧是洪羽的! The 14 th article! 第14条了! No, the 15 th article also came! 不,第15条也来了! Day, 16, 17...... Damn! How this does! Does Hong Yu possibly have this and other ultra god's performance? 天啊,16条,17条……该死的!这到底怎么搞得!洪羽怎么可能有这等超神的表现? Then, three strong thorough dumbfounded, because, after short dreariness, Origin Dao one after another rushes to be first to here extends to come, above is all lending the Hong Yu aura! 接下来,三强彻底傻眼,因为,经过短暂的沉寂后,一条又一条的本源道争先恐后向这边延伸而来,其上无一不散发着洪羽的气息! Then, three could not calm down, they looked at one mutually, on the face have revealed the crazy meaning, immediately, three's deriving speed got to a stair! Is the degree in the extreme! 这下,三强都沉不住气了,他们互相看了一眼,脸上都露出疯狂之意,随即,三者的汲取速度又上了一个台阶!达到无以复加的程度! At this time, they do not dare to have underestimate the Hong Yu thoughts slightly! This way, the boy also really may gain the victory of potential surface fight, at the appointed time, not only they are unable to gain more potential surface essence, what is most important, looks the toad that helplessly captures cloud Ji fairy maiden heart does in a big way, they are not really able to endure! 此时,他们不敢有丝毫小看洪羽的心思了!照这样下去,那小子还真有可能取得位面保卫战的胜利,届时,不但他们无法获取更多的位面精华,最重要的是,眼睁睁看着俘获云姬仙子芳心的癞蛤蟆做大,他们实在无法忍受! Today said that anything must take this potential surface! Must Hong Yu this with one another suck dry! Wants!!! 今天说什么也要将这个位面拿下!一定要将洪羽这厮吸干!一定要!!! Saw with own eyes that more and more Origin Dao extends hence, three start to breakneck derives! 眼见越来越多本源道延伸至此,三强开始玩命的汲取起来!
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