IHM :: Volume #3 叱咤霸顶

#366: Trick killing intent!

My dear! Was the father sect they makes a move? We, what to do should we?” Su Xi'er is startled beautiful face changing colors, even if her strength to the Hong Yu approves extremely, but this is withstand/top in the sect in the mainland first potential Liba, among has many formidable tyrant Saint powerhouses, how can they escape? “郎君!是父宗他们出手了么?我们,我们该怎么办?”苏曦儿惊得花容失色,纵然她对洪羽的实力极为认可,但这可是在大陆第一势力霸顶宗中,其内有着多名强大的霸圣强者,他们如何能够逃脱出去? Hong Yu comforts immediately, felt relieved, my this Origin of Void is very reliable, should be all right.” 洪羽当即安慰起来,“放心,我这本源虚界很是牢固,应该没事的。” Although listened to him so saying that but several other people were actually in some hearts fearful, Su Xi'er and Chu Jie two people were needless saying that they to Origin of Void many understanding, where have not thought under it can resist the tyrant Saint powerhouse struck, although Hong Xuan knows that Origin of Void the defensive power was quite intrepid, but just condensed after all shortly, in the situation that in the wall has not reinforced wanted to resist attacking of tyrant Saint powerhouse, he did not have what confidence. 虽然听他如此说,但其他几人却是有些心中惶惶,苏曦儿褚杰两人就不用说了,他们对本源虚界并没有多少了解,哪里会认为它能够抵挡下霸圣强者的一击,洪玄虽然知道本源虚界的防御力极为强悍,但毕竟刚凝聚出不久,在界壁未曾加固的情况下想要抵挡霸圣强者的攻伐,他也是没有什么信心的。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… Just likes the slating loud sound is continuing in people ear, the earth as well as periphery of under foot void shivers in this grade of loud sound, Su Xi'er several people are in the heart frightened, a bottom does not have. 犹如雷鸣般的巨响在众人耳边持续着,脚下的大地以及周围的虚空都在这等巨响中颤抖起来,苏曦儿几人都是心中惴惴,一点底也没有。 However, along with time one minute one second of past, everybody has not had any big matter in this piece of space, besides the loud sound as well as the tremor, did not have other worse performance again . Moreover, a moment later, the loud sound shivered fast reduced, this then explained, Origin of Void withstood this to strike completely! 不过,随着时间一分一秒的过去,大家所在这片空间并没有发生什么大事情,除了巨响以及颤动外,再无其它更差的表现了,而且,片刻之后,无论是巨响还是颤动都快速的减小下去,这便是说明,本源虚界完全承受下了这一击! Defensive power unexpectedly really so powerful! 防御力竟然真的如此强悍! At this time, the Su Xi'er three people somewhat have been startled, they have not thought that facing tyrant Saint powerhouse struck, this Origin of Void shows so strong defense capability unexpectedly, was above everybody imagines simply. 这个时候,苏曦儿三人都有些惊了,他们没想到,面对霸圣强者的一击,这本源虚界竟是表现出了如此强的防御能力,简直超乎大家想象。 However, has not waited for the people to relax, suddenly, they discovered amazed, surrounding void wriggles suddenly rapidly, as if in resisting anything is attacking, however, the next quarter, everybody then saw, has a big piece of transparent ripple unexpectedly the impact that almost does not hinder from void, afterward is carrying the air/Qi of thick murdering, covers toward under! 然而,还没等众人松一口气,忽然间,他们惊诧发现,周围的虚空忽然急速蠕动起来,似乎是在抵御着什么攻击,然而,下一刻,大家便是看到,有着一大片透明波纹竟是从虚空中几乎毫无阻碍的冲击而出,随后携带着浓浓的杀伐之气,向着下方笼罩而来! This is the soul attack of father sect!!!” Su Xi'er calls out in alarm immediately makes noise. “这是父宗的灵魂道攻击!!!”苏曦儿当即惊呼出声。 She, is Hong Xuan as well as Chu Jie, they go against sovereign this Divine Ability to like thunder reverberating in one's ears to the tyrant, this can be said as opposite party swiftest and fiercest killing incurs, even if the Saint step powerhouses is hard to resist! Because this soul attack almost disregards all physical defenses, such as just, that Origin of Void wall, although wants to resist strongly, but is unable to block it! 无论是她,还是洪玄以及褚杰,他们都对霸顶宗主这一记神通如雷贯耳,这可说是对方一记最为凌厉的杀招,即便是圣阶强者都难以抵御!因为这灵魂道攻击几乎无视一切物理防御,就如刚刚,那本源虚界界壁虽然竭力想要抵挡,但根本无法拦下它! Su Xi'er calls out in alarm one is complexion is then pallid, she looks soul attack that big piece covers, the blood-color on elegant face almost by draw off, father sect, your so unfeeling? Strikes, but under is this must extinguishes me and my dears kills in this? 苏曦儿惊呼一声便是脸色煞白起来,她看着那一大片覆盖下来的灵魂攻击,俏脸上的血色几乎都被抽去了,父宗,你就这般绝情?一击而下这是要将我与郎君都灭杀在此么? Desperate! Endless despair! She does not have to think own this father unexpectedly is such heart black stingy, this daughters do not let off. 绝望!无尽的绝望!她没想到自己这个亲生父亲竟是如此的心黑手狠,连她这个女儿都不放过。 Hong Xuan and Chu Jie also heart such as the dying embers get up, facing this and other strange and formidable attacks, they evade not to be possible to evade to run away not to be possible to run away! 洪玄与褚杰两人也心如死灰起来,面对这等诡异而强大的攻击,他们避无可避逃无可逃! I idly spent in 8000 time, died also died, did not have regrettably what, but, the small feather was really a pity! By potential that his goes against heaven's will, if given time, will grow into the tyrant absolutely withstand/top the sovereign common character, yeah, was really a pity!’ In Hong Xuanxin intimate. ‘我已虚度8000年时光,死了也就死了,没有什么遗憾的,不过,小羽实在太可惜了!以他那逆天的潜力,假以时日,绝对会成长为霸顶宗主一般的人物,哎,真是可惜了啊!’洪玄心中戚戚。 Chu Jie has the thick unwillingness similarly, he not for oneself, but has thought oneself looks at Su Xi'er that grows up, Hong Yu this young later generation that as well as favors extremely, all are happy incomparable, the young lady after Hong Yu arrives together, two people bright prospects, however, under this soul attack, where will have what in the future? Where also has what to hope? 褚杰同样有着浓浓的不甘,他不是为了自己,而是想到了自己看着长大的苏曦儿,以及极为看好的洪羽这个年轻后辈,本来一切都是美好无比的,大小姐跟洪羽走到一起后,两人的前景光明之极,然而,在这道灵魂道攻击之下,哪里还有什么未来?哪里还有什么希望? The Hong Yu also startled anger occurred simultaneously at this moment, formerly he also experienced Su Haoran to display this Divine Ability, knows that its terrifying, just by oneself had realized, defensive power powerful Origin of Void in this way has not created to it unexpectedly is cut off slightly, this attack swaggering has then battered. 洪羽此刻也惊怒交加,先前他也见识过苏浩然施展这一记神通,知道它的恐怖,刚刚更是亲身体会了一番,防御力强悍如斯的本源虚界竟是对它没有造成丝毫阻隔,这道攻击便大摇大摆的横冲直撞了进来。 The strange fluctuation that wide scope covers arrives just like the god of death, making in the Hong Yu heart also give birth wipes the desperate feeling. 那大范围覆盖下来的诡异波动宛如死神降临,让洪羽心中也不由生出一抹绝望之感。 What to do? How should deal? The going against heaven's will defense of Origin of Void is unable to resist it, what means but also there is? 怎么办?该如何应对?本源虚界的逆天防御都无法抵挡它,还有什么办法? During Hong Yu brain rapid revolving, at present suddenly one bright, right! Dragon Qi! Resists with Dragon Qi!!! 洪羽大脑飞速旋转之间,眼前忽然一亮,对!龙气!用龙气抵挡!!! His matter has thought that initially he just left the mausoleum chamber time, the Monster and Demon Hall Lord summoned huge Dragon Qi to display dragon cry one, at that time the tyrant withstood/top sovereign to get rid of then to display a soul attack to resist it, but now, the situation almost in turn, Su Haoran displays a soul attack to drive him to commit suicide, then wanted to resist this to disregard all the strange attacks of physical defense, only then recited this to incur with that dragon! 他此事想到了,当初他刚出地宫的时候,妖魔堂主召唤出庞大龙气施展龙吟的一幕,当时霸顶宗主出手便施展灵魂道攻击将其抵挡开去的,而如今,情况几乎反过来,苏浩然施展灵魂道攻击想要置他于死地,那么想要抵挡这等无视一切物理防御的诡异攻击,也只有用那龙吟这招了! But, is not good! 但,不行啊! Hong Yu gets up afterward with a worried look, because, own Dragon Qi compared with it Monster and Demon Hall main, radically having no way ratio! Falls far short, Hong summer Dragon Qi let alone has no way to send out dragon to recite this grade of attack, even if can send out, because extremely small and weak, but under is unable to resist the tyrant to withstand/top sovereign this soul say/way to attack! 洪羽随后愁眉不展起来,因为,自己的龙气比之妖魔堂主的,根本没法比!差得远,那洪夏龙气别说根本没法发出龙吟这等攻击,就算可以发出,也会因为太过弱小而无法抵挡下霸顶宗主这一记灵魂道攻伐! Hong Yu was seeing with own eyes the transparent ripple is getting more and more near, he anxiously just like the ant on hot pot, some moment, a Hong Yu suddenly racket head! Right! This is in Origin of Void that I control, without Monster and Demon Hall main like that huge Dragon Qi, I condensed one to come out not to!!! 洪羽眼见着透明波纹越来越近,他急切的犹如热锅上的蚂蚁,某一刻,洪羽突然一拍脑袋!对啊!这可是在我掌控的本源虚界中,没有妖魔堂主那般庞大的龙气,我凝聚一个出来不就得了!!! The thought and this, Hong Yu starts to implement immediately, he was familiar again cannot to Dragon Qi this type of thing be familiar, wanted to condense the nature to be easy , the next quarter, in Su Xi'er as well as Hong Xuan, in the Chu Jie three people of amazed vision, above their top of the head then presented a golden form, when it congealing reality came out completely, that impressively was huge Gold Dragon Dragon Qi, is without change with that Monster and Demon Hall main formerly displayed! 念头及此,洪羽当即开始实施起来,他对龙气这种东西熟悉得不能再熟悉了,想要凝聚出来自然容易得很,下一刻,在苏曦儿以及洪玄,褚杰三人的惊诧目光中,他们头顶之上便是出现了一道金色身影,待其完全凝实出来,那赫然是一条庞大的金龙龙气,与妖魔堂主先前施展的那个一般无二! In the world has such masterstroke/divine skill unexpectedly really!” “世界上竟真有此等神技!” Su Xi'er several people of this time amazed to the extreme, although they formerly experienced ‚the big Xia Emperor palace that’ Hong Yu condensed, but, sees with own eyes the opposite party actual operation at this time, is similar to the creator then condenses that giant Gold Dragon Dragon Qi that Monster and Demon Hall main controls really generally, was lived by deep shock. 苏曦儿几人此时惊诧到了极点,尽管他们先前见识了洪羽凝聚的‘大夏皇宫’,不过,此时眼见对方实际操作,真的如同造物主一般便是凝聚出妖魔堂主所掌控的那头巨大金龙龙气,还是被深深的震撼住了。 Huge Gold Dragon opens the big mouth, then sends out together silent roaring toward the above soul attack, the next quarter, the invisible ripples then rapidly project from the Gold Dragon mouth! 庞大金龙张开大口,朝着上方灵魂道攻击便是发出一道无声的咆哮,下一刻,无形涟漪便是从金龙口中急速射出! Really! 果然可以! Sees this one, in the Hong Yu heart surges, but, he has not actually relaxed, this dragon cry attacks the release together, but, also controls that Gold Dragon to release several dragon to recite the attack one after another! Because, this after all is only in the thing that Origin of Void this and other special places condense, distance genuine Gold Dragon Dragon Qi also falls far short, wants to resist together with dragon Yinbian, that is the wishful thinking. 见此一幕,洪羽心中激荡,不过,他却没有丝毫放松,这一道龙吟攻击释放而出后,又是操控着那金龙接连释放出数道龙吟攻击!因为,他这毕竟只是在本源虚界这等特殊之地凝聚出的东西,距离真正的金龙龙气还差得远,想要用一道龙吟便抵挡下来,那是痴心妄想。 Just like he thinks, after both meet, a soul attack with irresistible force, one then recited the ripples shaking to disperse dragon, was good because of also has several dragon to recite the ripples to come afterward continuously, this pestered it. 正如他所想,两者相遇之后,灵魂道攻击势如破竹,一下便将龙吟涟漪给震散开去,好在随后又有着数道龙吟涟漪连绵而来,这才将其纠缠住。 Although the soul attack might is strong, but in dragon recited in the situation of unceasingly sending out, they bit to death the potential of elephant by the ant, a soul attack consuming!!! 虽说灵魂道攻击威力强劲,但在龙吟不断发出的情况下,它们以蚂蚁咬死大象之势,生生将灵魂道攻击给消耗掉了!!! Defused this time crisis, Hong Yu is also face whiten one piece, do not look that he formerly seemed like at will condensed Gold Dragon, displayed dragon cry attacking, under resisted the soul attack of this tyrant Saint powerhouse, but where was such easy? Has drawn support from Origin of Void bountifully this and other special conditions, Hong Yu is the consumption is also huge. 化解了这一次的危机,洪羽也是脸色苍白一片,别看他先前看似随意凝聚出金龙,更是施展出龙吟的攻伐,抵挡下这一记霸圣强者的灵魂攻击,但哪里是这么容易的?饶是借助了本源虚界这等特殊环境,洪羽也是消耗巨大。 However, Hong Yu complexion because of avoiding this tribulation, but has changed for the better, on the contrary, his complexion is even more ugly, Origin of Void that because, in his induction, the Monster and Demon Hall Lord displays hits ruthlessly toward his here!!! 然而,洪羽的脸色并没有因为躲过这一劫而有所好转,相反,他的脸色越发难看起来,因为,在他的感应中,妖魔堂主施展的本源虚界向着他这里狠狠撞击过来!!!
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