IHM :: Volume #3 叱咤霸顶

#367: Origin of Void to bang!( Second!)

Rumble!!! 轰隆隆!!! Suddenly, void resounds the sound of earth-shattering, immediately, Su Xi'er and the others only think that a fierce vibration from sole, from airborne, transmits from the surrounding each place, making everybody's figure cannot help but leans this way and that! 蓦然间,虚空中响起天崩地裂之音,随即,苏曦儿等人只觉一阵剧烈的震动从脚底,从空中,从周围各个地方传来,让大家的身形都不由自主的东倒西歪开去! The next quarter, they then hear the calling out in alarm sound from Hong Yu, Monster and Demon Hall main also grew Origin of Void unexpectedly!” 下一刻,他们便听到来自洪羽的惊呼声音,“妖魔堂主竟然也衍生出了本源虚界!” What? Does the Romanian buddhist monk have Origin of Void this and other thing of going against heaven's will?” “什么?罗浮屠也拥有本源虚界这等逆天之物么?” Su Xi'er and Hong Xuan, as well as the Chu Jie three look at each other in blank dismay, withstand/top the person of sect as the tyrant, they actually do not know this and other astonishing news. 苏曦儿、洪玄、以及褚杰三者不由面面相觑起来,作为霸顶宗之人,他们竟然不知道这等惊人的消息。 However at this time was beyond control everybody to think, because, along with this earthshaking loud sound, the people discovered panic-strickenly, one piece above top of the head void unexpectedly was the fierce distortion, stance that almost must collapse evidently! 然而此时由不得大家多想了,因为,随着这一声惊天动地的巨响,众人惊骇的发现,头顶之上的一片虚空竟是剧烈的扭曲起来,看样子几乎就要崩溃的架势! Who can think, at this time Monster and Demon Hall main is then controlling his Origin of Void, to Hong Yu here hit ruthlessly! 谁能想到,此时妖魔堂主便是操控着他那本源虚界,对着洪羽这里狠狠的撞击起来! How many years did the Romanian buddhist monk grow Origin of Void? These many years later, thick of its Origin of Void wall, far ultra Hong Yu! Under this hit, almost hits to put on the latter. 罗浮屠衍生本源虚界多少年了?这么多年下来,其本源虚界界壁之厚,远超洪羽的!这一撞击之下,差点将后者撞穿开去。 This is because of the Hong Yu Origin of Void wall extremely thick result, otherwise, these gave to hit fragmentarily. 这还是因为洪羽本源虚界界壁极为厚实的结果,不然的话,这一下就给撞零碎了。 Naturally, this hit mutual, even if Origin of Void of Romanian buddhist monk wants intrepidly many, still received not small backlash, but he ignored totally and these at this time, the thought moves, controlled Origin of Void to carry on second attacking! 当然,这种撞击是互相的,即便罗浮屠的本源虚界要强悍不少,仍旧受到了不小的反噬,不过这时候他全然不顾及这些,念头一动间,操控着本源虚界进行起了第二次攻伐! The collision of this surrounding area in great colossus extinguishes the world rank surely absolutely, let alone is in Origin of Void Hong Yu and the others, treats outside these Tyrant Dingzong core members, in just hit, was made by the dreadful shock-wave one by one in an extremely difficult situation. 这种方圆千万里之巨庞然大物的碰撞绝对是灭世级别的,别说是处于本源虚界中的洪羽等人,就是待在外面的那些霸顶宗核心成员们,也是在刚刚的撞击中,被滔天的冲击波弄得各个狼狈不堪。 Rumble! 咕噜! Many people subconsciously have swallowed a saliva, oh, the attack of this grade of rank they let alone participated, even if leaves the near-point to meet a cruel death by the complementary waves shake! 不少人都下意识咽了口唾沫,乖乖,这等级别的攻击他们别说是参与了,就算是离得近点都会被余波震荡得粉身碎骨开去! At this time, everybody secretly sighed, that formerly by Hong Yu that everybody took lightly, was cultivating sacred place Tyrant Dingzong to make the so big noise unexpectedly! 这个时候,大家不由都暗叹不已,那个先前被大家所看轻的洪羽,竟是在修炼圣地霸顶宗闹出了这般大的动静! This grade of method compared with past that causes elder assembly life and death ruling Demonic Path thumb, wanted not to know many times fiercely! 这等手段比当年那位弄出‘长老会生死裁决’的‘魔道巨擘’,要厉害了不知多少倍! To come in everybody, no matter Hong Yu returns alive or died today, in the tyrant withstand/top the sect historical, this boy will leave behind the dark ink serious wound absolutely, they can imagine, years later, Tyrant Dingzong later generations, when mentioned Hong Yu the name, on the surface crusaded against at the same time, in their hearts will sigh for the ominous prestige of this boy absolutely. 在大家想来,不管今天洪羽生还或是死亡,在霸顶宗的历史上,这小子绝对会留下浓墨重彩的一笔,他们能想象得到,若干年后,霸顶宗的后辈们在提及‘洪羽’之名的时候,在表面上讨伐一番的同时,他们心中绝对会为这小子的凶威而感叹不已。 Worships the powerhouse is this world subverts not the broken truth, this not concerns a oneself side or the enemy, otherwise, in the past that Demonic Path thumb not in the tyrant will go against in the sect to leave behind so the prestige! 崇拜强者乃是这个世界颠覆不破的真理,这无关乎自己一方还是敌人,不然的话,当年那位‘魔道巨擘’也不会在霸顶宗内留下这般威名了! In Origin of Void, Hong Yu complexion incomparably ugly standing there, facing the method of Monster and Demon Hall main Romania buddhist monk , he helpless! 本源虚界中,洪羽脸色无比难看的站在那里,面对妖魔堂主罗浮屠的手段,他,无能为力! Even if he can create the miracle again, that also has the limit, grows Origin of Void, resisted attacking of Saint step powerhouse is his limit, nowadays presented more intrepid existence, clashed not at any cost, he is unable to melt! 纵然他再能创造奇迹,那也是有限度的,衍生出本源虚界,抵挡圣阶强者的攻伐已经是他的极限了,现如今又出现了一个更加强悍的存在,不惜一切代价进行对撞,他根本无法化解! Chu Jie as well as Hong Xuan both are also anxious in side rub hands, but they did not have the means. 褚杰以及洪玄两者也在旁边急得直搓手,但他们就更加没有办法了。 Su Xi'er just started is also anxious, but after some time, she belongs to gradually tranquilly, even, on the elegant face also appears wipes the color of renouncing. 苏曦儿刚开始也是焦急得不行,但一段时间后,她渐渐归于平静,甚至,俏脸上还现出一抹决绝之色。 Immediately, her funds step arrives around Hong Yu, has pulled up the arm of opposite party. 随即,她款步来到洪羽跟前,拉起了对方的胳膊。 Profound elder and Chu, you first here later 12, some of I and Hong Yu matters must say.” The word finishes, Su Xi'er then draws Hong Yu to go toward the big Xia Emperor palace deep place, no one has seen, when its turning around, on his elegant face flashes through wipes the infinite charming color. “玄长老、褚老,你们先在这里稍后12,我和洪羽有些事情要说。”言毕,苏曦儿便是拉着洪羽往大夏皇宫深处而去,谁也没有看到,在其转身的时候,其俏脸上闪过一抹无限娇羞之色。 Chu Jie and some Hong Xuan these two old man zhang (3.33 m) two monks cannot feel the brains, under is faced with imminent disaster, does this young lady have what move to be inadequate? Moreover, this move must carry them unexpectedly, really makes the person ascertain airtight, but two people comply with one, treats has not followed here. 褚杰与洪玄这两个老头子有些丈二和尚摸不着头脑,大难临头之下,这位大小姐难道还有什么招数不成?而且,这个招数竟然还要背着他们,真是让人捉摸不透,不过两人还是答应一声,都待在这里并没有跟上。 Hong Yu is also a forehead question mark, Chuchu, you must make anything, said directly and that's the end.” 洪羽也是一脑门子问号,“楚楚,你要做什么,直接说就是了。” Where is your residence?” Su Xi'er has not responded to Hong Yu, but was the direct examination a irregular issue. “哪里是你的居所?”苏曦儿没有回应洪羽,而是直接询问了个不相干的问题。 Even if in the heart the doubt, Hong Yu or the thought move, bringing the opposite party to come to be at to the Crown Prince palace. 纵然心中狐疑,洪羽还是念头一动间,带着对方来至太子宫所在。 Su Xi'er without delay, draws Hong Yu then to enter, among sees bright and clean, nodded, here environment is good, is the management good place.” 苏曦儿二话不说,拉着洪羽便进驻其中,见其内窗明几净,不由点了点头,“这里环境还不错,是个办事的好地方。” What? Management? Handles matters?” Hong Yu continues in veiled Quan. “啥?办事?办什么事?”洪羽继续蒙圈中。 However, seeing of next quarter his then surprise, Su Xi'er checks the door, afterward before drawing him to arrive at the bed in room. 然而,下一刻他便诧异的看到,苏曦儿一把关上房门,随后拉着他来到了屋内的大床前。 When Hong Yu more dumbstruck compels, Su Xi'er that has to exquisite the tender body one then invests into his bosom during, making him suddenly somewhat be caught off guard. 就在洪羽越发懵逼的时候,苏曦儿那玲珑有致的娇躯一下便投入到他的怀抱之中,让他一时间有些措手不及。 My dear, hugs me to come up, now then wanted me.” The Su Xi'er bashful blushing sound resounds in the Hong Yu ear, but its one pair of wonderful item is actually incomparably scalding hot looks at the opposite party, has not moved aside. “郎君,抱我上去,现在便要了我。”苏曦儿的羞赧声音在洪羽耳边响起,但其一双妙目却是无比灼热的看着对方,没有丝毫躲闪。 After the opposite party so one noisy, even if the environment is very at present bad, Hong Yu could not attend to for the time being, he understands now that management the meaning, Chuchu, you are......” 经对方这般一闹,纵然目前环境无比恶劣,洪羽也是暂且顾不得了,他现在才明白那‘办事’的含义,“楚楚,你这是……” Dies! After I must first become the woman of my dear, dies again, otherwise white/in vain came this! My dear don't Yaoduo said that spring evening moment value thousand gold (daughter)!” Here, Su Xi'er then so animated stood nearby Hong Yu, appearance that lets Monarch to pick. “就算是死!我也要先成为郎君的女人之后再死,不然就白来这一世了!郎君莫要多说,春宵一刻值千金!”说到这里,苏曦儿便这般俏生生站在洪羽跟前,一副任君采撷的模样。 After the moment, she saw Hong Yu somewhat to be still in a daze, was the female prestige bursts out unexpectedly, extends pair of white hands to overthrow Hong Yu in the bed, afterward bullied the body on...... 片刻后,她见洪羽仍旧有些发愣,竟是雌威迸发,伸出一双玉手将洪羽推翻在床榻,随后欺身而上…… ! My first time was pushed unexpectedly...... 噗!我的第一次竟然是被推的…… Before Hong Yu this young lady attacks, in the mind the only thought is so, however, enters attacks the stage, the microcosm of Hong Yu within the body then erupts, lets Su Xi'er immediately beautiful face changing colors...... 洪羽被这位大小姐攻伐之前,脑海中唯一的念头便是如此,然而,进入攻伐阶段,洪羽体内的小宇宙便是随之爆发开来,让得苏曦儿顿时花容失色…… Two people love one another for several years the time, from the initial strange acquaintance, reached agreement to afterward Giant Wild Goose Pagoda awkwardly, nearly two years of dreariness , after Hong Yu will command again when then troops attacked six countries the short reunion, two people separated, Hong Yu after the fire god island experienced a life and death returned, comes to withstand/top the sect to the ten thousand th mountain bully, experienced many life and death to wrestle, finally through Origin of Void two people just now the reunion, now, this to experiencing many rough young lovers has built the fruits of virtue finally. 两人相恋数年时间,从最初的离奇相识,到随后的大雁塔尴尬相约,再然后将近两年的沉寂,洪羽率兵攻打六国时短暂的重逢后,两人又是分离,洪羽在火神岛经历了一番生死之后回归,来至万世山霸顶宗,经历了多场生死相搏,最后通过本源虚界两人方才聚首,如今,这对经历了诸多坎坷的小情侣终于修成了正果。 At this moment, Tyrant Dingzong high and low chasing down and Origin of Void wait/etc. these all has become to the bang the insignificant dust, in the Crown Prince palace some are only melts the only two interesting souls! 这一刻,霸顶宗上下的追杀、本源虚界的对轰等等这些全都成了无足轻重的尘埃,太子宫中有的只是相融唯一的两个有趣灵魂! PS: Second company. PS:二连更到。 In the weekend conventional early ~~~ 周末常规早更~~~ In addition: Cannot drive, unable to drive, unable to drive, the important matter said three, will otherwise be controlled by the river crab big god, you understood. 另:不能开车、不能开车、不能开车,重要的事情说三遍,不然会被河蟹大神支配,你懂得。
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