IGE :: Volume #13

#1229: New promote empress

Bang! 轰! Spirit monkey battle companion within the body, as if had the chaos large explosion to be the same, had the quiet blue brilliance to blast open unceasingly, the fire of nether world was swallowing his body and soul body. 灵猴战宠的体内,仿佛是发生了混沌大爆炸一样,不断有幽蓝色的光焰炸裂出来,幽冥之火在吞噬他的身躯和魂体。 „It is not good.” Wen Wan does not realize wonderfully, in the hand the blood axe pulls out together the illusory image, attacks to kill to go toward Heaven Emperor directly, wants to save others. “不好。”温晚意识到不妙,手中血斧拉出一道幻影,直接朝着天帝攻杀而去,想要救人。 But Gao Diping, Ximen Yeshuo and Hon Kong three people, gets rid in this split second. 高地平西门夜说孔空三人,也是在这一瞬间出手。 Blocks them.” The Darkness Domain monarchies also personal appearance dodges to leap. “拦住他们。”黑暗领域君主们也身形闪跃。 Such critical moment, they, even if in the heart fears, but absolutely will not actually flinch, Heaven Emperor gets the winning side obviously, if they do not do well, after matter, Heaven Emperor is furious, their fates will be very miserable. 这样的关键时刻,他们纵然是心中惧怕,但却绝对不会退缩,天帝明显占据上风,若是他们表现不好,事了之后,天帝震怒,他们的下场会很惨。 Wen Wan and the others, were intercepted. 温晚等人,被拦截了下来。 Heaven Emperor all that has regarding the surroundings shows absolutely no concern, the nether world annihilation flame sprays from his eye socket, toward within the body irrigation of spirit monkey battle companion, must cut to kill spirit monkey battle companion unceasingly thoroughly, ends passing all sorts, past, he once shoulder to shoulder fought with spirit monkey battle companion, once congenialed, once the life and death when Asura battlefield had also depended on, but all these are the past events, now separates from each other thousands of years, meets again, past friendship, present hatred deep, was unable to care about a wee bit past friendship again. 天帝对于周围发生的一切毫不关心,幽冥湮灭火焰从他的眼窝之中喷射出来,不断地朝着灵猴战宠的体内灌注,要彻底将灵猴战宠斩杀,终结过往的种种,昔日,他曾与灵猴战宠并肩战斗,也曾意气相投,在修罗战场上也曾生死相托过,但这一切都已经是往事,如今分道扬镳千万年,再见面时,昔日的情分有多浓,如今的仇恨就有多深,已经无法再顾及一丁点的昔日情分。 Rests, I will choose a peerless big grave for you, does not treat unjustly your peerless grace and talent.” Heaven Emperor sigh. “安息吧,我会为你选一处绝世大墓,不亏待你的绝世风华。”天帝叹息。 Struggling of spirit monkey battle companion was getting more and more weak. 灵猴战宠的挣扎已经越来越微弱。 Heaven Emperor lost the soul body, strength drop significantly, but spirit monkey battle companion also because of once reason, causing strength to be not much left, although initially it was not as good in Heaven Emperor, but the phase difference was only little, now is actually inferior, another important reason, was the Heaven Emperor fusion has linked up the mystiques of these people, has taken another biased evil path. 天帝丧失了魂体,实力大降,而灵猴战宠自己也是因为曾经的原因,导致实力所剩无几,当初它虽然略逊于天帝,但相差只是一点点而已,如今却不及,另外有一个重要的原因,是天帝融合贯通了那些人的秘法,走上了另一条偏执邪恶的道路。 Please start off.” In the Heaven Emperor double pupil, sprays the last nether world flame, just likes the gloomily blue Divine sword is the same, shoots toward the eye socket of spirit monkey battle companion. “请上路。”天帝双眸之中,喷射出最后一道幽冥火焰,犹如幽蓝神剑一样,朝着灵猴战宠的眼窝中射去。 At this moment, suddenly, a vast broad Emperor's Power aura, rushes in imperial capital Snow Capital outside Bright City, this Emperor's Power aura comes incomparably suddenly, looked instantaneously mist between over ten thousand li (0.5km) sky reverses crazily, the aura is vast, honored cannot say, in an instant this type copious vigorously just likes the deity arrives at the common aura, sweeps across the entire imperial capital. 就在这时,突然之间,一股浩瀚恢弘的帝力气息,在光明城之外的帝都雪京之中澎湃开来,这一股帝力气息来的无比突然,瞬间就看天空之上万里之间的云气疯狂地扭转,气息浩大恢弘,尊贵不可言,刹那间这种沛然雄浑犹如天神降临一般的气息,席卷整个帝都。 Heaven Emperor in this split second, shakes suddenly greatly, mind chaotic, last nether world flame is unable to condense unexpectedly, has not poured into the eye socket of spirit monkey battle companion. 天帝在这一瞬间,猛然巨震,心神一乱,最后一道幽冥火焰竟是无法凝聚,没有注入灵猴战宠的眼窝之中。 He turns head to look to that novel Emperor's Power circulation direction, the look is very shocking: „It is not right, this was not in the past emperor sublimation to the utmost, but is a New Emperor birth...... Is, realizes early that in this Heaven Wasteland Domain, indeed wisp of turning point, the person but who not may result in this turning point exists, why can...... I am calculate that what has leaked?” 他扭头看向那一股新奇帝力流转的方向,神色无比震惊:“不对,这并非是往世帝者的极尽升华,而是一尊新帝诞生……是什么人,早前察觉到,这天荒界之中,的确是有一缕契机,但并无可得这契机的人存在,为什么会……我到底是算漏了什么?” Another surpassed itself to push to spread out the matter occurrence of computation, this made Heaven Emperor feel that was not very good. 又一件超出了自己推衍计算的事情发生,这让天帝感觉很不好。 But next split second, making Heaven Emperor feel that not the good matter occurred. 而下一瞬间,让天帝感觉更加不好的事情发生了。 Purple Flowing Light, Flashed above the vault of heaven, the instantaneous wind shoots together, just likes thunder light Flashed. 一道紫色流光,在天穹之上一闪,瞬间飙射下来,犹如雷光一闪 The Heaven Emperor facial color changes, wants to fend, unexpectedly is a little without enough time. 天帝面色一变,想要闪避,竟是有点儿来不及。 ! 咻! The body of flying bear explodes immediately. 飞熊的身躯顿时爆裂开来。 „The emperor of new promote, is unstable, how dare so?” In the roaring sound, the Heaven Emperor quiet blue energy liquid transforms from the shatter flying bear body, retrocedes rapidly, condenses again became the soul body, in the slurred face, has been full of the shock and anger. “新晋之帝,还未稳固,怎敢如此?”怒吼声之中,天帝幽蓝色的能量液体从破碎的飞熊身躯之中幻化出来,飞速地后退,重新又凝聚成为了魂体,模糊不清的面孔上,充满了震惊和愤怒。 While this opportunity, spirit monkey battle companion leaves to retrocede, the golden cudgel changes to two golden coiled dragons, drags his body, has been separated from the battlefield instantaneously, arrived above the stair of Bright God palace, in the meantime, Wen Wan and the others also left to retrocede, arrived in the world, stopped up the stone steps, the fight stopped temporarily. 趁此机会,灵猴战宠抽身后退,金箍棒化作两条金色蟠龙,将他的身躯拖起来,瞬间脱离了战场,来到了光明神殿的台阶之上,同时,温晚等人也抽身后退,来到了世界上,堵住了石阶,战斗暂时停止。 The Heaven Emperor facial color is furious, has not pursued, but looked that to direction that Emperor's Power wound around. 天帝面色震怒,并没有追击,而是看向了帝力缭绕的方向。 New Emperor is born, this is the major event. 一尊新帝诞生,这是重大事件。 What is most important, in this New Emperor aura, he realized some unfriendly factor indistinctly. 最重要的是,在这个新帝的气息之中,他隐约察觉到了一些并不友好的因素。 Looked at the sky of distant place, everywhere mist changed to the purple flame thoroughly light, just liked the vortex same revolves unceasingly, the scene looked like incomparably shocks, entire imperial capital all lives felt that has come from trembling of soul, looked that above the sky that mist vortex was getting more and more giant, was getting more and more huge, to has resembled finally sweeps across the entire vault of heaven has gone to be the same, as if led to the secret gate of paradise to be opened together...... 就看远处的天空,漫天的云气彻底化作了紫色焰光,犹如漩涡一样不断地旋转,场面看起来无比地震撼,整个帝都所有的生灵都感觉到了一股来自于灵魂的颤栗,就看天空之上那云气漩涡越来越巨大,越来越巨大,到了最后似是将整个天穹都席卷了进去一样,仿佛是一道通往仙界的隐秘之门被打开…… Then, a giant palm, searched from another of vortex deep place slowly. 然后,一只巨大的手掌,缓缓地从漩涡深处的另一头探了出来。 That is the palm that purple mist and strength of principle order composes. 那是一只紫色云气和法则秩序之力组成的手掌。 The palm of humanity. 人类的手掌。 The only strange place, lies in this palm, there are seven fingers. 唯一的诡异之处,在于这个手掌,有七个手指。 The palm searches slowly, depresses, as if from put out a hand in the immortal of another world, wants to seize anything to be the same during this time. 手掌缓缓地探出来,压下,仿佛是来自于另一个世界的仙人伸出手,想要在这个时候之中攫取一些什么一样。 But direction that these seven fingers of palms search, is the Bright City position. 而这七指手掌所探下来的方向,正是光明城的位置。 In the Heaven Emperor fuzzy appearance, angry look is more abundant. 天帝模糊的面目上,怒色越盛。 Because he felt clearly that purple chaos principle palm was duplicate has pressed toward him unexpectedly directly. 因为他已经清晰地感觉到,那紫色混沌法则手掌竟是直接朝着他覆压了下来。 With me for enemy? That prepares for paying a price.” Heaven Emperor cold snort|hum, Martial Dao Emperor of new promote, how he did not pay attention, truly those who made him dread, the world trend during his control, has started to have the change that was hard to control, this was the matter that he was worried about. “与我为敌?那就做好付出代价的准备。”天帝冷哼,一个新晋的武道皇帝而已,他并不如何放在眼里,真正让他忌惮的是,一直都在他的掌控之中的世界趋势,开始有了难以掌控的变化,这才是他所担心的事情。 Bang! 轰隆隆! Purple seven fingers of superhuman hands lead the potential of heavenly thunder, duplicate presses, in an instant the entire Bright City sky, was covered by this superhuman hand, as if must be stave the entire Bright City direct crush. 紫色七指巨掌带动天雷之势,覆压下来,转眼整个光明城的上空,都被这巨掌笼罩,仿佛是要将整个光明城直接碾压破碎一样。 Gives me to break.” The Heaven Emperor whole body blue color nether world brilliance writings, shoot up to the sky directly, want to defeat this blue seven fingers of superhuman hands directly. “给我破。”天帝浑身蓝色幽冥光焰大作,直接冲天而起,想要将这蓝色七指巨掌直接击破。 Seven fingers of superhuman hands move slightly, fiercely a leaf. 七指巨掌微微一动,猛地一扇。 Bang! 轰! The Heaven Emperor body, like was the fly must fly upside down by the fan directly, layer on layer fell in the ground. 天帝的身躯,直接被像是苍蝇一样被扇得倒飞了下来,重重地落在了地面上。 South deep strength, 7 Fingers Clan? Is impossible, 7 Fingers Clan exterminated.” The Heaven Emperor facial color became dignified, 7 Fingers Clan already under his some plans, cancelled from this world, how also possibly to have New Emperor to appear, the south deep strength has the special restraint effectiveness regarding his cultivation technique, the situation was not very wonderful. “南冥之力,七指族?不可能,七指族已经灭绝了。”天帝面色变得凝重了起来,七指族早就在他的一些策划之下,从这个世界之中抹去,怎么还可能有新帝出现,南冥之力对于他的功法有着特殊的克制效用,情况很不妙。 Seven fingers do not extinguish, the south deep town is wicked.” “七指不灭,南冥镇恶。” Simple and beautiful just likes nine days of profound female sound/noise, resounds in Between Heaven and Earth. 一个清丽犹如九天玄女的声音,在天地之间响起。 That seven fingers of purple superhuman hands duplicate press once again. 那七指紫色巨掌再度覆压下来。 On the Heaven Emperor face reappears to dread the color, finally he fast retrocedes, no longer hardly regrets this palm, because he is in Emperor falls worries snow 3000 zhang (3.33 m) In formation, strength was reduced the suppression, but the palm strength that the opposite party drops from the clouds, has the absolute suppressed function regarding him, he suspected that this 7 Fingers Clan New Emperor might know anything very much, preparation for a long time, otherwise the emperor of new promote, was just impossible so intrepidly. 天帝脸上浮现出忌惮之色,最终他飞快地后退,不再硬憾这一掌,因为他处于【帝落愁雪3000丈】的阵法之中,实力被削减压制,而对方从天而降的掌力,对于他有着绝对的压制作用,他怀疑这个七指族新帝很有可能知道了什么,准备许久,不然一个刚刚新晋之帝,不可能如此强悍。 He draws back, then these accompany monarchies, also retrocedes. 他退,则那些随从君主们,也同时后退。 Purple superhuman hand final racket falls, has not pursued, unexpectedly is seven fingers of one, float, in the place fire quiet spring above Bright God palace grasps directly in the hand, digs directly, the superhuman hand took back, retracts above the vault of heaven in that purple mist vortex. 紫色巨掌最终拍落下来,并未追击,竟是七指一曲,将悬浮在地火幽泉上空的光明神殿直接握在手中,直接撅住,巨掌收回,缩回到了天穹之上那紫色云气漩涡之中。 Was not good, was swindled.” “不好,上当了。” The Heaven Emperor facial color changes, understood anything suddenly, gets rid instantaneously, wants to intercept, but actually already without enough time. 天帝面色一变,猛然明白了什么,瞬间出手,想要拦截,但却已经来不及了。 Finally, the Bright God palace submerged in the purple mist vortex above vault of heaven, vanished does not see, stood Yu Xiao Xing together with originally on temple stair, Wen Wan as well as severely wounded spirit monkey battle companion and the others, completely by that huge purple seven fingers of palms carrying off. 最终,光明神殿没入到了天穹之上的紫色云气漩涡之中,消失不见,连同原本站在神殿台阶上的鱼小杏温晚以及重伤的灵猴战宠等人,全部都被那巨大的紫色七指手掌给带走了。 Pursues!” “追!” Heaven Emperor look black like water. 天帝面色阴沉如水。 The person who he 100% determinations, oneself must find now, definitely in the Bright God palace, was actually planned by this small New Emperor, uses him regarding dreading of 7 Fingers Clan, clear(ly) cultivation the plank road to do something secretly, the Bright God palace intercepting, saw how many years seeking must have a good result, actually stops just short of success for the mountain, how does this make him be able to bear? 他现在100确定,自己要找的人,肯定就是在光明神殿之中,却被这个小小的新帝算计,利用了他对于七指族的忌惮,明修栈道暗度陈仓,将光明神殿给截走了,眼看着多少年的寻找就要有一个好结果,却是为山九仞功亏一篑,这让他如何受得了? The quiet blue soul body changes to Flowing Light, shoots up to the sky directly, submerges the purple mist vortex that above the vault of heaven that healed gradually. 幽蓝色的魂体化作流光,直接冲天而起,没入到了天穹之上那逐渐愈合的紫色云气漩涡。 Other Darkness Domain monarchies, does not dare to have slight neglecting, cannot attend to paying attention to other human affairs in imperial capital Snow Capital, followed closely in Heaven Emperor, just liked such as Yan Guichao is ordinary, submerged in the purple mist vortex in abundance. 其他黑暗领域君主们,也不敢有丝毫的怠慢,顾不上去理会帝都雪京之中的其他人事,都紧随在了天帝的身后,犹如如燕归巢一般,纷纷没入到了紫色云气漩涡之中。 Such, regarding the myriad lives in imperial capital, is simply same like the myth. 这样的一幕,对于帝都之中的万千生灵来说,简直就如神话一样。 Imperial capital vibration. 帝都震动。 But was good because of Yu Xiao Xing has made from the beginning the worst plan, good that very all subsequent parties arranged, therefore in the following some time, even if did not have this empress and Lin Zheng and other high-ranking court officials, the revolution of empire methodically will be conducted. 但好在鱼小杏一开始就做了最坏的打算,将一切后手都安排的很好,因此在接下来的一段时间里,就算是没有她这位女帝和蔺争等重臣,帝国的运转还是会有条不紊地进行。 Naturally, such time, will not be long. 当然,这样的时间,不会太长。 ...... …… You are......” “你是……” Yu Xiao Xing and the others look that at present this is delicate the fairy maiden same female of dust in just like the picture, in the heart the incomparable shock. 鱼小杏等人看着眼前这位清秀出尘宛如画中仙子一样的女子,心中无比的震惊。 No matter Wen Wan or Hon Kong and the others, have not seen this kind of character before this, but seems like purple Emperor Qi that from this delicate peerless female that in the delicate body overflows, almost does not need to ask that can determine, before from the hand of Heaven Emperor New Emperor that they rescued, was she. 不管是温晚还是孔空等人,此前都未曾见过这样一个人物,但从这个清秀绝伦女子那看似柔弱的身躯之中流溢出来的紫色帝气来看,几乎不用问,就可以确定,之前从天帝的手中将他们救出来的新帝,正是她。 The birth of New Emperor, is not a dynasty will kick absolutely, by the common sense, this female should be before this shakes peerless Tianjiao of entire infinite universe to be right, but the people actually move had never heard that existence of this kind of 7 Fingers Clan female, as if baseless braves, only what makes the people slightly feel at ease, from the body of this New Emperor, what feels is the sincere good intentions, the opposite party is the friend non- enemy. 新帝的诞生,绝对不会是一朝蹴就,以常理而言,这个女子此前应该是名震整个大千世界的绝世天骄才对,但众人却动从未听说过这样一个七指族女子的存在,仿佛是凭空冒出来的一样,不过唯一让众人都略微心安的是,从这位新帝的身上,感受到的是真诚的善意,对方是友非敌。 Has seen your majesty, has seen fellow Sirs.” The delicate peerless empress nod, expression is quite amiable, genial tunnel: I called Shui Xiu, was the 7 Fingers Clan descendant, in the past Meng Yefu caused the obligation, several times when saved me in peril, had the graciousness of regeneration with me for these years, I have lived in imperial capital Snow Capital, wheted Cultivation, because in having no intention obtained a wisp of turning point, therefore has a dynasty to break through today, when Heaven Emperor and the others came, I have felt, what a pity when I was breaking through, cannot get rid.” “见过陛下,见过各位大人。”清秀绝伦的女帝点头,语气极为平易近人,和善地道:“我叫水秀,乃是七指族的后裔,当年蒙叶副使大恩,数次救我于危亡之际,与我有再生之恩这几年,我一直都生活在帝都雪京之中,磨砺修炼,因为无意之中得到了一缕契机,所以才有今日一朝突破,天帝等人来时,我已经感受到,可惜我正在突破之际,不能出手。” „, You know Brother Qingyu.” Yu Xiao Xing one hear, feels relieved thoroughly. “啊,你认识青羽哥哥。”鱼小杏一听,彻底放心下来。 She recalled to mind at this time indistinctly, initially Ye Qingyu indeed was speaks thoughtlessly to mention any 7 Fingers Clan, but her heart on the body of Ye Qingyu, had not cared about this minor matter at that time, has not thought that today has run into a 7 Fingers Clan empress unexpectedly. 她这时隐约记起,当初叶青羽的确是随口提起过一个什么七指族,不过当时她一颗心都在叶青羽的身上,并未在意这种小事,没想到今日竟然遇到了一位七指族女帝。 ---------- ---------- Sorry, the blade sister-in-law produces the exam today, other four-dimensional color dopplers as well as inspections, made afternoon, therefore renewed lately. 抱歉啊,今天刀嫂产检,四维彩超以及其他各种检查,弄完回来道下午了,所以更新迟了。 One, is at about 11 : 00 probably. 还有一更,大概在11点左右。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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