IM :: Volume #11 诸雄并起

#1089: Abnormal strong Tian Family

Eye of Heaven Intention?” Jin Peng is startled to exclaim. 天数之眼?”金鹏惊吼道。 The Jin Peng startled soul jumps crazily, that is the terrifying that even Saint can also get rid of exists. 金鹏惊的魂魄狂跳,那可是连圣人也能干掉的恐怖存在。 It is not right, Eye of Heaven Intention is the black-and-white, Jin Peng leaves in previous Heavenly Court has seen, this is actually the blood red. 不对,天数之眼是黑白色的,金鹏在上次天庭出见过,这个却是血红色的。 The eye that recognizes this terrifying, Jin Peng also denied its status quickly. But, is not Eye of Heaven Intention, why such big power and influence? 一眼认出这恐怖的眼睛,金鹏也很快否定了它的身份。可是,不是天数之眼,为何这么大的威势? The terrifying power and influence oppression, making Jin Peng this powerful Ancestor Immortal unable to bear general. The imposing manner of this terrifying, seems Saint to arrive to be the same. 恐怖的威势压迫而下,让金鹏这个强大的祖仙都受不了一般。这恐怖的气势,就好像圣人降临一样。 Is could it be that a Eye of Heaven Intention another form? 难道天数之眼的另一种形式? Although did not shock when Four Great Division Continent initially, under the heavens everyone is forced to worship on bended knees, but Jin Peng also can only block this aura in the body about the Heavenly Dao situation. 虽然不似当初在四大部洲时那么震撼,天下所有人被迫跪拜,但金鹏也只能在身合天道的情况下挡住这股气息。 A aura of overlook common people. 一种俯瞰苍生的气息。 Aura that Saint arrives at? Does not have Saint to arrive! 圣人降临的气息?并没有圣人降临啊! Jin Peng is surprised, looks to distant place Longevity Palace Zhong Shan. 金鹏惊疑不定,看向远处长生殿钟山 at this moment, the blood-color eye looks, Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court sways slightly, the common people cannot gain ground, but the official, except for Duke Great Zheng above, others is hard to raise the head. 此刻,血色眼睛看下,凌霄天庭微微晃荡,百姓都抬不起头,而官员,除了大崝公爵以上,其它人都难以抬头。 In Zhong Shan eye slightly cold! 钟山眼中微冷! so powerful aura!” Nian Youyou exclaims in the one side. 好强大的气息!”念悠悠在一旁惊叹道。 Well! Well! ............ Ancestor God Beast stands in the Nian Youyou shoulder, unexpectedly also makes a dreading sound. “咦!咦!............”祖神兽站在念悠悠肩头,居然也发出一声畏惧的声音。 Eye of Heavenly Firmament? 苍天之眼? Zhong Shan recognized, this was Eye of Heavenly Firmament, that Eye of Heavenly Firmament in Small Thousand Worlds, in Zhong Shan's Divine World, Eye of Heavenly Firmament, was named as Eye of Heavenly Retribution by Zhong Shan. 钟山认出来了,这是一个苍天之眼,小千世界中的那种苍天之眼,在钟山的神界’中,就有一个苍天之眼,被钟山命名为天罚之眼 never expected besides oneself, presents Eye of Heavenly Firmament at present, moreover its intensity is not weak in own Eye of Heavenly Retribution, even is stronger! 想不到除了自己,眼前又出现一个苍天之眼,而且其强度一点不弱于自己的‘天罚之眼’,甚至更强! The distant place, under Tianxia Peak, keeper Old Tian suddenly sets out. 远处,天下峰下,守护人‘天老’忽然起身。 Old Tian these years have sat in the Tianxia Peak place comprehend the knowledge that Tian Shenzi left behind initially. Has not taken a walk. This time a aura that has with the root sets out suddenly, striding walks to Longevity Palace. 天老这些年一直坐于天下峰处参悟天神子当初留下的知识。从来没走动过。只是这次产生同根的气息才忽然起身,踏步走向长生殿 Saint King, wants......!” Lin Xiao is worried to say slightly. 圣王,要......!”林啸略微担心道。 Watches changes quietly!” Zhong Shan said solemnly. “静观其变!”钟山沉声道 Yes!” “是!” The distant place, the blood-color Eye of Heavenly Firmament blood light shines, shows disdain for the potential of common people to inspect Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, subsequently, red light covers Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court suddenly. 远处,血色苍天之眼血光普照,一股傲视苍生之势巡视凌霄天庭,继而,红光骤然笼罩凌霄天庭 Zhong Shan even in that blood-color pupil, saw a golden token! 钟山甚至在那血色瞳孔之中,看到了一块金色的令牌! Heavenly Token? The Zhong Shan facial expression moves slightly. 天令?钟山神情微动。 It is not right, is not Heavenly Token, Heavenly Token is not this color, but the shape looked like. 不对,不是天令,天令不是这个颜色,只是形状太像了而已。 red light inspects Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, subsequently shines four directions , radiates entire Wind Mound Territory, suddenly, under the heavens is completely red light. The entire Great Zheng common people reveal the surprised color. This under the heavens? 红光巡视一圈凌霄天庭,继而普照四方,辐射整个风冢疆域,一时间,天下尽是红光。整个大崝百姓都露出惊讶之色。这天下到底怎么了? Áng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “昂~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Áng ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “昂~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” It seems wreaking havoc of discontented red light, above the Luck sea of clouds, the all the officials god picks, Zhong Shan god the top of the head, emits two huge dragon head suddenly! 好似不满红光的肆虐,气运云海之上,满朝神相中,钟山神相的头顶,忽然冒出两个巨大的龙头! Exactly the same two dragon head, but left that forehead has a red cinnabar point. 一模一样的两个龙头,只是左边那个眉心有着一个红色朱砂点。 Two dragons are roaring to Eye of Heavenly Firmament. 两龙对着‘苍天之眼’一阵怒吼。 In the roar, was full of an aggressive provocation, endless Luck washes out Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court, washes out Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court red light thoroughly, the common people felt better immediately. 吼声中,充满了一股霸气的挑衅,无尽气运冲刷凌霄天庭,将凌霄天庭红光彻底冲散,百姓顿时好受了很多。 The sound spreads over under the heavens, spreads over in the common people heart, the common people relax all. But was also curious Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court exactly to have what important matter! 声音更传遍天下,传遍百姓心中,百姓无不松了口气。但也好奇着凌霄天庭到底发生了什么大事! Eye of Heavenly Firmament has anger to look to Great Zheng Luck Golden Dragon! 苍天之眼带着一股怒意看向大崝气运金龙! Roar ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “吼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Shuanglong its roar, around terrifying impact direct impact Eye of Heavenly Firmament red cloud. 双龙其吼,一股恐怖的冲击直冲苍天之眼四周的红云。 Bang!” Red cloud Weisan! “嘭!”红云微散! In Eye of Heavenly Firmament shines through chill/yin cold. 苍天之眼中透射出一股阴寒。 But Eye of Heavenly Firmament not next attack, but is the pupil shrinks, in the original eye the token vanished. 苍天之眼并没有下一步进攻,而是瞳孔缩起,原先的眼中令牌消失了。 The eye shuts slowly, all around red cloud diverges slowly, finally, void presents giant black hole. It seems a huge space and time channel to be the same. 眼睛缓缓闭起,四周红云缓缓散去,最终,虚空中出现一个巨大的黑洞。好似一个庞大的时空通道一般。 All around pressure vanishes immediately, Eye of Heavenly Firmament vanishes, at that time the entrance of spatial channel also reduced gradually. 四周的威压顿时消失,苍天之眼消失,那时空通道的入口也渐渐缩小。 Three Tian Family Great Immortal set out fast, flew toward that time spatial channel. 三个天家大仙快速起身,向着那时空通道飞去。 Takes to me!” Zhong Shan cold sound shouted. “给我拿下!”钟山冷声喝道。 Bang!” Bang!” Bang!” “轰!”“轰!”“轰!” Jin Peng acts fast, in an instant to three people in front , the powerful strength striked to fly them loudly, three Great Immortal instant projected on the Longevity Palace direction! 金鹏快速出手,转眼间到了三人面前,强大的力量轰然将他们打飞,三个大仙瞬时被打到了长生殿方向! The Longevity Palace mouth, gathered Great Zheng enormous elite. 长生殿口,汇聚了大崝大量的精锐。 Great Immortal, how can Great Immortal? When Great Zheng has not been Parting Heavens that scene, Great Zheng Great Immortal had also broken through three figures. 大仙,大仙又能如何?大崝早已不是开天时的那番光景了,大崝大仙也早已突破了三位数。 Does not need Zhong Shan to begin, three Great Immortal tied up in front of Zhong Shan. 不用钟山动手,三个大仙就被捆绑到了钟山面前。 The distant place, the space and time channel reduces gradually, even vanishes finally does not see. 远处,时空通道渐渐缩小,甚至最终消失不见。 Does not want, the elder, we have not gone in!” A man called out. “不要,长老,我们还没进去!”一个男子叫道。 But the space and time channel will not wait for them. 可时空通道根本不会等他们。 Sees the space and time channel closure, three people of depressed discoveries this time really played probably in a big way. 看到时空通道关闭,三人郁闷的发现这次好像真的玩大了。 You who!” Zhong Shan said solemnly. “尔等何人!”钟山沉声道 Three people are long hair man coldly said: You best let loose us immediately, otherwise......!” 三人为首一个长发男子冷声道:“你们最好马上放开我们,否则......!” Bang!” “嘭!” Jin Peng that flies kicked his chin. 飞回来的金鹏一脚踢断了他的下巴。 Oh, oh is the sweet armor person, does to the gate, does......!” Consciousness that person has not captured quite the same as. “喔,喔是甜甲人,离门搞,搞死......!”那人浑然没有俘虏的觉悟。 Bang!” “嘭!” A Jin Peng foot kicked to break to pieces his chin thoroughly. 金鹏一脚彻底踢碎了他的下巴。 That person stares the big eye, a face is panic-stricken, was trigged, the supernatural power is unable to transfer, is incapable of revolting radically! 那人瞪大眼睛,一脸惊恐,被制住,法力无法调动,根本无力反抗! Saint King asked that who you are, had not said!” Jin Peng shouted. 圣王问你们是谁,还不说!”金鹏喝道。 Jin Peng shamed for Eye of Heavenly Firmament gets angry. Own unexpectedly might as well Great Zheng two Luck Golden Dragon? 金鹏是为刚才的苍天之眼而羞怒。自己居然还不如大崝的两条气运金龙? But Zhong Shan actually heard his want to from the Jin Peng tone, Jin Peng now is getting more and more intense to the Great Zheng sense of belonging. 钟山金鹏的语气中却听到了他想要的,金鹏现在对大崝的归属感越来越强烈了。 Said!” Zhong Shan indifferently said. “说吧!”钟山淡淡道 Moreover two people a face is alarmed and afraid. 另外两人早已一脸惊惧了。 Wecome fromHeavenly Continent, we are the Tian Family surrounding juniors!” One of them trembling say/way. “我们是从‘天洲’而来,我们是天家外围子弟!”其中一人战战兢兢道。 Peripheral juniors?” The Zhong Shan sinking sound asked. “外围子弟?”钟山沉声问道。 Yes, is most peripheral juniors. Is Tian Family most does not have the peripheral juniors of position, then a moment ago had nothing to do with us, is the elder made us bring Eye of Heavenly Might catalyst comes.” That person answered immediately. “是,是最外围子弟。是天家最没有地位的外围子弟,刚才那与我们无关,是长老让我们带着‘天威之眼’的引子来的。”那人马上解释道。 Comes to here to do?” Zhong Shan indifferently said. “来这里干什么?”钟山淡淡道 The whole body of ministers look together to these three people, broke to pieces except for a mute, another two people were sweating profusely, obviously does not dare to say. 群臣一起看向这三人,除了一个哑巴碎了的,另两个人满头大汗,显然不敢说。 „Do you want to become same as him? You thought he is not very miserable?” Jin Peng frightens said. “你们想变得和他一样吗?还是你们觉得他还不够惨?”金鹏吓唬道。 For Heavenly Token.” That person said immediately. “是为了‘天令’。”那人马上说道。 Heavenly Token?” The Zhong Shan eye narrows the eyes. 天令?”钟山眼睛一眯。 Old Tian is also the complexion sinks. 天老也是脸色一沉。 Yes, for Heavenly Token, the family obtained the news, Heavenly Token appears here, therefore we caught up immediately, because did not know the genuine and fake, the elders are not willing to come this, therefore made three of us catch up, and brings Eye of Heavenly Might catalyst, once discovered that real, stimulated to movement catalyst immediately, the elder can feel here information in remote Heavenly Continent!” That person said immediately. “是,是为了天令,家族得到消息,天令出现在了这里,因此我们就马上赶来了,因为不知道真假,长老们不愿来此,因此让我们三人赶来,并且带着‘天威之眼’的引子,一旦发现是真的,就马上催动引子,长老可以在遥远的天洲感受到这里的信息!”那人马上说道。 „?” “哦?” A moment ago, that red light, was searching for Heavenly Token a moment ago, so long as there is Heavenly Token, Tiancong Token will induce, Tiancong Token has not induced, therefore proves Heavenly Token not here, that to Western Continent, in the Tian Lingzi hand!” That person said immediately. “刚才,刚才那个红光,就是在搜寻天令,只要有天令,‘天从令’就会感应,天从令没有感应,因此证明天令不在这里,那就是到了西洲,在天灵子手中!”那人马上道。 Tian Lingzi?” The Zhong Shan pupil shrinks. 天灵子?”钟山瞳孔一缩。 Tian Lingzi, direct descendant Tian Family Patriarch, is Tian Ling'er! Zhong Shan's empress. 天灵子,嫡系天家家主,也就是天灵儿!钟山的皇后 Who told you?” The Zhong Shan sinking sound asked. “谁告诉你的?”钟山沉声问道。 This, we came here already for sometime, the Tian Lingzi matter, was not the big secret, we checked, but was worried that Tian Lingzi has not carried off Heavenly Token, Eye of Heavenly Might sought for one using Tiancong Token!” That person is worried to say. “这个,我们来这里已经有一段时间了,天灵子的事情,不是大秘密,我们都查到了,只是担心天灵子并没有带走天令,‘天威之眼’才利用天从令寻找一遍的!”那人担心道。 Said, from now on, Heavenly Continent will send people to go to Western Continent, looks Tian Lingzi?” Zhong Shan said solemnly. “这么说,从现在开始,天洲就会派人前往西洲,去找天灵子了?”钟山沉声道 Yes!” That person had not argued. After all this did not argue. “是!”那人没有辩解。毕竟这根本辩解不了。 The whole body of ministers look together to Zhong Shan, in other words, immediately, collateral branch will Tian Family, have Expert to rush to the Phoenix area? 群臣一起看向钟山,也就是说,马上,旁系天家,就会有强者奔赴凤凰疆域? Zhong Shan is slightly silent, subsequently has a look at that person to ask: Who a moment ago was that elder? Eye of Heavenly Might what's the matter?” 钟山微微沉默,继而看看那人问道:“刚才那个长老是谁?天威之眼又是怎么回事?” This, I don't know either, we are the juniors in most surrounding, but was ordered by the family, knows that is elder's order we volunteers for military service to come immediately, so long as because completed, we possibly promote in the family status, who as for the elder is, we did not have the qualifications to know, Eye of Heavenly Might, I don't know either, really does not know, dozens years ago looks for us the time, we also the first time are heard!” That person said immediately. “这个,我也不知道,我们是最最外围的子弟,只是受到家族命令,知道是长老的命令我们才马上请缨要过来的,因为只要办成了,我们在家族身份就可能提升,至于长老是谁,我们还没资格知道,天威之眼,我也不知道,真的不知道,几十年前找上我们的时候,我们也是第一次听说!”那人马上说道。 „Does scoundrel, dare to lie now?” The Jin Peng eye stares to say. 混账,现在还敢撒谎?”金鹏眼睛一瞪道。 I have not lain , we really do not know!” That person said immediately. “我没有撒谎,是真的,我们真的不知道!”那人马上说道。 Ok, General Jin Peng, do not compel them, Eye of Heavenly Might, I know, Heavenly Continent some situations, I also know!” Old Tian opens the mouth to say suddenly. “好了,金鹏将军,你不要逼他们了,天威之眼,我知道,天洲的一些情况,我也知道!”天老忽然开口道。 Jin Peng turns the head, strange looks at Old Tian saying: Who are you?” 金鹏转头,古怪的看着天老道:“你是谁?” Jin Peng to Great Zheng so many years, saw Old Tian truly speaking for the first time, will therefore show the strange expression. 金鹏大崝这么多年了,说实在的还是第一次见到天老,因此才会露出古怪的表情。 Ok, pressed in Sky Prison them, Old Tian, you came Heavenly Reason Pavilion along with me!” Zhong Shan said. “好了,将他们压入天牢,天老,你随我来天缘阁!”钟山说道。 Yes!” Old Tian nods. “是!”天老点点头。 Jin Peng is slightly strange. How does Great Zheng emit an odd person? Although cannot see fiercely, but evidently actually strange tight, Tian Family? Did he have the relations with Tian Family? 金鹏微微古怪。怎么大崝又冒出个怪人?虽然看不出有多厉害,但看样子却诡异的紧,天家?他怎么也和天家扯上关系了? Quick, one crowd of Great Zheng important minister gathered in Heavenly Reason Pavilion. The people look to Old Tian. 很快,一群大崝重臣就相聚到了天缘阁中。众人都看向天老 Zhong Shan sits down, looked that said to Old Tian: Old Tian, do you know the situation?” 钟山坐下,看向天老道:“天老,你知道情况?” Yes, the ancestor before closing up, has passed on some information to me, making me not arrive to compel not to have no other choice but to divulge, at this moment collateral branch Tian Family may threaten Patriarch, but also asked Saint King to act!” Old Tian said. “是,先祖在闭关前,传过一些信息给我,让我不到逼不得已不得泄露,此刻旁系天家可能会威胁到家主,还请圣王出手!”天老说道。 Ling'er is my wife, making a move this is inevitable, this time meets Ling'er to come back, will also run into the person of collateral branch Tian Family surely, you must say their situation to me!” Zhong Shan said. 灵儿是我的妻子,出手这是必然,这次接灵儿回来,必定还会遇到旁系天家之人,你要给我说说他们情况!”钟山说道。 Yes, should!” Old Tian nods. “是,应该的!”天老点点头。 Has a look at the people, Old Tian saying: Perhaps bystander does not know the Tian Family energy, but the ancestor is the control of Tian Family, to the Tian Family present influence is very clear, because that all belonged to direct descendant Tian Family, is only the direct descendant Tian Family Late Stage heir is not prosperous, was ridden by collateral branch Tian Family!” 看看众人,天老说道:“外人或许不知道天家的能量,但先祖原本是天家的主宰,对天家现在的势力可谓是非常清楚,因为那一切原本就是属于嫡系天家的,只是嫡系天家后期子嗣不旺,被旁系天家所乘!” A nearby Jin Peng strangeness, ancestor? You said a moment ago he does close up? Closes up in Great Zheng? could it be that is Great Zheng also hiding Tian Family Expert certainly? 一旁金鹏一阵古怪,先祖?你刚才说他闭关?在大崝闭关?难道大崝还藏着天家的绝强者? Others are not clear, Jin Peng travels around under the heavens to go to nearby Heavenly Continent Tian Family, Tian Family domineering, Jin Peng basic to vicinity. 别人不清楚,金鹏周游天下可是去过天洲天家附近,天家的强势,金鹏根本到不了近处。 Actually, Yang Sector under the heavens Nine Continents, in which Heavenly Continent, has been controlled by Tian Family, but claimed to the outside three 16 areas do things their own way, but is actually the Tian Family surrounding influence!” Old Tian shakes the head to say. “其实,阳间天下九洲,其中的天洲,一直被天家控制,只是对外声称三十六疆域各自为政,但其实都是天家外围势力!”天老摇摇头道。 This is also Tian Shenzi this crowd of anomalies strong to the reason that degree must hide. 这也是天神子这一群变态强到那种程度还要躲起来的原因。 What? Is Heavenly Continent all Tian Family? Tian Family does control the Great Thousand Worlds Yang Sector 1/9 territories?” Jin Peng could not halt again, immediately called out in alarm. “什么?天洲全是天家的?天家一家控制大千世界阳间九分之一疆土?”金鹏再也站不住了,顿时惊叫了起来。 ***: Asked ***! ***:求***啊!
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