IM :: Volume #11 诸雄并起

#1088: The name moves under the heavens

20 year later! 二十年之后! Yin Sector, Without Form, small copious, the sea, gold/metal wood, the water and fire, five big areas thoroughly are Great Zheng all. Yin Sector Great Zheng monopolizes six big areas. 阴间,无相,小沛,沧海,金木,水火,五大疆域彻底为大崝所有。阴间大崝独占六大疆域。 As for bending down the demon area, Great Zheng had not meddled! Although was short of Concealed Demon Cult Master, but is quick, another Cult Master Top Position, invaded the area to fight mutually wounded with all around, but stood firm body eventually difficultly, retreated all around invaded one's territory! 至于伏魔疆域,大崝一直没有插手!虽然少了伏魔教主,可很快,又一个教主上位,与四周侵略疆域战斗了两败俱伤,但终究艰难的稳住了身形,退去了四周来犯! Does not arrive at the fifty year, Great Zheng obtained the Northern Continent 1/6 territories unexpectedly, immediately causes Northern Continent in an uproar. 不到五十年的时间,大崝居然取得了北洲六分之一疆土,顿时引得北洲一片哗然。 The rise of Great Zheng, passes to above the major areas fierce and ambitious tables through various types of channels rapidly. 大崝的崛起,迅速通过各种渠道传到各大疆域的枭雄桌案之上。 The innumerable fierce and ambitiouses look at front report, the each and everyone eyelid jump crazily. 无数枭雄看着面前的汇报,一个个眼皮狂跳。 Insufficiently, insufficiently, I want the detail of Great Zheng this layout, I am detailed!” Saint King was calling out to the subordinate secret agent organization heads. “不够,不够,我要大崝这次布局的详细资料,我要详细的!”一个圣王对着下属密探机构首脑叫道。 Saint King, this already is most detailed!” 圣王,这已经是最详细的了!” Also insufficiently, checks again, spares nothing, to check again, checks to me! fifty year? Five big areas, how possibly?” That Saint King called out. “还不够,再查,不惜一切代价,再查,给我查!五十年?五大疆域,怎么可能?”那圣王叫道。 Yes!” “是!” Naturally, in the world does not have the wall that does not ventilate, the person of Great Zheng not to disclose the information, numerous usurped area old feudal official unceasingly Revival various types of materials, Heavenly Emperor Secret Boundary situation. gradually clarified the Great Zheng layout. 当然,世上没有不透风的墙,大崝之人没透露信息,一众被强占的疆域旧臣不断还原各种资料,还有天帝密境的情况。渐渐的大崝的布局弄清楚了。 The news fast biography to the major fierce and ambitious writing desks, the major news is reading the material in hand again, reveals the dignified color all. 消息再度快速传向各大枭雄书案之上,各大消息看着手中的资料,无不露出凝重之色。 This Great Zheng, highly regarded!” “这个大崝,不可小觑!” Zhong Shan?” 钟山?” Great Zheng Saint Court? Zhong Shan?” 大崝圣庭?钟山?” .............................. .............................. .................. .................. ............ ............ Suddenly, Zhong Shan's given name moves under the heavens, the place of Northern Continent, no one dares underestimate Zhong Shan, the lords of underestimate Zhong Shan's five big area, in short fifty year, already became the history completely. 一时间,钟山的大名名动天下,北洲之地,没人敢小看钟山,小看钟山的五大疆域之主,在短短五十年时间,已经全部成为历史了。 Even, Great Zheng all around area lord, no one attacks on own initiative. After all this Great Zheng is passing aura of evildoer/monstrous talent, making one ponder over airtight, this also makes collections of these five big areas change unusual smooth! 甚至,大崝四周的疆域主,也没人主动来攻。毕竟这个大崝透着一股妖孽的气息,让人琢磨不透,这也使得这五大疆域的收取变的异常顺利! unified six areas. Great Zheng aspires to seize Northern Continent officially, becomes a Northern Continent tyrant! A dynasty monopolizes six points of Northern Continent! The prestige is unmatched! 一统六疆域。大崝正式问鼎北洲,成为北洲一霸!一朝独占六分之一北洲!威名一时无两! Prosperous Capital, above Imperial Hall! 昌京,朝堂之上! Starting today, We seal Wang Jingwen am Great Zheng 12th Legion Commander, second-rate Duke Wen of Jin! Enjoys Ancient Immortal Equipment one, immortal stone 100,000. Ancient Immortal pill!” Zhong Shan solemnly said. “今日起,朕封王靖文大崝第十二军团长,二等晋文公!赏古仙器一件,仙石十万枚。古仙丹一枚!”钟山郑重道 Rumble!” A Luck sea of clouds surges. “轰隆隆!”气运云海一阵翻腾。 Thanked Saint King!” Wang Jingwen bows to say. Subsequently turns over to the row. “谢圣王!”王靖文躬身道。继而归列。 Zhong Shan sits above Nine Dragons Heavenly Chair, under is the Great Zheng whole body of ministers, Zhao Suoxiang and the others who the frontline returns, these people conferred reward, each and everyone has had an excitement as before. 钟山坐于九龙天椅之上,下方是大崝群臣,还有前线归来的赵所向等人,这些人都已封赏过了了,一个个依旧带着一股激动的心情。 These years, various Minister were laborious! Then the date and time, everyone recuperates quite! The short-term will not have any large-scale war, Yan Chongzhi continues to be responsible for screening the talent, these year of fills in the talent of four directions area, does to consider again. Simultaneously continues to attract the under the heavens talent!” Zhong Shan nods to say. “这些年,诸爱卿辛苦了!接下来时日,诸位好生休养!短期不会有什么大型战事了,阎冲之继续负责筛选人才,将这些年填补在四方疆域的人才,再做斟酌。同时继续吸纳天下人才!”钟山点点头道。 Yes!” Yan Chongzhi respectfully said. “是!”阎冲之恭敬道 Saint King!” Zhao Suoxiang leaves ranks suddenly. 圣王!”赵所向忽然出列。 Un?” Zhong Shan has doubts slightly. “嗯?”钟山微微疑惑。 Without Form Saint King five big attached areas, our already obtained Without Form Territory in the past and three, two have not dispatched troops, that two people should not have Emperor's Qi, should not be difficult to capture, why doesn't Saint King take that two areas in one vigorous effort?” Zhao Suoxiang does not understand to say. 无相圣王当年有五大附属疆域,我们已经得到无相疆域和其中三个,还有两个并未出兵,那两人应该没有帝王之气,应该不难攻取,圣王为何不一鼓作气拿下那两个疆域?”赵所向不理解道。 Sees Zhao Suoxiang that fighting intent, Zhong Shan smiles lightly. 看到赵所向的那股战意,钟山淡淡一笑。 Nearby Yi Yan leaves ranks suddenly. 一旁易衍忽然出列。 General Zhao, I come to be General Zhao explain!” Yi Yan said with a smile. 赵将军,还是我来为赵将军讲解吧!”易衍笑道。 Appreciate further details!” Zhao Suoxiang nods. 愿闻其详!”赵所向点点头。 General Zhao and General everyone at this moment fighting intent is just thick, but that two big area is not really suitable to capture immediately, my Great Zheng establishes the date and time is not long after all, the Yin Sector background can support six big area already is the limit, are many, will be beyond control, the talent, the management is not very in place surely, although all around area has not coped with our dynasty, but the vision has been staring at us surely, once we reveal the weary condition that is unable to manage, causes rallying together of all around area overlord to attack surely.” 赵将军诸位将军此刻战意正浓,可那两大疆域实在不适合马上攻取,我大崝毕竟建立时日不长,阴间底蕴能够支撑六大疆域已经是极限了,再多,就会鞭长莫及,人才,管理必定不够到位,四周疆域虽然没有对付我朝,但目光必定一直盯着我们,一旦我们露出无法管理的疲态,必定引得四周疆域霸主的群起而攻。” Moreover, capturing of that two area, will pay the huge price surely, is disadvantageous to Great Zheng, Great Zheng now main stabilizes six big areas, saves the background again, saves the popular sentiment, the surface takes a broad view in under the heavens only then again!” “而且,那两个疆域的攻取,必定会付出巨大代价,对大崝不利,大崝现在最主要的就是稳定六大疆域,再度积攒底蕴,积攒民心,方可面再放眼于天下!” If the Zhao Suoxiang so fighting intent person is not infrequent, hears the Yi Yan detailed explanation, understands clearly in abundance. 赵所向这般战意的人不在少数,听到易衍详细的解释,纷纷一阵了然。 Suoxiang is ashamed!” Zhao Suoxiang is doing obeisance to Yi Yan respectfully. 所向惭愧!”赵所向对着易衍恭敬一拜。 General Zhao does not need so, to think in this aspect below, may actually be far less than General Zhao in the army!” Yi Yan helps up Zhao Suoxiang immediately! 赵将军不必如此,在下在这方面多想了一些,可在军队中却远不如赵将军!”易衍马上扶起赵所向! Hence, Great Zheng Saint Court formally entered the conditioning period. The under the heavens talent, the wizard is also fast the gathering to Great Zheng! 至此,大崝圣庭正式进入了修整期。天下人才,鬼才也快速汇聚向大崝! Yang Sector, Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court! 阳间,凌霄天庭! Zhong Shan sits in a yard alone drinks to enjoy looking at the moon! In the look flashes through light missing. 钟山独自坐在一个小院中喝酒赏月!眼神之中闪过一丝淡淡的思念。 Nian Youyou walks from behind, Zhong Shan seems has not discovered to be the same, thinks being enthralled that somewhat there. 念悠悠从后面走来,钟山都好似没有发现一样,在那里想的有些入神。 Nian Youyou circles to Zhong Shan in front of directly, at this time Zhong Shan suddenly discovered, complexion one slow, shows a smile. 念悠悠直接绕到钟山面前,这时钟山才忽然发现,脸色一缓,露出一股笑容。 Went out?” Zhong Shan said with a smile. “出关了?”钟山笑道。 Nearby there is still one chair, Nian Youyou has not sat to that chair on, but the direct side sits above the Zhong Shan thigh, depends upon above the Zhong Shan's chest, and shrank the body slightly, listens respectfully to the Zhong Shan heartbeat with the ear! 旁边还有一个椅子,念悠悠并没有坐到那张椅子上,而是直接侧坐在钟山大腿之上,依靠在钟山的胸膛之上,并且微微缩了缩身子,用耳朵聆听钟山心跳! Un, came out, you think being enthralled that a moment ago what thinks?” Nian Youyou asked that simultaneously the eye of Meili (beautiful) shone. “嗯,出来了,你刚才想什么想的那么入神?”念悠悠问道,同时美丽的眼睛忽闪忽闪。 It‘s nothing, looks at moonlight Meili (beautiful), looked was somewhat enthralled!” Zhong Shan shakes the head to say. “没什么,就是看着月色美丽,看的有些入神了!”钟山摇摇头道。 „It is not right, you are thinking other empress!” In the Nian Youyou eye flashes through an affirmation, you could not deceive my appearance. “不对,你是在想其它皇后了吧!”念悠悠眼中闪过一股肯定,一副你骗不了我的样子。 Sighed gently, Zhong Shan nods saying: Un!” 轻轻叹了口气,钟山点点头道:“嗯!” „Do you prepare to take them to come back?” The Nian Youyou palm caressed the Zhong Shan chest to ask. “你准备去接她们回来?”念悠悠手掌抚了抚钟山胸膛问道。 What could not hide the truth from you, several hundred years, my strength, the influence gradually was also steady, and can achieve to protect you. I think, was the time whole family reunites!” Zhong Shan said. “什么也瞒不了你,数百年了,我的实力,势力也逐渐平稳,并且能够做到保护你们了。我想,是时候一家人团聚了!”钟山说道。 A Nian Youyou silence! 念悠悠一阵沉默! Zhong Shan is also a silence, but is holding Nian Youyou tightly, the palm stroked gently a meeting in Nian Youyou arm lateral gently! 钟山也是一阵沉默,只是紧抱着念悠悠,手掌在念悠悠手臂侧部轻轻的摩挲了一会! Originally, this matter, Zhong Shan to Nian Youyou will not say, after all with is the female, Nian Youyou, although is very magnanimous, but that is also limited, the impossible feeling not to have. But Nian Youyou closely examines unceasingly, Zhong Shan does not want to deceive Nian Youyou! 原本,这种事,钟山是不会对念悠悠说的,毕竟同为女子,念悠悠虽说很大度,但那也有限,不可能一点感觉也没有。可念悠悠不断追问,钟山也不想骗念悠悠! Whom do you prepare first to meet? Elder Sister Bao'er? Elder Sister Qianyou? Elder Sister Ling'er? Elder Sister Qingsi elder sister?” Silent a meeting, Nian Youyou asked again. “你准备先接谁?宝儿姐姐?千幽姐姐?灵儿姐姐?还是青丝姐姐?”沉默了一会,念悠悠再度问道。 Looks at the Nian Youyou facial expression, Zhong Shan kisses her forehead gently, shakes the head saying: This we will say another day, accompanies me to enjoy looking at the moon together!” 看着念悠悠的神情,钟山轻轻吻了吻她的额头,摇摇头道:“这个我们改天说,陪我一起赏月吧!” Deep looked at Zhong Shan, finally Nian Youyou reveals a happy sweetness to say with a smile: Un!” 深深的看了一眼钟山,最终念悠悠露出一股幸福的甜笑道:“嗯!” Two people continue to look at this charming dim light of night, the dim light of night is charming, similarly also intoxicant! Looks, two people vanished in the light kiss in the courtyard! 二人继续看着这迷人的夜色,夜色迷人,同样也醉人!看着看着,二人就在轻吻中消失在了院落! -------------------------- -------------------------- After three days, in Heavenly Reason Pavilion. 三日后,天缘阁中。 Zhong Shan sits after the writing desk, eyes closed, is knocking the chair arm rest gently, since decided that meets four empress to come back, that must prepare immediately, Qianyou went to Desolate Ancient Clan, this Desolate Ancient Clan now is a riddle, temporarily is unable to take her to come back, is Ling'er, Qingsi and Bao'er, Ling'er in Western Nie Fanchen there, should be the princess treatment. 钟山坐在书案之后,闭目,轻轻敲着椅子扶手,既然决定去接四个皇后回来,那就要马上准备了,千幽去了荒古家族,这荒古家族现在还是个谜,暂时也无法接她回来,接下来是灵儿,青丝宝儿,灵儿在西方涅凡尘那里,应该是公主待遇。 Bao'er in the central area, with central Cult Master should be Fate Standard two bodies, because of the central Cult Master status, Bao'er should the position venerate very much, moreover Jin Peng also acknowledged this. 宝儿在中央疆域,与中央教主应该是一个命格两个身体,因为中央教主的身份,宝儿应该地位很尊崇,况且金鹏也承认了这点。 Bei Qingsi in some north Ice God Palace, generally speaking, Qingsi leaves Great Zheng to be recent. 悲青丝在更北方一些的冰神宫,总的来说,青丝大崝最近。 Should first meet ............ 应该先接............。 In Zhong Shan analyzes all around situation time. Suddenly, Zhong Shan both eyes open, the pupil shrinks, immediately stands up. 正在钟山分析四周形势的时候。忽然,钟山双目一开,瞳孔一缩,马上站起身来。 Report! reporting Saint King, the south presents the astonished celestial phenomenon, asking Saint King to take responsibility!” Outside the palace hears Imperial Guard the sound of shouting loudly. “报!启禀圣王,南方出现惊异天象,请圣王做主!”殿外传来一个侍卫的高呼之声。 heaven-shaking phenomenon? Zhong Shan already felt a moment ago. Therefore immediately goes out of Heavenly Reason Pavilion! 惊天异象?钟山刚才已经感受到了。因此马上走出天缘阁! Had/Left Heavenly Reason Pavilion, Great Zheng some important people also caught up fast. 出了天缘阁,大崝的一些要员也快速的赶来。 Zhong Shan to Longevity Palace, stood directly, in Longevity Palace looks to the distant place! 钟山直接到了长生殿,站在长生殿看向远处南方! The distant place, flies three white-robed man, directly soars the Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court direction, this is not anything, is mainly these three people of top of the heads, at this moment sun-blocking red cloud with them, as soon as takes off. 远处,飞来三名白袍男子,直奔凌霄天庭方向,这不算什么,主要是这三人的头顶,此刻一朵遮天蔽日的红云随着他们一起飞来。 Future, in report......!” “来者何人,报上......!” Several Great Zheng Imperial Guard rush over the interception. 几个大崝侍卫冲了过去拦截。 May arrive at the near, several Great Zheng Imperial Guard all complexions change, crashes into below land from the midair. 可到了近前,几个大崝侍卫无不脸色一变,从半空中坠入下方大地。 A terrifying pressure sends out from the red cloud. 一股恐怖的威压从红云之上散发而出。 But that three white-robed man seem not affected general. 而那三个白袍男子好似不受影响一般。 Jin Peng looked, body shot immediately, directly soars outside Southern Heaven Gate. 金鹏一看,身形顿时射了出去,直奔南天门外。 In an instant to three white clothing people in front, simultaneously accidental/surprised looks at the space. 转眼到了三个白衣人面前,同时意外的看着天上。 Obviously Jin Peng also feels that sun-blocking red cloud the terrifying. 显然金鹏也感受到那遮天蔽日红云的恐怖。 „Who are you?” The Jin Peng eye stares to say. “你们是什么人?”金鹏眼睛一瞪道。 „The Tian Family management, fast makes way!” Is white-robed person said solemnly. 天家办事,速速让开!”为首一个白袍人沉声道 Tian Family? Snort, which no matter I you are, your three small Great Immortal also does dare before me dissolute?” Jin Peng a pressure oppression goes immediately. 天家?哼,我不管你是哪家,你们三个小小‘大仙’也敢在我面前放肆?”金鹏顿时一股威压压迫而去。 Three people of complexions change. 三人脸色一变。 Suddenly, three people also kneel down. 忽然,三人同时跪下。 Does Jin Peng that this looks at stare, kneels down? These three people of bones were also too soft, did this kneel down to beg for mercy? 这一幕看的金鹏一愣,跪下?这三人骨头也太软了吧,这就跪下求饶了? But three people to Jin Peng, had not been saying that accurately is to space that huge red cloud. 可三人并未对着金鹏,准确的说是对着天上那庞大的红云。 „The reporting elder, to the Great Zheng Dynasty Capital edge, heavenly power has been possible to open, gracious favor under the heavens!” And white-robed person said. 启禀长老,已至大崝朝都边缘,天威可开,恩泽天下!”其中一个白袍人说道。 Jin Peng strange looks at red cloud upwards, for a while does not have yes what's the matter. 金鹏古怪的看向上方的红云,一时没有明白怎么回事。 Rumble ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!” “轰隆隆~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Sky that huge red cloud, has an intermittent loud sound suddenly, subsequently reveals a long crack. 天空那庞大的红云,忽然间发出一阵阵巨响,继而露出一道长长的裂缝。 The Jin Peng complexion changes, because he felt a terrifying pressure on disclose from that red cloud Liefeng. Three Tian Family juniors, are crawling does not dare to raise the head. 金鹏脸色一变,因为他感受到了一股恐怖的威压从那红云裂缝中透露而出。三个天家子弟,更是匍匐的不敢抬头。 In the bellow the crack opens slowly. The terrifying pressure is oppressing Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court strongly. Let Cloud Soaring Heavenly Court common people one be flustered. 轰鸣声中裂缝缓缓打开。恐怖的威压强势的压迫着凌霄天庭。让凌霄天庭百姓一阵心慌。 !” “呼!” The crack opened. The blood light shines. In the crack, exposes a 1 million li (0.5 km) long giant eye slowly, the blood-color pupil, making one look that has the demented meaning to be the same. Terrifying heavenly power radiation under! 裂缝打开了。血光普照。裂缝之中,缓缓暴露出一个百万里长的巨大眼睛,血色瞳孔,让人看之一眼都产生癫狂之意一般。恐怖的天威辐射而下! Eye of Heaven Intention?” Jin Peng is startled to exclaim. 天数之眼?”金鹏惊吼道。 The Jin Peng startled soul jumps crazily, that is the terrifying that even Saint can also get rid of exists. 金鹏惊的魂魄狂跳,那可是连圣人也能干掉的恐怖存在。 It is not right, Eye of Heaven Intention is the black-and-white, Jin Peng leaves in previous Heavenly Court has seen, this is actually the blood red. 不对,天数之眼是黑白色的,金鹏在上次天庭出见过,这个却是血红色的。 ***: Asked ***! ***:求***!
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