IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#560: Looked quickly, has the fellow daoist to cross the tribulation!

In an instant, Capital also welcomed the winter. 一转眼,上京又迎来了冬季。 The Capital winter has two types. 上京的冬天有两种。 One type is the cloudless day of Sun, one type is going to snow or the cloudy day of snowing. 一种是出太阳的晴天,一种是将要下雪或是正在降雪的阴天。 Cloudless day time, sky deep blue, cleans to wipe the net window like the new year's celebration time family member, is clean and transparent. 晴天的时候,天空是湛蓝的,就像过年时候家人打扫抹净的窗户,干净又透明。 Stands looks in the ground bygone days, clouds like indistinct white satin ribbon, melodious flying upwards in top of the head. 站在地上往天上看,云朵儿就像缥缈的白色缎带,悠扬的飞扬在头顶。 That is an aloof from worldly affairs and bone-chilling cold beauty. 那是一种清高而凛冽的美。 The icy cold northwest wind whistling has blown, swept sky over the city haze, swept cold in people heart. 冰凉的西北风呼呼刮过,既吹走了城市上空的霾,也吹走了人们心中的冷。 But this, why is Niannian may also like the winter basic reason. 而这,可能也是念念为什么会喜欢冬季的根本原因。 Also only then arrived in the winter, this little fellow who is binding the thick cotton-wadded jacket like before, ignores own cadre image, so long as sees the product snow drift arrived certain altitude of corner, she will guarantee high jumping, then numerous will sit. 也只有到了冬天,这个裹着厚厚棉袄的小家伙才会像以前那样,根本不顾自己的干部形象,只要看到墙角的积雪堆到了一定高度,她保准就会高高的跃起,然后一屁股重重的坐下去。 Mingming (clearly) came Capital several years, in the bone of this silly thing leads the southerner the attribute that liked playing the snow. 明明上京都好几年了,这个傻丫头的骨子里却还是带着南方人爱玩雪的属性。 Therefore, her behavior can always cause the next-door neighbor to send out understanding laughing. 因此,她的行为总能引起隔壁邻居发出一阵会心的大笑。 Complied with those words seriously: The southerners feel to snow fun, the northerner thought that the southerner is fun...... 当真是应了那句话:南方人觉得下雪好玩儿,北方人觉得南方人更好玩儿…… Said that cloudless day, that said the cloudy day again. 说完了晴天,那就再来说说阴天。 If cloudless day Capital is the aloof, then Capital of cloudy day manic. 如果说晴天的上京是高冷的,那么阴天的上京就是狂躁的。 Unfortunately, today is such a cloudy day. 不巧,今天就是这样一个阴天。 At present is in the morning, the sky is dusky, is only passing white of faint trace skylight. 眼下正值上午时分,天空却灰蒙蒙的,只透着一丝丝天光的白。 Niannian lay on the window looked at one, immediately small mouth dug can hang the oil bottle. 念念趴在窗户上看了一眼,小嘴儿顿时就撅的可以挂油瓶了。 Father cannot she go out, because outside is blowing the gale. 爸爸不许她出门,因为外面正刮着大风。 The small girl are not convinced, therefore then does not attend to Chen Xi's dissuading, opens the door to run in forcefully the arrived courtyard. 小丫头不服气,于是便不顾陈曦的劝阻,强行拉开房门跑到了院子里去。 But she just went out, the bone-chilling cold cold wind looked like looks for arrived anything to proclaim drain port to result, is binding snowflake pounding altogether on her face. 可她刚一出门,凛冽的寒风就像是找到了什么宣泄口似得,裹着雪花一股脑的砸在了她脸上。 Pleasant is completely white one piece, teaches the person unable to open the eye. 入眼尽是白茫茫的一片,直教人睁不开眼睛。 If light/only rained does not blow wind were good, such Niannian can hold the textbook to arrive in the courtyard, enjoyed the snow while studied. 如果光下雨不刮风就好了,这样念念就可以抱着课本到院子里,一边赏雪一边念书。 This has an ideal condition matter? 这是多有意境的一件事呀? Perhaps she can also comprehend any extraordinary Heaven and Earth highest good! 说不定她还能从中领悟到什么了不得的天地至理呢! Then, age that Niannian also arrived likes fantasizing now...... 说起来,念念现在也到了爱幻想的年纪了呢…… ...... …… Actually regarding the average person, Capital is also a slightly big point city. 其实对于普通人来说,上京也就是一座稍微大点的城市罢了。 But carefully observes surrounding after all, will discover, could not find to have the hometown flavor children's enjoyment in Capital such place. 可是仔细观察周围的一切后就会发现,在上京这样的地方根本找不到带有家乡味道的童趣。 Its orderly revolution, even if makes many humanistic feeling very strong places to recall for people now forcefully, still gives people unavoidably an uncomfortableness. 它秩序井然的运转着,即使现在强行制造了许多人文感很强的地方供人们缅怀,也不免给人一种不适感。 Here all, as if are such desirably. 这里的一切,仿佛都是那么的刻意。 Even here lived ten years and 20 years, the bystander is unable to turn into a true Capital person. 即使在这里生活了十年、二十年,外人也无法变成一个真正的上京人。 Perhaps, when last batch of Capital indigenous gradually die of old age, the stories of these Old Hu Tongli can with the time, but slowly air-drying? 或许,等到最后一批上京土著逐渐老去,那些老胡同里的故事就会随着时光而慢慢风干了吧? Outside wind is too big, Niannian cannot go out, Chen Xi then took the remote control to accompany her to read the Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber. 外面的风太大,念念出不了门,陈曦便拿着遥控器陪她看起了倚天屠龙记。 Don't her Niannian's nine Yang marvelous abilities stem from here heart to heart? 她心心念念的九阳神功可不就出自这里? Therefore, the television starts shortly, Niannian fell thoroughly. 于是,电视开始没多久,念念就彻底陷了进去。 Sees the in high spirits place, this silly thing will even also stand on the bed excitedly, then dances with joy studies the style in television to gesticulate. 看到兴高采烈处,这傻丫头甚至还会激动的站在床上,然后手舞足蹈的学着电视里的招式比划起来。 Hou! Father looks to incur!” “嚯!爸爸看招!” Eats “吃我一记玄冥神掌!” Ya! cannot move!” “嗬呀!不许动!” Father you were frozen by me!” 爸爸你被我冻住了!” Hahahaha haha......” “哈哈哈哈哈哈……” Now is in vogue to practice martial art, the class schoolmates will gesticulate once for a while mutually several, Niannian are also naturally no exception. 现在盛行习武,班里的同学们时不时就会互相比划几下,念念自然也不能例外。 However, she after all is a girl, simultaneously is six years two classes of class leaders, therefore she naturally impossible unscrupulous mutual creating a disturbance like others. 不过,她毕竟是女孩儿,同时又是六年二班的班长,所以她自然不可能像别人那样肆无忌惮的互相打闹。 To come also only then in front of Chen Xi's, she can like other children, no hindrance showed naive side...... 想来也只有在陈曦的面前,她才能像其他孩子那样,毫无阻碍的展现出自己天真的一面了…… Niannian excited flings about on the bed. 念念兴奋的在床上跳来跳去。 Chen Xi sits in the bedside, the whole face is completely the kind father smiling face. 陈曦则坐在床边,满脸尽是慈父般的笑容。 Outside the room the cold wind howls, in room warm feeling happiness. 屋外寒风呼啸,屋内暖意融融。 Makes people feel what is only somewhat regrettable is...... 唯独让人感到有些遗憾的是…… Yingying is still closing up. 盈盈还在闭关。 Also does not know when she can succeed to break through Golden Core. 也不知她什么时候才能成功突破到金丹 Therefore, Niannian even moves the arrived next door to come with Chen Xi to live together. 为此,念念甚至都搬到了隔壁来跟陈曦一块儿住。 Father, when Mother can review schoolwork Ah? to feel that she has not gone out for a long time!” 爸爸,妈妈什么时候才能复习完功课啊?感觉她都好久没有出过门儿了!” Possibly is the father and daughter is intimate friends, therefore Chen Xi just thought of Qin Ruoying, that side Niannian has opened the mouth to ask. 可能是父女连心吧,所以陈曦这边刚一想到秦若盈,念念那边就已经开口发问了。 Should be quick, leaving sharply should not be anxious.” “应该快了吧,别急别急。” Chen Xi has not given a m affirmative answer actually. 陈曦倒是也没有给出m一个肯定的答复。 After all...... 毕竟…… Core Formation to having a child to be the same, even if knew perfectly well the child already on the bosom, is unable to determine that actually the child will be born in which day. 结丹就跟生孩子一样,哪怕明知孩子已经怀上了,也无法确定孩子究竟会在哪一天出生。 Naturally, the Caesarean birth is an exception. 当然,剖腹产除外。 Mentioning was also skillful. 说来也是巧了。 When the father and daughter talked, in Four Harmony Courtyard started an extremely intense True Essence fluctuation suddenly. 就在父女俩对话期间,四合大院里突然就掀起了一阵极其强烈的真元波动。 Following close on, the sky was then resounding earth-shaking stuffy thunderclap! 紧跟着,天空便响起了一阵惊天动地的闷雷声! Rumble!’ ‘轰隆隆!’ Rumble!’ ‘轰隆隆!’ The billowing thunderclap resounds suddenly, even if away from the window, Niannian also had a scare. 滚滚雷声骤然响起,哪怕隔着窗户,念念也被吓了一大跳。 Thundered!” “打雷了!” Father, thundered!” 爸爸,打雷了!” Can rain?!” “是不是要下雨了吖?!” This big winter...... 这大冬天的…… Unexpectedly will also thunder? 居然还会打雷? But Niannian now study tyrant, therefore she remembers clearly the nature study teacher had said: Forms the thunder raincloud to meet two requirements generally, that is the sufficient water vapor and fierce convective drift. 念念现在可是学霸,所以她清楚记得自然课的老师曾经讲过:形成雷雨云一般要具备两个条件,那就是充足的水汽和剧烈的对流运动。 In the winter the temperature is dry, in addition the solar radiation is weak, therefore is basically impossible the situation of having thunders. 冬天气温干燥,再加上太阳辐射较弱,所以基本上不可能出现打雷的情况。 Therefore, the thunderclap just resounded, this small girl then lies on the bed, then near crawling arrived window speedily. 因此,雷声刚一响起,这小丫头便趴在床上,然后一溜烟的爬到了窗户边上。 …… 正所谓 The thunder hits the winter, ten cowshed nine spatial. 雷打冬,十个牛栏九个空。 In the winter thunders, but on wanting the news of television! 冬天打雷可是要上电视的新闻嘞! Niannian excited waits for the thunderclap to resound again, that side Chen Xi is actually frowning to look that to direction that the next room was. 念念这边兴奋的等着雷声再次响起,陈曦那边却是皱着眉头看向了隔壁房间所在的方向。 It is not right. 不对。 This is not the Yingying's aura. 这不是盈盈的气息。 Although Yingying from Core Formation also on one pace, but these step is actually not that can bridge over easily. 虽然盈盈距离结丹也就一步之遥了,可是这一步却也不是那么容易就能跨过的。 Rumble!’ ‘轰隆隆!’ The billowing thunderclap made a sound again. 滚滚雷声再次响了起来。 Following close on, the horizon was then flashing through a bright fiercely! 紧跟着,天边便猛地闪过了一道亮光! Hou!” “嚯!” Niannian inhaled a cold air subconsciously. 念念下意识的吸了口凉气。 Because, she saw with one's own eyes this lightning happen to chop in oneself courtyard center! 因为,她亲眼看到这道闪电正好劈在了自家院子中央! Papa, Papa!” 粑粑、粑粑!” Possibly because of extremely exciting reason, the tonality of Niannian speech changed. 可能是因为太过激动的缘故,以至于念念说话的音调都变了许多。 She boasts cried out two. 她咋咋呼呼的叫唤了两声。 Then looked, discovered Chen Xi does not know when left the room. 回头一看,才发现陈曦不知什么时候离开了房间。 Niannian was then anxious. 这下念念急了。 Therefore, she no matter also outside is still raining the thundering lightning, had no more to do with clash toward the room outside. 于是,她也不管外面是不是还在下雨打雷闪电,拔腿就朝着屋外冲了出去。 Father? Which did you go?!” 爸爸?你去哪儿了呀?!” Is shouting Father, Niannian while opened the door. 一边大喊着爸爸,念念一边拉开了房门。 Finally just went out, she was held by a gentle strength baseless. 结果刚一出门,她就被一股柔和的力量给凭空托了起来。 What's wrong? Fear?” “怎么?害怕了?” ...... …… ...... …… Forgot saying that these days hit in yan, made flustered...... 忘了说了,这段时间在yan打,弄的人心惶惶的…… It is said the metropolis channel was sealed 210,000 books...... 据说都市频道被封了二十一万本书…… Boss jinjiang also please drink tea probably...... jinjiang老板好像还被请去喝茶了…… This is in history strictest one time, therefore these days everyone crazy examines the self-examination...... 这是有史以来最严格的一次,所以这段时间大家都在疯狂的自审自查…… Excuses me...... 见谅见谅…… Low-key low key...... 低调低调……
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