IBSDAR :: Volume #3 待从头,收拾旧山河,朝天

#555: I love your 3000

Aiya, are you so how ominous?!” “哎呀,你怎么这么凶?!” These words were not Zhao Yue said obviously, but sat in ground Niannian says. 这句话显然不是赵悦说的,而是坐在地上的念念说的。 Her present movement looked like attended class takes away the stool to be the same suddenly, takes advantage of opportunity to sit falls down, this evaded Zhao Yue heavy blows. 她现在的动作就像是上课突然被人抽掉凳子一样,顺势坐倒在了地上,这才堪堪躲过了赵悦的重拳。 Mingming (clearly) is the classmate, Zhao Yue take action actually so swift and fierce resolute, seriously is not Niannian, when the person on one's own side looks. 明明是同班同学,赵悦出手却是如此的凌厉果决,当真是一点也没把念念当自己人看。 At that moment, the bonus is the audience under stage is Niannian worries. 那一刻,饶是台下的观众都不禁为念念捏了一把汗。 Also Niannian is fortunately quick-witted enough, this reduced and solved this move ingeniously. 也亏得念念够机智,这才巧妙的化解了这一招。 Otherwise this fist, if by solid, even if wears the protection helmet, Niannian estimated that will also become dark and have a dizzy spell by the Zhao Yuechui two eyes. 不然这一拳如果挨结实了的话,哪怕就是戴着防护头盔,念念估计也会被赵悦捶的两眼发黑、头晕目眩。 The so valiant strong style, makes the atmosphere intense getting up immediately, the teacher in charge could not bear make noise to urge several immediately. 如此彪悍强硬的风格,顿时就让气氛变得紧张的起来,以至于班主任顿时就忍不住出声叮嘱了几句。 „The friendship's first, 2 nd in the match!” “友谊第一、比赛第二!” Everyone is a schoolmate!” “大家都是同学!” Competition turns over to the competition, should not be too earnest!” “比试归比试,你们俩千万不要太认真了!” The teachers in charge also seemed to think that Zhao Yue take action was too heavy. 班主任似乎也觉得赵悦出手太重了。 But, Zhao Yue style turns over to fierce fierce, such behavior actually and has no mistake, therefore the teacher in charge opened the mouth to urge Zhao Yue to pay attention at this time to show mercy, instead will give people a favoring feeling. 可是,赵悦的招式凶猛归凶猛,这样的行为本身却并没有任何过错,所以班主任在这时候开口劝赵悦注意手下留情,反而会给人一种偏袒的感觉。 Does the teacher favor Chen Nian? 老师偏袒陈念 Thinks of here, in Zhao Yuexin thought immediately some are uncomfortable. 想到这里,赵悦心里顿时就觉得有些不舒服。 However...... 不过…… She eventually is a being concerned about face-saving person. 她终究还是一个爱面子的人。 Saw with own eyes that Niannian sits fell to the ground hesitant, after Zhao Yue one next, eventually let go this excellent attack opportunity, then gave Niannian time of respite adjustment. 眼见念念坐倒在地,赵悦犹豫了一下后,最终还是放弃了这个大好的进攻机会,转而给了念念一个喘息调整的时间。 How does the teacher favor? 老师偏袒又如何? This is the competition! 这是比赛! Therefore she must be in front of everyone, open and aboveboard defeating Chen Nian! 所以她更要当着大家的面,堂堂正正的击败陈念 This time, Zhao Yue must make everyone be sincerely convinced! 这一次,赵悦一定要让所有人都心服口服! ...... …… Yo, are this child's vicious tendencies so big? It is estimated that usually receives the Niannian's air/Qi a lot?” “哟,这孩子的戾气怎么这么大呢?估计平时没少受念念的气吧?” In rooftop. 天台上。 Chen Xi rubs to pinch Big Cat, while expresses own opinion. 陈曦一边揉捏着大猫、一边发表着自己的见解。 He was looks. 他算是看出来了。 This girl named Zhao Yue as if has an inexplicable hostility to Niannian. 这个名叫赵悦的女孩儿似乎对念念抱有一种莫名的敌意。 But the origin of this hostility, should be the so-called envy. 而这种敌意的来源,应该就是所谓的嫉妒。 Although the Niannian's age are more than Zhao Yuexiao, which perspective regardless of, Niannian outstandingly were too more than Zhao Yue, will therefore direct Zhao Yue hostility. 念念的年纪虽然比赵悦小很多,可是无论从哪个方面来看,念念都比赵悦优秀太多了,因此才会引赵悦的敌视。 Sometimes the hatred between female students, comes is such simple. 女生之间的仇恨,有时候来得就是这么简单。 When you only compared with others outstandingly, others will envy you. 当你只比别人优秀一点的时候,别人就会嫉妒你。 But when you compared with others outstanding big truncation, others from the heart will actually envy you, even regards as the example you. 可当你比别人优秀一大截的时候,别人却会发自内心的羡慕你,甚至将你视作榜样。 People, sometimes such strange. 人呐,有时候就是这么的奇怪。 Zhao Yue academic record cannot compare Niannian, the appearance does not compare Niannian, even in the school popular degree, she cannot compare Niannian by far. 赵悦的学习成绩比不上念念,长相也比不上念念,甚至就连在学校受欢迎的程度,她也远远比不上念念 If Niannian does not register today, perhaps Zhao Yue also can only suppress this tone not to locate to send. 如果念念今天不报名的话,赵悦或许还只能憋着这口气没处发。 But Niannian actually must stand to snatch her crest of wave at this kind of time, how does this let Zhao Yue to endure? 可是念念在这种时候却依然要站出来抢她的风头,这让赵悦如何能忍? Isn't Chen Nian wants to fight over first? 陈念不是什么都要争个第一吗? Then, she must make Chen Nian realize today personal...... 那么,她今天就要让陈念切身体会到…… What is true first! 什么才是真正的第一! Niannian cultivate to Immortality is very early, studying the military is very late, therefore the words of light by Martial Dao strength, Niannian truly is not Zhao Yue opponent. 念念修仙很早,学武却很晚,所以光以武道实力而言的话,念念确实不是赵悦的对手。 Therefore, after two people exhibit again the stance fights, Niannian are most also on following the Zhao Yue three moves, then started to appear some strength to fall short. 因此,当两人再次摆开架势重新交手之后,念念最多也就接下来了赵悦三招,然后就开始显得有些力有不逮了。 Big Cat you looked, Niannian was angry?” 大猫你看,念念是不是生气了?” In the field, Niannian is slightly weak under Zhao pleased pursuing to the end and hit hard. 场中,念念在赵悦的穷追猛打下略显不支。 Outside, Chen Xi seems all right person to result, chatted with Big Cat directly. 场外,陈曦则像是个没事儿人似得,直接跟大猫闲聊了起来。 Meow! 喵! After hearing the Chen Xi's words, Big Cat actually shows the whites of the eyes directly, seeming like is Niannian defends against injustice. 听到陈曦的话后,大猫却是直接翻了个白眼,似乎是在为念念打抱不平呢。 After all...... 毕竟…… If were not Chen Xi arranged the seal on Niannian, then even 100 Zhao Yue on together, obviously possibly was not the Niannian's opponent. 如果不是陈曦念念身上布置了封印,那么就算一百个赵悦一起上,显然也不可能是念念的对手。 Although Big Cat is only demon, but it also has oneself sentiment. 大猫虽然只是妖物,可是它却也有着自己的感情。 The Niannian good and evil is also it looks to grow up. 念念好歹也是它看着长大的。 Therefore, when Big Cat saw that Niannian Mingming (clearly) somewhat runs about to deal with Zhao to attack pleased, on after the face always has a stubborn competitive expression, immediately wishes one could to help Niannian. 因此,当大猫看到念念明明有些疲于应对赵悦的进攻,脸上却始终带着一种倔强不服输的表情后,顿时就恨不得上去帮念念一把。 Snort! 哼! How can the Niannian little princess lose to this caustic and mean bad female student?! 念念小公主怎么能输给这种尖酸刻薄的坏女生?! ...... …… The competition continues. 比试继续进行着。 This competition has not made a mistake and not been out-of-bounds, some are only the strength is bad. 这场比试没有失误、也没有出界,有的只是实力不济。 When the referee sounds the whistling sound for the third time, inquired whether Niannian chooses admits defeat, on the Chen Xi's face then finally showed a satisfactory smiling face. 当裁判第三次吹响哨声,询问念念是否选择认输的时候,陈曦的脸上这才终于露出了一丝满意的笑容。 Because...... 因为…… Niannian rejected referee's proposition once again. 念念又一次拒绝了裁判的提议。 Since arena, then she, so long as has not lost, has insisted! 既然上了擂台,那么她只要还没有输,就会一直坚持下去! No! I have not lost!” “不!我还没有输!” I do not admit defeat!” “我不认输!” The competition is the scoring system, so long as Niannian were hit one time by Zhao Yue again, then the victory and defeat result of this competition also came out. 比试是计分制,只要念念再被赵悦击中一次,那么这场比试的胜负结果也就出来了。 Looks appearance that a Niannian face stubborn is not convinced, Zhao Yue sneered. 看着念念一脸倔强不服气的样子,赵悦不禁冷笑了一声。 She has victory in the hand. 她早已胜券在握。 But exhibits the stance in her, the preparation ends this competition thoroughly time...... 可就在她重新摆开架势,准备彻底终结这场比赛的时候…… Chen Xi in rooftop actually also hit a sound to refer to with a smile. 天台上的陈曦却也笑着打了个响指。 ‘Pā! ‘啪! At that moment. 那一刻。 Chen Xi like putting on the steel hero of unlimited glove, the difference has not only said that classical lines to Niannian personally 陈曦就像戴上了无限手套的钢铁侠一样,只差没有亲口对念念说出那句经典台词了 I “i love love you you three three thousand thousand times. ”( Translation: I love your 3000) times.”(译文:我爱你三千遍) In fact. 实际上。 Chen Xi does not care about the result of this competition. 陈曦根本就不在意这场比试的结果。 Whoever loses whom to win, regarding Chen Xi is only an insignificant minor matter. 无论谁输谁赢,对于陈曦来说都只是一件无足轻重的小事。 Truly he cares...... 他真正所在意的…… Actually Niannian regarding attitude of this competition. 其实还是念念对于这场比试的态度。 From the Niannian's look, Chen Xi looks at arrived that competitive spirit. 念念的眼神里,陈曦到了那种不服输的精神。 Niannian wants to win. 念念想赢。 There is nothing to do with the private hate. 这与私人怨恨无关。 It is not because she has what vanity and merit thoughts of gain. 并不是因为她有什么虚荣心、功利心。 But because...... 而是因为…… She wants through to prove itself diligently. 她想要通过努力来证明自己。 Niannian unceasing was struck down, actually unceasing crawls. 念念不断的被击倒,却又不断的爬起来。 From beginning to end, her look that firm. 自始至终,她的眼神都是那么的坚定。 This is the first time that Niannian fought. 这是念念第一次与人交手。 Chen Xi can accept her to tumble, but after actually cannot accept her to tumble, actually cannot crawl again. 陈曦可以接受她跌倒,但却不能接受她跌倒以后却再也爬不起来。 Therefore, when a Niannian face said firmly oneself have not lost, Chen Xi satisfaction smiled. 因此,当念念一脸坚定的说出自己还没有输的时候,陈曦不禁满意的笑了起来。 A sound refers. 一个响指. A seal. 一层封印。 But this, is the Niannian true strength! 而这,才是念念真正的实力! She must win. 她要赢。 Won open and aboveboard and sight! 赢得堂堂正正、风风光光! Feels cool feeling that the abdomen is gushing out unceasingly, Niannian immediately in same place. 感受着腹部不断涌出的清凉感觉,念念顿时愣在了原地。 This type feels well strange. 这种感觉好奇怪吖。 Icy cold. 冰冰凉凉的。 Quite comfortable...... 好舒服…… Thinks of here, Niannian put out a hand to rub own belly. 想到这里,念念不禁伸手揉了揉自己的肚子。 When she raised the head again, discovered that Zhao Yue has flushed in front of arrived. 等到她再次抬起头的时候,才发现赵悦已经冲到了自己面前。 That wrap/sets familiar style. 还是那套熟悉的招式。 The diamond crouching tiger, the imposing manner is threatening! 金刚伏虎,气势逼人! But this time...... 可是这一次…… Zhao Yue movement actually seemed like the slow motion of promotion special effect same, every action and every movement were completely received by Niannian in the eyeground. 赵悦的动作却像是开了升格特效的慢镜头一样,一举一动都被念念尽收于眼底。 Therefore, she extends the left hand slowly, held Zhao Yue right hand wrist/skill directly, then according to Father usually taught her such. 于是,她就这么缓缓伸出左手,直接抓住了赵悦的右手手腕,然后按照爸爸平时教导她的那样。 The tread twists the hip and revolutions waist to deliver the shoulder and sinking elbow to snap the wrist...... 蹬地拧胯、转腰送肩、沉肘压腕…… One set of movement is ordinary like the passing clouds and flowing water, such easy grasps and throws nearby Zhao Yue arrived! 一套动作如同行云流水一般,就这么轻而易举的将赵悦抓起并扔到了一旁! ...... …… ...... …… Excuse me, for these days had the matter to delay, truly did not have the time to renew...... 不好意思,这几天有事耽搁了,确实没时间更新……
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